Manage Your Day-to-Day读后感锦集

发布时间: 2020-05-14 09:45:03 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 经典文章 点击: 115


Manage Your Day-to-Day读后感锦集

  《Manage Your Day-to-Day》是一本由Jocelyn K. Glei著作,Amazon Publishing出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:GBP 9.87,页数:253,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《Manage Your Day-to-Day》精选点评:



  ●From 99u, thought it'd be inspiring but discussing topics in a general tone. I had given it a very high expectation, was little disappointed though

  ●nothing new.



  ●也是朋友搬家时丢给我的。它每章有一个Key takeaway - 我就跳着把那几页读完了。感觉一般。这本书处在了一个尴尬的位置:既不够抽象到framework,也不够非常具体到Hands on...没什么特别大的启发。大概就是人的精力有限,努力be present吧。




  《Manage Your Day-to-Day》读后感(一):留足时间独处

  I went to the woods bc I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.出于对错失信息(Fear of missing out, or FOMO)的恐惧,我们对于独处往往感到恐惧。因为这样意味着摈除分心的事情,审视你自己。







  《Manage Your Day-to-Day》读后感(二):一打人生鸡汤,给人生低谷的我许多慰藉


  这本书其实是 99U的人生管理或者脑力劳动者的素质提高集的第一本。貌似也是比较火的一本。这本书用了一个非常新颖的模式,由编者拟定一系列的主题,邀请在创意行业中很有影响力的一系列人提供各自对于不同问题的答案。这样的方式一方面让整本书的鸡汤味道可以集合各家的长处,汤汁浓郁味道多变,细细品来不会太腻;另一方面也可以利用各个KOL的影响力为本书摇旗呐喊,不失为一种营销方式。





  《Manage Your Day-to-Day》读后感(三):夺回主动权






  It's better to disappoint a few people over small things, than to surrender your dreams for an empty inbox. Otherwise you're sacrificing your potential for the illusion of professionalism.


  o matter where you work or what horrible top-down systems plague your work, your mind and energy are yours and yours alone.





  《Manage Your Day-to-Day》读后感(四):管理你的每一天——怎样提高工作产出

  这本书这是 99U 系列丛书的第一本。我们都熟悉发明家爱迪生的一句名言:天才 = 1%灵感 + 99%努力。

  TED 系列讲座:注重于1%的灵感,传播好的想法。

  99U 系列讲座:注重于99%的努力,帮助我们实现自己的想法。


  1.创造性工作 vs 反应性工作 Creative vs Reactive

  英文单词 Creative 和 Reactive 由同样的字母组成,只是字母 C 的位置不同。Creative 指创造性的,而 Reactive 指反应性的、被动的。


  这本书中的一个想法就是,我们每天应该把最需要脑力和创造力的工作放在被动反应的工作之前。Creative before Reactive.





  2.随机奖励 Random Reinforcement

  哈佛大学心理学家 B.F. Skinner 设计了一个实验。在老鼠笼里安装一个控制杆,老鼠只要触碰控制杆一定的次数,比如说100次,就能得到食物。这对老鼠来说是非常有吸引力的,因为它可以通过自己的行为得到食物。




  3.屏幕窒息 Screen Apnea

  处理邮件还有另一个意想不到的危害,那就是屏幕窒息 Screen Apnea。请你现在观察一下自己的呼吸状态,有没有屏住?


  呼吸不畅会影响我们的各项生理和心理反应,包括提高心率,降低饱足感。我们的身体会处于类似于受威胁或感觉到压力时准备应战或逃跑的状态 (Fight or Flight Response)。在这种状态下我们更加冲动也更具强迫性。


  4.进度标记 Progress Marker



  为此,我们可以人为地添加进度标记 Progress Marker,让创作性工作的进度更明显。这包括:每天记下简单的工作日记;不删除旧版本的设计方案;或者每天把前一天的设计方案拷贝到一个新文件后再做修改。这样每天多出的一个文件就显示出我们在不断进步。



  《Manage Your Day-to-Day》读后感(五):Build Your Routine and Find Your Focus

  短文集,重点讲了四个大方面:building a rock-solid routine, finding focus in a distracted world, taming your tools, sharpening your creative mind。第一章和第二章最适用于我,里面很多例子看得我连连点头。后面两章明显质量不够,有些还引用了一些所谓的研究,一看就漏洞百出。其中有一个大概是说研究指出一生平均每天看6个小时电视的人要更加短寿,所以不应该老看电视。我就无语了,每天看6小时电视的人全都是outlier啊,能这么下结论!?不过虽然论据不行,但是结论还是有借鉴意义的。摘抄一下书中的key takeaways。

Key Takeaways for Building a Rock-Solid Routine:

  -Great work beofer everything else. Do your most meaningful creative work at the begining of your day, and leave "reactive work" -- like responding to e-mails or other messages -- for later.

  -Jump-start your creativity. Establish "associative triggers" -- such as listening to the same music or arrnging your desk in a certain way -- that tell your mind it's time to get down to work.

  -Feel the frequency. Commit to working on your project at consistent intervals -- ideally every day -- to build creative muscle and momentum over time.

  -Pulse and pause. Move rhythmically between spending and renewing your energy by working in ninety-minute bursts and then taking a break.

  -Get lonely. Make a point of spending some time alone each day. It's a way to observe unproductive habits and thought processes, and to calm your mind.

  -Don't wait for moods. Show up, whether you feel inspired or not.

Key Takeaways for Finding Focus in a Distracted World:

  -Defend your creative time. Book time on your calendar for uninterrupted, focused work -- an respect those blocks of time as you would any client meeting.

  -Focus when you're fresh. Tackle the projects that require "hard focus" early in your day. Self-control -- and our ability to resist distractions -- declines as the day goes on.

  -Kill the background noise. Turn off your phone, email, and any apps unrelated to your task. Even the presence of back-ground activity (and temptation) can drain your focus.

  -Make progress visible. Marking progress is a huge motivator for long-term projects. Make your daily achievements visible by saving iterations, posting milestones, or keeping a daily journal.

  -Give your brain a break. Alternate challenging creative work with more mindless tasks to give your brain time to rest and refule.

  -Tap into transitional moments. Take a break from checking your smartphone during transitional moments, and open yourself up to opportunity and sernedipity.

Key Takeaways for Taming Your Tools:

  -Keep the long view in view. Post your complex, long-term goal by your work-station to keep them top of mind when prioritizing your tasks.

  -Be conscious of your bandwidth. Practice letting go of certain email and social media conversations. There will always be more oppoprtunities than you actually can take on.

  -Check yourself, or wreck yourself. Distinguish between compulsive and conscious behaviors. Are you acting out of boredom or blind habit when you could be serving a higher goal?

  -Hit the reset button. Make a ritual of unplugging on a regular basis. Turning everything off is like hitting the reset button on your mind -- it gives you a fresh start.

  -Don't hold your breath. Be conscious about your body. Breathing deeply and regularly can decrease your stress levels and help you make better decisions.

  -In imagination we trust. Don't trust technology over your own instincts and imagination. Doing busywork is easy; doing your best work is hard.

Key Takeaways for Sharpening Your Creative Mind:

  -Practice unnecessary creation. Use personal creative projects to explore new obsessions, skills, or ways of working in a low-pressure enviroment.

  -Wander lonely as a cloud. Make time for your mind and body to wander when you're stuck. Disengaging from the problem allows your subconscious to do its work.

  -Define "finished" from the start. Keep your inner perfectionist in check by defining what finished looks like at the beginning of a project. And when you get there, stop!

  -Don't go on autopilot. Repetition is the enemy of insight. Take unorthodox -- even wacky -- approaches to solving your stickiest problems and see what happens.

  -Search for the source. When the well runs dry, don't blame a lack of talent. Creative blocks frequently piggyback on other programs. See if you can identify them.

  -Love your limitations. Look at constraints as a benefit, rather than an impediment. They activate our creative thinking by upping the ante.



Break enormous tasks into small chunks that can be accomplished daily without a hassle.Spend some time working “unplugged” from internet/phone/etc.Prioritize daily creative habits versus when inspiration strikes.Tackle the largest creative and work problems first thing in the morning, uninterrupted.Uncover what triggers your best working environment.


Work manageable, short daily tasks into your schedule vs. trying to get a large task done all at once.Try and set aside a time to write when you can’t see your phone/get notifications during a challenging project.Consider taking a “day of rest” from devices, or at least, maybe a few hours on the weekend.


  Manage Your Day-to-Day assembles insights around four key skill sets you must master to succeed: building a rock-solid daily routine, taming your tools (before they tame you), finding focus in a distracted world, and sharpening your creative mind.

  My mantra has always been “It’s not about ideas, it’s about making ideas happen.”

  When folks want to talk creativity, what they’re really seeking is help with execution.

  The biggest problem we face today is “reactionary workflow.” We have started to live a life pecking away at the many inboxes around us, trying to stay afloat by responding and reacting to the latest thing: e-mail, text messages, tweets, and so on.

  The single most important change you can make in your working habits is to switch to creative work first, reactive work second. This means blocking off a large chunk of time every day for creative work on your own priorities, with the phone and e-mail off.

  “A small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labors of a spasmodic Hercules.” -Anthony Trollope

  When you work regularly, inspiration strikes regularly.

  Establish “associative triggers” such as listening to the same music or arranging your desk in a certain way–that tell your mind it’s time to get down to work.

  For activities that require conscious attention, there is really no such thing as multitasking, only task switching–the process of flicking the mind back and forth between different demands.

  “Waiting for inspiration to write is like standing in the airport waiting for a train.” -Leigh Michaels

  Creativity and efficiency can be enhanced over the course of a workday when workers alternate between mindful and mindless activities.

  Unnecessary Creation gives you the freedom to explore new possibilities and follow impractical curiosities.

本文标题: Manage Your Day-to-Day读后感锦集



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