《Before Sunrise & Before Sunset》读后感100字

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《Before Sunrise & Before Sunset》读后感100字

  《Before Sunrise & Before Sunset》是一本由Richard Linklater / Kim Krizan著作,Vintage出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 15.95,页数:224,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《Before Sunrise & Before Sunset》精选点评:

  ●Exquisite and emblematic romanticism

  ●16/02/2019 A Moveable Feast圣地巡礼时的意外收获。16&17凡尔赛宫来回火车和其它零碎的交通/等餐时间看完sunrise,次日回伦敦的灰机和等入境时看完sunset(第一次在border排这么长时间的队。大清早的就比NYC还夸张……)。文字流过眼底,画面闪过脑海,被sunrise感动,对sunset感触。想来当年第一次看电影时还很不能理解高更,而现在我也成了一个shot the moon的人……




  ●The witty and sparkling words strike people so much.

  ●度过电子版剧本 今年去收一个paperback



  ●刚读完before sunrise的部分。原来十八年前Jesse就一直在用time travel来表达自己的心意,包括提出两人初吻的要求...回过头来看十八年前,不得不为细节的一致和连贯性着迷。这个故事的主角并不是他们,而是时间。感情的杂质在时间的浑浊里最终沉淀下来,我们便知道那在两人的絮絮叨叨中流过的,是时间,也是爱情。

  《Before Sunrise & Before Sunset》读后感(一):What for

  For me, this is my very first screenplay. I was pleased for my decision in choosing this book as my beginning in the screenplay-reading.

  Though all the play here is basically all made up with a conversation between two, and the plot was quite the old romantic way, the topics discussed here were rather deep and attractive: live and death; dream and reality; religious and non-religious…

  Those philosophy type topics became more approachable in the one-to-one setting, like more personal, reasonable, and easier for readers to resonate with. The year range between deliberately showed the time change effects on each individual – in their perspective and attitude.

  《Before Sunrise & Before Sunset》读后感(二):Fish in paradise

  Life's hard. It's supposed to be. If we didn't suffer, we'd never learn anything.

  In the months leading up to my wedding, I was thinking about you all the time. I mean, even on my way there; I'm in the car, a buddy of mine is driving me downtown and I'm staring out the window, and I think I see you, not far from the church, right? Folding up an umbrella and walking into a deli on the corner of 13th and Broadway. And I thought I was going crazy, but now I think it probably was you.

  Maybe what I'm saying is, is the world might be evolving the way a person evolves. Right? Like, I mean, me for example. Am I getting worse? Am I improving? I don't know. When I was younger, I was healthier, but I was, uh, whacked with insecurity, you know? Now I'm older and my problems are deeper, but I'm more equipped to handle them.

  《Before Sunrise & Before Sunset》读后感(三):只是针对Before Sunrise进行的评价

  最难得的不是不期而遇 而是相遇之后能对彼此敞开心胸 这在现代人人心存芥蒂的社会变得更加困难 有些人天生属于自杀型 有些却相反 但难道自杀的原因不是因为你已经深陷地狱了吗? 我觉得自己是第一类 生来就在准备死去


  “Have you ever heard that as couples get older they lose their ability to hear each other?”

  “This is how much can be expressed through language. We just don’t have words for so many of the impressions we have.”

  “So most of our life we will never be able to express to anyone.”

  “Think of it like this.Jump ahead ten, twenty years. Your marriage just doesn’t have that same energy anymore. ..... it’s a chance to see how you really haven’t missed anything.”

  “At best, we’re just a tiny fraction of a soul. Is that why we all feel so scattered?”

  虽然语言是我们的表达载体,但其本身的传达能力已经是非常微弱了,所以才会出现那么多的词不达意,在这样的情况下,现代社会的我们不仅没有把沟通、交流作为日常的重要环节,反而还在不断地弱化我们与其他个体之间的信息交流频率。也就正因如此 这本书、这部电影,才能在这么多年以后依旧让人心动、向往。

  《Before Sunrise & Before Sunset》读后感(四):you are the best romance i've ever had

  I bought this book as a New Year present for myself and I’ve spent two nights reading the book, which has indeed helped me refresh the memory of these two classic films and relive the romance of serendipity.

  Like most people, I accidently watched Before Sunset before Before Sunrise, because I was kinda confused by the two very similar Chinese translations. And like most people, I prefer Before Sunset because it’s more “real”. We’ve all gone through the awkward re-encounter with someone. He might be our first love or some guy we used to have a crush on. I like the tentative conversation between Celine and Jesse. That’s exactly what people will do when they pretend to forget everything but actually nothing has ever been forgotten. Stupid and funny self-esteem.

  “When you are young you believe you will meet many people with whom you’ll connect with, but later in life you realize it only happens a few times.”

  Cherish every encounter. If you can really feel some special connection, don’t let it go. It doesn’t happen that often.

  《Before Sunrise & Before Sunset》读后感(五):That's how it could be don't you know me?

  其实很早就知道这部经典的电影 看封面就觉得是一般的桥下恋人之类 落于俗套 然而在假期冥冥之中还是点开了(后来才知道是第二部sunset)

  影片开头落在宁静的街道 很舒缓 平静 让人有想看下去的欲望 接着便切到了男主的采访 凌乱的问题 凌乱的发型和胡渣 思考后的略意识流的回答 感觉很典型的美国男人 当然还带着人到中年的疲惫 为生活所累的瘦削和不拘小节 哪怕书里的故事很青春 但是同样清晰的是这个男人的青春已不在

  然后就来了故事的女主 这也许是套路的一部分 但是又让人惊喜 重逢——真是一件意想不到的事 然而要不是后来穿插的两人年轻时的画面 真的想象不出女主竟然曾经那么清纯可爱 像天使般稚嫩又善良的面庞和肌肤 而如今的中年男人也曾潇洒迷人 从不羁的发型到只属于年轻小伙子饱满发亮的神情

  但是终究抵不过岁月流逝 少女已有职场女人的老练和洞明 曾经在他们有过的憧憬闪亮的眼神还是失去了青春的光泽 但是没关系 我还是依旧好奇他们的故事怎么继续 恋人重逢的对话每个人应该都是好奇的

  女主自始至终展现出来的是一个独立女性心怀世界的态度想法 而男人确略逊色 我本以为他们会在咖啡店便会产生分歧而不欢而散 但是两个人都在心里深深牵挂着过去的美好 他们从日常聊到精神态度 最后终于提及对方的感情 就像每一个观众都会预料的那样 感情是他们最终会到达的话题

  其实整个聊天 我们最想知道的就是他们最终会怎么样 是又一次的欢爱之后离别 还是爱情大圆满

  但是最真实的就是作为两个成年人他们一边被过去青春的悸动拉扯 一边又清楚地知道成年人的规则 当然这也是影片情节冲突的地方 其实看到最后男主内心的火苗一点点燃起 女主也一步步放下一切 把自己的生活完完整整的跟他分享 从观众的角度来讲是一层一层把悬着的心放下来的过程

  但是原本以为两人进了屋便是又一层情感升华的过程 故事却在CD中戛然而止

  ok that's how it could be don't you know it?

  也许这也是为什么我想写一篇什么来抒发的原因 好像缺了点什么 但这就是生活 故事永远没有结尾 只要we are alive

  后记是立马去补了第一部sunrise 少男少女的浪漫邂逅和那个年纪的勇敢无畏

  但是对他们内心一直有个不确定 如果真的在一起 会白首吗?男人好像始终在learning 女人的精神思想一直在他之外的某个地方前行 connection会有 love也有 live together也行 但是一辈子那么长 can they make it?

本文标题: 《Before Sunrise & Before Sunset》读后感100字
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/jingdianwenzhang/128263.html



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