Howl and Other Poems读后感摘抄

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Howl and Other Poems读后感摘抄

  《Howl and Other Poems》是一本由Allen Ginsberg著作,City Lights Publishers出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 7.95,页数:57,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《Howl and Other Poems》精选点评:

  ●如果心里压抑着对这个时间的不满,但是同时却强烈期待着一切会变好,那我们就大声读Allen Ginsberg 的诗。这世界有时候就是***操蛋。



  ●I saw the best mind of my generation destroyed by madness


  ●Holy!Holy!Holy!The world is holy!The soul is holy!Everyone is holy!

  ●the beat generation經典代表詩集。雖然不是很喜歡的風格,但是對瞭解美國50年代青年思想有幫助

  ●this is holy



  《Howl and Other Poems》读后感(一):有才华的人,有才华的书

  从来对诗歌都不是很有感觉, 但是听到他的诗,有一种“直透灵魂”的力量。


  这种感觉没有听GREEN DAY 时候的热血澎湃,但是持续的时间更长, 更让人畅快, 更抽象。

  半个小时的HOWL,第一次听由于语速比较快, 很多没听到, 但是一遍一遍听了之后, 作者有磁性的声音,再加上力量的文字,是个很好的组合。

  后面还有一些比较短的诗歌,没有 HOWL 史诗般的长度, 但通过作者风格化的语言,给了我一个个震撼的画面。

  《Howl and Other Poems》读后感(二):出名的嚎叫和不出名的垮掉的一代

  我第一次知道垮掉的一代(beat generation)这个名词应该是在J. D. Salinger的《麦田守望者》 (The Catcher in the Rye,1951), 然后就是在电视看到的关于Howl(1955)的预告片。那个时候我还是在大学,应该是在某个午后,慵懒的回到家中,打开电视看到的,脑海中是模糊的黑白画面和标注的美式口音的朗读。(当然,那个时候我还真心听不出这口音别扭。)


  直到我走入Broadway和12th street交接的Strand书店,那一刻,一股小清新的气息迎面扑来,哈哈,桌子上摆着Howl, Infinite jest 和 Ulysses,那一刻,我知道,消费的时刻到来了。遥远的事物都会有光环,这是无可避免的。Howl, infinite jest此类书籍大概是文化人口袋中的香饽饽,在他们所谓的圈子里热炒起来的,然后以一种不可辩驳的导向性输送给群众,它到底为什么好,怎么好,为什么能摆在书店正入口的大方桌上?我其实一点儿也不知道。在那儿瞎跟文艺风的我以前觉得这些神书遥远的不可触碰,才发现到了美国,人家就摆在正门口,而且不是一本,是一堆!Infinite Jest实在太厚,Ulysses实在太晦涩,只有这本薄薄的HOWL最得我心,而且还有电影一枚,又是James Franco的,当然还是从容易的下刀啊。虽然这本小破书要7.15刀一本儿,我还是买下了。谁让我喜欢没事儿装逼呢。不过黑白色的小封面,和1955年上庭打官司的封面一模一样,真是让文艺青年欢喜。

  所以,我决定先攻下诗集,再攻下电影。我觉得Allen Ginsberg应该是在Berkeley和1953年的时候受了什么刺激,所以文风才开始转变的,变的疯疯癫癫。第一句我还是挺喜欢的,I saw the best generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked.他用着令人爽快的节奏,让人陌生的稀奇古怪的词汇,七七八八的拼凑了一首性与欲望的时代之歌,我读的别别扭扭的,觉得怎么说,作者都有在糊弄和卖弄玄虚的嫌疑,更多的是他自己的呓语,说实话,实在没有太多的文字的优美性。虽然说不至于没有价值,可是也实在不至于成为垮掉一代的首席诗人。倒是这个soloman,他诗歌的主体对话对象是谁,让我充满了好奇。哎,好让人失望,而且整本诗集里除了Howl,还有点儿读头以外,其他的都让人毫无印象了。


  James Franco虽然在努力模仿读者的语音语调,但我实在是不敢恭维他的朗读技巧,还不如不模仿,真心不觉得作者有他朗读的那么难听。怎么说Allen也是正宗的New Jersy人,和曼哈顿岛一河之隔,口音怎么可能那么重嘛。这是youtube上的本人朗读:

  James Franco演完Howl,又演米尔克,在湾区的怀抱里,他是要走向同同的必然趋势了。可能因为导演以前是拍纪录片的,随意故事实在乏善可陈,就是把整首诗朗读了一遍,动画虽然加深了对诗歌本身内容的理解,可是想象力虽在,故事性全无。电影,诗,分开都不好看,合起来,你才刚开始懂得了Allen Ginsberg和那个即将到来的思想动乱的改革与时代。

  《Howl and Other Poems》读后感(三):嚎叫,其实是想哭

  In Howl, Ginsberg has a kaleidoscopic vision. What might have been a straight forward action like looking for a fix becomes "dragging themselves as they search". Have we ever seen such a thing, maybe only for a second or a glimpse. When they are so exhausted, it seems they drag themselves. Maybe a certain anger or hurt cause them seek out drugs or a fix. Ginsberg knows this life so well that he can permute these common activities, so the poetic meaning comes out like cards dropping out of a stacked deck. The stacked deck is the American life and society.

  To respectable people in bourgeois society, all the things Ginsberg mentions are abominations, twisted, perverted, vile, suspicious, unpatriotic, deviant, and deserved to be punished severely. But to Ginsberg, these are just portrayals of a common life he and his friends share with each other. Part of the anti-culture this subgroup has invented is to free themselves from stereotype and seek sensual thrills through drugs and casual sex. They pursue anarchism and surrealism. All these actions taken by them in their underworld portray them struggling to find love and meaning in this sordid society, and yet each attempt to understand, be illuminated, gain satisfaction, and seek out sexual partners turns out to be painful, illegal, and abnormal. The fundamental problem in this culture is an inability to love and be loved. The everyday society has become so grotesque and unlivable that they attempt live a hallucinatory life to counteract it. Does this hallucinatory life really make sense? Probably not. These comrades of Ginsberg find themselves trapped inside a culture that makes participation in its absurd forms mandatory.

  Ginsberg found Carl Solomon has been judged mentally sick and locked up in the insane asylum at Rockland New York. Apparently Solomon has been receiving electroshock therapies which actually frighten and terrify the patient and destroy their memory and identity. So Ginsberg sings out "I'm with you in Rockland" meaning that he has a powerful solidarity with his friend, and he is afraid that "fifty more shocks will never return your soul to its body again from its pilgrimage to a cross in the void.", in other word his friend will be left a mutilated zombie from these treatments. In Ginsberg's dream, he hopefully imagined Solomon making a long journey weeping and finally arriving at the door of Ginsberg's cottage in California, but in all probability Solomon was still in some slummy rooms or hovels of New York.

  《Howl and Other Poems》读后感(四):自译 Transcription Of Organ Music

  Transcription Of Organ Music


  Allen Ginsberg

  翻译: Darkandshrewd


  The flower in the glass peanut bottle formerly in the kitchen crooked to take a place in the light,


  the closet door opened, because I used it before, it kindly stayed open waiting for me, its owner.

  橱柜门开着 因为我之前用过 它好心地一直开着等待它的主人, 我

  I began to feel my misery in pallet on floor, listening to music, my misery, that's why I want to sing.

  躺在地板上的床垫上 听着音乐 我渐渐感觉到了我的不幸 我的不幸 这就是我为何歌唱

  The room closed down on me, I expected the presence of the Creator, I saw my gray painted walls and ceiling, they contained my room, they contained me

  房间四壁压迫着我 我期待造物主显现 我看到我那灰泥抹的墙和天花板 它们限制着我的房间 它们限制着我

  as the sky contained my garden,


  I opened my door


  The rambler vine climbed up the cottage post, the leaves in the night still where the day had placed them, the animal heads of the flowers where they had arisen

  攀缘藤蔓爬上了寒舍的栏栅 夜里的叶子仍在白天给它们布置的地方 那些生机勃勃的花儿仍高抬着头颅

  to think at the sun


  Can I bring back the words? Will thought of transcription haze my mental open eye?

  我能否将词语复原 对思想的转录是否会蒙蔽我睁开的思维之眼

  The kindly search for growth, the gracious desire to exist of the flowers, my near ecstasy at existing among them

  那温和的对生长的探寻 那儒雅的对生存的欲望 我因生存在它们之中而感到欣喜若狂

  The privilege to witness my existence-you too must seek the sun...


  My books piled up before me for my use


  waiting in space where I placed them, they haven't disappeared, time's left its remnants and qualities for me to use--my words piled up, my texts, my

  manuscripts, my loves.

  在我之前放下它们的地方等待 它们没有消失 时间留下它的残渣与份量供我使用——我的词语堆积如山 还有我的文本 我的手稿 和我所爱

  I had a moment of clarity, saw the feeling in the heart of things, walked out to the garden crying.

  有那么一个瞬间我产生了恻隐之心 从事物的心里看到了情感 哭泣着走向花园

  aw the red blossoms in the night light, sun's gone, they had all grown, in a moment, and were waiting stopped in time for the day sun to come and give them...

  看到鲜红的花在夜晚的柔光下盛开 太阳离去 它们便在一瞬间成熟起来 停滞在时间里等待白天太阳回来滋养它们…

  Flowers which as in a dream at sunset I watered faithfully not knowing how much I loved them.


  I am so lonely in my glory--except they too out there--I looked up--those red bush blossoms beckoning and peering in the window waiting in the blind love, their leaves too have hope and are upturned top flat to the sky to receive--all creation open to receive--the flat earth itself.

  我的成就使我无比寂寞——不过还有它们站在那儿——我抬眼望去——灌木丛里的红色花朵在窗外 召唤着 窥视着 怀着盲目的爱意等待着 连它们的叶子也满怀期待 向上翻转的叶面冲着天空平展为了接纳——万物都开放着接纳——那自己也平展着的大地

  The music descends, as does the tall bending stalk of the heavy blssom, because it has to, to stay alive, to continue to the last drop of joy.

  乐声渐渐低沉 正如那由高处弯曲的长着沉重花朵的茎干 它不得不如此 为了生存 为了延续最后一滴欢愉的甘露

  The world knows the love that's in its breast as in the flower, the suffering lonely world.

  世界懂得仁爱 这个历经磨难的孤独寂寞的世界像花儿一样心怀爱意

  The Father is merciful.


  The light socket is crudely attached to the ceiling, after the house was built, to receive a plug which sticks in it alright, and serves my phonograph now...

  自房子建成 插座便残忍地贴在天花板上 为了接纳一个能适应它的插头 现在它为我的留声机服务…

  The closet door is open for me, where I left it, since I left it open, it has graciously stayed open.

  橱柜门开着 因为我之前用过 它优雅地一直开着

  The kitchen has no door, the hole there will admit me should I wish to enter the kitchen.

  厨房没有门 那个洞容许我随时进入厨房

  I remember when I first got laid, H.P. graciously took my cherry, I sat on the docks of Provincetown, age 23, joyful, elevated in hope with the Father, the door to the womb was open to admit me if I wished to enter.

  我记得我的初夜 H.P.优雅地带走了我的童贞 我坐在普罗文斯敦的码头上 年仅23岁 心情愉悦 对天父的信心有所提升 子宫的大门开放着容许我进入 只要我想

  There are unused electricity plugs all over my house if I ever need them.

  我的房子里到处都是空着的插座 如果我有天需要它们

  The kitchen window is open, to admit air...

  厨房窗户开着 容许空气流通…

  The telephone--sad to relate--sits on the floor--I haven't the money to get it connected--


  I want people to bow as they see me and say he is gifted with poetry, he has seen the presence of the Creator

  我希望遇见我的人都对我鞠躬并且说他有诗歌天赋 他见过造物主显灵

  And the Creator gave me a shot of his presence to gratify my wish, so as not to cheat me of my yearning for him.

  而造物主也对我显了一次灵以满足我的愿望 以免辜负我对他的渴望

  erkeley, September 8, 1955

  《Howl and Other Poems》读后感(五):自譯:America

  America I’ve given you all and now I’m nothing.

  America two dollars and twentyseven cents January 17, 1956.

  I can’t stand my own mind.

  America when will we end the human war?

  Go fuck yourself with your atom bomb.

  I don’t feel good don’t bother me.

  I won’t write my poem till I’m in my right mind.

  美國 我已給予你一切 現在我一無所有

  美國 2美元27美分 1956年1月17號


  美國 我們什麼時候能結束人類戰爭?




  America when will you be angelic?

  When will you take off your clothes?

  When will you look at yourself through the grave?

  When will you be worthy of your million Trotskyites?

  America why are your libraries full of tears?

  America when will you send your eggs to India?

  I’m sick of your insane demands.

  美國 你什麼時候能變得像個天使?




  美國 為什麼你的圖書館裡充滿淚水?

  美國 你什麼時候把雞蛋送到印度?


  When can I go into the supermarket and buy what I need with my good looks?

  America after all it is you and I who are perfect not the next world.

  Your machinery is too much for me.

  You made me want to be a saint.

  There must be some other way to settle this argument.

  urroughs is in Tangiers I don’t think he’ll come back it’s sinister.

  Are you being sinister or is this some form of practical joke?


  美國 說到底 你我才是完美的 而不是另一片大陸




  巴勒斯在丹吉爾 我不認為他會回來 這太危險

  是你變邪惡了嗎 亦或者 這只是某種鬧劇?

  I’m trying to come to the point.

  I refuse to give up my obsession.

  America stop pushing I know what I’m doing.

  America the plum blossoms are falling.

  I haven’t read the newspapers for months, everyday somebody goes on trial for murder.

  America I feel sentimental about the Wobblies.

  America I used to be a communist when I was a kid I’m not sorry.



  美國 別逼我 我知道我在做什麼

  美國 梅花正在掉落

  我已經幾個月沒看報紙了 每天都有人因謀殺受到審判

  美國 我因這「動蕩」而多愁善感

  美國 我小時候是共產主義者 我不後悔

  I smoke marijuana every chance I get.

  I sit in my house for days on end and stare at the roses in the closet.

  When I go to Chinatown I get drunk and never get laid.

  My mind is made up there’s going to be trouble.

  You should have seen me reading Marx.

  My psychoanalyst thinks I’m perfectly right.

  I won’t say the Lord’s Prayer.


  我一連幾天坐在家裡 盯著衣櫥里的玫瑰花

  當我去唐人街時 我喝得爛醉也沒能睡到誰

  我心意已決 將會惹出麻煩




  I have mystical visions and cosmic vibrations.

  America I still haven’t told you what you did to Uncle Max after he came over from Russia.

  I’m addressing you.

  Are you going to let your emotional life be run by Time Magazine?

  I’m obsessed by Time Magazine.

  I read it every week.

  Its cover stares at me every time I slink past the corner candystore.


  美國 我還沒告訴你麥克思叔叔從俄羅斯回來後你對他做了什麼





  每當我溜過街角糖果店 它的封面都盯著我看

  I read it in the basement of the Berkeley Public Library.

  It’s always telling me about responsibility. Businessmen are serious. Movie producers are serious. Everybody’s serious but me.

  It occurs to me that I am America.

  I am talking to myself again.





  除了我 每個人都很認真



  Asia is rising against me.

  I haven’t got a chinaman’s chance.

  I’d better consider my national resources.

  My national resources consist of two joints of marijuana millions of genitals an unpublishable private literature that jetplanes 1400 miles an hour and twentyfive-thousand mental institutions.

  I say nothing about my prisons nor the millions of underprivileged who live in my flowerpots under the light of five hundred suns.

  I have abolished the whorehouses of France, Tangiers is the next to go.

  My ambition is to be President despite the fact that I’m a Catholic.





  (那文學如噴氣式飛機一般 以每小時1400英里的速度飛翔)

  我不提我的監獄 也不提被置於五百個太陽照射下生活在我花盆里的數百萬底層人民

  我已經廢除了法國的妓院 丹吉爾是下一個

  儘管我是天主教徒 我還是立志要成為總統

  America how can I write a holy litany in your silly mood?

  I will continue like Henry Ford my strophes are as individual as his automobiles more so they’re all different sexes.

  America I will sell you strophes $2500 apiece $500 down on your old strophe

  America free Tom Mooney

  America save the Spanish Loyalists

  America Sacco & Vanzetti must not die

  America I am the Scottsboro boys.

  美國 我怎能在你愚蠢的心情下寫就神聖的長篇大作

  我將像亨利·福特那樣繼續下去 我的詩節是個性化的 就像他的汽車 甚至因擁有不同性別而更勝一籌

  美國 我將會把你的詩以$2500一節(舊詩每節降價$500)的價格售出

  美國 釋放湯姆穆尼

  美國 拯救西班牙擁護者

  美國 薩科和萬澤蒂決不能死

  美國 我也是斯科茨博羅男孩

  America when I was seven momma took me to Communist Cell meetings they sold us garbanzos a handful per ticket a ticket costs a nickel and the speeches were free everybody was angelic and sentimental about the workers it was all so sincere you have no idea what a good thing the party was in 1835 Scott Nearing was a grand old man a real mensch Mother Bloor the Silk-strikers’ Ewig-Weibliche made me cry I once saw the Yiddish orator Israel Amter plain. Everybody must have been a spy.

  美國 我七歲時 媽媽帶我去參加共產主義者的小組會議 他們把鷹嘴豆以一票一把的價格賣給我們 一張票賣五美分 而演講是免費的 每個人都如同天使一樣 對工人們充滿同情 一切都如此真誠 以至於你無法想象1835年的黨派是多麼美好的事物 斯科特聶耳寧是一個偉大的老人 一個真正的人 絲綢業罷工者們的布魯爾媽媽 尤格·韋布里奇使我哭泣 我曾經清楚地看見過意第緒語演說家以色列·阿姆特 每個人都必曾當過間諜

  America you don’t really want to go to war.

  America its them bad Russians.

  Them Russians them Russians and them Chinamen. And them Russians.

  The Russia wants to eat us alive. The Russia’s power mad. She wants to take our cars from out our garages.

  Her wants to grab Chicago. Her needs a Red Reader’s Digest. Her wants our auto plants in Siberia. Him big bureaucracy running our fillingstations.

  That no good. Ugh. Him make Indians learn read. Him need big black niggers. Hah. Her make us all work sixteen hours a day. Help.

  America this is quite serious.

  美國 你並不是真的想去打仗

  美國 是那些壞俄羅斯人乾的

  他們俄羅斯人 他們俄羅斯人 還有他們中國人 還有他們俄羅斯人

  俄羅斯人想生吞了我們 俄羅斯政權瘋了 她想把我們的車從車庫里搶走

  她想抓住芝加哥 她需要一本紅色讀者文摘 她想要我們在西伯利亞的汽車廠 他那大官僚主義管理著我們的汽車加油站

  那可沒好處 呃 他讓印度人學會閱讀 他需要大塊頭黑鬼 哈 她讓我們每天工作16小時 救命

  美國 這問題很嚴重

  America this is the impression I get from looking in the television set.

  America is this correct?

  I’d better get right down to the job.

  It’s true I don’t want to join the Army or turn lathes in precision parts factories, I’m nearsighted and psychopathic anyway.

  America I’m putting my queer shoulder to the wheel.

  美國 這是我看電視得到的印象

  美國 真是這樣嗎?


  我是真的不想參軍 也不想在精密零件廠開車床 反正我是近視眼、精神病

  美國 我把我那古怪的肩膀放在方向盤上

  erkeley, January 17, 1956


  其實 也不一定是美國了吧

  其實 全世界瘋起來都一樣

本文标题: Howl and Other Poems读后感摘抄



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