《少做一點不會死!》是一本由Leo Babauta著作,野人文化股份有限公司出版的平装图书,本书定价:NT$250,页数:235,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。
●skimmed through for key points, not worth line to line reading
the power of less书中的tips整理:
5、集中精力,懂得对打扰say no,上网限定时间限制。
1、 从小步骤做起
2、 单个目标
3、 找出为何要坚持这个目标的原因
4、 确定你极度想要完成目标
5、 发表在公众面前
6、 想象完成后的兴奋之感
7、 设立预期。开始和完成的时间
8、 打印并贴在醒目的位置
1、 如果中断,重新回到原点
2、 Just start
3、 记录用时,公开发布
4、 观察自己的想法,把消极想法用积极想法替代
5、 目标视觉化,想象完成的成果
6、 找方法重新回复兴趣,为什么要设定这样的目标?
7、 每天查看目标
8、 找到相同想法的人一起进步,相互激励
9、 读相关的别人成功的事
10、 每次进步奖励自己
11、 寻求帮助:监督、奖励
12、 记录进步,每天记录
13、 确立小的目标,分段分解
14、 找寻一名教练或者是参加培训班
15、 不能跳过两天都没执行计划
16、 找到执行中让你觉得心情愉悦的部分
- 凤凰卫视“开卷8分钟”有介绍的过本书。
第三章的页面芜存菁,化English繁为简| EN
其实我最想分享的是:它的Mapmind心智图 -
《少做一點不會死!》读后感(四):The power of less 读书笔记
Anyway, 大道理上还是借鉴度很高的。
There has never before been an age in which we could get so much done so quickly. There also has never before been an age in which we were so overwhelmed with information and tasks, so overloaded with e-mails and things to read and watch, so stressed by the incredible demands of our lives. Stressful and wasteful!
Why the less? Finding calm in the chaos, come down to making choices.
ix principles:
lt;1> set limitations:
enefits: simplify things; focus you; focus on what’s important; help you achieve; show others that your time important; make you more effective;
Ways: analyze your current usage levels and pick a lower limit based on what you think would be ideal——> test it out for a week, and then analyze whether that’s working for you——> if it doesn’t work , adjust to a new level you think might work better, and test that out for about a week ——>continue to adjust until you find the right level and until you make it a habit
lt;2> choose the essential
Questions: what are your values?
What are your goals?
What do you love?
What is important to you?
What has the biggest impact?
What has the most long-term impact?
eed vs. wants
Eliminate the nonessential
Continual editing process
Apply the questions:
The list of questions above is a good way of determine which things are essential to you if you’re having difficulties, no matter what area of your life you’re examining.
Life commitments
Yearly goals
Work projects and tasks
Regular review
lt;3> simplify----eliminating the nonessential
lt;4> simple focus
Focus on less to become more effective.
Focus on a goal
Focus on now
Focus on the task at hand
Focus on the positive
First thing in the morning, work on your most important task;
When you are working on a task in a time block, turn off all other distractions.
If you feel the urge to check your e-mail or switch to another task, stop yourself.
If other things come in while you’re working, put them in your in-box, get back to the task at hand
Take deep breaths, stretch, and take breaks now and then.
How to focus on the present
When you eat, just eat
e aware
e gentle
Daily routines
ut up remainders
There is no failure
Keep practicing
lt;5> create new habits, and the power of less challenge
ⅰ select one habit for the challenge
ⅱ write down your plan
ⅲ post your goal publicly
ⅳreport on your progress daily
ⅴcelebrate your new habit
Do only one habit at a time
Choose an easy goal
Choose something measurable
e consistent
Report daily
Keep a positive attitude
lt;6> start new habits in small increments to ensure success
Why: it narrows your focus
It keeps your energy and enthusiasm going for longer
It’s easier to handle
You ensure success
Gradual change is longer –lasting
How: exercise
Waking early
E-mail effectiveness
Healthy eating
A major project
lt;7> Simple goals and projects
One goal system:
Choose a goal break it down to a sub-goal weekly goal daily action
Focus on completion:
Have an outcome in mind
More from projects to tasks
Each day, choose a task to move you to completion
Reassess your progress
lt;8> simple tasks
Most important tasks (MITS)
The keys to making MITs work for you:
Set them first thing in the morning
Limit yourself to three
Ensure that one MIT is goal-related, or related to one of your top three projects
Focus on accomplishing these tasks above all others
Do your MITs early in the day, before you do anything else
When you do one of your MITs, be sure to single-task focus on that task only
mall tasks:
mall tasks are always better than large ones
lt;9> simple time management
An open approach
1. Choose a task you’re passionate about
2. Choose a task that’s challenging
3. Eliminate distractions
4. Immerse yourself in the task
Know your priorities
Reduce your tasks
atch processing
imple time management tools
Calendar; paper notebook or text file;
lt;10> simple E-mail
Limit your in-boxes
Limit your time in E-mail
Reduce your incoming stream
rocess to empty
Write less
lt;11> simple internet
Awareness: track your usage
Consciousness: make a plan
Focus: learning to work while disconnected
Discipline: how to stay away from distractions
lt;12> simple filing
Creating a simple filing system:
1. Reduce before organizing
2. Simple filing
3. File immediately
4. Have materials on hand
5. Reduce your needs over time
tore reference information online
Reduce incoming paper
top printing stuff
Analyze other incoming docs
Home paperwork tips
1. Create one “mail center” in your home for dealing with your mail and incoming paper
2. Home in-box
3. Pay bills immediately
4. Enter stuff into your to-do list or calendar
5. File immediately
lt;13> simple commitments
The demands of commitments
Take inventory of your commitments
Make a short list
egin eliminating the nonessential
1. Start with something small
2. Call or e-mail to send your regrets
3. Eliminate the commitment from your appointment
4. Repeat this process
Learn to say “no”
First, be aware
Consider your short list
e honest
e firm
I wish I could
Don’t be sorry
Making the time for what we love
1. First, make a list of things you truly want to do
2. Eliminate as much of the rest of the stuff as possible from your private life
3. Schedule your free time so that you’re doing the things on your short list
Tips for simplifying your personal life
What’s important
Examine your commitment
So less during your days
Leaving space between tasks or appointments
Now, slow down and enjoy every task
Eliminate stress
Create time for solitude
Do noting
Sprinkle simple pleasures throughout your day
Practice being present
Free up time
lt;14> simple daily routine
The power of a morning routine
You can prepare for your day and set your goals
You can get in exercise, reading, writing, or other things you normally don’t have time for
You can do something enjoyable, calming, and relaxing
How to establish routines
1. Focus on them
2. Make them rewarding
3. Log your progress
lt;15> declutter your work place
1. It allows you to focus
2. It gives you a Zen-like sense of calm
How to get started
1. Set aside a little time
2. Take all the paperwork off the top of your desk and put it in a big pile
3. Clear everything off your desk except your computer
4. Start with the pile of paper
5. Work for as long as you can, then schedule another block of time when you can do another chunk of papers or other items
Getting down to the essentials
If you’ve got folders or stacks of paper on or around your desk, process them and pu them away as in the previous section listing them on your projects or actions lists, and filing them out of sight
Get rid of distracting knickknacks, posters, pictures, etc
Take everything out of a shelf or drawer at once
Sort through your pile, one item at a time, and make quick decisions
Papers? Be ruthless, unless it’s important
If you are on the fence with a lot of things, create a “maybe” box
A system to keep things decluttered
1. Keep an in-box for incoming papers
2. Once a day, process the in-box to empty
3. Have a place for each item and type of paper
A simple home
1. Less stressful
2. More appealing
3. Easier to clean
How to keep your home simple
Designate a home for everything, and be fanatic
Schedule regular decluttering sessions
Reduce your desires for more
Thirty-day list
Change your habits
lt;16> slow down
low attention
Pick a simple task to start with
Practice this method throughout your day, no matter what you’re doing
If you’d like to try a very restful morning practice, try a simple meditation technique
low working
1. Choose a work you love
2. Choose an important task
3. Make sure it’s challenging, but not too hard
4. Find your quiet, peak time
5. Clear away distractions, and focus
6. Enjoy yourself
7. Keep practicing
8. Reap the rewards
low eating
1. Lose weight
2. Enjoy your food
3. Better digestion
4. Less stress
5. Rebel against fast food and fast life
low driving
1. Save gas
2. Save lives
3. Save time
4. Save your sanity
5. Simplify your life
lay relaxing music
Ignore other drivers
Leave early
Keep to the right
Enjoy the drive
lt;17> simple health and fitness
1. Forming the exercise habit
tart lightschedule your workout timedon’t allow yourself to miss a daydon’t give upget a partner if you canbe accountable to othersenjoy yourself
2. Making gradual heath diet changes
Eating when you’re lightly hungry eat light food eat slowly eat slowly eat until you’re lightly full
3. Continuation, short-term goals and accountability
Continue to gradually increase exercise, adding variety
Continue to eat healthier, also adding variety and flavor
et short-term goals
Hold yourself accountable
Reward yourself
30 exercise motivations
1. How you fell after a workout
2. Time for you
3. Calories burned
4. Having fun
5. How you’re going to look
6. Magazines
7. Cover models
8. Blogs
9. Success stories
10. Forums
11. Fitting into new clothes
12. Being attractive
13. Adrenaline rush
14. Stress relief
15. Time for contemplations
16. A workout partner
17. An exercise class
18. A coach or trainer
19. An exercise log/graph
20. Your before picture
21. A 5K race or triathlon
22. The dread of feeling “yuck” form not exercising
23. Living long enough to see your grandkids
24. The scale
25. Reaching a goal
26. Posting it on your blog
27. Motivational quotes
28. Books
29. Others commenting on how good you look
30. An upcoming day at the beach, or reunion
lt;18> motivation
8 ways to motivate yourself from the beginning
1. Start small
2. One goal
3. Examine your motivation
4. Really, really want it
5. Commit publicly
6. Get excited
7. Build anticipation
8. Print it out , post it up
20 ways to sustain motivation when you’re struggling
1. Hold yourself back
2. Just start
3. Stay accountable
4. Squash negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones
5. Think about the benefits
6. Get excited again
7. Read about it
8. Find like-minded friends
9. Read inspiring stories
10. Build on your success
11. Just get through the lw points
12. Get help
13. Chart your progress
14. Reward yourself often
15. Go for mini-goal
16. Get a coach or take a class
17. Never skip two days in a row
18. Use visualization
19. Be aware of your urges to quit, and overcome them
20. Find pleasure again