坚强 读后感
一个人的一生再平坦,也会遇到坎坷。肉体上过不去的事不一定能遇上,心理上过不去的事情一定会有。 我们过去说坚强,一定是面对肉体的苦难。我父亲是从战争年代走过来的人,和他聊起战争反而轻松得很。他告诉我,他与日本人拼过刺刀,面对过无数战友的阵亡。解放战争著名的孟良崮战役他差点儿饿死,几天几夜只是战斗,不知生死。 在我父亲身上,我看到的是上一代人的坚强,由于战争的残酷,面对后来生活的磨难,他总是淡定如初。记得“文革”期间他被关押,两年后我去探视,我问他为何不怕,他告诉我说:“打一进来,我就没想再出去!”那年我十七岁,懵懵懂懂的,今天我看我爸就是《激情燃烧的岁月》的石光荣。 我们这一代人所遇到的最大的社会磨难就算下乡了。那时的生活之苦今天的青年一代不能想象,我们以未成年之身干牲口都扛不住的活儿,但我们依然唱歌,依然欢乐。所以,我们拥有了一定程度的坚强。尤其在和平时期,当我们的生活、身体、工作等等遇到坎坷或障碍时,我们有资本坚强。 今天呢?在今天竞争如此严酷的社会环境下,没经过磨砺的这一代人如何坚强,怎样坚强?强调内心的感受,逼迫自己承认现实,面对现实,战胜困难,不逃避而敢于面对一切,就是坚强。 最重要的是,这个坚强是内心真正的坚强,不是伪装的坚强。Insistance-the most excellent characteristic in human beings who always face much more difficulties during their whole lives.
Most recently,we enter into the new era which lead to the rapidly development of information and technology.In other words,the stress upon us roars fastly.Under this condition,the insistance become more and more important or crucial.
Reasonable pressure can push us to reach our goal and bring fresh tension to our life.However,if the pressure isnot undercontrol,it can destroy a people easily.By way of illustration,make him/her sad,disappionted even rezent.Consequently,only the insistance can save yourself which generated from your heart.That is your advantage and spirit which can concur everything.
Most recently,we enter into the new era which lead to the rapidly development of information and technology.In other words,the stress upon us roars fastly.Under this condition,the insistance become more and more important or crucial.
Reasonable pressure can push us to reach our goal and bring fresh tension to our life.However,if the pressure isnot undercontrol,it can destroy a people easily.By way of illustration,make him/her sad,disappionted even rezent.Consequently,only the insistance can save yourself which generated from your heart.That is your advantage and spirit which can concur everything.
本文标题: 关于坚强读后感作文(《做一个坚强的人》读后感作文四百字左右)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/244257.html