十四行诗初试:Chasing love

发布时间: 2021-08-05 22:26:28 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 散文 点击: 108


十四行诗初试:Chasing love

The space which lies between thy place and mine,

Can even match the greatest ocean’s range.

Without thy presence life is only to pine,

Yet charming music can barely make it change.

Thy sweetest letters bring me fleeting joy,

But endless pain which rends my longing heart.

Thy precious words though lacking image ne’er cloy,

But launch me, chasing love as flying dart.

I fly not tired, but reach thee only near,

Afraid thou fleest yet ‘gain, and lose thy sight,

I rest not till thy flaming eyes behold me dear,

And burn my icy cheeks, desire ignite.

Despite to see but thee with him in brace*,

And flee afar with sorry drooping face.

*『brace』有『pair』的意思,这里又暗指'in arm, embrace',双关。

之前写的莎士比亚式十四行诗,决定发出来,韵脚ABAB CDCD EFEF GG,五步抑扬格。对我难度很大。不过诗中体验应该很多人(尤其是异地恋被甩的)都有。

本文标题: 十四行诗初试:Chasing love
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/sanwen/152270.html



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