
发布时间: 2022-03-20 19:00:52 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 人生格言 点击: 99




孔子的 1温故而知新,可以为师矣 2学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆 3发愤忘食,乐以忘忧、不知老之将至 4三人行必有我师焉,择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之
老子的 1天地不仁,以万物为刍狗;圣人不仁,以百姓为刍狗 2上善若水。水善利万物而不争,处众人之所恶,故几于道。 3人之所畏,不可不畏。 4人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。


我来帮您翻译1 柏拉图的白日梦2 孔子的废话集3 老子的终极谜语4 朱光潜的个人忽悠集5 罗素的个人主观宣泄小册子6 《红楼梦》一群生在福中不知道福饱汉不知饿汉饥坐着说话不腰疼的青春男女梦7 《三国演义》自不量力和人心不足蛇吞象的寓言故事8 《庄子》一个浪漫又恶搞的老头子讲既浪漫又恶搞的故事9 《六祖坛经》这个还是认真点说 比较通俗易懂的阐述佛经与禅宗哲学的入门级读本10 南怀瑾是大师!大师的个人主观解释孔子和儒教的瞎倒腾俱乐部11 马尔克斯的隐晦发泄小娃娃12 曼彻斯特对社会的报复!翻译完毕 大功告成~

根据 孔子的名言:"知之者不如好之者 好之者不如乐之者"写一篇英语短文

Mr. Just Know 、Mr. Curious to Know and Mr. Happy to Know are going to participate a test that 'who is the cleverest man in the world?'. Mr. Just Know knows so much knowledge that he holds great confidence to win the competition. Mr. Curious to Know always shows great curiosity to what unknown, but he just try to get what he is curious about, to those he has no intrest, he seldom shows care. Mr. Happy to Know is a guy who is happy to learn those both known and unknown. He likes to know those that he has already known better, so no chance he wants to discard as long as he stands. And to those he doesn't know, he will try his best to get them. No doubt, the winner of the test is Mr. happy to know.
No one knows all, and not everything brings you interst, so just be a guy who is willing and happy to know those unknown and try to know those known better.

翻译孔子的名言 英语高手来

1、To learn without thinking is labour in wain,to think without learning is desolation.rn2、To acknowledge what is known as known,and what is not known as not known is knowledge.rn3、Men live with honesty.The dishonest live,spared by fortune.rn4、Knowledge is not equal to devotion.Devotion is not equal to joy.


不需要太深奥的.也不需要太多. 初三的英语,开课需要咯..


Confucius, the surname of Zi, the surname of Kong, the name of Qiu, the name of Zhongni, was born in Zuoyi, the late spring and Autumn Period in Lu state, and the ancestral home of Liyi, the state of song. 

He was an ancient Chinese thinker, educator and founder of Confucianism. Confucius initiated the style of private lectures and advocated benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trust. 

There are three thousand disciples, including seventy-two sages. He once led some of his disciples Zhou to travel around the world for 13 years. In his later years, he revised the six classics of "poetry", "book", "Li", "music", "Yi", "spring and Autumn". 

Confucius was one of the most erudite people in the society at that time. After his death, his disciples and retransmission disciples recorded the words, deeds, quotations and thoughts of Confucius and his disciples and compiled them into Analects of Confucius. 

The book is regarded as a Confucian classic [1] when Confucius was alive, he was revered as the holy man of the heaven, the wooden priest of the heaven, and also as the sage of Confucius, the most holy, the most holy, the most holy,.

the most holy, the most holy, the king of literature and propaganda, and the teacher of the world. His thought has a profound influence on China and the world, and he is listed as the top ten cultural celebrities in the world.












Confucius,One of the most famous people in ancient China was a wise philosopher named Confucius. Hesometimes went by the names Kong Zi though he was born - Kong Qiu - styled Zhong Ni. He wasborn in the village of Zou in the country of Lu.

This Chinese man was a well-known leader in philosophy and he also made many wise phrases and theories about the law, life, and the government.

Confucius is famous for his philosophy because he made many wise sayings in ancient China that helped many people learn about nature,the world, and the human behavior. He also helped the government and the emperor by teachingthem lessons on how the emperor should rule his kingdom successfully.

Confucius was born in a poor family in the year 551 B.C., and he was born in the state of Lu. His original name was Kung Chiu. His father, commander of a district in Lu, died three years after Confucius was born, leaving the family in poverty; but Confucius nevertheless received a fine education. He was married at the age of 19 and had one son and two daughters.

翻译: 孔子,名丘,字仲尼。鲁国陬邑人。先世是宋国贵族,避难迁鲁。他出生时,家世已经没落。年轻时做过季孙氏的委吏和乘田等。三十多岁到齐国,几年没有得到齐君的`重用,又回到鲁国,聚徒讲学。五十多岁时,由鲁国中都宰升任司寇。后又曾周游宋、卫、蔡、齐、楚等国。晚年在鲁国编订古代文化典籍《诗》《尚书》《春秋》等,教授门徒。孔子的弟子曾将他的谈话和他与门徒的问答,辑成《论语》一书,这是研究孔子思想的主要资料。



Confucius (born Kong Qiu, styled Zhong Ni) was born in the village of Zou in the country of Lu in 551 B.C., a poor descendant of a deposed noble family. As a child, he held make-believe temple rituals; as a young adult, he quickly earned a reputation for fairness, politeness and love of learning, and he was reputed to be quite tall. He traveled extensively and studied at the imperial capital, Zhou, where he is said to have met and spoke with Lao Zi, the founder of Daoism.
Upon his return to Lu, he gained renown as a teacher, but when he was 35, Duke Zhao of Lu led his country to war, was routed and fled to the neighboring country of Qi; in the disorder following the battle, Confucius followed. Duke Zhao frequently came to him for advice, but upon counsel of one of his ministers, he decided against granting land to Confucius and gradually stopped seeking his counsel. When other nobles began plotting against Confucius' position, Duke Zhao refused to intervene, and Confucius returned to Lu. But conditions there were no better than before, and Confucius retired from public life to concentrate on teaching and studying.

At age 50, he was approached by the Baron of Qi to help defend against a rebellion, but he declined. He was later made a city magistrate by the new Duke of Lu, and under his administration the city flourished; he was promoted several times, eventually becoming Grand Secretary of Justice and, at age 56, Chief Minister of Lu. Neighboring countries began to worry that Lu would become too powerful, and they sent messengers with gifts and dancers to distract the duke during a sacrifice holiday. When the duke abandoned his duties to receive the messengers, Confucius resigned and left the country.

Confucius spent the next five years wandering China with his disciples, finding that his presence at royal courts was rarely tolerated for long before nobles would begin plotting to drive him out or have him killed. He was arrested once and jailed for five days, and at 62 he was pursued, along with his disciples, into the countryside by a band of soldiers sent by jealous nobles, until he was able to send a messenger to the sympathetic king of a nearby country, who sent his own soldiers to rescue them. Once again, Confucius was to be given land but was denied it upon counsel of another high minister. After further wanderings, he eventually returned to Lu at age 67. Although he was welcomed there and chose to remain, he was not offered public office again, nor did he seek it. Instead he spent the rest of his years teaching and, finally, writing. He died at 72.
孔子(名秋 字仲尼)生于鲁国邹村在我国公元前551年, 元老废黜了一个贫苦家庭高贵. 作为一个孩子,他认为地以为庙祭; 作为一个年轻的成年人,他很快赢得美誉公平、 礼貌、爱学习,他被誉为是相当高大. 他走遍了研究和广泛的帝国首都周 据说他曾与交谈老子,道家创始人. 返回卢,他赢得声威当老师,但是当他35岁 赵吕公爵率领乌加战争是落花流水逃往邻国齐; 在混乱的战斗后,孔子之后. 杜克赵常找他请教,但他的一名律师在部长会议 他决定对孔子逐渐停止批地给他的律师求. 当其他贵族开始密谋对付孔子地位杜克赵拒绝介入,孔子返鲁. 但没有任何条件比以前更好、离退休孔子退隐专心教学和学习. 50岁时,他遇见了男爵齐协防打击叛乱,但他拒绝. 他后来被新县长作了一个城市格洛斯特路 而在他主政全市蓬勃开展; 升任几次,终于成为大政司司长, 年仅56岁,首席部长鲁. 周边国家开始担心,将成为卢太强大 送信、送礼物、跳舞,他们分散在公爵牺牲假期. 当公爵遗弃职务领取送信,孔子辞职,离开该国. 未来5年内花费孔子与弟子中徘徊, 法院认定他出席皇家贵族很少容忍多久便开始密谋把他或他杀死. 他被捕入狱后五天,他是在62追求,随着他的弟子, 到郊外一阶士兵发出嫉妒贵族, 直到他能够体谅国王派遣使者到邻近的国家, 当年送自己的士兵拯救. 再次,孔子得到它的土地,但遭到拒绝后,高律师另一个大臣. 进一步漫游后,他终于回到鲁年仅67. 虽然他并没有选择留欢迎,他没有向公职再次 他也不求. 而他花了他多年的教学和休息,最后写作. 他死在72.
Chinese philosopher whose Analects contain a collection of his sayings and dialogues compiled by disciples after his death.
中国哲学家,其著作论语 包含了他生前的学说和他死后由其门徒编纂而成的言论
One of the most famous people in ancient China was a wise philosopher named Confucius (circa 551-479 BC). He sometimes went by the names Kong Zi though he was born - Kong Qiu - styled Zhong Ni. He was born in the village of Zou in the country of Lu.

This chinese man was a well-known leader in philosophy and he also made many wise phrases and theories about the law, life, and the government. Philosophy is a kind of a system of ideas and thoughts that talk about the human's behavior, the rules that you should follow to make a successful life, and about the government.

In other words, it's about thoughts and theories that teach other people lessons about principles, or rules, about life and it also teaches you a moral ( sort of like the morals that are at the end of a fable). Confucius is famous for his philosophy because he made many wise sayings in ancient China that helped many people learn about nature, the world, and the human behavior. He also helped the government and the emperor by teaching them lessons on how the emperor should rule his kingdom successfully.

Confucius was born in a poor family in the year 551 B.C., and he was born in the state of Lu. His original name was K'ung Ch'iu. His father, commander of a district in Lu, died three years after Confucius was born, leaving the family in poverty; but Confucius nevertheless received a fine education. He was married at the age of 19 and had one son and two daughters.

He worked as a keeper of a market. Then he was a farm worker who took care of parks and farm animals. When he was 20, he worked for the governor of his district.
本文标题: 英语学习:西方流行的老子孔子的英语名言对照的古文原文哪里找
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/renshenggeyan/168881.html



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