"The more things change, the more they stay the same" - Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr
In 1932, the US was in a crisis. The Great Depression had been raging for 3 years and under the administration of former geologist Herbert Hoover not much seems to be getting better. People are out of work, increasingly go hungry, and live-in shantytowns; with tensions only seeming to grow by the day. As the Democratic party gears up for what looks to be an incredibly easy election, they nominate New York Governor and former Secretary of the Navy Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Accepting the nomination after winning the first ballot easily against Speaker John Nance Garner and former Gov. Al Smith, he delivers an unorthodox acceptance speech calling for an entire reshaping of the country and economy and promises the American people, “a new deal”.
This is the first Point of Divergence. The Depression is slightly worse in TROTL due to further mismanagement under Hoover, resulting in FDR galvanizing the party with his campaign and winning on the first ballot. Having been nominated, it now comes time to pick a vice presidential candidate. Considering the weak challenge, the South put forward at the convention but the necessity to keep conservatives who were wary about the New Deal’s programs dealing with unions and social services, FDR surprises the nation by picking businessman and well-known Democratic backer Joseph P. Kennedy for the nomination. Kennedy, with a reputation as a very successful businessman and with Irish Catholic roots, would help the ticket by both quelling conservative and business fears that Roosevelt would destroy their way of life with his new programs, as well as increase Catholic ethnic turnout in the key swing states of Pennsylvania and New York. While some of the party elders are dismayed over their lack of influence on the ticket, they are swept up in the excitement of a united party certain to win and ready to change the nation.
Obviously OTL FDR picked Nance Garner as his VP to quell the South’s fears after the disastrous run by Smith against Hoover. However, considering most of the Upper South already supported Roosevelt and the Deep South would fall in line, and that he only picked Garner because he was still unsure how beatable Hoover would be, I think it’s quite likely he would go another way in TRO. Kennedy also makes sense as a choice, having been a personal friend of Roosevelt for many years with deep Democratic connections throughout the Irish Catholic cities of the North, while also holding well known moderate-conservative views. Therefore, he would be acceptable to everyone and likely would be nominated.
As is destiny, the FDR-Kennedy ticket wins the 1932 election in a landslide, sending America’s first Catholic VP and first radical president to the White House. Alongside massive majorities in Congress, things move at a quick pace as in OTL. The 100 Days go as planned, the first New Deal is passed, and although Kennedy is often brought in to assuage conservative fears that the government is doing too much too fast, most Southerners are brought around to the program and begin to voice their support. With their help, Roosevelt is able to go even further than in OTL towards passing comprehensive economic reforms that quickly bring relief to millions of destitute Americans. However, one group has continued to stand in Roosevelt’s way: a conservative majority on the Supreme Court that has struck down most of his more extensive programs, even though they are supported by the great majority of both the people and Congress. Enraged by his efforts to save the country being continuously shot down, and with a new wave of support shown by Democratic wins in the midterm of 1934, Roosevelt announces his most ambitious reform yet: The Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1935.

Immediately opposed by most Democrats, a large portion of the public, and even his own Vice President as a ploy to pack the courts, the bill caused the majority that had ruled Washington unchallenged to nearly split. Roosevelt and his liberal faction were insistent that the bill’s controversial language must be in the final text because of the Justice’s insistence on striking down the programs that the country desperately needed, while conservatives argued that this was a giant step towards the Communism that had arisen in Russia. In the middle, keeping his opinions mainly private and only revealed in his many telephone calls with congressional leadership, sat Joseph P. Kennedy. Although he was a self-admitted conservative, he was also a very cagey operator who knew how to sense a moment. He could change his opinion at a minute's notice to match the will of the people, and he took great pleasure in lording his superiority over those he considered weak minded and feeble. This is essentially who Kennedy was OTL, especially with his work. When he was appointed the SEC chairman after the Great Depression, many liberals thought the former stock trader and businessman would lead the agency to ruin. Instead, he surprised them all by using his inside knowledge to completely clean up Wall Street and put in many of the reforms that still remain today, while still keeping his core conservative views. Although Roosevelt pleaded with him to publicly support his effort on the off chance it might woo conservatives to his side, Kennedy would politely refuse in order to see which way the wind would blow.
The wind was in fact blowing very hard, but not in the direction Roosevelt wanted. As the bill continued to plod its way through committee, backed by a motley crew of empowered liberals and progressives elected in the 1932 and 1934 landslides, more and more continued to speak out. There were marches in major cities and the Memorial Pool seemed to be occupied by a different group every day. Most stayed peaceful, but as the fears and anger at the bill grew, some turned violent. A large riot in Washington led by former veterans who called themselves the Court Army, and opposed the bill because they thought it meant the end of independent branches of government, had to be crushed by an army division led by Douglas MacArthur. But still, Roosevelt plodded on, much to the unease of his friends and allies who feared the country was now heading in the wrong direction, and that the shoe would fall any day now. Unfortunately, they turned out to be right. While speaking in Miami, the 32nd President of the United States was shot and killed by a man who believed the Court Packing bill was the gateway to Communism. The crowd screamed and rushed the attacker but nothing could be done for Roosevelt, who had been shot in the head twice by a handgun, and who died en route to the hospital. A disgruntled Italian immigrant tried to kill Roosevelt in Miami in 1933, days before his inauguration, on his suspicion that he was a Communist. Joseph Kennedy was still in shock while he was sworn in at the White House after being rushed there in the dead of night to become the 33rd and first Catholic President of the United States on December 7th, 1935.
The Kennedy presidency, having started with a bang and not a whimper, immediately was seized by Joe as the perfect opportunity to make his mark on America. However, although he had big ideas, his domestic affairs were mainly controlled by the will of the people who overwhelmingly supported the New Deal recovery plan. He would not be able to turn the tide of big government as many conservatives hoped he would in order to not risk an even bigger blowback from the nation, but he did throw them more than a few bones. In his first 100 days he withdrew the deadly court packing bill and began slowing down the pace of New Deal legislation being drafted in Congress. This was all that was needed to smooth over the problems with the conservatives who felt that the party was moving too far too fast, while his promises to continue and expand the New Deal, just more slowly, brought liberals into the fold. In order to appease the more radical supporters of FDR, Kennedy supported the nomination of Henry A Wallace for the VP slot for the 1936 election, in part simply to balance the ticket, but also due to Wallace’s great success as Secretary of Agriculture. Kennedy was rewarded with a massive landslide victory in 1936 brought on by the recovery of the nation and sympathy for the Democrats after the assassination of FDR. His position secured and domestic matters squared away, Kennedy began to turn to his true forte: foreign policy.

Kennedy knew the place where he held the strongest convictions is where he could make the most impact: the world stage. Despite his conservative credentials, he despised the ancient empires of Europe whom he saw as exploitative and authoritarian to his fellow minorities, and he held the greatest revulsion for the one that had only recently freed his home of Ireland: The UK. He was especially disgusted by the victory of the Michael Collins led Pro-Treaty forces in the Irish Civil War. As the world crept closer to war, he watched with contempt as the rabble rousers like Winston Churchill called for tough action against Herr Hitler, leading the country into a war he considered to be wholly unnecessary. Although he was a friend of Neville Chamberlain and supported the policy of appeasement, Kennedy began to introduce legislation that would further bind the US to neutrality as well as withdrawing its various economic and military support from the UK and its allies. This was done through the passing of a very strong Neutrality Act in 1937 (“no cash and carry" clause) and the Homeland Security Act of 1938, which bound the US to neutrality and banned it from helping out other nations with war materials and began withdrawing previous US commitments overseas respectively.
However, stability was not meant to be, for on September 1st 1939, Hitler’s armies plunged into Poland and set off the second Great War in 20 years. In the US, it was seen as nothing more than the Europeans once again descending into violence for land and empire, and both the nation and its president wished to stay out of it. Still smarting over the fall of Chamberlain to the hated Churchill, Kennedy refused to make any deviations from the Neutrality Act and publicly predicted that Britain would lose the war, acts that enraged the UK population which continued to suffer from German attacks. Despite repeated pleas, bargains, and threats, Kennedy remained steadfast in his neutrality even as the population began to warm to intervention, which led to the devastation of England during the blitz due to lack of airpower and other war material.
The freeze between the former friends began to thaw only in mid-1940, when the images on every newspaper of an England in ruin finally began to win the public over. Bowing to public pressure and wanting to butter up the interventionists in the run up to the 1940 election, Kennedy reluctantly supported a modified version of the original “cash and carry” legislation, which put restrictions on what could and could not be sold to support a war, and with the explicit condition that this material not be used to draw the US into any conflict. England, happy to get any support at all, gladly obeyed any stipulations the legislation postulated, but they still remained suspicious of the man in the White House, a feeling that would only grow over time.
Due to Wallace’s radicalism; especially his open denouncement of segregation and supportive statements about Bukharin’s USSR, as well as a scandal over his unorthodox religious views; Conservatives within the party sought to replace him on the ticket. President Kennedy remained officially neutral, but in private supported Happy Chandler. Kennedy had become a mentor to Chandler while he was Kentucky governor. When Chandler, who had long believed that he was destined to be President, asked Kennedy to appoint Marvel Mills Logan, Kentucky's junior senator, to be to the US Supreme Court, Kennedy obliged, and even pressured Logan to accept the nomination. This created a Senate vacancy to which Chandler, as governor, could appoint himself. During his tenure in the Senate Chandler had earned great respect from fellow democrats as well as significant public support due to his bombastic speeches. Chandler used these debate skills, and the strong support of most of the Democratic establishment, to win the VP nomination in the 1940 Democratic Convention. Kennedy would re-appoint a bitter Wallace as Agriculture Secretary once again.
With Germany rolling across France, and Britain facing its darkest hour, the strident isolationism of JPK was increasingly coming under question. To the great shock of many Wendell Willkie, an interventionist, was selected as the Republican Presidential candidate for 1940. He also picked up support from some of the left angered with JPK’s move to the right and dropping of Wallace. The New Deal itself was not highly salient, as Willkie supported JPK’s more moderate plan. This left foreign policy as the most noticeable issue of the campaign. Willkie accused JPK as leaving the nation unprepared for war, and even accused him of being sympathetic to the reactionary forces. While JPK emphasized the need for experience in such times, Willkie effectively countered this by using JPK’s foreign policy related gaffes, most notably when he publicly stated that “"Democracy is finished in England. It may be here.” JPK sought to capitalize on isolationist sentiment, declaring that he would "not send American boys into any foreign wars." While undermined by Britain's increased success in the Battle of Britain as the year moved on, Willkie still seemed a great threat to the president. Willkie also ran strongly to the left than JPK on civil rights, pledging to integrate the civil service and armed forces. Concern over Chandler being given the VP nomination, and JPK not promoting African Americans as FDR did in response OTL, led to Willkie gaining a lot more of the African American vote. The result is a far closer election than OTL, with JPK just managing to win the popular vote and election. Due to the threat of this interventionist movement, JPK was forced to adopt many more interventionist policies by a party fearful of losing the midterms over the issue. With Willkie’s strong support, the destroyers-for-bases deal, Arsenal of Democracy speech, and lend-lease act all occur despite JPK’s great reluctance.

Then comes the day of infamy: Japan’s surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, which features a few changes from OTL. There will be a long explanation of it released at some point, but for now have the short version. The early battles of the war including Pearl Harbor, the Coral Sea, and Midway all go worse for the USA and due in part to these disasters, JPK and Chandler adopt a Pacific First strategy, much to the chagrin and anger of the English and French. However, despite all of Japanese efforts, they cannot stop the oncoming tide of US naval dominance, and the forces of the IJN and USN meet at the Battle of the Solomons. Japanese losses in this battle, including the great loss of skilled air crew, proved irreplaceable, with the Kidō Butai losing all claim to dominance over the seas or skies.
Despite the delay to the American offensives, the rest of the war proceeded largely the same as OTL until the end, due to the focus on the pacific counterbalancing the 9 months lost. The pacific front is certainly more destructive than OTL, but overwhelming US power ensures their eventual dominance over Japan.
Kennedy follows the 2-term convention, and with the previous Republican nominee Willkie widely expected to win the election, Chandler easily wins the 1944 D convention against Wallace, with most others unwilling to enter the election they view as doomed. Harry Truman is selected as the Democrat VP candidate, due to the hesitance of others to join what they saw as a sinking ship. The Republican convention nominates Willkie, with Dewey as VP. Willkie was widely expected to win, but shockingly died of a heart attack in October. His premature death threw the Republicans into disarray. Willkie Dewey was chosen as the replacement, with Earl Warren as VP. The youth and inexperience of Dewey greatly undermined his prospects in a time of war, and Chandler just won the election.

By early 1945 Japan had been pushed back to their OTL situation, while the war in Europe still dragged on despite the efforts of the weakened US expeditionary force there. Chandler became obsessed with forcing Japan’s unconditional surrender, in part to vindicate his backing of the Pacific First strategy. Despite the opposition of many generals, who believed that Japan could be forced into surrender via blockade, air bombing, and/or waiting for a Soviet invasion of Manchuria; Hiroshima and Nagasaki are nuked. Japan refuses to surrender in part due to the much more destructive war hardening many to refuse surrender, and due to the war in Europe dragging on which allowed Japan to hope to negotiate a peace via the Soviets which would include the continuation of the monarchy, which Chandler had indicated he would not allow. This desire to save the monarchy at all cost made Japanese resistance fierce in spite of their terrible situation.
With surrender not forthcoming, Chandler authorized Operation Downfall. Operation Olympic was launched in October 1945, and was immensely bloody, but achieved the conquest of Kyūshū by the end of the year. Tactical nukes were not used due to the reports of nuclear fallout from the previous bombings. In September Germany surrendered, although pockets of German forces lasted until early 46. Operation Coronet then occurred in February 46, and was even bloodier. The USSR then invaded Manchuria in April 46. Facing the prospects of the complete destruction of Japan itself, the emperor announced his unconditional surrender on May 2nd 1946.
Despite the massive casualties in Japan causing great domestic conflict, Chandler clinched the election in 1948, despite the victory of Dewey being widely viewed as inevitable, especially with a strong 3rd party run by the Progressive Parties’ Henry A Wallace. Chandler’s next term was spent mainly dealing with the aftermath of the war and the occupation of Japan, which really wasn’t going well. He began to descend into megalomania and eccentric behavior. The Republicans saw their opportunity to finally win an election, and nominated the war hero Eisenhower.

He won in a landslide on a platform of winding the occupation down, and did this by declaring the Republic of Japan in 1950. The rest of his presidency occurred largely as OTL, and played a great part in sparking the Cold War. Relations were still frosty with Europe, and the Soviets were already the enemy; so, when Eisenhower accepted the entry of the KMT-led China into the US-dominated United Nations, the seeds were sown for much conflict down the line. He did however enact a mini-Marshall plan to boost the European fight against communism, called the Dulles Plan. It was, however, funded much less than OTL. On the domestic front, Eisenhower not only desegregated the armed forces, but signed the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960, after winning another landslide in 1956.

However, the Japanese front was far less rosy. Despite the declaration of the Japanese republic, there were still a very large number of troops fighting the various insurgencies and trying to keep it together. This was mainly supported by Richard Nixon, Eisenhower’s VP and a big believer in domino theory. He desperately didn't want to be seen as a member of the administration that "lost" Japan. He supported putting more troops there, escalating matters, hidden bombing raids, while keeping the public face of, "yes we're definitely withdrawing"; (basically his OTL Vietnam policy).
Eisenhower was content to let Nixon deal with Japan, especially after he suffered a heart attack and stroke in 1955/1957, which gave Nixon great power within the administration. However, as his administration neared the end, Nixon’s dealings were revealed. (Basically the Pentagon Papers). However, Nixon gave the Checkers Speech which defended his actions to the hilt, winning significant public approval in the build up to the 1960 election.
The son of JPK, who is still widely regarded as a good president, JFK ran on a reformer mantle of going back to the moderate New Deal policies of his dad and actually withdrawing from Japan. In an extremely close and controversial election, JFK wins the presidency, despite losing the popular vote by 0.2% to Nixon.

JFK has been president for just under a year as the game starts. He has spent the time focusing on preparing for the US withdrawal from Japan, which occurred just 2 months before game start (1962). He has also started expanding the New Deal, and taking cautious steps towards greater civil rights legislation.
And so hear we are, the actual game itself. First, here are the factions for each party. You should note that not every faction is necessarily electable, but most are. And without further ado, the USA’s starting situation in TRO.

As you can see, America’s situation is very precarious, beset by conflict and political division. However, JFK is confident that he will be able to steer the ship to calmer waters in no time. Indeed, he has already spent time working to improve relations with the Entente Commonwealth Organization, the faction of the UK and France. When in February 1962, Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalizes the Suez Canal, Kennedy is sure that he can bring peace to the Middle East.

However, fate is not on Kennedy's side, as Anthony Eden, UK PM, flat out refuses the USA’s attempts at mediation. Kennedy is forced to respond in kind, and adopts a foreign policy hostile to the ECO; and truly heats up the cold war. (See our previous leak on this topic.)
Despite this setback, Kennedy is still confident that he will fix America. JFK’s first port of call is to start rebuilding the USA’s international image following the disasters of Japan and Suez. He meets with his Secretary of Defense, Maxwell Taylor, but also former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt, who had become a tireless advocate for peace since her late husband’s presidency. He can then choose between adopting a hawkish or dovish foreign policy, which will have great consequence for the USA going forward, as well as nations as far flung as Brazil, China, and the Philippines.

On the domestic front, JFK works hand in hand with his friend and Vice President, Estes Kefauver. Together, they work to weaken big business and improve consumer standards. A speech by Estes on such policy is of far greater consequence than he first realizes, for if he gives it, Estes Kefauver will die of a heart attack. The nation is in shock, and JFK mourns his friend. As a result of this tragedy, Hale Boggs is now next in line for president. Boggs, Speaker of the House, was only elected to that position recently, after the death of Sam Rayburn, largely due to Chandler’s continued influence within the Democratic Party.

However, the hand of fate may choose to act a different way, and Estes can survive unharmed.

So far we have ignored the elephant in the room: civil rights, which has somewhat been JFK’s strategy so far too. While he has made significant efforts to combat racial discrimination, he has refused to make the moral argument against racism, still wary of Dixiecrat influence over the party. His brother and Attorney General RFK has even authorized the wiretapping of MLK. Such a moderate stance is, however, soon to change.

Before that though, and now we have covered JFK’s first steps as president, you can now see his full, Focus Tree. It is at this point that I would like to give a shoutout to our amazing art team who have worked tirelessly to produce these amazing icons.

Now that is covered, let us return to JFK’s civil rights policies, because they are about to radically change. The spark that lights this fire occurs in Birmingham, Alabama. This riot prompts RFK to arrange a meeting with civil rights activists to discuss the administration's next steps. The criticism RFK receives at that meeting makes him question everything the administration has done to improve civil rights, a feeling he relays to his brother.

At the same time, events are in motion that cannot be undone - George Wallace makes his play and attempts to prevent the racial integration of the University of Alabama, personally standing in the schoolhouse door to stop its integration. Imbued with newfound radicalism, JFK issues Executive Order 11111, federalizes the Alabama National Guard, and forces the universities’ integration. JFK then delivers his Report to the American People on Civil Rights, where he finally makes the moral argument against racism and discrimination. The day ends in poignant tragedy with the murder of civil rights activist Medgar Evers. With this new radicalism, JFK gains a new focus tree.

JFK now firmly commits himself to the cause of Civil Rights. In an effort to increase public support for them, he can choose between funding the March on Washington, or speaking at it. He also begins drafting legislation for a definitive Civil Rights Act to settle the issue once and for all, defeating amendments that could derail the process. He also begins planning future endeavors, asking his advisors to prepare the War on Poverty for 1964.

Then, one sunny day in Dallas, tragedy rears its ugly head once more. JFK is assassinated. I can already hear your questions, or sighs of exasperation; so I will say just this. In patch 0.1 of TRO, JFK will always die. After that? Well, only death may pay for life.
It is now that the true consequences of Estes Kefauver’s heart attack are laid bare, and the fates of the US begin to diverge totally. Let us first address the timeline where Kefauver lives.
Estes Kefauver is sworn in as the 38th President of the United States.

In his eulogy for his departed friend, Kefauver lays out his plans for a strong Civil Rights Act to be passed as soon as possible, as well as policies to tackle crime and corruption. Recognising that his ill health rules him out of continuing the presidency, Kefauver endorses Hubert Humphrey to be the 1964 Democratic Candidate for President. He then ensures the passage of a strong Civil Rights Act.

Kefauver’s, and the Democratic Party’s, opponents are quick to move however. Strom Thurmond and George Wallace join forces to battle for the presidency, and threaten to take the whole of the South away from the Democratic party for good. Even more concerningly, Richard Nixon, the Republican Candidate for President, adopts an electoral strategy to attempt to gain the electoral votes of the border states in order to catapult himself to the White House yet again. Kefauver has done what he can, and the election rolls on irregardless.

If Humphrey wins, Kefauver can relax. Although he knows there is much work to be done, he has finished Kennedy’s work and secured his legacy. Now, he can enjoy his retirement and watch as the future unfolds.

If Nixon wins, Kefauver can’t help but feel incomplete; he completed Kennedy’s work, but Nixon threatens his legacy. As before Kefauver can influence events no longer; all he can do is watch, and worry for the future.

Let us return to the world where Estes Kefauver has already died of a heart attack, and Hale Boggs is sworn in as the 38th President of the United States.

In his eulogy for the former president, Boggs lays out a moderate plan for a Civil Rights Act, one noticeably weakened from JFK’s original plans. Boggs explains that he seeks unity in this time of crisis. Boggs, not desiring the power of the presidency, does not seek the office at the next election, instead endorsing J. William Fulbright to be the 1964 Democratic Candidate for President. He then pass his weakened Civil Rights Act.

Fulbright, recognizing that he cannot win an election without the support of the liberal and progressive factions of his own party makes a deal with them. Concerningly for Boggs and Fulbright, Nelson Rockefeller wins the Republican Party nomination, shifting control of the party to the Liberal Republicans. Rockefeller then begins to target Northern states en masse to win him the Presidency he has always dreamed of. Despite the best efforts of both candidates, only one can win the White House.

If Fulbright wins, Boggs can continue his friendship with Fulbright unmarred by any failures, and content in the knowledge that the consensus he helped forge will ensure that America remains strong and stable forevermore.

If Rockefeller wins, Boggs is stricken, knowing that his Civil Rights Act is doomed to revision, and that the consensus he tried so hard to mold will soon lie scattered on the floor of Rockefeller’s ego. However, both he and Fulbright are confident that when Rockefeller’s chickens come home to roost, the Democratic Party will be waiting for him.
