
发布时间: 2021-01-02 08:35:13 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 经典文章 点击: 101



  《Winning》是一本由Jack Welch / Suzy Welch著作,HarperBusiness出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 29.99,页数:384,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。




  ●i thought it was gonna be full of cliche, but it was amazingly good. recommand.




  ●管理学用语言归纳出来的东西可能都近乎COMMON SENSE,此书浅显、易懂、全面,尤其是每一章节结尾处的总结陈词很有逻辑性。值得反复阅读。



  ●终于看完了。 一本让我边看边思考,边回忆边实践,充满智慧而残酷的书。 那两年痛苦挣扎想不明白的事情,就被这么不疾不徐简单而直白的总结出来了。 很多事情没有为什么,只因为那就是游戏规则。而只有懂得游戏规则,才能玩得更好。














  I do not want to read any book that is written in English and translated into Chinese after I read this book. I believe if you pass the CET 6, you will find it very natural to read this book written in English. Even some professional terms, like Six Sigma, are explained in an accessible way.

  Maybe the middle part of <WINNING> hardly strikes a chord with readers if they have not started their career yet. But for most people, no matter you are students major in management or you are employees, the rest parts of this book are inspiring and instructive.

  I am a student major in human resources management and I am passionate for what I have learned because of Jack Welch. That is why I think <WINNING> has enlightened me. Jack Welch attaches great significance to management, you will feel it if you read the following sentences:

  “A human resources manager in a company should be as important as the CFO.”

  quot;Of course, people want to be recognized for great performance. Plaques and public fanfares have their place. But without money, they lose a lot of their impact. Even the Nobel and Pulitzer prizes come with cash awards."

  However, the reality is that local enterprises in China underestimate management. Sometimes I feel lost and frustrated seeing human resources staff are assigned to do administrative work. Then this book motivates me and convinces me of how valuable management can be.

  As Jack Welch said, "Mentors are everywhere." Fortunately, he is one of my mentors.



  imagine u r considering a new job - PEOPLE "U like the people a lot; u can relate to them, and u genuinely enjoy their company. in fact, they even think and act like u do"

  OPPORTUNITY "the job gives u the opportunity to grow as a person and a professional, and u get the feeling u will learn things there that u didn't even know u needed to learn"

  OPTIONS "the job gives u a credential u can take with u, and is in a business and industry with a future (go for a large prestige company)"

  OWNERSHIP "u are taking the job for yourself, or u know whom u are taking it for,and u feel at peace with the bargain"

  WORK CONTENT "the stuff of the job turns ur crank - u love the work, it feels fun and meaningful to u, and each touches something primal in your soul"

  Getting promoted - sorry, no shortcut. 1: do deliver sensational performance, far beyond expectations, and at every opportunity expand your job beyond its official boundaries" 2: Don't make your boss use political capital in order to champion you. - u can have the great results, but if u don't live your company's values and behaviors, you run the risk of this happening.

  WHAT LEADERS DO? 1: leaders relentlessly upgrade their team, using every encounter as an opportunity to evaluate, coach, and build self-confidence. 2: leaders make sure people not only see the vision, they live and breath it 3: leaders get into everyone's skin, exuding positive energy and optimism. 4: leaders establish trust with candor, transparency, and credit. 5: leaders have the courage to make unpopular decisions and gut calls 6: leaders probe and push with a curiosity that borders on skepticism, making sure their questions are answered with action. 7: leaders inspire risk taking and learning by setting the example 8: leaders celebrate


本文标题: Winning读后感1000字



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