《The Zero Marginal Cost Society》读后感锦集

发布时间: 2020-10-30 09:42:44 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 经典文章 点击: 114


《The Zero Marginal Cost Society》读后感锦集

  《The Zero Marginal Cost Society》是一本由Jeremy Rifkin著作,Palgrave Macmillan出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 28.00,页数:368,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《The Zero Marginal Cost Society》读后感(一):google翻译的该书主要在写什么,大家可以稍微参考一下~






  《The Zero Marginal Cost Society》读后感(二):互联网社会(未完)



  1. 从思想准备来讲:1)互联网本身就是从共享开始的,免费软件、音乐、视频,直到触动了大厂商的利益,有了知识产权法。但还是有些东西留下了印迹,比如开源。2)然后人们意识到可以共享的不止非物质商品,也可以是实体的,比如住房、汽车、衣服、玩具,也可以是服务的,比如p2p lending,众筹,于是有了marketplace,整合小商家,小手工艺人,parttime员工,何尝不是一种商业的IoT。 3)在互联网上,没人知道你是一条狗。到现在,不管匿名实名,年轻一辈其实没有这么在意隐私,只要你能给我方便,我的信息你都拿去没关系,邮件随便看。4) democratization

  2. 从基础建设来讲:1)各种自动化、机器人、算法大量解放了劳动力;2)sensor变得很便宜;3)政府放开对带宽的限制和拍卖,google已经自己在动手做这块了;4)energy终究会变得便宜,不过这个可能有个滞后;5)最大的瓶颈大概是电池吧。。。。

  3. 从economic process来讲,用户开始贡献内容,消费者和生产者的界限模糊了。3D打印是一个极端体现,哪怕工业生产也可以由消费者自己完成。消费者不等于拥有者,消费者甚至不想成为拥有者。

  4. 因为技术降低了很多成本,于是很多以前大众享受不了的服务现在都affordable了。于是有了概念叫democratize everything,众筹——人人都能当VC,wealthfront——人人都能做财富管理;bitcoin——不是只有央行才能发钱。这些新生事物再返回来强化民主的概念

  5. 从资本角度来讲,

  haring economy的兴盛背后是社会阶层贫富不均的加大,一个marketplace应该放更多资源在整合贫困的低技术水平的一头。

  zero marginal cost,任何一个startup如果能做到这一点会成长巨大,Amazon,iTunes,lendingclub,Robinhood

  Leaps in productivity and growth were made possible by the communication/energy matrix and accompanying infrastructure.

  Communication Internet

  Energy Internet

  Logistics Internet

  IoT的infrastructure:cost of sensors, actuators, internet protocol, IPv6

  3D printing, from mass production to production by the masses

  Zero cost of energy, education, manufacturing (automation, robotics, artificial intelligence)

  Zero marginal cost economy changed our notion of economic process: consumers become their own producers, prosumers will produce, consume, and share their own goods and services with one another on the Collaborative Common.

  IoT frees human beings from the market economy to pursue nonmaterial shared interests on the Collaborative Commons

  roperty rights → open source

  Ownership → access

  Market → network

  Advertising → consumer generated comments

  oint-to-point and hub-and-spoke transport → distributed, multi-segment, intermodal transport.


  IoT is financed by crowd

  haring medical data, patient-driven healthcare

  《The Zero Marginal Cost Society》读后感(三):Sharing Economy: Efficient Allocation of Resources and Maximizing the Use

  haring economy is a decentralized peer-to-peer markets that shift away from the traditional supplier. People get service with a very low price or even near zero. There are debates about if the sharing economy would gradually become the enduring mainstream oppose of traditional model or it’s a short term phenomena that will be excluded by time. The explosive growth rate of people enjoying the sharing economy demonstrates the model’s many advantages. I acknowledge that there are complexities to this issue, like the ownership and the for-profit companies are necessary. But I argue that sharing economy help build up a genuine society that creates win-win situation and lower carbon print.

  I came across with the notion of collaborate consumption from my own beneficial experience with Uber. Later I read about the collaborative commons claiming that collaborative sharing of the economy will subvert many of the world's largest operating modes of the company; and the existing energy systems and structures will be replaced by the energy Internet. (Rifkin, 2019, p20)

  Collaborative consumption has become the hottest conversation topic now in China with the great social and commercial success of mega companies like Moocs, Didi, Airbnb, Ofo, and Mobike. I am going to do an in-depth analysis of the business models of these companies. Proving its maximizing use of the idle resources, I want to use these evidences further to back up my argument that sharing economy is going to be the future mainstream. I will elaborate on the principles of constructing a sharing economic platform through those examples, following their steps of allocating the resource surplus and ensuring the mutual benefits of all participants.

  haring economic has a relatively low cost, due to basing on resource redundancy; it can promote the interpersonal relationship closer and hinder isolation. Maximizing the use also means eco friendly and sustainability, especially for the megacities in China which has many different aspects of problems due to overcrowding. It also facilitates a system of credit and promoting the trust among people. I will discuss how those features of the sharing economy leads to the successful implementation of the business model and reciprocal relationships on the platform can create a win-win situation in the whole society. Moreover, as a result of sharing economy, through sharing knowledge, the ordinary average people are empowered.

  ome argues that zero cost margin society would be what businessmen were dreadful of. I would also use the examples above to talk about the implications of the sharing economy in terms of aspects of issues privacy and the basic productions. Besides, it wouldn’t impede the creations and inventions; in the contrary, a lot of technology came along after the low cost of sharing economy.


  Rifkin, Jeremy. (2019). Zero Cost Margin Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

  chor, Juliet B.. (2019).True Wealth: How and Why Millions of Americans Are Creating a Time-rich, Ecologically-light, Smallscale, High-satisfaction Economy. New York: The Penguin Press.

  Hardin, Benjamin and Luca, Michael. (2019). Digital Discrimination: The Case of Airbnb. Harvard Business School Working Papers.

  uschmann, T. and Alt, R. Sharing economy. Business and Information Systems Engineering. 58, 93-99.

  Kathan, W.and Matzler, K. and Veider, V. (2019). The sharing economy: Your business model’s friend or foe. Business Horizons. 59(6): 663-672

本文标题: 《The Zero Marginal Cost Society》读后感锦集
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/jingdianwenzhang/125290.html



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