三十九级台阶读后感、要英文的, 谢谢、
急用The Thirty-Nine Steps is a 1978 thriller directed by Don Sharp, based on the novel The Thirty-Nine Steps by John Buchan.
This version of Buchan's tale starred Robert Powell as Richard Hannay, Karen Dotrice as Alex, John Mills as Colonel Scudder, and a host of other well-known British actors in smaller parts. It is generally regarded as the closest to the novel, being set before World War I. The early events and overall feel of the film bear much resemblance to Buchan's original story, albeit with a few changes such as the introduction of a love interest and a different meaning for the "39 steps". It is well remembered for the famous Big Ben end sequence.
Powell later reprised the role in the ITV series Hannay in 1988 (six episodes) and 1989 (seven episodes).
In 1914, Prussian spies are everywhere. After a spate of assassinations of important British politicians, a retired British intelligence officer, Colonel Scudder, realises his life and his mysterious black notebook are in danger. He turns to Richard Hannay, a mining engineer who is visiting Britain for a short time before returning to South Africa, who happens to live in a neighbouring apartment. Scudder tells Hannay of a plot by Prussian 'sleeper' agents, who are planning to pre-start World War I by murdering a foreign minister.
Hannay reluctantly gives Scudder shelter in his apartment, despite his initial distrust of him. In the morning, Hannay leaves to purchase Scudder a train ticket to Scotland. Scudder also leaves the apartment to post a parcel, but he is spotted and follows Hannay to the railway station to supposedly give him the black book.
However, before he can reach Hannay, Scudder is murdered and Hannay is framed for the death by the 'sleepers'. Hannay manages to get Scudder's notebook, but this turns out to be a dummy, with only a code in it to find his real book, which he has posted to Scotland. Hannay flees to Scotland on a train, but he is forced to make a daredevil escape on a bridge when police board.
Hannay attempts to solve the mystery whilst on the run from the police, led by Chief Supt Lomas (Eric Porter), and the Prussian agents, led by Edmund Appleton, a Prussian sympathiser highly placed in the British government.
With the aid of Alex Mackenzie and her fiance, David Hamilton, whom Hannay meets on the Scottish moors, claiming to be taking part in a wager, Scudder's book is found, the coded information partly deciphered and the true plans of the Prussian agents are revealed. The agents intend to murder the visiting Greek Prime Minister, leading to unrest in the Balkans and thus World War I, by planting a bomb in parliament. The "Thirty-Nine Steps" refers to the number of stairs in the clock tower of Big Ben and Hannay realises that the bomb is to be set off by the clock at 11.45.
When he reaches the top of the clock tower, the agents have already planted the bomb and have locked the clock room. Hannay is forced to break the glass of the clock-face and physically stop the clock hands, leading to the iconic final sequence.
This version of Buchan's tale starred Robert Powell as Richard Hannay, Karen Dotrice as Alex, John Mills as Colonel Scudder, and a host of other well-known British actors in smaller parts. It is generally regarded as the closest to the novel, being set before World War I. The early events and overall feel of the film bear much resemblance to Buchan's original story, albeit with a few changes such as the introduction of a love interest and a different meaning for the "39 steps". It is well remembered for the famous Big Ben end sequence.
Powell later reprised the role in the ITV series Hannay in 1988 (six episodes) and 1989 (seven episodes).
In 1914, Prussian spies are everywhere. After a spate of assassinations of important British politicians, a retired British intelligence officer, Colonel Scudder, realises his life and his mysterious black notebook are in danger. He turns to Richard Hannay, a mining engineer who is visiting Britain for a short time before returning to South Africa, who happens to live in a neighbouring apartment. Scudder tells Hannay of a plot by Prussian 'sleeper' agents, who are planning to pre-start World War I by murdering a foreign minister.
Hannay reluctantly gives Scudder shelter in his apartment, despite his initial distrust of him. In the morning, Hannay leaves to purchase Scudder a train ticket to Scotland. Scudder also leaves the apartment to post a parcel, but he is spotted and follows Hannay to the railway station to supposedly give him the black book.
However, before he can reach Hannay, Scudder is murdered and Hannay is framed for the death by the 'sleepers'. Hannay manages to get Scudder's notebook, but this turns out to be a dummy, with only a code in it to find his real book, which he has posted to Scotland. Hannay flees to Scotland on a train, but he is forced to make a daredevil escape on a bridge when police board.
Hannay attempts to solve the mystery whilst on the run from the police, led by Chief Supt Lomas (Eric Porter), and the Prussian agents, led by Edmund Appleton, a Prussian sympathiser highly placed in the British government.
With the aid of Alex Mackenzie and her fiance, David Hamilton, whom Hannay meets on the Scottish moors, claiming to be taking part in a wager, Scudder's book is found, the coded information partly deciphered and the true plans of the Prussian agents are revealed. The agents intend to murder the visiting Greek Prime Minister, leading to unrest in the Balkans and thus World War I, by planting a bomb in parliament. The "Thirty-Nine Steps" refers to the number of stairs in the clock tower of Big Ben and Hannay realises that the bomb is to be set off by the clock at 11.45.
When he reaches the top of the clock tower, the agents have already planted the bomb and have locked the clock room. Hannay is forced to break the glass of the clock-face and physically stop the clock hands, leading to the iconic final sequence.
三十九级台阶 读后感英文版 8篇150字的
The Thirty-Nine Steps is a 1978 thriller directed by Don Sharp, based on the novel The Thirty-Nine Steps by John Buchan.
This version of Buchan's tale starred Robert Powell as Richard Hannay, Karen Dotrice as Alex, John Mills as Colonel Scudder, and a host of other well-known British actors in smaller parts. It is generally regarded as the closest to the novel, being set before World War I. The early events and overall feel of the film bear much resemblance to Buchan's original story, albeit with a few changes such as the introduction of a love interest and a different meaning for the "39 steps". It is well remembered for the famous Big Ben end sequence.
Powell later reprised the role in the ITV series Hannay in 1988 (six episodes) and 1989 (seven episodes).
In 1914, Prussian spies are everywhere. After a spate of assassinations of important British politicians, a retired British intelligence officer, Colonel Scudder, realises his life and his mysterious black notebook are in danger. He turns to Richard Hannay, a mining engineer who is visiting Britain for a short time before returning to South Africa, who happens to live in a neighbouring apartment. Scudder tells Hannay of a plot by Prussian 'sleeper' agents, who are planning to pre-start World War I by murdering a foreign minister.
Hannay reluctantly gives Scudder shelter in his apartment, despite his initial distrust of him. In the morning, Hannay leaves to purchase Scudder a train ticket to Scotland. Scudder also leaves the apartment to post a parcel, but he is spotted and follows Hannay to the railway station to supposedly give him the black book.
However, before he can reach Hannay, Scudder is murdered and Hannay is framed for the death by the 'sleepers'. Hannay manages to get Scudder's notebook, but this turns out to be a dummy, with only a code in it to find his real book, which he has posted to Scotland. Hannay flees to Scotland on a train, but he is forced to make a daredevil escape on a bridge when police board.
Hannay attempts to solve the mystery whilst on the run from the police, led by Chief Supt Lomas (Eric Porter), and the Prussian agents, led by Edmund Appleton, a Prussian sympathiser highly placed in the British government.
With the aid of Alex Mackenzie and her fiance, David Hamilton, whom Hannay meets on the Scottish moors, claiming to be taking part in a wager, Scudder's book is found, the coded information partly deciphered and the true plans of the Prussian agents are revealed. The agents intend to murder the visiting Greek Prime Minister, leading to unrest in the Balkans and thus World War I, by planting a bomb in parliament. The "Thirty-Nine Steps" refers to the number of stairs in the clock tower of Big Ben and Hannay realises that the bomb is to be set off by the clock at 11.45.
When he reaches the top of the clock tower, the agents have already planted the bomb and have locked the clock room. Hannay is forced to break the glass of the clock-face and physically stop the clock hands, leading to the iconic final sequence.
This version of Buchan's tale starred Robert Powell as Richard Hannay, Karen Dotrice as Alex, John Mills as Colonel Scudder, and a host of other well-known British actors in smaller parts. It is generally regarded as the closest to the novel, being set before World War I. The early events and overall feel of the film bear much resemblance to Buchan's original story, albeit with a few changes such as the introduction of a love interest and a different meaning for the "39 steps". It is well remembered for the famous Big Ben end sequence.
Powell later reprised the role in the ITV series Hannay in 1988 (six episodes) and 1989 (seven episodes).
In 1914, Prussian spies are everywhere. After a spate of assassinations of important British politicians, a retired British intelligence officer, Colonel Scudder, realises his life and his mysterious black notebook are in danger. He turns to Richard Hannay, a mining engineer who is visiting Britain for a short time before returning to South Africa, who happens to live in a neighbouring apartment. Scudder tells Hannay of a plot by Prussian 'sleeper' agents, who are planning to pre-start World War I by murdering a foreign minister.
Hannay reluctantly gives Scudder shelter in his apartment, despite his initial distrust of him. In the morning, Hannay leaves to purchase Scudder a train ticket to Scotland. Scudder also leaves the apartment to post a parcel, but he is spotted and follows Hannay to the railway station to supposedly give him the black book.
However, before he can reach Hannay, Scudder is murdered and Hannay is framed for the death by the 'sleepers'. Hannay manages to get Scudder's notebook, but this turns out to be a dummy, with only a code in it to find his real book, which he has posted to Scotland. Hannay flees to Scotland on a train, but he is forced to make a daredevil escape on a bridge when police board.
Hannay attempts to solve the mystery whilst on the run from the police, led by Chief Supt Lomas (Eric Porter), and the Prussian agents, led by Edmund Appleton, a Prussian sympathiser highly placed in the British government.
With the aid of Alex Mackenzie and her fiance, David Hamilton, whom Hannay meets on the Scottish moors, claiming to be taking part in a wager, Scudder's book is found, the coded information partly deciphered and the true plans of the Prussian agents are revealed. The agents intend to murder the visiting Greek Prime Minister, leading to unrest in the Balkans and thus World War I, by planting a bomb in parliament. The "Thirty-Nine Steps" refers to the number of stairs in the clock tower of Big Ben and Hannay realises that the bomb is to be set off by the clock at 11.45.
When he reaches the top of the clock tower, the agents have already planted the bomb and have locked the clock room. Hannay is forced to break the glass of the clock-face and physically stop the clock hands, leading to the iconic final sequence.
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谁有三十九级台阶 的读后感?
希区柯克是我的悬疑侦探偶像,他的小说太棒了! 对很多人来说,“希区柯克”这个名字再也不仅是一个名字,而是代表了一种电影手法的精神、成了悬疑惊悚的代名词;而希区柯克著名的那个人头侧像剪影,也不仅只是单纯的剪影,它还成了这“希区柯克精神”的一个图腾意向。 电影艺术大师希区柯克导演,在我国知名度似乎并不甚高,你或许看过他的《蝴蝶梦》、《美人计》、《爱德华大夫》?可以说,谈论电影而不知希区柯克,那真是一个不可原谅的疏漏。他已被归入世界最伟大的电影创作者之列,更重要的是他的艺术不仅没有因时间的推移而蒙尘,反而日久弥新,愈显出其永恒与伟大的力量。 拍电影对希区柯克来说就是要阻止平庸的东西出现在银幕上,他创造并完善了制造悬念的艺术,借以使银幕下的观众"身历其境",参与到剧情中去,因此他所控制的不仅是影片,还有观众的注意力,他因而成为始终把观众放在第一位的娱乐片高手;他对人类本性与心理状态的深刻理解和高超凝练的视觉化银幕表达,又使他的影片升华为独一无二、不可仿效的艺术经典;同时,还没有哪一个导演象他驾驭惊险片那样主宰过某一类型的电影,于是擅长在银幕上"惊吓"观众的希区柯克名正言顺地揽下"恐怖大师"头衔。 希区柯克的父母笃信天主教,家中宗 教气氛很浓厚,家规甚严。但在英国这样一个基督教国家,天主教徒毕竟罕有。他的影片与其说是创造悬念的艺术,不如说是舒解焦虑的通道,他用超越日常的冒险故事,令人心惊肉跳的银幕效果,让那些经受莫名的内疚与焦虑所折磨的人们,在"银幕历险"中暂时忘却痛苦,而他自己,则在他全情创造的艺术中找到了安全感。
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