
发布时间: 2021-04-07 12:48:21 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 作文 点击: 98




Guided Writing:以下是2021年中国某城市交通事故发生原因的调查信息统计表,请根据此表,写一篇120 ~150字的文章。你的文章需包括:

1. 简要描述下表; 2. 谈谈你的看法和建议。

Main accident causesNumber or accidents in 2021Percentage rise (+) or fall (-) over 2021
1. drivers turning left without due care608+10%
2. drivers traveling too close to other vehicles411+9%
3. pedestrians crossing roads carelessly401+12%
4. drivers driving under the influence of alcohol281+15%
5. drivers failing to give a signal254-5%


Traffic accidents kill many people every year. In the recent survey, drivers turning left without due care should be mainly responsible for the accidents happening in 2021. What's more, traveling too close to other vehicles and driving under the influence of alcohol also contributed a lot. Besides, I feel extremely sorry for the pedestrians who died because they crossed the road improperly. However, what shocks us most is the fact that the percentage is rising rapidly although there is a little progress in drivers giving signals. As far as I'm concerned, some feasible steps must be taken immediately to protect more people from traffic accidents.

Initially, laws must be made by the government to prevent people from drunken driving because its percentage of causing damages has increased most obviously. I firmly believe that drivers must say goodbye to wines and beers before driving so that they can be responsible for other people's lives and as well as for themselves.

In addition, slowing down at the crossroads and being careful of making turns will do some help. Obeying traffic rules strictly only is not enough. Both drivers and pedestrians must learn to be calm and modest.

Taking what has been mentioned above into account, only with joint efforts of the government, drivers and pedestrians can we lessen the traffic tragedies and better our life.

(223 words,杨同学)

No. 2:

As is portrayed in the survey recently conducted, careless driving and improper pedestrians crossing roads contribute a lot to traffic accidents. In addition, too close travelling and alcohol driving also perform a significant role. Besides, the percentage is rapidly rising although there is some progress in drivers giving signals. From my perspective, I feel so sorry for the phenomenon that I am going to propose several feasible solutions below.

Initially, what drivers need to do is to observe traffic regulations firmly. They must say goodbye to the wines and beers before driving and foster a sense of responsibility for life. Furthermore, pedestrians cannot fail to live up to their duty. All they should do is not only to be careful enough but also to obey traffic rules strictly. Finally, the government ought to raise the public awareness of the traffic rules and personal safety by means of launching advertisements and making relevant laws to punish those who turn a blind eye to what should be done.

Taking what has been mentioned above into account, only with joint efforts of drivers, pedestrians and the local government can we lessen the traffic tragedies and better our life.

(195 words,蔡同学)

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本文标题: 上海高考英语作文助力之“表格篇”
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/zuowen/134585.html



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