审问制(inquisitorial system)与陪审制(jury system)有什么区别

发布时间: 2022-10-08 02:01:55 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 经典文章 点击: 102


审问制(inquisitorial system)与陪审制(jury system)有什么区别

The Adversary System in the American Judicial Process不要在线翻译

The rules of procedure are to the litigating lawyer regulatory and enabling legislation:They tell or attempt to tell him what the lawyer may and may not do, and they afford the means by which the lawyer can bring about, or attempt to bring about, the results sought.rnA distinctive element of the American procedure far resolving legal controversies is the adversary system, which is the characteristic form of trial procedure in common law countries, in civil as well as criminal cases. Its essential feature is that a decision is made by judge, or judge with jury, who finds the facts and applies the law from submissions made by partisan advocates on behalf of the parties. In this system of trial procedure, the responsibility for beginning suit, for shaping the issues, and for producing evidence rests almost entirely upon the parties. The court takes almost no active part. It does not do its own investigating. It rarely even asks a question. Most often it is only responsible for guiding the proceeding according to certain procedural rules and for making decisions on questions of law that arise. This system is to be contrasted with what is generally called the inquisitorial system, which is used in countries of the civil law tradition such as France and Germany. In the inquisitorial system of trial, the judge applies the law and finds the facts by his own active investigation and inquiries at trial.

inquisitorial system是什么意思

inquisitorial system


陪审制度(Jury system)是指国家审判机关吸收非法律职业者参加法庭审判,与职业法官共同行使审判权的司法民主制度。原始陪审制度的雏形最早出现于公元前400年以前的古希腊,此后,古罗马和大陆法系国家中的法国、德国及丹麦等都曾出现过原始陪审制度的雏形。但后来随着封建专制和王权的强化,这些在欧洲大陆出现的原始陪审制度雏形均被扼杀。严格司法制度意义上的陪审制正式起源于中世纪的英国。②现代形式的陪审团审判制度(Trial by jury) 是一种在司法程序中,审判机关吸收非职业法官或非职业审判员组成陪审团参加审理刑事、民事案件,并由陪审团和职业法官依法律规定各自的职权,根据提交给法庭的证据而共同确定有争议事实问题的司法民主制度。陪审团审判制度是英国法对世界法的贡献。伴随着英国在海外的殖民扩张,英国的陪审团审判制度也被带到全球各地为世界上许多国家所仿效。在资产阶级革命时期,倍受称颂的陪审制度作为资产阶级与封建王权对抗的一项民主制度,被资产阶级赋予新的内容和内涵而盛行于英美等资本主义国家。随着英美法系陪审制度的不断发展,许多大陆法系国家如德国、法国等都根据大陆法系的体系和本国的实际情况,学习借鉴英国陪审团制度的优点而创设了参审制度。前苏联和东欧等国家也都借鉴实行了参审制度。我国自清朝末年接受西方法律思想以来,也借鉴大陆法系国家而移植了陪审制度。陪审制度在司法民主和民主政治上的进步意义及其在人类法制史上显赫功绩,历史已有定论,毋庸置疑。但陪审制度的缺陷和弊端客观存在,英美法系国家的陪审团制度逐渐萎缩,趋于衰落;大陆法系国家的参审制度流于形式,名存实亡,发展前景暗淡;日本等许多国家尝试过陪审制度但终又将其废除。从陪审制度国际发展的潮流来看,整个陪审制度的发展呈现出普遍衰微趋势。印度属于英美法系,有陪审制度;而法国、德国、瑞典、挪威和意大利属于大陆法系,适用参审制度。


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我们要写一篇商务英语的辅修~谁会写帮忙写下,多谢了~rn1) 论普通词汇在商务英语中的语义分析rn2) 商务书信开头语的研究rn3) 论商务礼仪在商务活动中的重要性rn4) 论商务英语的学习方法rn5) 论商务谈判中语言的交际技巧rn6) 论信用证软条款的防犯与化解rn7) 论多媒体网络与(我的)商务英语学习rn8) 论新生产品如何在国际市场赢得消费者(或市场份额)rn9) 英美法系与大陆法系的异同比较研究rn10) 论商务文化对翻译的影响因素rn11) 论谈判者的跨文化谈判成功中的基本要求rn12) 论英语广告中常见的语义修辞rn13) 论商务营销中的文化差异与影响rn14) 对谈判技巧的对比研究rn题目是这些,任选一个就可以~~要完整的论文rn字数再4000左右!!多谢啊 急用啊rnps:本人英语实在是不好!!

This thesis is developed from my years of study on campus; Numerous people have lent me a helping hand in completing this research.
Firstly, special thanks go to Mr. Zhou Wenge, the instructor of this paper as well as a respectable teacher in School of Foreign Studies, Hunan University of Science and Technology, whose frequent guidance and invaluable suggestions lead to the accomplishment of the thesis. Mr. Zhou’s hardworking and responsible spirits set a good example for all the undergraduates of 2006.
Secondly, thanks go to all the university leaders and teachers, who have imparted the essence of knowledge to me, especially to Mr. Zhang Jinghua, who has taught me Translation and whose original ideas and interesting lectures make great impression on me and finally lead to the start of the thesis.
Last but not the least, thanks go to all the school librarians, who have done very much in supplying us with reference books, as well as to those authors whose works have been quoted by me in the thesis.

Based on the characteristics of spoken language and strategies used in negotiation, this thesis discusses the methods to avoid pragmatic failures and understand the different language communicative skills in different cultures, and elaborates several ways to master good language communicative skills in order to give full play to language’s advantages so as to increase the successful chances of international business negotiation.

Key words: language communicative skill; international business negotiation; characteristic; pragmatic failure

贸易谈判是贸易活动很重要的环节,而语言则是谈判的媒介,商务谈判的过程是1个围绕双方经济利益, 通过语言进行沟通和协商的过程,实质上就是谈判者运用语言进行协调磋商,谋求1致的过程。本文从语言表达和施展谈判策略出发,探讨了避免谈判语境中的语用失误,分析了不同文化背景下的语言交际方式,阐述了如何运用语言,掌握良好的语言表达技巧,从而更好地发挥语言在谈判中的作用,以提高商务谈判的成功率。


Civil law and common law is the world's principal legal systems of the two, covering some of the world's major countries. Representatives of civil law in Germany, France and China; and common law is of course the United Kingdom and the United States as its representative. Civil law and common law between the different points of comparison, has been compared by jurists keen topic. Two Legal, in many ways, there is a larger difference, I only proceedings to compare them.

All along, the comparison jurists tend to assume that all the world's well-developed legal systems, similar to the need always to meet a similar approach. [1] However, the civil law and common law in the proceedings on the great differences on the assumption that it broke. Such as the summary of the preparation and conduct of civil proceedings, to the court for the fact that the way to choose or to question a witness or expert mode of the great differences have made this assumption can not be established. And Two Legal because there are so many differences, they are subject to various reasons, such as geographic differences, ethnic habits, cultural characteristics, historical traditions, etc., but I think the main reason or the ideological and cultural traditions impact. Two Legal countries different in many ways of thinking habits, created a big difference in Two Legal.

Anglo-American legal systems in many of the features of the proceedings, in fact, is a decisive result of the fact that the proceedings from the jury system. Now, the general view was that Britain only in criminal cases to use the jury system, and is in serious crimes and the defendant himself that "not guilty" when used. [2] Nevertheless, the civil proceedings in the United Kingdom is still permeated with the traditional jury system. And the impact of the jury system, so that civil trials and criminal trials, as there are many specific proceedings. [3] This will make the proceedings from civil law countries.

In civil law, the proceedings can be divided into multiple partitions hearing. Thus, for a party in court raised an unexpected point of view or evidence, the other party can have sufficient time to the next court hearing further evidence in rebuttal. In the Anglo-American legal systems are very different, due to take a one-time trial, lawyers in order to prevent the same thing happened, not only to their own arguments and evidence make it clear, we must also understand each other's arguments and evidence. Because in common law countries of the trial, if there is unexpected evidence, any party can not easily ask for an adjournment. This makes lawyers must meet with him before the hearing of witnesses in order to find out they will say in court what to do. For such acts, Germany's lawyers say that is a violation of professional ethics. [4] This is not hard to imagine why we are also common law countries litigation often unexpected results, why those who can in the courts to force their own lawyers always respected. And civil law countries the courts have always given people the feeling step by step, and looked good enough, lawyers very difficult to have a very good performance.

Since the common law countries in the use of one-time trial mode, then the judge's role be? Before the start of the trial, the lawyers had carefully prepared for the judges for the controversial issue and the evidence is extremely unclear. It is believed that the judge relied on oral statements through a lawyer to provide all the necessary facts and the law. [5] We all know that in common law countries of the court, lawyers independently decide what to call witnesses, question witnesses. Each party to question witnesses were, and then from the other anti-question. Lawyers question witnesses is also the embodiment of wisdom, good lawyers are often the other witness's testimony can not be trusted, and the judge or jury can not be accepted, thereby losing the effectiveness of the evidence.

Lawyers question witnesses, and judges have a general pay attention only to listen to witnesses. If a judge to speak, are usually only "no effective" or "No null and void" and the judge of statements to determine the question of whether the parties can be adopted. However, common law countries, judges can question witnesses, but their involvement in order to avoid conflict, and remain neutral, and less inclined to open question. There was a very classic case from the negative interpretation of the judge to do so wisely, that is, "Jones v. National Coal Board" case: In that case when the trial judge too many questions, so that the parties can not be with his view that the best way evidence, the Court of Appeal only on the basis of the case back to lower court retrial. [6] This case also illustrates the law of "procedure is superior to the rights of" principle.

Anglo-American judge in the trial have demonstrated a more negative, they are the beginning of the case on the merits ignorant, we must understand in the course of a hearing, which the parties and their lawyers must play a major role. This is mainly because in the Anglo-American legal systems of countries, more common view is that in court proceedings to obtain the true situation in the best way is to allow parties to debate the real situation, which judges would only act as a supervisor of rules of court role, that is, "adversarial" litigation. In civil law countries is just the opposite. In their view, if the judge allows a greater role may be more conducive to discover the true situation. Thus the judge is obliged to ask questions, inform, encourage and persuade the parties, the lawyers and witnesses in order to obtain from them all of the real situation, to avoid the fault of the parties lead to lose. Civil law countries the number of civil trials or with some "inquisitorial" in nature, have some bureaucratic characteristics. [7] for the conduct of proceedings and evidence are required to investigate the main court, the judge who is a positive image of the trial presided over the court. In the United States, "against the system" the implementation of the proceedings is very strict. This is mainly because the common law as long as it is not equitable request, the first phase of civil litigation is still to participate in trial by jury.

l Conclusion
Civil law system inherited from Roman law is mainly generated, and the law is not the succession of Roman law precisely, the difference between the two is enormous. Such as civil law is statutory law, common law and case law, such as it is. In this paper, selected proceedings of comparison, the only civil law and common law judicial system in a concrete difference. Of different legal systems of the differences between it is very meaningful that allows us to learn from each other, in other legal systems in a good system, to improve the country's legal system, which will have an extremely far-reaching implications.

China's socialist legal system construction is in full swing of the stage, in the civil law system based on the statute book at the same time, the appropriate law countries learn from the case law system, to enrich, and improve China's legal system, but also have practical significance. Under the socialist market economic operation process, will inevitably encounter a variety of new situations and problems, which will require us to look at the global, boldly absorb and draw on foreign legal systems of the essence.

Civil law and common law distinction

Generally speaking the distinction between different standards will produce different results, civil law and common law on the judicial, trial basis, the way the proceedings and the court's organizations in four areas, there would be some obvious differences, their summarized as follows: (a) judicial organs: civil law countries generally speaking, its administrative litigation in this case, is not attributable to the jurisdiction of ordinary courts, while others accept the establishment of the Administrative Court, the civil law is the Administrative Court and ordinary courts parallel system, different The two-track system; and the principle of law there is no establishment of the Administrative Court, and in criminal and administrative proceedings, such as property belonging to the ordinary courts to accept jurisdiction, not to set up the Administrative Court. (B) trial basis: civil law countries generally speaking, is mainly to statutory and customary law and case law as a supplement; and law in addition to the Constitution of the United States, the other so-called law, all attach importance to the unwritten code Therefore, in order to implement the customary law and the jurisprudence of the main. (C) proceedings by: civil law countries generally speaking, are generally imposed stereotypes referee organs; and Anglo-American legal systems usually adopt the jury system, as well as tour the trial system. (D) the court organizations: civil law countries generally speaking, usually the implementation of collegiate system, so a large number of judges; and Anglo-American legal systems usually adopt a single system, the fewer the number of judges. III Summary In summary, we can on the judicial, trial basis, the way the proceedings and the court's organizations in four areas to explore the civil law and common law on the distinction between the judicial system, a basic understanding of legal systems, there are help us to enter the halls of the law, but also contribute to the overall structure of the legal system and the overall understanding, to build all the people are aware of the legal community.







l 结 语



一般来说不同的区分标准会产生不同的结果,大陆法系与英美法系就审判机关、审理的依据、诉讼程序的方式及法庭组织等四方面,会产生明显的差异,其简述如下: (一) 审判机关:通常对大陆法系国家来说,其行政案件的诉讼,不归于普通法院管辖,而另外设立行政法院受理,故大陆法系是属于行政法院与普通法院并行制,成为不同的双轨系统;而英美法系原则上并无行政法院的设立,而刑事及行政诉讼等都归属于普通法院来管辖受理,不另外成立行政法院。 (二) 审理的依据:通常对大陆法系国家来说,乃是以成文法为主,习惯法及判例法为辅;而英美法系美国除了宪法外,其它所谓的法律,都重视不成文法典,故以实行习惯法及判例为主。 (三) 诉讼程序的方式:通常对大陆法系国家来说,通常实行定型的裁判机关;而英美法系通常采陪审制度以及巡回审判制度。 (四) 法庭组织:通常对大陆法系国家来说,通常实行合议制,故法官的人数较多;而英美法系通常采独任制,故法官的人数较少。三、小结综上所述,我们可以就审判机关、审理的依据、诉讼程序的方式及法庭组织等四方面来探讨大陆法系与英美法系就司法制度的区别,法系的基本了解,有助于我们进入法律的殿堂,更有助于整体法律系统及结构的整体了解,以构建全民都了解法律的社会。
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本文标题: 审问制(inquisitorial system)与陪审制(jury system)有什么区别
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/jingdianwenzhang/230225.html



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