古典学研究生阅读书单7: 古罗马艺术与考古学

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古典学研究生阅读书单7: 古罗马艺术与考古学

这是科罗拉多大学的研究生阅读书单(硕博皆可), 实在是太好用了。各个方面都包含到了, 包括:历史,宗教与神话,哲学与政治理论, 以及艺术和考古学。并且这四个分项每个都包含古希腊与古罗马两个小项(哲学除外)。在此推荐给所有学习古典学以及对古典学感兴趣的同学,我相信无论你喜欢古典学的哪个方面, 你都可以在这个书单里找到想阅读的东西。本科生同样适用,对于古典学专业的同学,请按照书单上的要求(必读与选读)进行阅读。非古典学专业的同学, 你不一定非要按照书单去读完所有的书, 请按照自己的兴趣挑选书籍来读。当然了,这只是我的一个小建议,如果你觉得你所在的学校的阅读书单比这个更好的话,那么自然就不需要按照这个书单去阅读了。其实这个书单还有两部分是关于读原典的,我之前发过, 详情请看下面这篇文章。


这是最后一部分古希腊艺术与考古学的推荐书目, 本系列至此全部完结。

Roman Art & Archaeology Reading List

Required Readings: Students should demonstrate general knowledge of the basic characteristics of style, iconography, function and design in Roman art and architecture from the Republic to the Constantinian period. The monuments and artifacts represented in the slide identification portion of the M.A. comprehensive exam will be those illustrated in these texts:

● Kleiner, F., The History of Roman Art (2006)

● Hölscher, T., The Language of Images in Roman Art (2004)

● Ramage, N. and A. Ramage, Roman Art (2008, 5th edition)

● Sear, F., Roman Architecture (1982)

● Stewart, P., The Social History of Roman Art (2008)

ESSAYS: Students should demonstrate advanced knowledge and critical reading of THREE areas of Roman art and archaeology:

I. Republican and Imperial Architecture:

1. Rowland, Ingrid D. and Thomas Noble Howe, Vitruvius. Ten Books on Architecture. (1999)

2. Jones, M. Wilson, Principles of Roman Architecture (2000)

3. Anderson, J., Roman Architecture and Society (2002)

4. MacDonald, W., The Architecture of the Roman Empire, vols. I (1982 2nd ed.) and II (1987)

5. Wallace-Hadrill, Houses and Society in Pompeii andHerculaneum(1996)

6. Zanker, P., Pompeii: Public and Private Life (1999)

7. Boatwright, M., Hadrian and the City of Rome (1987)

8. Yegul, F., Bathing in the Roman World (2021)

9. Favro, D., The Urban Image of Augustan Rome (1996)

10. Adam, J-P, Roman Building: Materials and Techniques (2008reprint)

II. Republican and Imperial Sculpture

1. Brendel, O., Prolegomena to the Study of Roman Art (1979)

2. Kleiner, D., Roman Sculpture (1992)

3. Friedland & Sobocinski (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Sculpture (2021)

4. Ridgway, B. S., Roman copies of Greek sculpture: the problem of the originals (1984)

5. Rose, C. B., Dynastic art and ideology in the Julio-Claudian period (1997)

6. Nodelman, S., “How to read a Roman Portrait,” in D’Ambra, E., ed.,Roman Art in Context: An Anthology (1993)

7. Zanker, P., The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus (1988)

8. Torelli, M. Typology and Structure of Roman Historical Reliefs(1982)

9. Gazda, E., The Ancient Art of Emulation: Studies in Artistic Originality and Tradition from the Present to Classical Antiquity. Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, Supplementary Volume I (2002)

10. P. Stewart, Statues in Roman Society (2004)

11. Marvin, M., The language of the muses: the dialogue between Roman and Greek sculpture (2008)

12. Varner, E., Mutilation and transformation: damnatio memoriae and Roman imperial portraiture (2004)

III. Painting and Mosaics

1. Ling, R., Roman Painting (1991)

2. Ling, R., Ancient Mosaics (1998)

3. Leach, E., The Social Life of Painting in ancient Rome and on the Bay of Naples (2004)

4. Brilliant, R., “Pendants and the Mind’s Eye,” Visual Narratives. Storytelling in Etruscan and Roman Art(1984)

5. Bruno, V., “Antecedents of the Pompeian First Style,” AJA 73 (1969): 305-317

6. Holliday, P., “Roman Triumphal Painting: its function, development, and reception,” Art Bulletin, v. 79 (Mar. 97):130-47

7. Clarke, J., The Houses of Roman Italy, 100 B.C. – A.D. 250: Ritual, Space and Decoration (1991)

8. Bergmann, B., “The Pregnant Moment: Tragic Wives in the Roman Interior,” in Kampen, N., ed., Sexuality in Ancient Art (1996)

9. Cohen, A., The Alexander Mosaic: Stories of Victory and Defeat (1997)

10. Dunbabin, K., Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World (2006)

IV. Coins, Gems and Metalwork

1. Harl, K., Civic Coins and Civic Politics in the Roman East(1987)

2. Bieber, M., “The Development of Portraiture on Roman Republican Coins,” ANRW I.4 (1973): 871-98

3. Pollini, J., “The Gemma Augusta: Ideology, Rhetorical Imagery and the Creation of a Dynastic Narrative,” in P. Holliday, Narrative and Event in Ancient Art (1993)

4. Wallace-Hadrill, A., “Image and Authority in the Coinage of Augustus,”JRS 76 (1986): 66- 87

5. Howgego, C., Ancient History from Coins (1995), Chapter 4,62-87

6. Burnett, A., “Buildings and Monuments on Roman Coins” in Paul and Ierardi, eds.,

Roman Coins and Public Life Under the Empire (1999)

7. Greene, K., The Archaeology of the Roman Economy (1986), chapter 3 (“Coinage and money in the RomanEmpire”)

8. Kuttner, A., Dynasty and Empire in the Age of Augustus:The Case of the Boscoreale Cups, University of California Press, 1995

V. Art and Architecture in Late Antiquity

1. Banchi-Bandinelli, R., Rome, the late Empire; Roman art, A.D. 200-400. Translated by Peter Green (1971)

2. L’Orange, H. P., Art Forms and Civic Life in the Late RomanEmpire(1965)

3. MacCormack, S., Art and Ceremony in Late Antiquity (1981)

4. Rothman, M., “The Thematic Organization of the Panel Reliefs on the Arch of Galerius,”

AJA 41 (1977): 427-454

5. Curran, John R., Pagan city and Christian capital: Rome in the fourth century (2000)

6. Marlowe, E., “Framing the Sun: The Arch of Constantine and the Rome Cityscape,” Art Bulletin 88 (2006): 223-242

7. Elsner, J., Art and the Roman Viewer: The Transformation of Art from the Pagan World to Christianity (1994)

8. Pierce, P., “The Arch of Constantine: Propaganda and Ideology in Late Roman Art, Art History 12 (1989): 387-418

9. Wilson, R. J. A., Piazza Armerina (1983)

10. Holloway, R., Constantine and Rome (2004)

11. Krautheimer, R., Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture (1975, Penguin paperback)

本文标题: 古典学研究生阅读书单7: 古罗马艺术与考古学
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/jingdianwenzhang/136782.html



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