
发布时间: 2024-11-11 16:07:39 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 93




After reading simpleversion king,Ifirst read mylistening textbook havespecial feeling about it.You know,some love storys may truelove may long-lastinstead beingwidely broadcast world.Itsounds littlestrange,but myfoolish thoughts.But lostmyself deeplytouched certainlystrenghens my belief truelove. All he wanted womanhe fell lovewith.But unfortunately,the country coldly said”NO!” He EdwardVIII ,king greatBritain,king thirty-nineother countries,but wrongthings he loved heshould royalfamily. woman’sname sobeautiful hiseyes shebelongs otherman,she has already married.What bothman loveeach other than any other things,so onlything pursue,theyhave choice.Thewoman wrote hishusband divorce,howgenerous kindher husband was,he agreed hewould always hisside whenever luckyindeed. kinghad makehis choice,the truth hecouldn’t marry womanlike Wallice hewould like GreatBritain.When making decisions,he said”I king,butalso love.”Hechoose cherishhis fortune beautifulwoman.The love story shok world,theking leave lovedeach other happylife,like those happiness people overthirty years, Edward had been looking ideal.He richEngland prince Hehad lived authoritativelife. him.One day, his heart embarrassed.His world seemed changing.He wanted verydifficult. Because he had fallen beautifulwoman.With attractive lips smile.Her eyes were full fire.Edwardmet her once hewould miss her forever. Beautiful love’s difficult alwaysput test.Edward hardwork. How could he marry marriedwoman? Real love forever.He had left didn’tregret Becauselove would forgive everything hadlived purelove. Thoughtless highrank luxury.Edward happybecause he had found ideal.Happiness “longlive love’’.


 “A few hours ago,I discharged my last duty as King and Emperor. ”
  "And now that I have been succeeded by my brother,the Duke of York."
  "My first words must be to declare my allegiance to him.This I do with all my heart."
”Why do people only focus on what he gave up?What about what I gave up?“
  ”My privacy.My freedom…My reputation.“
   "Aunt Bessie,I feel ashamed to admit I feel suffocated by his constant attention
Like a child,he continues to bemoan his lack of usefulness.Yet,how can I change that which I caused?"


我昨天刚读完一本书(英文短篇小说中英文对照)——《一个国王的爱情故事》The Love of a King。这真的是一本很好的书,原因之一是因为这个故事写的真的很感人,几次我的眼泪都想出来玩玩,但是我忍住了,可是到最后我的脸颊上还是留下了两道泪痕;原因之二就是因为这本书我百分之八、九十都可以看懂(英文,因为比较简单吧!)。
“内心深处的幸福是世界上最美妙的。”To be happy deep inside your heart is the most wonderful thing in the world!
Long live love!爱情万岁!
本文标题: 一个国王的爱情故事读后感英文翻译(一个国王的爱情故事读后感英语100词)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/396533.html



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