
发布时间: 2024-07-08 09:18:32 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 91




【 #英语资源# 导语】《追寻生命的意义》是2003年8月1日新华出版社出版的图书,作者是维克多·E·弗兰克尔,译者弗兰克尔,何忠强,杨凤池。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Nietzsche said, "people who know why they live can survive." In Victor's Autobiography of the concentration camp in pursuit of the meaning of life, he describes the miserable life of Auschwitz prisoners and expresses the positive attitude of "meaning therapy".

  "It's a long way to go. I'll seek it from top to bottom". An ordinary person's life will pursue his unique ideal. Ordinary people have their own meaning of existence. If a prisoner who lives in a concentration camp every day has lost his personal freedom and experienced all kinds of hardships, does his life still need to pursue the so-called meaning of life? Victor used his personal experience to tell us the psychological course and life story of the prisoners in the concentration camp.

  The prisoners who first arrived in the concentration camp, from the struggle after suffering in the concentration camp for a period of time to indifference, and finally a state of numbness and despair. Human nature can not be simply divided into good and evil, especially in the extremely harsh environment, the deepest human nature is extremely easy to be exposed, and the boundary between good and evil becomes so blurred. The bad living environment often stifles the hope of survival, and people die in despair.

  "Whenever we see a cellmate smoking, we know that he has lost the courage to live. Once courage is lost, it is almost impossible to recover it. " Why should people live? What is the meaning of life? Victor did not give us a direct answer, and the meaning of existence is different because of the uniqueness of each life body, but he elaborated three methods: creating or engaging in work that can reflect the value of life, experiencing love and being loved, and a positive attitude of enduring and surpassing pain.

  The first two are easy to understand and accept, but is it the meaning of life to endure and surpass pain? Why should we live? To live is to endure the inevitable suffering and adopt a positive attitude. Asking the meaning of living is a sublimation of self spirit.


  When you are in an extremely bad environment for a long time and have nothing to lose except your own life, what will happen to your psychology? Is it like teacher Ju Sanbao's inner cry, where is the meaning of life? What is the value of living? Living can not change the comfort of life and inner satisfaction. What is the purpose of living like this?

  Austrian psychologist Frankel, as a survivor of the World War II concentration camp, in the autobiographical book "pursuit of the meaning of life", Dr. Frankel spoke from his own experience, invented the "meaning therapy", and explained the prisoners' treatment of life in the concentration camp from the perspective of psychology. It also explains why some people can survive strongly in the environment of concentration camps, while others give up their lives early!

  There is no emphasis on human nature in the concentration camp. The people living in it are equal to half of your body entering the loess. If you are sick or injured, you will lose the value of existence as long as you lose your ability to work. The only thing waiting for you is death. Such a life and death are only in one thought, and all kinds of torture make people miserable. In the face of such a life, not a few people give up their life, but some people insist all the time! As a keen observer and witness, he further led to a serious topic from these painful and real experiences - where is the meaning of our life? That is, why do we live?

  Live only for the good memories of the past. The sweet memories of the past can also bring comfort to people in trouble. Maybe it's just a candlelight dinner with the people you love, maybe it's just a walk away trip, but these trivial things will make you laugh foolishly and want to be as sweet as honey. More importantly, this is hope: in the future, we may have these happy moments again! As a member of the world, who doesn't want it?

  Dr. Frankel was a doctor before he entered the concentration camp. Whenever he recalled the scenes of treating patients and saving people, he was happy. He wants to live, even if he has only a bare body, and there is the possibility of death at any time, but when he recalls the beauty of that moment, the whole person will be excited. He wants to immerse himself in this world, because the world has given him too many beautiful memories, and he is reluctant to leave this world.


  When people are in an extremely bad environment for a long time, all human values are destroyed and always shrouded in the shadow of death, what changes will happen to people's psychology under high pressure? Is there any meaning in this painful and hopeless life? Austrian psychologist Frankel, as a survivor of the World War II concentration camp, in the autobiographical book "pursuing the meaning of life", tells about the profound impact of that extreme environment on the psychological state of ordinary prisoners, as well as the cruel survival struggle of prisoners in order to survive for themselves and their friends. As a keen observer and witness, he further led to a serious topic from these painful and real experiences - where is the meaning of our life? That is, why do we live?

  In the concentration camp, prisoners are deprived of all their property and rights. They are not only hungry and cold, but also may die at any time. Prisoners who are judged to be weak and ill will soon enter the gas chamber. Here, their lives are particularly small and fragile. However, according to Frankel's observation, people who are not so strong but have rich mental activities seem to be more likely to survive. He himself is an example. His thoughts and love for his wife made him outline her image very clearly in his mind, and talked and laughed with her vividly and interestingly. Love transcends the barriers of time and space and even life and death, and brings inner enrichment and strong support to those who have love“ Put me on your heart like a seal, and love will be as strong as death. "

  The sweet memories of the past can also bring comfort to people in trouble. Maybe it is just a small success, maybe it is just an ordinary family gathering. Can the joy and satisfaction you have felt stay in these memories, make up for and nourish people's emptiness and pain in reality, and more importantly, point to the hope of the future: the future, We will have these happy moments again!


2004,一颗传奇之星冉冉升起;2008,让我们期待他的再次高飞! 让我们一起关注!


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本文标题: 寻找生命的意义刘翔平读后感(阅读生命的意义之后有什么感想50字)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/384376.html



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