勃朗特一家的故事读后感(勃朗特一家的故事 读后感(英文))

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勃朗特一家的故事读后感(勃朗特一家的故事 读后感(英文))

勃朗特一家的故事 读后感(英文)

It is a story full of success and failure, happiness and sadness. It tells us a tragic about three gifted girls’ hard work to try to make achievements in their lives. As we know, the Bronte family had three famous daughters who wrote many popular books. Charlotte wrote Jane Eyre, and Emily was the author of Wuthering Heights, and Anne wrote Agnes Grey. The girls of the family were so talented in writing, so they were admired by a lot of people . Though It seems that this family was a lucky one, it was not so lucky as people thought.They lived in a village named Haworth, which was in the north of England. Their father, Patric Bronte, was a rector of the poor village. He had a lovely wife, five daughters and a son. Though they were poor, they lived a happy life. Unfortunately, his wife died from a lung disease, which bought much sadness to the big family. There’s no use of crying, so they had to receive the miserable fact. The eldest girl, Maria , offered to shoulder the responsibility to take care of the family. She usually read books to her sisters and the only boy Branwell. Besides, their father would like to talk about books and news. Under his influence, they became interested in reading and writing.A few years later, Patric took all his daughter except the youngest Anne to a school called Cowan Bridge School. That school was in very bad conditions--the food was often burnt and uneatable, and they couldn’t fall asleep because the beds were so cold. The girls were weak and easy to get sick, and the bad conditions was no doubtly a assist killer –Maria and Elizebeth died. Hearing the news, Patric was shocked and he took his remaining daughters back and decided not to send them to school again. The girls had nowhere to go, so they had to stay at home , spending most of their time in making up stories by imagining.In order to make a living, Charlotte and Anne had to work as governesses though they didn’t like the work. Without any compliant, they tried to make more money to support Branwell .At that time, almost all the people in the society emphasized more on boys than girls, so as the only boy in the family, he was the core. His father put much attention to his education—drawing and writing, but few people liked his paintings and articles. He felt at loss, and began to drink and take drugs, which made his body weaker and weaker. He coughed day and nigh, and at last he died of tuberculosis just like his mother and two sisters. He achieved nothing all his life, but his sisters , who received little education, made great success in the literature world.Women had very low status and they were not allowed to write books as men did, so they had to use men’s name. They wrote many famous books and were popular with people. Charlotte wrote three books Jane Eyre, Shirley and Villette, and Jane Eyre was the most popular one. Anne’s book, Agnes Grey was a story of an unhappy governess. She wrote the story based on her own hard life, and Emily’s book, called Wuthering Heights, was a frightening and breathtaking story. The girls were happy at realizing their dreams, but the happiness didn’t last long.. A few days after Branwell’s death, Emily died. But it was not the end of the family’s sadness. Anne was ill and soon she died. There were only Charlotte and her father left in the big, empty house. She was the only girl who had gotten married. When she was expecting a baby, she became ill. She loved her husband deeply and didn’t want to leave the world, but God took her away to another world. It was a unlucky family,--none of them lived more than 40 except their father; it was a lucky family—they left the world so many great books. I believe if they could live longer, they will write out more famous works for people in the world. And by doing things with heart and soul, women can also do great things as men, maybe better than men.


编辑本段故事内容 《勃朗特一家的故事》这个小故事,是以父亲为主人公,从1855年夏洛蒂·勃朗特去世那年的时间开始,以倒叙的方式写的。故事讲述了勃朗特一家从父亲帕特里克,母亲玛丽亚,以及他们的六个孩子,大女儿玛丽亚,二女儿伊丽莎白, 三女儿夏洛蒂,儿子布兰韦尔, 四女儿艾米丽到 小女儿安妮的故事。勃朗特一家住在英国的霍沃斯,这是英国一个偏僻的小乡村。勃朗特一家家境贫寒,父亲是个牧师。在夏洛蒂五岁半的时候,也就是1821年的9月,他们的母亲玛丽亚因病去世,享年38岁。玛丽亚的妹妹,也就是勃朗特姐妹的姨妈布兰韦尔终身未婚,一直帮着姐姐照顾留下来的6个孩子,直到她自己二十多年后去世。在母亲去世后,长女玛丽亚是父亲最得意的女儿,一方面因为她有与母亲同样的名字,另一方面是因为她非常懂事而且聪明。在8岁的时候,玛丽亚就承担起了母亲的责任,帮助弟弟妹妹洗澡、穿衣、跟他们玩耍、画画、读书。玛丽亚自己的书也是读得很好。1824年7月,玛丽亚和伊丽莎白被送进了考恩桥学校;同年9月,8岁的夏洛蒂也被送进了这所学校;11月份父亲又把6岁的艾米丽也送进这所学校。1825年的2月份,玛丽亚在学校都了肺病,在家躺了3个月后,不幸去世。临终前,玛丽亚对父亲说:"爸爸别哭,我马上就要和母亲见面了,我马上要和上帝在一起了。"1个月后,二女儿伊丽莎白也得同样的病去世。两周后,父亲把夏洛蒂和艾米丽接回了家。从此以后,他们再没有去过学校。现在,这个家庭只剩下4个孩子了,夏洛蒂、布兰韦尔、艾米丽、安妮。他们是一群喜欢看书,也喜欢写作的孩子。夏洛蒂10岁、艾米丽8岁的时候,她们就写小书、写诗歌。家里唯一的儿子布兰韦尔,偏重于喜欢画油画,但后来也曾经尝试过写作,没有成功。微长大些,勃朗特三姐妹试图在外面找工作,他们曾经去做过家教,但是做都不开心。最后,三姐妹跟父亲说,要开办学校,父亲也同意了,但是这个学校从来没有招徕过一个学生。1842年,夏洛蒂和艾米丽去了比利时布鲁塞尔他们的父亲的朋友处学法语,安妮还是留在老家附近当家教。1845年,父亲帕特里克的眼睛完全瞎了。

勃朗特一家的故事 概要 最好是英文的 谢了

We are strong,too ----The feelings of Bronte story

It is a story full of success and failure,happiness and sadness.It tells us a tragic about three gifted girls’hard work to try to make achievements in their lives.

As we know,the Bronte family had three famous daughters who wrote many popular books.Charlotte wrote Jane Eyre,and Emily was the author of Wuthering Heights,and Anne wrote Agnes Grey.

The girls of the family were so talented in writing,so they were admired by a lot of people .Though It seems that this family was a lucky one,it was not so lucky as people thought.



本文标题: 勃朗特一家的故事读后感(勃朗特一家的故事 读后感(英文))
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/382332.html



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