书虫系列读后感(书虫系列 读后感)

发布时间: 2023-03-04 16:57:05 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 112


书虫系列读后感(书虫系列 读后感)


《歌剧院的幽灵》 《阿拉丁和神灯》 《汤姆·索亚历险记》 《福尔摩斯和公爵的儿子》 《福尔摩斯与赛马》 《绿野仙踪》80—100字的 ,初一水品,谢谢了~~
3本书虫系列书的读后感 要用英文写的 字数最好250以上 ...这是《钢琴之恋》的读后感 An Analysis of Jane Eyre The novel is rich in poetry, ...


我认为 鲁滨孙漂流记》读后感 书,是人类进步的阶梯;书是知识的海洋;书,是全人类的老师。只有读书,才能让我们懂得无限的知识。是书,带领我们进入广袤无边的大海。 每一个人都有各自喜欢的书籍。其中我比较喜欢看《鲁滨孙漂流记》。因为这本书中的主人公——鲁滨孙,是一个勇敢、有主见的人。而我就比较喜欢这类的人。 英国著名作家丹尼尔·笛福把鲁滨孙的一个个故事,一个个情节写得栩栩如生。其中我最喜欢看的部分就是第一章了。因为这一段情节描述了鲁滨孙在遇难后的生活,与自己辛勤努力的结果,而且在这儿的从中体现出了他的机智与勇敢。 鲁滨孙居然能在荒岛上生活了28年,这个巨大的数字,是我们每一个人所不能承受的,而且他在那个鬼地方无依无靠,只能用自己的双手与智慧来战胜困难,但是我觉得他也是十分幸运的,因为在这么多人中,只有他幸存下来,他利用自己的智慧与勇敢战胜了困难。在1868年终于回到了祖国,离别了28年的祖国。 他的精神十分值得人佩服。这使我明白了,不论遇到什么困难,都不是不可能战胜的,所以我们一定要勇敢的面对。 书能让我们从中懂得许多的道理与知识。 出身于商人之家的鲁滨孙,不想平庸地生活,一心向往着充满冒险与挑战的海外生活,于是毅然舍弃安逸舒适的生活,离家出海航行,去实现遨游世界的梦想,但每次都历尽艰险。有一次,风暴将船只打翻,鲁滨孙一个人被海浪抛到一座荒无人烟的海岛上,在那里度过了28年孤独的时光。 带着自己的梦想去畅游鲁滨孙的世界,体会他勇于冒险和百折不挠的精神。了解了他的性格:他敢于冒险;勇于追求自由自在,无拘无束的生活;即使流落荒岛,也绝不气馁;一个硬汉子的坚毅性格和英雄本色。“鲁滨孙”已经成为冒险家的代名词和千千万万读者心中的英雄。鲁滨孙在荒无人烟,缺乏最基本的生存条件的小岛上,孤身一人,克服了许许多多常人无法想象的困难,以惊人的毅力顽强地活了下来。没有房子,他自己搭建;没有食物,他尝试打猎,种谷子,驯养山羊,晒野葡萄干;他还自己摸索着做桌椅,做陶器,用围巾筛面,做面包~~~在这荒无人烟的海岛上,鲁滨孙运用自己的智慧,创造性地解决了衣食住行等多方面的问题。做陶器,做面包等细节描写都充分表现了他积极面对困难的豁达态度和他非凡的创造力。
小说网址大全: http://www.shuosky.com/


ane Eyre — A Beautiful Soul(简爱)
Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty.


Hemingway had once said The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn was the best novel in the history of American literature at that time.I admire him since he had won the Nobel Price ,a symbol of kind of authority.From the Internet,I also learned that the story of Huck Fin is so popular in U.S. that several movies about it had been released.It is only natural for me to hold high expectation towards the book.
   When reading the novel, i was astounded by Huck's free will and his typical character.He hates to "sivilized"by the conventional morality and would rather live in the wild to explore the truth of the nature.
   In my real life,most of us are obedient in the presence of social norm.The community is the place where we were brought up and where we will flourish or go down.It taught us to know the underlining rules in the daily life when sophistication is high-praised.Afraid of being alienated,we try to assimilate ourselves to adjust to the environment.In the process of seeking respect and acknowledgement,we gradually lost our individuality and become interdependent.The collectivistic culture does have great influence in our life.Sometimes it is just too "harmonious" that everything turns to be unnaturally unified.Our country is not developed in many senses,in order to get better control over the mass,the impressive huge population,our education had once become the industry to produce standardized products.Critical thinking was ignored and denied,for disobedience might result in disorder.How lucky for today's youngsters,to breathe the free air to the heart's content!We can gain information from various channels,and to voice ourselves freely,at least in the Internet.
   Our hero,Huck,who symbolizes the character of the rising emigrants on the new continent,is daring and unconventional,keeping pursuing freedom and individuality.His sympathy for the slave,Jim,finally overcomes previous prejudice.And this shows a new trend of thought,a universal equality recommended by the new nation.Under the premise of not hurting anyone,he is in pursuit of his freedom to the greatest extent.How I envy his broad mind and unrestrainedness! The very individualistic oriented culture,which makes U.S. such a prospers enterprise country,is distinctively revealed.The people there love challenging tasks and welcome the competitive industrial life.It is estimated that on average Americans change their jobs every four years,yet in China many people prefer relatively steady occupation.(A typical one is civil servants.These days many people jump at the entering for the exams of national public servant).Clearly, it is our national character,to look for a cautious or moderate way in behaviour and decision.However,the age is changing rapidly,the new generation has become more bold and flexible.And i am also curious about what our county will grow to be.
   Besides,the language of the book is also "unsilvilized",it is composed with the dialect among blacks in the southern states.As an authentic presentation of the life of southerners,the wording is coherent with the style of Huck:fresh and unspoiled.
   The theme of freedom also can be perceived from the depiction of Jim.Nobody is born to be slave or inferior,if he behaves uncivilly,that is because society fail to cultivate him.Today Barack Obama has conquered the whole nation with his wisdom and charm.And he is the vivid illustration of racial equality in U.S.
   This an age for freedom,and our Mark Twain had sensitively caught the essence of the the stream of times in advance.That is where his greatness lies.
本文标题: 书虫系列读后感(书虫系列 读后感)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/289825.html



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