
发布时间: 2022-09-16 20:14:39 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 83




I just read Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne. Besides a great book and a fun read, I found there to be a number of principles in there that are useful for managing and executing any project or undertaking. Without giving away too much of the book if you haven't yet read it, here it goes:
1) Singleness of purpose: Phileas Fogg had one goal in mind. It was not to tour the world and learn about new cultures. It was to win the bet with the Reform Club that he could circumnavigate the globe in 80 days or less. Granted he may have missed out on some chances to learn a new language or receive insight into the way others live, but that was not his goal and he knew it.
2) Availability of resources: It's true that money can't buy you love but it can buy a heckuva lot of other things! Having the cash that he did bailed him and Passapourt out of many a jam throughout their adventure. You should always count the cost before taking on any venture in terms of financial and human resources.
3) Keep a cool head: If Phileas Fogg was nothing else it was unflappable, composed, self-possessed, and cool-as-a-cucumber. No matter what the obstacle, he never lost his composure. Bringing a project in on time and within budget means dealing with all of the issues that come up with coolness, logic, and good decision-making.
4) Openess to risk: Phileas Fogg was willing ot risk his entire venture to save the woman Auoda from death. He was not reckless, however! He was able to work himself into a position to take this risk by getting ahead of schedule where he could afford to try and save the woman. Success in this venture leads to one of the greatest benefits of the entire voyage although he does not know it at the time.
5) Expect the unexpected: Early in the tale when confronted with all the uncertainties involved in his proposed endeavor, Phileas states simply that "The unforeseen does not exist." What he means is that every roadblock can be anticipated with enough foresight. Likewise, we can use careful planning to mitigate many of the possible pitfalls for any given project we undertake.
A great exercise would be to have your young reader (11 or older) read the book and see if they can pull any of these principles out and use it as a discussion starter. Enjoy Jules' fun classic of adventure!!


This summer, my mother bought a lot of extracurricular books, "Around the World in 80 Days," "海底两万里." The "Around the World in 80 Days" This book is my favorite one of the books.
On the main charges in Lisburn. Fokker, Around the World in 80 days of the story. Fokker, Ruya is a gentleman, was born in London. He did not like dealing with the outside world, not to participate in the Parliament, not business, not a farm, he is the improvement of the club members. On one occasion, he and a friend chat, how can we debate villain in a short period of time fled to other countries. Fokker, in order to prove that they can use 80 days around the Earth told a friend playing a gamble. At that time, he immediately to good things and servant "road roads lead to" do a good job with the preparation of the road. He cross-Europe, the Indian Ocean, riding an elephant through the jungles of India, and China's Jing Tao Hailang sea battle, he received the final victory, and has a rich prize. To this end he created a great record at the time - Around the World in the 19th century than the 18th century, around the Earth 10 times faster.
See the book, my heart felt Fokker, too powerful, his firm will to overcome the difficult 000-risk insurance 1000, completed a century when the eyes of a book is purely a crazy feat. I Ganwu Dao from the book: in the face of dangerous and difficult circumstances, people should calmly, calmly trying all kinds of difficulties overcome those clothes, the final victory will belong to you!

求一篇八十天环游地球英文版读后感 200字左右

Around the World in 80 Days
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In 1872, Phileas Fogg, an English gentleman, bets 20,000 pounds that he can travel around the world in 80 days. Remember, there were no airplanes or other types of high speed travel.
Fogg and his servant, Passepourtout, leave from London, England and travel across four continents on their trip. In India, they meet a beautiful princess and save her life. She joins them on the journey and falls in love with Phileas Fogg.
They are followed around the world by Detective Fix, who has mistaken Fogg for a bank robber. He causes the group lots of trouble and delays, and finally arrests Fogg on the last day of the journey.
The trip was also delayed by storms at sea, unfinished railroad tracks, and an Indian attack in the American West.
Do you think Phileas Fogg and his friends made it around the world in 80 days?
With all of the delays, the group thought they arrived back at London five minutes too late. However, the next day they discovered they were one day ahead of schedule. This was because they had travelled all the way around the world in an eastward direction, making them gain an extra day as they travelled across different time zones


In 1872, Phileas Fogg, an English gentleman, bets 20,000 pounds that he can travel around the world in 80 days. Remember, there were no airplanes or other types of high speed travel.
Fogg and his servant, Passepourtout, leave from London, England and travel across four continents on their trip. In India, they meet a beautiful princess and save her life. She joins them on the journey and falls in love with Phileas Fogg.
They are followed around the world by Detective Fix, who has mistaken Fogg for a bank robber. He causes the group lots of trouble and delays, and finally arrests Fogg on the last day of the journey.
The trip was also delayed by storms at sea, unfinished railroad tracks, and an Indian attack in the American West.
Do you think Phileas Fogg and his friends made it around the world in 80 days?
With all of the delays, the group thought they arrived back at London five minutes too late. However, the next day they discovered they were one day ahead of schedule. This was because they had travelled all the way around the world in an eastward direction, making them gain an extra day as they travelled across different time zones
本文标题: 八十天环游地球英文版读后感(八十天环游地球英文读后感)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/218606.html



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