读书笔记:Speak Business English like an American-14

发布时间: 2021-04-10 16:51:54 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 96


读书笔记:Speak Business English like an American-14

Lesson 13: Discussing a Mistake

这节课是讨论当别人犯错误的时候,怎么来处理问题。当你承认自己犯错误了,你可以说drop the ball。当你觉得这个错误只是小题大做,你可以说 make a mountain out of a molehill。

当你和别人讨论这个结果是否达到标准时,达到标准可以说up to scratch。

这节课还有个很好用的习语,当你想要提醒别人格外小心和注意时,可以说Be sure to dot your i’s and cross your t’s,大家要记住哦。


I could’ve sworn that… 我确信

I really thought that; I was convinced that

Example: You didn’t know we already hired somebody for the sales director position? I could’ve sworn that I told you.

Note: “Sworn” is the past perfect tense of “swear.”

(to) dot your i’s and cross your t’s 加倍注意

to be very careful; to pay attention to details

Example: When preparing financial statements, accuracy is very important. Be sure to dot your i’s and cross your t’s.

(to) make a mountain out of a molehill 小题大做

to make a big deal out of something small or insignificant

Example: Don’t be angry at your boss for not complimenting you on your presentation. He probably just forgot. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.

(to) blow things out of proportion 夸大

to exaggerate; to make more of something than one should

Example: Our CEO says that if we don’t meet our sales target for the month, our company is going to go out of business. He’s probably blowing things out of proportion.

(to) drop the ball 犯错误

to make a mistake; to fail; to do something poorly

Example: You forgot to submit the budget? You really dropped the ball!

Origin: When a football player drops the ball, his team loses the chance to score.

(a) bitter pill to swallow 难以接受

bad news; something unpleasant to accept

Example: After Gina spent her whole summer working as an intern for American Express, failing to get a full-time job offer was a bitter pill to swallow.

up to scratch 达到标准

good; at the expected level

Example: Your customer service call center isn’t up to scratch. They put me on hold for 45 minutes!

Note: You will usually hear this expression in the negative: not up to scratch.

asleep at the wheel 心不在焉

not performing well; neglecting responsibilities; not paying attention to what’s going on

Example: The dental hygienist was asleep at the wheel. She accidentally left a big piece of dental floss in the patient’s mouth!


Lesson 13: Discussing a Mistake

Chris and Todd work for Alpine Design, a furniture manufacturer. When Todd

accidentally orders the wrong amount of wood, his boss Chris warns him to be

more careful in the future.

Chris: Todd, we got our shipment of wood yesterday. We’re short by 18 tons.

Todd: Our wood supplier must’ve made a mistake. I could’ve sworn that I ordered the right amount.

Chris: You’d better go back and double-check your order.

Todd: Oops, you’re right. I accidentally ordered two tons instead of twenty. No big deal. I’ll just put in another order.

Chris: When filling out order forms, you need to dot your i’s and cross your t’s. You shouldn’t be making careless mistakes like this.

Todd: I just forgot to add a zero after the two. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill. No need to blow things out of proportion.

Chris: This is very serious. Now we won’t have enough wood to finish the furniture order we got from La-Z Boy.

Todd: Okay, sorry I dropped the ball.

Chris: Todd, this may be a bitter pill to swallow, but your work lately hasn’t been up to scratch. You’ve really been asleep at the wheel!

本文标题: 读书笔记:Speak Business English like an American-14
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/135355.html



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