
发布时间: 2022-11-06 14:01:31 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 作文 点击: 101




英语范文:Love or Money? 

There is a Web site called the “World Database of Happiness.” It combines and analyzes the results of hundreds of surveys from around the world that have been conducted on life satisfaction. Most of the findings are predictable, but a few are surprising.

The database makes it clear that there is not a strong connection between material wealth and general contentment. It is a cliché to say that money can’t buy happiness, but the old saying seems to be supported by research. Many people still cling to the belief that gaining riches will be the answer to all their problems, yet they are probably mistaken.

Studies have been carried out on people who acquired sudden wealth, such as lottery winners. In most cases, after the initial joy had worn off, people were not left with a sense of lasting happiness. In fact, they tended to revert to the way they felt before they became rich. Previously contented people continue to be contented, while those who were miserable before sink back into misery. 

If material wealth does not bring happiness, then what does? Perhaps happiness has something to do with where you live. The authorities at the World Database on Happiness have surveyed levels of happiness in different countries. Apparently, people in America, Canada, and Singapore are very happy; people living in India and Russia, not surprisingly, are not happy. 

Other surveys consistently point to the importance of relationships. Family relationships in particular seem to be the key to long-term contentment. The Web site suggests that falling in love and having children are two of the situations that bring the greatest happiness. 

Nowadays people look to technology as an alternative source of satisfaction. People increasingly spend more time alone watching TV or surfing the Internet rather than spending time with family. Can technology truly make people happy? It is too difficult to tell, but one thing is sure: If the Web site’s research is accurate, time spent with your family is a better investment than time spent making money. 


有一个网站叫 “世界幸福数据库”。它综合并分析了来自世界各地对生活满意度所做的上百个调查得出的结果。大多数结果都在意料之中,不过也有一些意外。这个数据库表明物质生活的富裕和整体的满意度并没有太大的联系。虽然 “金钱买不到幸福”已是陈词,但研究结果似乎证实这句俗话。许多人仍然坚信得到财富就可以解决他们所有的问题,但他们可能错了。) 研究一夕致富的人,比如赢得彩票奖金的人,在大多数情形下,最初的欣喜逐渐消失后,人们心中并没有留下持久幸福的感觉。事实上,他们往往又回到致富前的心理状态。过去满足的人仍然很满足,而那些在过去郁郁寡欢的人则又重拾悲伤.如果物质生活的富裕无法带来快乐,那么到底什么才能使人快乐呢?也许快乐和你居住的地方有关。 “世界幸福数据库”的专家调查了不同国家的快乐程度。显而易见,美国,加拿大和新加坡的人非常快乐,而住在印度和俄罗斯的人,毫不意外地并不快乐。;其它调查结果一致指出各种人际关系的重要性。尤其家庭关系似乎是令人能长久感到满足的关键。这个网站指出坠入情网和生儿育女是给人们带来最大幸福的两大源泉。


金钱和幸福 Money and Happiness
What is happiness? If someone has a lot of money, does he really be happy? The two questions point out the relation about money and happiness. Today, people treat money the first place in their life, they work hard for making money, because without money, one can’t do a lot of things, indeed, we need money. When people get married, the first thing they do is to get enough money to buy a house, money seems everything. While on my opinion, money can’t buy happiness, I see some guys who are not rich, but they live in a free way, they move everywhere they want, they feel happy. So happiness is from someone’s heart, it is nothing to do with money.


今日作文题:Can Money Buy Happiness? 金钱能买到幸福吗?提示句:许多人认为钱越多,越幸福。我认为幸福取决于……应该如何对待金钱?范文:Can Money Buy Happiness?金钱能买到幸福吗?Nowadays, a lot of people in society think the more money they have the more happiness they will obtain. As a result, they will try their best to get money, even without considering the law.现在,社会上有许多人认为,他们拥有的钱越多,他们能够得到的幸福就越多。因此他们想方设法去赚钱,甚至不顾及法律。But in my view, the greatest happiness lies in one's satisfaction with one's surroundings. So long as we can look at things with a happy heart, we can be happy. It has nothing to do with a mount of money we have. Therefore, people shouldn't pay too much attention to their money. On the contrary, what they should do is to put their money to good use and try to have an optimistic outlook all the time.但是,在我看来,最大的幸福在于人们对其周围环境的满意程度。只要我们拥有一个愉悦的心情,我们就会幸福。我们是否幸福和我们有多少钱并没有关系。因此,人们不应该太看重钱,相反,他们应该做的是把他们的钱用在正确的途径上并保持一个乐观的态度。 NOTES1. lie in 在于例:The solution lies in the improvement of the economic environment.(解决办法在于改善经济环境。)在英国英语中,lie in 还能解释为“睡懒觉”。例: I like to lie in at weekends. 我爱在周末睡懒觉。此外,lie in 还能表示“位于;存放于;(死者)葬于”。例: The castle lies in a valley. 城堡位于峡谷里。His grandfather lies in the churchyard. 他祖父葬于教堂的墓地。2. so long as 只要 = as long as例:You may take this book away so long as you return it on time.(只要你准时把书还回来,你可以拿走它。)As long as you tell truth , I'll try to help you.(只要你说实话,我会尽力帮助你。)3. have nothing to do with... 与……无关


题目"幸福能用金钱买到吗?"rn"幸せは お金で 买える?"rnrn要求400个字就可以了..小学生水平就可以了rnrn先给100分..好的还会再追分的..谢谢了
幸せというのは 人によって考え方が违います、高い地位にいるとか 金持ちになるとか そういうことで 幸せだと思っている人が多いです。金持ちだからといって幸せとは言えない お金でほしいものが得られますけど お金で何ても できるわけではないです。お金で 买えないものがたくさんあります 例えば 友情 知识 真心などです。 私にとって爱しっている家族 と 暖かい家を持っているのは幸せだと感じます。幸せというのは 鸟じゃなくて主动的に飞んでこられないから 绝え间なく 求めるしかない。 実はね 生きているのは 幸せだと思います ほとんどのものは 失ってはじめて 大切さをしっています、
持っているすべてを大切にするしてほしい 。。。


时に商品に幸福と爱の定义は、购入することができます。しかし、爱と幸福の棚は、生活がある场合は、冷蔵库を购入する必要がある、冷冻库にアップ。幸せというのは 人によって考え方が违います、高い地位にいるとか 金持ちになるとか そういうことで 幸せだと思っている人が多いです。金持ちだからといって幸せとは言えない お金でほしいものが得られますけど お金で何ても できるわけではないです。お金で 买えないものがたくさんあります 例えば 友情 知识 真心などです。 私にとって爱しっている家族 と 暖かい家を持っているのは幸せだと感じます。幸せというのは 鸟じゃなくて主动的に飞んでこられないから 绝え间なく 求めるしかない。 実はね 生きているのは 幸せだと思います ほとんどのものは 失ってはじめて 大切さをしっています、
持っているすべてを大切にするしてほしい 。。。

本文标题: 日语作文:金钱可以买到幸福吗
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/zuowen/245373.html



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