
发布时间: 2023-08-01 19:00:54 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 情感美文 点击: 98



唯美经典的英语美文 带翻译



  One warm evening many years ago…


  After spending nearly every waking minute with Angel for eight straight days, I knew that I had to tell her just one thing. So late at night, just before she fell asleep, I whispered it in her ear. She smiled – the kind of smile that makes me smile back – and she said, “When I’m seventy-five and I think about my life and what it was like to be young, I hope that I can remember this very moment.


  A few seconds later she closed her eyes and fell asleep. The room was peaceful – almost silent. All I could hear was the soft purr of her breathing. I stayed awake thinking about the time we’d spent together and all the choices in our lives that made this moment possible. And at some point, I realized that it didn’t matter what we’d done or where we’d gone. Nor did the future hold any significance.


  All that mattered was the serenity of the moment.


  Just being with her and breathing with her.


  The moral: We must not allow the clock, the calendar, and external pressures to rule our lives and blind us to the fact that each individual moment of our lives is a beautiful mystery and a miracle – especially those moments we spend in the presence of a loved one.



  Everybody has to face bad days in their life. Some face ailments, some face fears, some face poverty, some face helplessness etc etc. No one can escape from it. It is a rule of life. Two things always combines together like joy and sadness, laugh and cry, health and illness, profit and loss, morning and night, confidence and inferiority complex, victory and failure likewise good days and bad days.


  You know what is the biggest advantage of bad days? You come to know GOD. What is God? What he can do? He is so friendly, understanding, loving and moreover God is the Superman he can do anything in a second. Yes true he can do anything. He is the only light in darkness. God is so merciful he always forgives and never complaint whether you ignore him many times that is why according to me God is the only best and faithful friend who never cheats.


  When bad days come a person first of all cannot understand what is going on, why me? But after sometimes he realises his strength and start doing every single thing to come out of it. And he comes out but that journey is though very painful but when you once crossed it you will find your journey very meaningful, you will feel like as your rebirth. You have totally changed your thoughts, your perception, and you can understand life better. You get the meaning of your life. In short you start becoming wise.


  The biggest lesson of life during bad days according to me is that a person becomes spritual and a giver which he wasn't before. Life means to creat it. First think what you want in your life then start giving the same think. This is one of the most important thing I have learnt in my life. You want love then start spreading it, you want money then start giving to needy, you want happiness then start doing all things which give happiness. Everything is in your hand you only need to give first. If don't have everything then give or share what you have. Still you feel you have nothing to share then give smile. You can't imagine that your smile can do wonder for someone. So start smiling from today onwards.


  The most beautiful lesson I have learnt in my life is that If you are in pain then remember one thing: time is though hard but it would be the best time of your life. You know why we have to face hard days? Did you think about it? No!!!! Ok I will tell you. We always forget two unforgettable things. First is God and second is family. Nowadays money is everything. Money is important, in fact very important but it is not a life so why to spend whole life in earning money. When will we live? What you can do now you can't do it tomorrow so don't let the day pass without enjoying.


  One thing I must share with you is that if you want to grow and learn more than you know, then do whatever you want to do but beyond your comfort zone. Always try to think that I can, then nothing is impossible for you. Difficulty is in the mind not in work.You know one thing when we accept life as it comes or we accept that everything happens for a reason or for our betterment. Believe me you will find your hard days as an adventure but you need to trust God and at the end you will find yourself a winner.


  I hope you like it. Love you all and God bless you all with healthy wealthy long life and good destiny.



  When I was seven years old, I would put my school book bag on both my shoulders and had it sit plumb in the middle of my back, as backpacks were made to do.


  One morning, when it was so frigid outside you could barely muster getting out of bed, my older brother joined me at the bus stop, and told me I was wearing my backpack wrong. He grabbed it, tossed it over my right shoulder with both straps on the same side and said, “There, that’s better.”


  Then he said, “You’re not pretty, so you have to try harder. OK?”


  I stayed smiling because even at a young age, I understood the importance of pretending to not have emotions. In my household, it was a matter of survival. But what he said crushed me.


  Soon thereafter, I started picking up on the signs one receives when they aren’t attractive. This was made more complicated because I had a lot of friends and people who, for the most part, liked me. I was good at sports. I had various musical talents and up until life completely fell apart at home, I was a good student. I was also a fighter so people didn’t dare make fun of me overtly, at least before growth spurts kicked in and the playing field was still even.


  Mostly, I paid for not being conventionally attractive by being ignored or not included in “moments” – the many moments attractive people experience.


  Many times, I walked into a room with all of my friends and witnessed them receiving compliments – everyone except me. It’s not that people look at you say, “My god, you’re incredibly ugly. Tell me, how do you not kill yourself?” It’s how you can stand next to an attractive person and the people around you, even the unattractive ones themselves, will say, “Wow, your friend is pretty. Look at her, have you ever seen a girl so pretty?”


  It took me being observant and honest to see I didn’t belong. It took studying the aesthetics in photos taken by my friends and knowing something wasn’t quite right. It’s a lack of pride you know would be there if you were just prettier, or sexier. It’s that you simply know that no matter what you do, sans literal plastic surgery, you will never belong to a certain club.


  But here is where I throw you a curve ball: my being unattractive hasn’t stopped me from living the other side’s life. Most people never figure out how to navigate this world I live in. I will just tell you I rejected the rules of the beautiful, and learned how to make them work for me.


  I decided I would shoot out of my league. I made friends and dated people I shouldn’t be allowed to date. I stepped over the line. I surrounded myself with individuals who are more educated, prettier or smarter than me, even in the face of people saying, quite literally, “they are out of your league.”


  I may not technically be the smartest or most beautiful person, but I run with those who are. I become by association, even a touch of such, even at a lower rank – beautiful. I buck the system.


  To do so, yes, means you may be painfully aware of what you are and will never be. You will be defined by what you have the nerve to aim at being. In doing so, you will challenge and question what smart is. You will not be generic, or predictable. Attractive is only what we define it to be. Don’t pigeonhole yourself so quickly. Live the life you want to live – even if you didn’t win the genetic lottery.





  Everybody Listen To Me请大家听我

  When you see a child fall into a river, but you can’t swim, you rush out and go into a noisy place, you want to tell somebody what has happened, but nobody listens to you. What will you do? Wait for the child’s death and say nothing more because you are too shy? No, you must cry out: “Everybody listen to me!”

  So, confidence and courage can save one life or more than one even a lot of persons’ happiness. You mustn’t just wait and say nothing, for fear that nobody hears you. Because they think you have no serious things and mind their own business that is more important than yours in their opinion. At this moment, you must think nothing but cry out, and somebody will know what has happened.

  Not only when you meet some dangerous things but also you want to let everyone know your advantages, you must cry out: “Everybody listen to me!” too. In that case, somebody will pay attention to you. You will shine sooner because of your courage.

  当您看到河里的孩子下降,但你不能游泳,你冲出走 到喧闹的地方,你想告诉别人发生了什么,但没有人听你。你会怎样做?等待 孩子的死亡和无话可说,因为你太害羞吗?不,你必须呼吁:“请大家听我的!” 因此,有信心 和勇气,可以挽救一条生命,或一个以上的人甚至'幸福很多。你不能只是等待,什么也不说了 恐怕没有人听到你们的声音。因为他们认为你没有严重的东西,自己做自己的业务,更重要的是 在他们看来比你的。此时,你必须想只是哭出来,会有人知道发生了什么事。 不仅当你遇到一些,而且你想让大家知道你的优势,危险的事情,你必须呼吁: “大家听我的!”了。在这种情况下,有人会注意你。你迟早会发光因为你的 勇气。


  The Opinion of Buying Cars买车的意见

  Nowadays, we can often hear the discussion whether buying cars should be encouraged. Some people suggest that we should buy cars. But others claim that driving cars is not a wise idea. As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the latter opinion.To begin with, there are few parking lots, so the streets are made narrower by the cars parked along the roads. For example, my father could not find any places to park when we went to the supermarket.Moreover, many drivers do not obey regulations, because people do not pay enough attention to the rule of traffic. For instance, I often see people cross the road when the traffic lights are still red.Last but not least, the growth of new roads’ construction is usually slower than the increasing number of cars. For example, the length of the road has gone up by 20% in 2002. However, the number of cars increased by 50% in the meantime.From what has been discussed above, we could draw a conclusion that encouraging buying cars is not fit for today.

  现在,我们经常能听到的讨论是否应该买车 鼓励。有人建议,我们应该买汽车。但也有人声称,驾驶汽车是不是一个明智的想法。据我 本人而言,我是赞成后者opinion.To上午首先,很少有停车场,所以作出的街道狭窄 沿道路停放的汽车。例如,我的父亲找不到停车的地方,当我们去了 supermarket.Moreover,很多司机不遵守规则,因为人们没有给予足够的重视规则 交通。比如,我经常看到人们过马路的红绿灯时,仍然red.Last但并非最不重要的增长 对新道路的建设速度比通常的汽车越来越多。例如,道路的长度 上升了20%,于2002年。但是,汽车数量增加了50个具体讨论了什么meantime.From%以上,我们 可以得出一个结论,鼓励买车不适合今天。


  A Farm-一个农场

  This is a diagram of a farm. The arrow marks north. The farm lies in the west of the city, one hour away by train from the city center. The farm is 1.5 miles wide and 2 miles long. The office building stands in the center of the farm. To the left of the building is a chicken house and to the right a garage. There is a garden in front of the building and a playground behind it. A wheat field in the north takes up half the farm, and a corn field in the south takes up the other half. There is a well near the corn field and a *** all reservoir beside the wheat field. Trees are planted around the farm to prevent the crops from being blown down by strong winds.

  这是一个农场的示意图。箭头指向北。农场位于城市西边,从市中心乘火车一小时到达。农场宽1.5英里,长2英里。农场中 间矗立著办公楼。楼的左侧是鸡舍,右侧是车库。楼前有一个花园,楼后是运动场。北面的小麦田占农场的一半,南面的一半是玉米田。玉米 田边有一口井,小麦田边有一个水库。农场四周种植了树木,以防庄稼被大风吹倒。

  A farm is shown in the diagram. The arrow points to north. The farm lies in the west of the city. It is one hour away by train from the city center.It is 1.5 miles from east to west, 2 miles from north to south. In the middle there is an office building. To the west of the building is a chicken house and to the east is a garage. There is a beautiful garden in front of the building and a playground behind it. A wheat field takes up half the farm in the north, while the southern half of the farm is a corn field. There is a reservoir beside the wheat field, and a well is near the corn field, both of which make it easier to water the crops. Around the farm many trees are planted to protect the crops from strong winds.

  示意图上是一个农场。箭头指向北。农场位于城市西边。从市中心乘火车一小时到达。农场东 西宽1.5英里,南北长2英里。农场中间有一幢办公楼。楼的西边是鸡舍,东边是车库。楼前有一个漂亮的花园,楼后是运动场。小麦田占了农 场北面的一半,农场的南半部是玉米田。小麦田边有一个水库,玉米田附近有一口井,这些方便了庄稼的灌溉。农场四周种植了许多树木,以 保护庄稼免受大风吹袭。



  Spring is the first season of a year, There are there months in spring : Morch , April and May , The weather is warm and windy. It rains a lot. The trees turn green and all the flowers are coming ont. In spring, I can wear my shirts. I often plant trees and go hiking . So I like spring very much. Of course, I like the Spring Festival, too.

  Spring is the most beautiful and the most wonderful season .I love everything that the spring brings .

  In spring ,the days get warmer and warmer ,it's not cold and not hot .And I can do enough outdoor activities, like flying kites. And at this time ,the trees become green and the flowers give off fragrance .There are also many butterflies and bees over the flowers .

  In this season, it usually rains quietly,and the rain will moistens the trees and the flowers .What a beautifull scence!




  There is a tall tree in front of my house. I love it very much. When spring comes, the thick leaves make the tree beautiful and lively. And in summer, my parents and I often sit under the big tree and enjoy the cool air.

  But when autumn comes, the leaves will turn yellow, and fall from the tree. And then, it stands there in the cold wind alone. I am sad, too.

  Mother tells me the tree wil grow bigger and taller in the coming spring. I feel happy again.



  Of the four seasons,I love Spring best.In Spring,the weather gets warmer and everything begins to grow rapidly.If we go to the countryside on a sunny day in Spring,w’ll find tree turning green and flowers blooming.Besides my personal interests,I think the most in important reason Why I like Spring is that Spring signifies hope and progress.I love Spring.





Life is full of confusing and disordering Particular time, a particular location, Do the arranged thing of ten million time in the brain, Step by step , the life is hard to avoid delicacy and stiffness No enthusiasm forever, No unexpected happening of surprising and pleasing So, only silently ask myself in mind  Next happiness, when will come?

人生的纷纷扰扰,杂杂乱乱, 在一个特定的时间,特定的地点, 做脑海中安排了千万遍的事, 一步一骤,人生难免精致,却也死板, 永远没有激情,没有意料之外的惊喜。 于是,也只有在心里默默


Happiness is so much simple, on your center of palm, a match a hand can grasp; Happiness is also very difficult, before your heel, A thousand mountains and rivers but blunder away because of Doing not turn a head.


我推荐: 100字英语美文摘抄大全


Always insisting. Use iron scoop is too cold; Use porcelain scoop is too weak; A wood scoop, engraved veins safely, engraved sky’s wasteland and glebe’s old. Just as happiness born in the years, not insolent, the every act and move blooms quietly.

一直坚持着。用铁勺太冰冷;用瓷勺又太脆弱; 一只只木勺,刻出了纹理安然,刻出了天荒地老。 一如岁月中隐忍着的幸福,不张狂,举手投足间悄然绽放


Never believe, next will be better, Blunder away, never repair return of regret. Even met the god of shining in a dream, Never ask: "Next happiness, when will come?"

千万不要相信,下一个会更好,错失了,就是补不回的遗憾。即使在梦中,遇见了那熠熠的神明,也永远不要问:“下一班幸福,几点开 ?”


Dark light, just light each other. The responsibility that you and my shoulders take together, the such as one dust covers up. Afraid only afraid the light is suddenly put out in theendless dark night and Countless loneliness.

暗黄的灯光,仅仅也只能照射过彼此。 你、我肩上共同担当的责任,犹如一片灰尘遮掩。 怕只怕灯丝的突然熄灭在这无尽的黑夜.数不尽的孤单


  优秀的英语美文:The Love of Beauty
  The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature. It is a moral quality. The absence of it is not an assured ground of condemnation, but the presence of it is an invariable sign of goodness of heart. In proportion to the degree in which it is felt will probably be the degree in which nobleness and beauty of character will be attained.

  Natural beauty is an all-pervading presence. The universe is its temple. It unfolds into the numberless flowers of spring. It waves in the branches of trees and the green blades of grass. It haunts the depths of the earth and the sea. It gleams from the hues of the shell and the precious stone. And not only these minute objects but the oceans, the mountains, the clouds, the stars, the rising and the setting sun---all overflow with beauty. This beauty is so precious, and so congenial to our tenderest and noblest feelings, that it is painful to think of the multitude of people living in the midst of it and yet remaining almost blind to it.

  All persons should seek to bee acquainted with the beauty in nature. There is not a worm we tread upon, nor a leaf that dances merrily as it falls before the autumn winds, but calls for our study and admiration. The power to appreciated beauty not merely increases our sources of happiness---it enlarges our moral nature, too. Beauty calms our restlessness and dispels our cares. Go into the fields or the woods, spend a summer day by the sea or the mountains, and all your little perplexities and anxieties will vanish. Listen to sweet music, and your foolish fears and petty jealousies will pass away. The beauty of the world helps us to seek and find the beauty of goodness.

  优秀的英语美文:The Happy door
  Happiness is like a pebble dropped into a pool to set in motion an ever-widening circle of ripples. As Stevenson has said, being happy is a duty.

  There is no exact definition of the word happiness. Happy people are happy for all sorts of reasons. The key is not wealth or physical well-being, since we find beggars, invalids and so-called failures, who are extremely happy.

  Being happy is a sort of unexpected dividend. But staying happy is an acplishment, a triumph of soul and character. It is not selfish to strive for it. It is, indeed, a duty to ourselves and others.

  Being unhappy is like an infectious disease. It causes people to shrink away from the sufferer. He soon finds himself alone, miserable and embittered. There is, however, a cure so simple as to seem, at first glance, ridiculous; if you don’t feel happy, pretend to be!

  It works. Before long you will find that instead of repelling people, you attract them. You discover how deeply rewarding it is to be the center of wider and wider circles of good will.

  Then the make-believe bees a reality. You possess the secret of peace of mind, and can forget yourself in being of service to others.

  Being happy, once it is realized as a duty and established as a habit, opens doors into unimaginable gardens thronged with grateful friends.
  优秀的英语美文:Born to Win
  Each human being is born as something new, something that never existed before. Each is born with the capacity to win at life. Each person has a unique way of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and thinking. Each has his or her own unique potentials---capabilities and limitations. Each can be a significant, thinking, aware, and creative being---a productive person, a winner.

  The word “winner” and “loser” have many meanings. When we refer to a person as a winner, we do not mean one who makes someone else lose. To us, a winner is one who responds authentically by being credible, trustworthy, responsive, and genuine, both as an individual and as a member of a society.

  Winners do not dedicated their lives to a concept of what they imagine they should be; rather, they are themselves and as such do not use their energy putting on a performance, maintaining pretence and manipulating others. They are aware that there is a difference between being loving and acting loving, between being stupid and acting stupid, between being knowledgeable and acting knowledgeable. Winners do not need to hide behind a mask.

  Winners are not afraid to do their own thinking and to use their own knowledge. They can separate facts from opinions and don’t pretend to have all the answers. They listen to others, evaluate what they say, but e to their own conclusions. Although winners can admire and respect other people, they are not totally defined, demolished, bound, or awed by them.

  Winners do not play “helpless”, nor do they play the blaming game. Instead, they assume responsibility for their own lives. They don’t give others a false authority over them. Winners are their own bosses and know it.

  A winner’s timing is right. Winners respond appropriately to the situation. Their responses are related to the message sent and preserve the significance, worth, well-being, and dignity of the people involved. Winners know that for everything there is a season and for every activity a time.

  Although winners can freely enjoy themselves, they can also postpone enjoyment, can discipline themselves in the present to enhance their enjoyment in the future. Winners are not afraid to go after what he wants, but they do so in proper ways. Winners do not get their security by controlling others. They do not set themselves up to lose.

  A winner cares about the world and its peoples. A winner is not isolated from the general problems of society, but is concerned, passionate, and mitted to improving the quality of life. Even in the face of national and international adversity, a winner’s self-image is not one of a powerless individual. A winner works to make the world a better place.

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本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/qingganmeiwen/323755.html



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