
发布时间: 2021-12-06 10:32:38 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 情感美文 点击: 100





To foster the development of work in progress and to support the dissemination of results in an archival publication, OSA encourages manuscripts based partly or entirely on work presented at conferences to be submitted to an OSA Journal.


  1. 改投期刊的论文需要比会议论文更充实,有更多的实验数据更多的干货,总之就是要扩展内容。
Such submissions will have been expanded, revised, and/or refined to add value to the conference proceedings; for example, by including more complete data or interpretation in comparison to the paper that appears in the conference proceedings, and may cite a more complete set of the relevant literature.

2. 需要引用原来的会议论文或者在致谢中提到原会议论文,致谢模板为Portions of this work were presented at the {conference name} in {year}, {paper number or paper title}.

Appropriate attribution to the conference proceeding should be included as a citation or an acknowledgment in the journal manuscript. This is also applicable for submissions to feature issues based on OSA conferences. The following statement is suggested for the Acknowledgments: "Portions of this work were presented at the {conference name} in {year}, {paper number or paper title}". Include multiple conferences if applicable.

如果论文还没出版的话怎么引用论文呢,可参阅OSA reference guide 中关于引用未出版文献的建议,在这里我一并列出如下

Manuscript in PreparationS. Pravdo, U.S. Naval Observatory, 3450 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20392, USA, is preparing a manuscript to be called "Effects of pixel crosstalk on astronomical measurements using a large format CMOS-hybrid detector."Submitted for Publication, Not Yet AcceptedS. Pravdo, "Effects of pixel crosstalk on astronomical measurements using a large format CMOS-hybrid detector," Appl. Opt., submitted for publication.Accepted for Publication, Not Yet PublishedS. Pravdo, "Effects of pixel crosstalk on astronomical measurements using a large format CMOS-hybrid detector," Appl. Opt. (to be published).

3. 版权问题,作者需确认会议文集是否允许改投的文章在别处出版。一般来说除非会议明确说明该会议的文集不允许再次改写后出版外,大部分会议都是默认允许的。另外为了规避版权问题,建议改投的期刊文章最好不要用和会议文章一模一样的图,即使要表达同样的意思也可以改配色改造型改布局等等让别人看起来这就是两幅不一样的图。

Authors should verify that copyright policies associated with the conference proceeding allow for publication of derivative work. Authors are responsible for obtaining any permission required to reuse text, figures, etc. Papers from OSA conferences do not require further permissions unless they contain figures, tables, code, etc. which are reprinted from other sources.

4. 改名称,改投论文不要和会议论文有一样的文章名,避免检索的时候带来麻烦。

Many conference proceedings are now indexed by Google Scholar, Web of Science, CrossRef, Scopus, etc. and may also receive a DOI. OSA requires authors to modify the title of the journal manuscript to avoid indexing two publications with the same title.

5. 最后一点,已经被收录为会议论文这一事实并不会为你通过期刊的审稿开绿灯,所有会议改投的论文都必须经过同样的编辑初审,同行评议等程序。

All papers submitted will follow the normal journal processes, including assignment of editors, peer review and appeals.


SPIE publication policy permits manuscripts based partly or entirely on scientific content previously reported in SPIE proceedings to be submitted to SPIE journals.
  1. 改投的期刊文章最好是有扩展,有更多干货,是基于会议论文的更深入研究
In most cases, it is anticipated that the journal submission will represent a substantively expanded, refined, or otherwise revised manuscript relative to the related proceedings paper to fully satisfy the standards of significance, originality, and presentation quality that may result in acceptance through the journal peer review process.

2. 需要在引用或致谢中告知读者本文由会议论文改写

If a manuscript (or portion of a manuscript) was previously published in a conference proceedings or is under consideration for publication in a conference proceedings, this information must be disclosed when the manuscript is initially submitted to an SPIE journal. Authors should also reference or acknowledge the prior proceedings paper within the submitted journal article.

3. 需要确认版权问题,SPIE表示允许自家的SPIE proceedings 改写为期刊论文供给其他出版商,但是需要确认该出版商是否接收会议论文

SPIE copyright policy permits authors to submit derivations of their proceedings papers to their journal of choice. Submissions to SPIE journals are permissible provided the other expectations described herein are satisfied. Authors submitting to journals published by other publishers should verify that publisher's copyright and submission policies.

4. 同样,由会议论文改写而来的期刊论文需要遵循期刊的要求

All proceedings manuscripts submitted to an SPIE journal must be prepared according to the guidelines provided here.


IEEE recognizes that technical research often follows an evolutionary publishing process. For example, research may be published first as a conference paper with preliminary findings, and then as a journal article with fully developed research and conclusions. IEEE supports this process provided that:
  1. 由会议论文改写的期刊论文必须走标准的同行评审流程
The paper undergoes standard peer review every time it is submitted to a conference or publication.

2. 改写的期刊论文需要比会议论文由更多的技术信息,即进行内容扩展

The later version of the article contains substantially more technical information than the earlier version.

3. 改写的期刊论文必须引用会议论文并告知两者的差异

The later version cites the earlier version and clearly indicates how the two versions differ.


1. 有扩展 2. 引用或者致谢告知该内容在xxx会议论文中出现过 3. 最好名字不一样

另外根据我的经验再加一条:4. 在cover letter里明确告诉编辑我这是由会议改写的期刊论文,原论文在xxx会议文集可见,我在其基础上增加了xxx,深入分析了xxx,是对前述研究的完善和补充。


答案是不能,IEEE 在author ethics(作者学术道德规范) 里明确提到了文章发表的内容只能是首次出现,除了上述所说的包括会议论文改写期刊论文在内的增量式发表除外。也就是说由期刊论文改写为会议论文的减量式发表是被IEEE列为了学术不端的,具体可以查阅[4]的Section 8.1.7。其实我们可以想想,增量式发表是有新东西的,是促进科学技术发展的,而减量式发表纯粹是对前述研究的重复,除了水一篇会议文章实在是对科学研究没有任何价值,我们大家应该自觉抵制这种行为。



  1. ^OSA关于会议论文改投期刊论文的说明 https://www.osapublishing.org/submit/review/general_policies.cfm?source=authornav&section=confpapers#confpapers
  2. ^SPIE关于会议论文改投期刊论文的说明 https://www.spie.org/conferences-and-exhibitions/authors-and-presenters/spie-proceedings-to-journal-pathway
  3. ^IEEE关于会议论文改投期刊论文的说明 https://conferences.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/author-ethics/ethical-requirements/
  4. ^https://pspb.ieee.org/images/files/files/opsmanual.pdf
本文标题: 会议文章能否改投期刊文章
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/qingganmeiwen/163704.html



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