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原文链接:Foods to Avoid If You Have Acne 翻译:小甲鱼

By Dr. Mercola

Nearly 85 percent of people have acne at some point in their lives, making acne the most common skin disorder in the US.1 While acne typically begins during puberty, it's not restricted to adolescents and may impact any age group – even into your 50s and beyond.


While not physically dangerous, acne can take a considerable psychological toll. Some sufferers become so self-conscious and embarrassed that their professional and personal lives suffer, leading to increasing feelings of alienation, depression, and social withdrawal.


Many mistakenly believe acne is mostly an aesthetic problem, but it is actually a sign of deeper imbalance in your system, often in your gut. Most physicians miss this connection entirely, instead prescribing acne drugs and other topical treatments.


Americans spend more than $2.2 billion every year on acne treatments, including prescription and over-the-counter products,2 but many will turn out to be useless if you ignore the foundational cause of most acne – improper diet.


Desperate to Clear Your Skin? Stop Eating Gluten and Grains


Full-blown celiac disease, which is an extreme form of gluten sensitivity causing both the adaptive and innate immune system to attack your small intestine, affects an estimated 1.8 percent of people in Western cultures. But non-celiacgluten sensitivity may actually affect as many as 30 to 40 percent of the population, and according to Dr. Alessio Fasano at Massachusetts General Hospital, virtually all of us are affected to some degree.3


This is because we all create a substance called zonulin in the intestine in response to gluten. Glutinous proteins, found in wheat, barley, and rye, known as prolamines can make your gut more permeable, which allows partially digested proteins to get into your bloodstream that would otherwise have been excluded, any of which can sensitize your immune system and promote inflammation, which can contribute to worsening acne.


Once gluten sensitizes your gut, it then becomes more permeable and all manner of gut bacterial components and previously excluded dietary proteins—including casein and other dairy proteins—have direct access to your bloodstream, thereby further challenging your immune system.


If you have acne, you should try eliminating gluten and other lectin-containing foods, although I actually recommend that everyone following my beginner nutrition plan eliminate all gluten from their diets.


Among the most important to avoid are those grains that contain the sticky, hard to digest prolamine proteins, such as wheat, barley, rye, and yes, even oats, rice, and corn. However, I don't recommend you stop there…


Avoid All Grains (and Sugar) If You Have Acne


While glutinous grains should certainly be eliminated if you struggle with acne, I recommend you avoid all manner of refined carbohydrates as well. Acne is much less of a problem in non-Westernized societies, where refined carbohydrates and sugar are consumed in much lower amounts.4 Diets high in sugar and refined carbohydrates are one of the primary causes of acne.


When you eat grain carbohydrates and sugar/fructose, it causes a surge of insulin and insulin-like growth factor called IGF-1 in your body. This can lead to an excess of male hormones, like testosterone, which cause your pores to secrete sebum, a greasy substance that attracts acne-promoting bacteria. Additionally, IGF-1 causes skin cells known as keratinocytes to multiply, a process that is also associated with acne.


Additionally, these very same foods -- refined carbs, such as fructose, sugar, and grains -- will also increase inflammation in your body, which may trigger acne, and at the same time they will also wreak havoc on the makeup of your intestinal bacteria, as mentioned above.


In fact, in 2007 a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that young men (ages 15 to 25) with acne problems who were placed on low-glycemic diets for 12 weeks showed significant improvements in acne and insulin sensitivity.5 Research published last year also found that a high-glycemic diet and frequent dairy consumption are linked to acne.6


Indulge in Vegetables, Limit Processed Foods to Control Acne Flare-Ups


Any meal or snack high in refined carbohydrates (i.e. grains and sugars) will generate a rapid rise in blood glucose. To adjust for this rapid rise, your pancreas secretes the hormone insulin into your bloodstream.


High blood sugar levels cause repeated surges in insulin and this causes your cells to become "insulin-resistant," which leads to the production of even higher levels of insulin, and, eventually insulin resistance, another key factor linked to acne. Prolonged excessive insulin secretion can also eventually burn out your pancreatic beta cells which produce it, leading to "double diabetes," a mixture of type 2 and type 1.


This is why, if you struggle with acne, you want to avoid all foods that contribute to insulin resistance (namely sugar and grains), not just the gluten-containing grains. The best way to know if you are insulin/leptin resistant is to measure your fasting insulin level. If it is below 3, you are not likely resistant.


However, if you are overweight, have high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, or abnormal cholesterol levels, it is likely that you have some element of insulin/leptin resistance and you would likely benefit from restricting your intake of sugars and grains until the conditions resolve.


You'll be happy to know that simply eliminating grains, sugars (particularly fructose), cereals, potatoes, corn, rice, pasta, processed foods, etc., radically improves acne for most people. Fruit contains a fair amount of fructose, so it should be consumed in limited quantities if you are predisposed to acne. Or, at least focus on the low-sugar, high-nutrient-dense fruits like berries.


And fruit juices should be strictly avoided since the sugar is very concentrated in them, without the buffering effect of fiber, pectin, and other food cofactors present in whole, raw, organic fruit. Fresh vegetable juices are great, though, especially green juices, as are most vegetables, which are slow to break down into simple sugars, with minimal insulin impact.


Why Optimizing Your Gut Health May Help with Acne


When you clean up your diet as described above, your gut health will naturally improve. You can further support it by consuming fermented foods regularly, to encourage the growth of beneficial microorganisms, which will benefit your skin health in multiple ways.


For starters, signals from your gut microorganisms are sent throughout your body and interact with organisms in your skin and gut mucosa. Researchers are looking into how these interactions can help with skin conditions like dryness, improve collagen, or stabilize the microflora on your skin to help with irritations. As noted by researchers in Gut Pathogens:7


"The lines of communication, as mediated by gut microbes, may be direct and indirect -- ultimately influencing the degree of acne by a systemic effect on inflammation, oxidative stress, glycemic control, tissue lipid levels, pathogenic bacteria, as well as levels of neuropeptides and mood-regulating neurotransmitters. …there appears to be more than enough supportive evidence to suggest that gut microbes, and the integrity of the gastrointestinal tract itself, are contributing factors in the acne process."


Another interesting connection is via your emotional health, as stress may, too, cause acne via your gut-brain connection. Research by dermatologists John Stokes and Donald Pillsbury conducted more than 70 years posited that your emotions could alter the microflora in your intestines, which could therefore contribute to systemic inflammation that could exacerbate acne and other skin conditions. In 2021, researchers validated this connection, noting:8


"Experimental studies show that psychological stress stagnates normal small intestinal transit time, encourages overgrowth of bacteria, and compromises the intestinal barrier. SIBO [small intestinal bacterial over growth] is strongly associated with depression and anxiety, while eradication of SIBO improves emotional symptoms. Although the frequency of SIBO in acne vulgaris has not yet been investigated, a recent report indicates that SIBO is 10 times more prevalent in those with acne rosacea vs. healthy controls. Correction of SIBO leads to marked clinical improvement in patients with rosacea."


Controlling Acne Takes a Whole-Body Approach


Your skin is your body's largest organ, and an organ of elimination (e.g. sweating), which is why problems on its surface are often a sign of underlying issues. Your complexion is a reflection of your overall health, which is why topical (or worse, systemic) acne drugs will not heal the problem (and may result in serious side effects). Treating acne takes a whole-body approach that will nourish and heal your skin from the inside out, so don't forget to incorporate these essential factors into your acne-busting plan:


  • Avoid starchy carbs, sugars/fructose, and grains: This is probably the single most important step you can take to improve your skin health. If you eliminate all sugars, fructose, and grains for a few weeks there is a major likelihood you will notice rapid improvement in your complexion. Replace these foods with healthy fats, like avocados, olives, olive oil, coconut oil, and butter. Be sure to check out my nutrition plan for a simple guide on how to eat right for healthy skin and overall health.
  • 避开淀粉类碳水化合物,糖类/果糖,还有谷物这可能是你可以采取的去改善皮肤健康的最重要的一步。如果你根除了所有的糖和果糖以及谷物,那么几周之后有很大的可能性你会注意到你的肤色有很快的改善。用健康的脂肪来替代那些食物,比如鳄梨,橄榄,橄榄油,椰子油,还有黄油。当然,可以去查看我的营养计划——一个简单的关于如何吃对健康的皮肤和全身健康有益的指导。
  • Water: Drink plenty of fresh, pure water every day. Hydrating your body facilitates cell growth and regeneration, elimination of wastes, and sloughing away dead skin cells. Hydration will also improve your skin tone. Every day, drink enough water so that your urine is a pale yellow color. If your urine is bright yellow, you probably need to drink more water (unless you take B vitamins, which themselves turn urine bright yellow).
  • 每天喝大量的新鲜纯净的水。使你的身体吸水有助于细胞的生长和修复,垃圾的清楚,以及蜕掉死皮细胞。水合作用也会改善你肤色。每天,喝足量的水使你的尿呈现浅黄色。如果你的尿是亮黄色,你很有可能需要喝更多的水(除非你服用了维生素B,它会使你的尿变成亮黄色)。
  • Exercise: Getting plenty of high-intensity exercise helps your body flush out toxins, including those in your skin's pores. Plus, exercise is vitally important to all other aspects of your heath. If you happen to have access to an infrared sauna, this can be helpful too, because the more you sweat, the more you flush unwanted debris and contaminants out of your pores.
  • 锻炼大量的高强度的锻炼能够帮助你的身体排出毒素,包括那些在你皮肤毛孔里的毒素。另外,锻炼对身体所有其他方面的健康也是至关重要的。如果你打算去做光波浴,运动也可以帮上忙,因为你出汗越多,就会有越多的碎片和污染物从你的毛孔排出。
  • Sleep: Did you know that a good night's sleep can decrease your stress and lead to clearer skin? Your body's main time for healing and rebuilding is at night while you sleep, and this applies to your skin.
  • 睡眠你知道一晚好的睡眠可以减少你的压力和清理干净你的皮肤吗?我们身体治愈和修复的主要时间段就是在晚上你睡觉的时候,皮肤也是如此。
  • Proper balance of bacteria: You can reestablish your bacterial balance by incorporating naturally fermented/cultured foods and raw foods (which contain living beneficial bacteria) into your diet and/or taking a high-quality probiotic supplement. This is especially important if you have been on antibiotics, because these drugs indiscriminately kill off the beneficial bacteria in your gut, without which you cannot have a strong immune system.
  • 适当的菌群平衡通过加入天然的发酵食品或人工培养食品以及一些生的食物(它们包含有活的有益的细菌)到我们的日常饮食亦或是服用高质量的益生菌补剂都可以重建我们身体的菌群平衡。如果你在服用抗生素的话这就显得特别重要了,因为这些药会不分青红皂白的杀死在你肠道里的有益细菌,没有那些有益细菌你就不能拥有一个强大的免疫系统。
  • Vitamin D: This important nutrient is crucial for maintaining a healthy immune response, and most people are deficient in it. Without adequate vitamin D, your body cannot fight infection, in your skin or elsewhere. Exposing large areas of your skin to appropriate amounts of sunshine is the best way to optimize your vitamin D levels, or alternatively use a safe tanning bed.
  • 维生素D这种非常重要的营养素对于保持健康的免疫反应是关键性的,然而大多数人都缺乏它。没有足量的维生素D你的身体就没法对抗传染,包括在你皮肤上的传染或身体别的地方的传染。大面积的暴露你的皮肤在适当强度的阳光里是最好的方式来尽可能地提高你的维他命D水平,或者是可以选用安全的嗮黑床。
  • Animal-based omega-3 fats:Omega-3 fats help to normalize skin lipids and prevent dehydration in the cells. This keeps skin cells strong and full of moisture, which can help to decrease the appearance of fine lines. Fatty acid deficiency can manifest in a variety of ways, but skin problems such as eczema, thick patches of skin, and cracked heels are common. Plus, omega-3 fats may have an anti-inflammatory effect that can help to calm irritated skin, giving you a clear, smooth complexion.
  • 基于动物的ω-3脂肪酸ω-3脂肪酸能够帮助平衡皮肤油脂和预防细胞失水。它可以保持细胞强壮和充满水分,这可以减少细纹的出现。脂肪酸缺乏会在很多方面表现出来,但是皮肤问题是最常见的,比如湿疹,厚块皮肤,以及脚跟皮肤硬化。此外,ω-3脂肪酸可能具有抗炎作用,可以帮助镇静敏感肌肤,给你一个清晰,流畅的肤色。
  • Address your stress: My favorite tool is the Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT. EFT involves tapping your body's energy meridians with the tips of your fingers to clear emotional blocks, thus restoring balance to your mind and body. EFT is a powerful de-stressing technique that is easy for adults and children to learn. You can also add in other proven stress-busters, such as yoga and meditation.
  • 解决你的压力我最喜欢的工具是情感自由技术(简称EFT)。EFT涉及利用你身体的能量经络以及你的指尖来清除情绪块,从而恢复你的身心平衡。EFT是一种强大的减压技术,成年人和小孩都很容易学会。你也可以加入一些其他的被验证了的减压方式,比如瑜伽和冥想。
  • All-natural acne fighter: Rubbing just a drop of oregano oil on a breakout can speed up the healing and prevent unsightly scarring without resorting to harsh commercial acne medication (remember to wash your hands thoroughly afterward).
  • 全天然的痤疮战士只要敷上一滴牛至油在患处就可以加快愈合的速度以及预防难看的疤痕不需要诉诸于严厉的商业痤疮用药(记得用后彻底洗手)。Sources and References
  • Jamaica Observer May 26, 2021
  • Huffington Post February 8, 2021
  • Mother Nature Network May 4, 2021
  • 1American Academy of Dermatology, Acne
  • 2American Academy of Dermatology, Acne
  • 3BMC Med. 2021 Feb 7;10:13
  • 4Arch Dermatol. 2002 Dec;138(12):1584-90
  • 5American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Jul 2007, 86(1):107-115
  • 6Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Volume 113, Issue 3, Pages 416-430, March 2021
  • 7Gut Pathogens 2021, 3:1
  • 8Gut Pathogens 2021, 3:1
    本文标题: 如果你长痘了,请避开这些食物
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