《I Am a Strange Loop》读后感精选

发布时间: 2020-11-29 14:33:49 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 经典文章 点击: 113


《I Am a Strange Loop》读后感精选

  《I Am a Strange Loop》是一本由Douglas R. Hofstadter著作,Basic Books出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 26.95,页数:436,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《I Am a Strange Loop》精选点评:



  ●far from brilliant






  ●The brain is thus seen as having "mind states" that exist between sensory input and behavioral output. These states are loopy and recursive; their present status is as much a function of what they were like an instant ago, as of what new sense data was just inputted into them.


  《I Am a Strange Loop》读后感(一):清晰!

  用极普通的语言谈论级深思的观念, 此书的主题谈到自我,精神哲学,唯物论于唯心论的区别,意识的来源。Hofstadter 用的是纯逻辑,雄辩形而上学中最浇薄的概念,包括象征,思想,和灵魂。Hofstadter 娴熟科学实证法,使用的不是什么深奥芒昧的专业教条语言,而是使任何普通人都能够轻易把握的白话。爱动脑筋的人值得看。真功夫!

  《I Am a Strange Loop》读后感(二):这本书浙江大学出版社到底有没有买版权?????


  《I Am a Strange Loop》读后感(三):Who am I? What am I?







  《I Am a Strange Loop》读后感(四):月度摘抄


  from selbsterhaltung


  I'm a strange loop

  and so no one should have trouble with the idea that "the same hopes and dreams" can inhabit two different people's brains, especially when thoes two people live together for years and have, as a couple , engendered new entities on which these hopes and dreams are all centered. perhaps this seems overly romantic, but it is how i felt at the time, and it is how i still feel. the sharing of so much, particularly concerning our two children, aligned our souls in some intangible yet visceral manner, and in some dimensions of life turned us into a single unit that acted as a whole, much as a school of fish acts as single-minded higher-level entity.


  《I Am a Strange Loop》读后感(五):Abstract

  The idea of "I am a Strange Loop" is that we develop a sense of self from self reference.

  The central thesis is that one can explain how consciousness and self-awareness can arise from previously inanimate systems by the creation of tangled hierarchies where there is no top or bottom because moving up or down in the hierarchy enough times will return you to the level you started at. The author calls these hierarchies strange loops and the title of the book refers to his belief that every conscious "self" is a strange loop.

  The act of believing it had an I, or self, would create one out of the loopiness of the logical process of self reference. By believing it had an "I" or self, it's actions would be influenced by this belief/ "I" thus reinforcing the concept and letting it grow into something more developed(Hofstadter likes to reference his experimentation with a camera that turns it's focus on the tv image it is recording and begins to make very unusual recursive images). The question then becomes, how can you get a computer to believe something? Wouldn't it need an "I" to do that?

本文标题: 《I Am a Strange Loop》读后感精选
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/jingdianwenzhang/126744.html



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