The Hobbit读后感100字

发布时间: 2020-05-25 10:54:44 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 经典文章 点击: 118


The Hobbit读后感100字

  《The Hobbit》是一本由[英]J. R. R. Tolkien著作,HarperCollins出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:£7.99,页数:336,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《The Hobbit》精选点评:




  ●Reread Tolkien's complete works in original way.



  ●A flawless masterpiece.

  ●不论命悬一线还是面对arkenstone,Bilbo无时无刻不想回到温暖的家,倒上一杯热茶,看着蓝天绿树明媚阳光,等待烤箱发出"叮"的一声。他另一半的基因又是机智,真诚,好奇。一个单纯又有好运气的宅男被卷入了史诗般的历险。每次他回忆家乡,都有the Shire的音乐回响。


  ●终于在去看第三部前读完了wwwww托尔金 太赞ww希望第三部比翁就索林那段不要删,挺喜欢这两位的对手戏www,PJ改编电影增加了不少内容,,也删了不少。。

  《The Hobbit》读后感(一):很享受的小说

  很喜欢这部小说,托尔金的描写栩栩如生。神秘的甘道夫、矮人、小精灵、哥布林、座狼、熊人(是不是魔兽争霸里的德鲁伊?读到熊人处的第一猜想 呵呵)、鹰王、精灵族人、人类、乌鸦、还有那只最后的BOSS 大虫。 每一个角色都太棒了,各有各的使命,各有各的特点,真真切切的是一部历险小说!

  《The Hobbit》读后感(二):The Hobbit

  本打算看完7本哈利波特再开始新的系列,可是这套书站在书架上天天盯着我,实在忍不住了,2020年就开始读它吧。 In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit...... 比尔博是一个热爱生活享受安逸的霍比特人,谁能想到有一天他将踏上一段奇幻的旅程,拾获一枚魔戒,成为一名受人尊敬的英雄呢? 读完The Hobbit我有一个大胆的想法,这不就是英国版的《西游记》吗?[嘿哈]尤其冒险结束原路返回时,比尔博和甘道夫重游了之前经历苦难的很多地点,让我马上联想到《西游记》师徒四人修成正果重返大唐那段,搞的我心痒痒又想重读《西游记》了。 霍比特人和哈利波特有个共同点,都是父亲或母亲写给自己孩子的故事,结果出版后变成了经典,父爱与母爱的强大不可估量! 读完书又和孩子一起重温了三部电影,发觉电影一点都不比书差,虽然更改了一些内容,但是改得比较自然合理,不愧为经典佳作,Peter Jackson真是一位伟大的导演。 注:卷福扮演的巨龙Smaug太帅啦!

  《The Hobbit》读后感(三):Love & Peace


  Tolkien果然太TM有才!!!!!!又有好多好多好多单词可以涨姿势了好开心!!!!!!!(过目忘)大王描写好好好少不愉快です>_< 脑补一下大王神情肃穆地参加葬礼和之后春风含笑地宣布Bilbo是精灵之友的场景就整个人又把持不住了待我先去嚎一会儿…………



  《The Hobbit》读后感(四):Masterpiece! Enjoy the english reading!

  I've been spend a little more than a week day's spare time reading this great novel.

  When I first picked up the book, which I've bought for months, I just wondered whether I could read it as a whole or would give up reading after a night. For the very first three chapters I just kept reading for only one reason beyond the novel itself - to try a English learning technique called 'dialysis' that I'd discovered from a book via Internet - which is proven effective indeed, but soon I found the novel a fascinating masterpiece! I was enchanted by the story (in fact just from the 4th chapter)!

  Even though I'd watched the movie of "The Hobbits: An Unexpected Journey"(2019), I still always wondered how the story goes on. In fact, there are many differences between the original novel and the movie, not to tell the movie had just covered one third of the tale. Very soon, the second part of the tale will be on the screen by the end of this year, and the third part is planed for the next year, according to the news. Then I may have a very different mood and expectation to watch that movies.

  For convenience, I read both paper edition and 'txt'-formatted ebook alternately. When on the bus or the train or somewhere, I read the ebook on my smart phone; when at home, before sleep or after morning wake, I read the paper edition. It's so interesting that I can hardly stop each time I must have a pause for other business. I also recommended it to my coleague. Today, when I just finished this wonderful reading, which infact is the first time I read the unabridged and non-interpreted english novel, I will undoutedly recommend the original story to everyone who has a love in life. Just enjoy :)

  tw. Maybe the next exploration will be the trilogy of 'The Lord of The Rings', why not?

  tw2. For this 351 english novel, I jotted down about 233 words as a new vocabulary. And I had to admit that the language is much easy to understand, after all Mr.Tolkien wrote this tale for his kids.

  《The Hobbit》读后感(五):聊聊Thorin






Suddenly there was a great shout, and from the Gate came a trumpet call. They had forgotten Thorin! Part of the wall, moved by levers, fell outward with a crash into the pool. Out leapt the King under the Mountain, and his companions followed him. Hood and cloak were gone; they were in shining armour, and red light leapt from their eyes. In the gloom the great dwarf gleamed like gold in a dying fire.


Bilbo knelt on one knee filled with sorrow. “Farewell, King under the Mountain!”he said. “This a bitter adventure, if it must end so; and not a mountain of gold can amend it. Yet I am glad that I have shared in your perils—that has been more than any Baggins deserves.”“NO!”said Thorin. “There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West. Some courage and some wisdom, blended in measure. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. But sad or merry, I must leave it now. Farewell!”



  ① 小说中所有角色(除了Smaug)都非常喜爱唱歌,就连优雅高贵的精灵们也是一高兴就唱歌,而孤山之歌也是托尔金写的,除了之外他还在书中写了很多歌词。因此,整篇故事的气氛并不沉重感,反而显得更加轻松。

  ② 一行人从头到尾都是慢悠悠地走路,完全没有电影中的紧迫感。当被Goblin追击后,他们在Mirekwood被困一个多礼拜,又在Lake Town吃喝了一个多礼拜,才慢慢地启程去山上开门,我都快觉得一行人不是在冒险了......

  ③ Gandalf在见过密林门口就转去他处了,直到五军之战才出场,而他对自己参加白道会的事一笔带过,我觉得这部分的处理太模糊了。而电影为了凑足三部曲,给了Gandalf很多戏份,甚至褐袍的戏份也加了很多,我觉得改编得非常合理。


  ong of the Lonely Mountain

  Far over the misty mountains cold

  To dungeons deep and caverns old

  We must away ere break of day,

  To find* our long forgotten-gold.

  The pines were roaring on the height,

  The winds were moaning in the night.

  The fire was red, it flaming spread;

  The trees like torches blazed with light.

  * 原作此处是claim。

As they sang the hobbit felt the love of beautiful things made by hands and by cunning and by magic moving through him, a fierce and a jealous love, the desire of the hearts of dwarves. Then something Tookish woke up inside him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick. He looked out of the window. The stars were out in a dark sky above the trees. He thought of the jewels of the dwarves shining in dark caverns. Suddenly in the wood beyond The Water a flame leapt up-probably somebody lighting a wood-fire——and he thought of plundering dragons settling on his quiet Hill and kindling it all to flames.
本文标题: The Hobbit读后感100字



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