Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay读后感100字

发布时间: 2020-05-05 08:30:23 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 经典文章 点击: 117


Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay读后感100字

  《Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay》是一本由Elena Ferrante著作,Europa Editions出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:GBP 11.99,页数:400,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay》精选点评:


  ●[Neapolitan novels no.3] R4 只有我觉得Lila婊么,见不得Lena好//分不清那些男人都是谁了已经。追肥皂剧一样往下追。

  ●I was moved by the energy and power of Lina as a female main character struggling in that feudal community. However, the plain language bored me, as if the author was trying so hard to make the story dramatic and intriguing. Or maybe I'm just not interested in this kind of female power related story



  ●怎么第三本这么无聊了……想看Lila呀 不想看Lenu卖书 | 好吧 Lenu的无聊生活原来都是铺垫,丫要干一票大的


  ●高年级有个优秀的学长→nino,人群中传来一个响亮从容的声音→nino,老婆你猜我带谁来家做客了→nino,(ㅍ_ㅍ) of fucking course.

  ●shameless, yet candid and powerful. Elena变得越来越复杂痛苦了 以及作者真的太会操纵读者的情感


  《Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay》读后感(一):Those who leave and those who stay

  Elena离开了,现在的她拥有高学历的背景、身为大学教授的丈夫、装饰典雅的高级公寓、一本国内外知名的畅销书。Lila在经历过失败婚姻的折磨、逃离、加工厂繁重工作的压榨等等最终又回到了那不勒斯,故事过半,感觉Lila 终究逃不出这里。但人生往往就是这么奇妙,它并不介怀你身处何地、也不在乎你学历如何,它要的是你的心。Elena 看似注定摆脱了原生家庭,但实际上每天面对的就是毫无共同话题的丈夫、完全束手无策的孩子、以及自己渺茫的梦想,不知何去何从,想改变,但改什么、改成什么呢,不知道,所以多洛伦萨如何,那不勒斯又如何,日复一日,终究是自己讨厌的原生家庭生活的重复。至于Lila,这个谜一样的女子,她想干什么,不知道。说要离开stefono的是她,在ste落魄时资助的也是她;说要远离Michelle的是她,回来拿着高薪为她工作的也是她。她的心那不勒斯永远也猜不透,永远也抓不住。或许对Lila 来说,leave or stay根本就不是一个问题,她想去哪就去哪,没人左右得了。

  《Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay》读后感(二):人都是被情感左右的动物







  《Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay》读后感(三):开始准备做减法了



  其中最让我惊讶的说Pietro在婚后的改变。他跟Lenu的相识其实正是因为他的“骑士精神”:虽然他是一个nerd、戴着眼镜的一个书呆子,但就是这么一个百无一用的书生,觉得他有责任去defend her honor。然后在见家长的时候,虽然跟Lenu的出身那么不同,但依然努力地、但却是真心地跟Lenu的家人相处。可是婚后怎么就变成Lenu“丧偶式”地抚养孩子了呢?当然Pietro也会时不时地帮着带带孩子,但是更多感受到的是Lenu因为为孩子和家庭的付出而失去自我的挫败感,并且Pietro也不再跟Lenu交流了。自己在大学有了问题就自己忍着不说,Lenu有了问题更不会去倾听或者关心。


  《Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay》读后感(四):the perfect imperfection







  《Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay》读后感(五):進入佳境

  #書# 2019《Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay》8/10 作者:Elena Ferrante 出版社:Europa Editions 副標題:Neapolitan Novels, Book Three 譯者:Ann Goldstein 出版時間:2019-9 頁數:400

  精簡版:單獨讀書筆記 第三部果然不負所望,角色進入中年期,被社會洪水衝的七零八碎……這套書的社會意義開始顯現。 1. 結構 ==== 1. 結構 經過第一部和第二部的洗禮,讀者未打開第三部之前就已經準備好迎接沒頭沒尾高潮的挑戰,沒想到還是徹徹底底的敗下陣來——作者也知道小打小鬧沒勝算,一上來就是Michele前妻Gigliola暴尸街區,短短幾句話引起讀者無窮的好奇心,四兩撥千斤。同時作者賜予讀者瞇成縫的上帝視角,讓人感歎世事但又不告知細節,讀者恨不得狼吞虎嚥馬上了解來龍去脈,真是王炸般的開頭,輸的心服口服,“I thought of that face in profile on the dirt, of how thin the long hair was, of the whitish patches of skull. How many who had been girls with us were no longer alive, had disappeared from the face of the earth because of illness, because their nervous systems had been unable to endure the sandpaper of torments, because their blood had been spilled.” 時間來到2005,兩人都已經步入中老年,人生之路分開如此之久,姐妹情是否還可以維護?Lenu有心無力,Lila有力無心,怎麼會走到這個地步?但怎麼會不走到這個地步?讀者一邊驗證自己的想法,一邊又不願意接受這個現實,百味雜陳。 Lenu成功離開了街區,離開了那不勒斯,但卻發現這是徒勞無功,自己從來都無法逃離街區;Lila主動回到街區,是因為她看透了離開、留下都是一回事,只有自我消除才是真正的自救。 作者通過姐妹倆的對話順其自然地呼應第一部開篇《Prologue 》裡Lenu氣憤地坐下來記錄兩人一生故事,這場一輩子的“姐妹鬥爭”還沒結束——四部曲長而不散,作者前期結構準備一定下了狠功夫。 另外一個極佳的呼應例子就是第三部中Lila回憶起小學逃學,親口確認她沒有勇氣走出街區,要回去生活——環環相扣,角色形象自由穿越時空對話,娛心悅目的閱讀體驗。 同時 作者也藉著角色進入社會洪流,沒有繼續停留在Naples的表面髒亂,而是借它說出整個意大利的沒落敗壞,直接挑明愚民和政客互為表裡的悲哀,“People died of carelessness, of corruption, of abuse, and yet, in every round of voting, gave their enthusiastic approval to the politicians who made their life unbearable.” 如此精彩的開頭,甚至蓋過了第一部的驚艷,解決了長篇小說中部經常出現的閱讀疲勞問題,為作者豎起大拇指。 2020-01-27未完待續

  詳細版:讀書筆記+相關摘錄 第三部果然不負所望,角色進入中年期,被社會洪水衝的七零八碎……這套書的社會意義開始顯現。 1. 結構 ==== 1. 結構 經過第一部和第二部的洗禮,讀者未打開第三部之前就已經準備好迎接沒頭沒尾高潮的挑戰,沒想到還是徹徹底底的敗下陣來——作者也知道小打小鬧沒勝算,一上來就是Michele前妻Gigliola暴尸街區,短短幾句話引起讀者無窮的好奇心,四兩撥千斤,“the body of a woman had been found in a flowerbed next to the church. We hurried to the gardens, and Lila dragged me into the knot of curious bystanders, rudely opening a path. The woman was lying on one side; she was extraordinarily fat, and was wearing an unfashionable dark-green raincoat. Lila recognized her immediately, but I did not: it was our childhood friend Gigliola Spagnuolo, the ex-wife of Michele Solara..”同時作者賜予讀者瞇成縫的上帝視角,讓人感歎世事但又不告知細節,讀者恨不得狼吞虎嚥馬上了解來龍去脈,真是王炸般的開頭,輸的心服口服,“I thought of that face in profile on the dirt, of how thin the long hair was, of the whitish patches of skull. How many who had been girls with us were no longer alive, had disappeared from the face of the earth because of illness, because their nervous systems had been unable to endure the sandpaper of torments, because their blood had been spilled.” 時間來到2005,兩人都已經步入中老年,人生之路分開如此之久,姐妹情是否還可以維護?Lenu有心無力,Lila有力無心,怎麼會走到這個地步?但怎麼會不走到這個地步?讀者一邊驗證自己的想法,一邊又不願意接受這個現實,百味雜陳,“I saw Lila for the last time five years ago, in the winter of 2005. We were walking along the stradone, early in the morning and, as had been true for years now, were unable to feel at ease. I was the only one talking, I remember: she was humming, she greeted people who didn’t respond, the rare times she interrupted me she uttered only exclamations, without any evident relation to what I was saying. Too many bad things, and some terrible, had happened over the years, and to regain our old intimacy we would have had to speak our secret thoughts, but I didn’t have the strength to find the words and she, who perhaps had the strength, didn’t have the desire, didn’t see the use.” “She had changed a great deal. Age had had the better of us both by then, but while I fought a tendency to gain weight she was permanently skin and bones. She had short hair that she cut herself; it was completely white, not by choice but from neglect. Her face was deeply lined, and increasingly recalled her father’s. She laughed nervously, almost a shriek, and spoke too loudly. She was constantly gesturing, giving to each gesture such fierce determination that she seemed to want to slice in half the houses, the street, the passersby, me.” Lenu成功離開了街區,離開了那不勒斯,但卻發現這是徒勞無功,自己從來都無法逃離街區;Lila主動回到街區,是因為她看透了離開、留下都是一回事,只有自我消除才是真正的自救。 “Leave, instead. Get away for good, far from the life we’ve lived since birth. Settle in well-organized lands where everything really is possible. I had fled, in fact. Only to discover, in the decades to come, that I had been wrong, that it was a chain with larger and larger links: the neighborhood was connected to the city, the city to Italy, Italy to Europe, Europe to the whole planet. And this is how I see it today: it’s not the neighborhood that’s sick, it’s not Naples, it’s the entire earth, it’s the universe, or universes. And shrewdness means hiding and hiding from oneself the true state of things.” “I wanted to acknowledge openly that she had understood everything since she was a girl, without ever leaving Naples. But I was almost immediately ashamed, I heard in my words the irritable pessimism of someone who is getting old, a tone I knew she detested. In fact, in a nervous grimace of a smile that showed her old teeth, she said: “Are you playing the know-it-all, the moralizer? What do you intend to do? You want to write about us? You want to write about me?” “No.” “Tell the truth.” “It would be too complicated.” “You’ve thought about it, though, you’re thinking about it.” “A little, yes.” “Let me be, Lenù. Let us all be. We ought to disappear, we deserve nothing, neither Gigliola nor me, no one.” 作者通過姐妹倆的對話順其自然地呼應第一部開篇《Prologue》裡Lenu氣憤地坐下來記錄兩人一生故事,這場一輩子的“姐妹鬥爭”還沒結束——四部曲長而不散,作者前期結構準備一定下了狠功夫。 “She had an ugly expression of discontent, and she scrutinized me, her pupils hardly visible, her lips half parted. “All right,” she said, “write, if you want, write about Gigliola, about whoever you want. But about me no, don’t you dare, promise.” “I won’t write about anyone, not even you.” “Careful, I’ve got my eye on you.” “Yes?” “I’ll come look in your computer, I’ll read your files, I’ll erase them.” “Come on.” “You think I’m not capable of it?” “I know you’re capable. But I can protect myself.” She laughed in her old mean way. “Not from me.” “I have never forgotten those three words; it was the last thing she said to me: Not from me. For weeks now I’ve been writing at a good pace, without wasting time rereading. If Lila is still alive—I imagine as I sip my coffee and look out at the Po, bumping against the piers of the Principessa Isabella bridge—she won’t be able to resist, she’ll come and poke around in my computer, she’ll read, and, cantankerous old woman that she is, she’ll get angry at my disobedience, she’ll want to interfere, correct, add, she’ll forget her craving to disappear.” 另外一個極佳的呼應例子就是第三部中Lila回憶起小學逃學,親口確認她沒有勇氣走出街區,要回去生活——環環相扣,角色形象自由穿越時空對話,娛心悅目的閱讀體驗。 “she wanted to go back to the neighborhood. “To the neighborhood?” “Yes.” “You’re crazy.” “As soon as I feel better I’ll do it.” I rebuked her, I told her it was a thought induced by the fever, that the neighborhood would exhaust her, that to set foot there was stupid. “I can’t wait to leave,” I exclaimed. “You’re strong,” she answered, to my astonishment. “I have never been. The better and truer you feel, the farther away you go. If I merely pass through the tunnel of the stradone, I’m scared. Remember when we tried to get to the sea but it started raining? Which of us wanted to keep going and which of us made an about-face, you or me?” “I don’t remember. But, anyway, don’t go back to the neighborhood.” 同時 作者也藉著角色進入社會洪流,沒有繼續停留在Naples的表面髒亂,而是借它說出整個意大利的沒落敗壞,直接挑明愚民和政客互為表裡的悲哀,“People died of carelessness, of corruption, of abuse, and yet, in every round of voting, gave their enthusiastic approval to the politicians who made their life unbearable.” “At the top, I thought, live the angels, and surely they delight in the whole city. To climb up there, to ascend—how I would have liked that. It was our skyscraper, even if it was outside the neighborhood, a thing that we saw growing day by day. But the work had stopped. When I came back from Pisa, the station skyscraper no longer seemed the symbol of a community that was reviving but, rather, another nest of inefficiency.” “In that season of rains, the city had cracked yet again, an entire building had buckled onto one side, like a person who, sitting in an old chair, leans on the worm-eaten arm and it gives way. Dead, wounded. And shouts, blows, cherry bombs. The city seemed to harbor in its guts a fury that couldn’t get out and therefore eroded it from the inside, or erupted in pustules on the surface, swollen with venom against everyone,” 如此精彩的開頭,甚至蓋過了第一部的驚艷,解決了長篇小說中部經常出現的閱讀疲勞問題,為作者豎起大拇指。 ==== 2020-01-27未完待續

本文标题: Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay读后感100字



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