典范英语14读后感英文(典范英语8-14的读后感 100字左右 急 谢谢)

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典范英语14读后感英文(典范英语8-14的读后感 100字左右 急 谢谢)


Noisy neighbours " tells the story of the miser is: Mr Flinch very hate neighbors sound, therefore, he used many tricks, but without success. Finally, therefore dissipate his fortune, but still did not cast off his neighbor. Reading this book, I understand a truth: we should not always complain about life and love, as long as you really love life, it will also give you the best return.If Mr Flinch and his neighbors get along very well, so he can really enjoy life. He can revel in music with his neighbours, and he can also learn some repair skills.Most importantly, he would feel very happy. Therefore, let us love life and enjoy life!
《吵闹的邻居》讲述的的是:吝啬鬼Mr Flinch 十分讨厌邻居发出的声响,为此,他用了许多诡计,但都没有成功。最后,因此倾家荡产,但还是没有摆脱他的邻居。读了这本书,我明白了一个道理:我们应当热爱生活而不是成天埋怨,只要你真心热爱生活,它也必将给你最好的回报。如果Mr Flinch和他的邻居们得很好,那么他会真正地享受生活。他可以和邻居一起陶醉在音乐中,还可以学习一些修车的本领。最重要的是,他自己会感觉十分快乐。因此,让我们热爱生活并享受生活吧!


女主人公第一视角叙述 黑夜挣扎 我叫Tess,被卖给别人当女仆,刚进入主人家,我遇见了Mrs Hutton,是管家,Dr Gooch,男主人,Mrs Gooch 女主人,Dr Gooch有个女儿叫Miss Harriet 我碰到了一个骨瘦如柴的烟囱清洁工叫Will,他是被父亲抛弃在这里的,我们很同情他 有一次他去清洁烟囱时不见了,他的雇主Mr Fry很生气,说抓到他要揍他,这时候Miss Harriet尖叫一声,我和Mrs Hutton跑去她卧室,她被一团黑色的东西吓到了,原来是Will Mr Fry和Dr Gooch在逐个查房,我们决定把Will藏起来,当他们进来检查,Miss Harriet说不在这,当他们刚要走,Will咳嗽了一声,Mr Fry发现了Will并把他抓走了 我、Miss Harriet和Mrs Hutton决定去救Will,但Mrs Hutton担心会被开除,于是我决定代替Mrs Hutton去救Will。我藏在Mr Fry的马车里,快要到Mr Fry家的时候,Miss Harriet故意把她的手绢丢出去借口要捡,放走了后备箱的我。我闯进Mr Fry家,Mr Fry正在睡觉,我在一个房间里发现了Will,但是被Mr Fry发现了,我们让Mr Fry跌下来,趁机跑出去并锁上门 但是被Dr Gooch发现了,我们跟他说了Will的故事,Miss Harriet向他求情,他被打动了放了我们 Dr Gooch看穿了Mr Fry的真面目,Will获得了自由,家里又来了一个很体面的仆人。   This is a story about a girl called tess .her mother found a job as a housemaid in mr gooch’house .and tess met a dirty boy called will. one day ,will disappeared.his employer mr fry felt very angry .so they decided to hide will. but mr fry found him and brought the poor boy away.so tess and Miss harriet wanted to save will.tess hided in mr fry’ cart .at last,they saved will successfully.mr gooch get a clear sigh of mr fry.....给我经验啊!我打得好辛苦的说   this is a story about a girl called tess .her mother found a job as a housemaid in mr gooch’house .and tess met a dirty boy called will. one day ,will disappeared.his employer mr fry felt very angry .so they decided to hide will. but mr fry found him and brought the poor boy away.so tess and miss harriet wanted to save will.tess hided in mr fry’ cart .at last,they saved will successfully.mr gooch get a clear sigh of mr fry


3.Nosiy neighbours.
There are two people who are the rich man's neighbours.There are very clever, they got lots of money from that man, and stay together.The rich man only got money, but he don't know how to enjoy this life, he is lonly.He always thought about his money not other people.In the future, I want to be the person who like Poppy Plink or Carl.Their heart are full of happyness, they are hopeful.


Read the " Lost World " have feeling This is not a discourse interpretation of culture, philosophy of heavy books, it is not even a serious reading. It is a novel, but may not be able to bee the reality of a mirror of a society, it is not possible to bring people into deep thinking, but enough to arouse people's infinite daydream and aftertaste. It out and out in the fictional a lustrous and dazzling, full of the unknown and mystery, adventure and challenges of the adventure story, but the story is so exciting, fascinating, it is difficult to release volumes ... ... The book, titled " the lost world ", the author is to " Holmes " series of detective novels are famous for Conan Doyle. About the author, I'm afraid it's been even woman and children all know, unmanned not dawn. However, people usually only dark by him as an excellent detective novelist, but may not notice that he is also a great science fiction writer, " Lost World " is his representative work of science fiction, has bee a classic science fiction for future generations the endless appreciation taste. Imagination is more important than knowledge, has the imagination is a valuable asset, is having the power to transform the world, always maintain a childlike innocence not. When we read feel solemn and the magic at the same time, we are also learning to shake off the dust, so that once the dark dark eyes shine, let a rigid mind again into the source. Thus, our practice, insightful, the mood has been improved. Our knowledge of the real world will increasingly deep, clear and accurate. 读《失去的世界》有感 这不是一部论述文化思想、阐释人生哲学的厚重书籍,它甚至不是一本严肃的读物。它是一部小说,却未必能成为现实社会的一面镜子,它不可能引人进入深沉的思考,却足以勾起人无边的遐想与回味。它彻头彻尾地在虚构着一个光怪陆离、充满着未知与神秘,惊险与挑战的探险故事,但这个故事是如此之精彩,引人入胜,令人难以释卷…… 书,名为《失去的世界》,作者正是以 “福尔摩斯” 系列侦探小说而闻名于世的柯南?道尔。关于作者,恐怕已是妇孺皆知,无人不晓了。然而人们通常只暗熟于他作为一名杰出的侦探小说家,却未必注意到他同样也是一名出色的科幻作家,《失去的世界》正是他科幻作品中的代表之作,业已成为科幻经典而供后人无尽鉴赏品评。 想象力比知识更重要,具有想象力就是获得了一笔宝贵的财富,就是拥有了改造世界的动力,就能够始终保持一颗未泯的童心。当我们从阅读中感受到庄严与神奇的同时,我们也正在学会抖落身上的尘埃,让一度暗黯淡的眼神焕发出光彩来,让一时僵化的头脑中重又注入才思的源泉。这样,我们的修为、见地、心境就都得到了提高。我们对现实世界的认识也就能愈加深刻、清晰而准确。

典范英语8-14的读后感 100字左右,急!谢谢!

"A tale of two cities" is one of Dickens's most important representative works.The novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the French Revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social class is dissolute and cruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depressed classes.
The novel has portrayed many different people. Doctor Manette , Lucie ,Charles ,Lorry ,Sydney and Miss Pross . I like Lorry best,as he is honest and brave.
As an outstanding writer,in Dickens's work,the language skill is essential.the style "A tale of two cities" is solemnity and melancholy,fills indignantion,but lacks the humor of the early works.
本文标题: 典范英语14读后感英文(典范英语8-14的读后感 100字左右 急 谢谢)
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