steve jobs的读后感(乔布斯传读后感600字)

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steve jobs的读后感(乔布斯传读后感600字)


不要用翻译器的,帮我翻译成英文...寒假里利用一些时间读了《史蒂夫•乔布斯传》。该书的作者是美国作家沃尔特• 艾萨克森,他希望该书也能是一本关于创新的书。事实也正式如此。作者走访了乔布斯生活各阶段的重要人物,从不同的视角客观的阐述了人们眼中的乔布斯,多维地展示了乔布斯的一生。 有人说,有三个苹果改变了世界,第一个诱惑了夏娃,第二个砸醒了牛顿,而第三个则在乔布斯的掌控中。苹果,世界技术潮流的标志词,全世界都为之着迷的品牌。然而令其有着如今的光辉的,就只有乔布斯。也就只有乔布斯,让创新的灵感得以体现在产品上;也就只有乔布斯,拥有过人的营销本领,只要他弄懂了一个东西,都能以最简单的方式介绍给普通人听;也就只有乔布斯,才能在追求梦想和事业的鼎盛中奔驰。他的奇迹是没有人可以复制的、没有人能超越的。说到乔布斯,你会自然想到那个被咬掉一口的苹果标志,当然你也会喜欢他带来的iPod、iPhone和iPad,或许你也会羡慕他的成功和财富,但我们更应该研究一下乔布斯走过的路,思索一下他获得成功的关键所在。乔布斯的成功之路并不是一路坦途,人们眼中的他也并不是完美无缺的。而他的追求完美的创新精神和改变世界的坚定决心,为世人所感动和震撼。现如今“美国正在寻找保持自身的创新优势,全世界都在努力建设创造性地数字时代经济,乔布斯成为了创造力、想象力以及持续创新的终极标志。他深知21世纪创造价值的最佳途径就是将创造力与科技结合起来。” 珍惜当下。“如果你把每一天都当作生命的最后一天,那么,有一天你一定会认为这是正确的。”当我们把每一天都当作生命的最后一天时,我们会更加珍惜生命中的每一分每一秒,珍惜我们最爱的人,珍惜这个世界带给我们的一切美好。我们不再说“等明天。”,我们不再说:“等下一次。”。为了实现毕生的愿望,为了追求完美的人生,我们不再等待,我们会立即行动起来,让我们为这个世界多尽一份力量;为我们的子孙多留下一份资源;让我们最亲的人感受到因为有我们的关爱而倍加温暖和幸福。“珍惜当下”,乔布斯和他的团队做到了。 追求结果。在我们的身边会有一些这样的人:当问题出现时,会找出各种理由来为自己开脱,他们最终失败了。在我们身边还有一些这样的人:在做事的过程中周到细致,不畏艰难,坚持不懈,精益求精,他们最终成功了。 乔布斯是一位心游的伟大实践者,他用毕生的精力完美诠释了心天游的精髓——满足人心追求自由的需要!他用智慧、科技以及一生的心血创造了苹果,使人们在使用科技的自由上跃升了一大步。而他的所作所为基本基于他一贯的思想“人生不带来,死不带去,没理由不听从内心的召唤。” 乔布斯的点滴都是财富,从他身上我们能学到很多,酸甜苦辣是人生道路的点缀,没有它们可能活下来就没有意义。最低谷、最高峰都是人要经历的,而有想法的人则会重整目标,调整脚步,整装出发;平庸的人就会停下脚步,满足于现状。他说:“你想用卖糖水来度过余生,还是想要个机会改变世界?”。没错,取决于你。
Spent some time reading in winter vacation <<Steve? Jobs spreads >>. Is the author of this book American writer Walter? Isaacson, he hopes this book can be a book about innovating too. The fact is like this formally too. The author has visited the VIPs of every stages of Jobs' life, from different Jobs in the eyes of people of exposition with objective visual angle, the multidimension has shown Jobs' life.
Someone says , three apples have changed the world , the first enticement Eve, the second has broken and woken up Newton, but the third is in controlling of Jobs. Apple, world technological sign word of trend, whole world fascinated brand for it. But make it have a of today and brilliant one, whose name is only Jobs. Have Jobs only too, inspiration innovated to let reflect at the products; There is only Jobs too, has a remakable marketing ability , so long as he gets a thorough understanding of a thing, can introduce to ordinary people and hear in a simplest way ; On only Jobs too , could run quickly with the great prosperity of the undertaking in the dream of pursueing . His miracle can be duplicated by nobody, nobody can surmount .
Talk about Jobs, you will think of that naturally and are bitten mouthful apple sign off, certainly you will like iPod , iPhone and iPad that he brings too, perhaps you will envy his success and wealth too, but we should study the way that Jobs passed by even more, consider the key point that he succeeds.
Go the same way level road of,in people eyes he perfect. And his initiative spirit with perfect pursuit and world firm resolution of change, moved and shaken by common people. Nowadays" U.S.A. is looking for and keeping one's own innovative advantage , the whole world is all making great efforts to build digital era economy creativly now, Jobs has become creativity , imagination and ultimate sign innovated continuously. He knows very well that the best way to create value in the 21st century is to conbine the creativity and science and technology together. "
Treasure it instantly . "If the last day when you regarded each whole day as the life, then, you are sure to think this is correct one day. "egard the last weather of life as as us one whole day, we will treasure every second past every in life further, treasure us favourites, treasure this world bring our everything bright. We no longer say that " wait for tomorrow. ",we no longer say:" Wait for it the next time. " . In order to realize the hope of a lifetime, in order to pursue perfect life, we no longer wait, we will take action immediately, leave the world many one strength to the limit on us; Leave one more resource for our descendants ; The person letting us kiss most experiences that time heat warm happiness because there is our care. " treasuring it instantly", Jobs and his group has accomplished .
Pursue the result. There are some such persons at our side: When appear in question, will find out various kinds of reasons to excuse oneself, they fail finally. There are some such persons at our side: Thoughtful and careful during the process of doing things, defy the difficulty, unremitting, keeping improving, they have succeeded finally.
Jobs is a great practitioner who heart swam, the marrow that it swims that he annotates the heart perfectly with the energy of a lifetime - -Meet the need that the heart pursues freedom! He has created apples with intelligence , science and technology and energies of all one's life, makes people rise to a great step in using the freedom of science and technology. His behavior does not " bring in life on the basis of his consistent thought basically, stubbornly refuse to take, there is no calling that reason does not accept heart . "Jobs' bits are all wealth, we can learn a lot on one's body from him, life's joys and sorrows life road intersperse, have them might is it come down right away nonsensical to live. The most low ebb , the highest peak are all what people will go through , but the person with the idea will reform the goal, adjust the step , it is ready to set out; The mediocre person will stop the step , is satisfied with the current situation . He says: "You want to stay in remaining years by selling the syrup, or want a chance to change the world? " . Quite right, depend on you.

Steve Jobs:A Biography,史蒂夫乔布斯传读后感800字

Said that he is a genius, and lead a fast for him not sticking to formalities, think is the right thing will do it, serious work, temper is good or bad, but not too picky. For Jobs, it is almost All the world knows. before I also know very little, but for some of his specific stories and life history, "Jobs biography" basically plete written his whole life, from birth to adoption, from primary school to university, from the pany to take off again to return to Apple CEO from Apple, it is not difficult to see that the individual pattern determines his achievements.

The greatest contribution Jobs made to the IT industry is to discover the hidden potential of emerging technology, he really understand the technology, although the technology itself is no expression, cold, mechanical, but he can discern the familiar, a touching, because this is the essence of the puter revolution. He didn't invent anything. He just discovered the possibility of being ignored by others. "Transforming and making it better" runs through his career as Jobs himself said, "good artists copy works, great artists steal inspiration."

When Jobs was particularly naughty at primary school, the school informed the parents of the situation. When his parents came to school, he didn't blame Jobs, but he said to the principal, "it's not Jobs, because you didn't arouse his interest." After that, the school had a special discussion of the matter and decided to change a teacher to teach Jobs. The new teacher has a lot of care for Jobs, and often uses prizes to attract Jobs to finish his homework. So, Jobs recalls, "then I wrote my homework to make the teacher happy." If Jobs was born in China, will certainly be parents scolded, then were taken to the office and apologize to the teacher, then write the self-critici *** and guarantee. From this matter, we can see the differences in educational ideas beeen China and the United States, or the gap, which is very thought-provoking.

Today, apple launches a new product, which makes people all over the world crazily crave for it. When people are surprised that Jobs is successively successful, he can't praise too much words. But, he came back to pursue the road, you will find that this is not *** ooth. For the pursuit of unique, he was willing to pay all costs, do not fear any failure. The way in innovation, the board of directors he had been expelled from their founding the Apple Corp for 13 years; he founded the NeXT pany losses to almost The whole army was wiped out. he acquired and; painstaking efforts of Pixar, Disney also came close to being abandoned in the early......

The 56 year old Jobs left the world, when he suddenly dies and cannot destroy the soul and flesh quality of his. His success and wealth are not accidental, but inevitable. Jobs is a person of faith, he gives the ideal color for the product, always pursue and enjoy the pleasure of exploration. He turned his idea into action and turned action into a product. On the apple cell phone, we can see Jobs's unremitting pursuit of the extreme and the ideal. Jobs dares to innovate. In the era of NOKIA's popularity, he introduced such a simple product, abandoning the modeling of mobile phone keyboard and abandoning the plex appearance elements of mobile phones, so that everyone can enjoy one eye.

After reading this biography I really feel the apple and Jobs are inseparable, perhaps in life and dealings with his friends, Jobs is not perfect in every respect, but in certain things or interpersonal he has his personality charm, the success of apple without Jobs. Although he has left apple in the middle, and then set up his own pany NeXt, but he had the energy and power are put on apple, he cannot do without apple, Apple also cannot do without him, not his apple interests, but the whole of his dream, this dream is his hard work the performance is an important factor of success.



  史蒂夫·乔布斯是一位极具创造力的企业家,史蒂夫·乔布斯有如过山车般精彩的人生和犀利激越的性格,充满追求完美和誓不罢休的激情,史蒂夫·乔布斯创造出个人电脑、动画电影、音乐、手机、平板电脑以及数字出版等6大产业的颠覆?员涓铩J返俜?·乔布斯的个性经常让周围的人愤怒和绝望,但其所创造出的产品也与这种个性息息相关,全然不可分割的,正如苹果的硬件和软件一样。两年多的时间,与史蒂夫·乔布斯40多次的面对面倾谈,以及与史蒂夫·乔布斯一百多个家庭成员、朋友、竞争对手、同事的不受限的采访,造就了这本独家传记。 史蒂夫·乔布斯的故事既具有启发意义,又有警示意义,充满了关于创新、个性、领导力以及价值观的教益。


  史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs 1955-2021),1972年高中毕业后,在俄勒冈州波特兰市的里德学院只念了一学期的书;1974年乔布斯在一家公司找到设计电脑游戏的工作。两年后,时年21岁的乔布斯和26岁的沃?饶岚嗽谇遣妓辜业某悼饫锍闪⒘似还缒怨荆?1985年获得了由里根总统授予的国家级技术勋章;1996年,苹果公司重新雇用乔布斯作为其兼职顾问;1997年9月,乔布斯重返该公司任首席执行官。1997年成为《时代周刊》的封面人物;2009年被财富杂志评选为这十年美国最佳CEO,同年当选时代周刊年度风云人物之一。

  他对完美的狂热以及积极的追求彻底变革了六大行业:个人电脑、动画电影、音乐、电话、平板电脑和数字出版。你可能还会想到第七个产业:连锁商店。对于连锁行业他算不上彻底变革,但的确重新描绘了这个行业的画面。此外,他通过开发应用程序,为数字内容开辟了一个全新的市场,而不再像以前一样只能依赖网站。随着时间的推移,他不仅制造出革命性的产品,还在自己的第二次努力下成就了一家充满生命力的公司,这家公司继承了他的基因,集中了一群极富想象力的设计师和大胆创新的工程师,他们能够将他的设想发扬光大,他很聪明吗?不,不是格外聪明。应该说,他是个天才。他的富于想象力的跳跃都是本能的、不可预见的,有时是充满魔力的。他真是数学家马克· 卡克(Mark Kac)所说的那种魔术师天才,他的洞见会不期而至,更多地要求直觉而非大脑的处理能力。他像个探路者一样,可以吸收信息,嗅到风中的气味,对未来先知先觉。


  2021年8月24日,苹果CEO史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)正式向苹果董事会提交辞职申请。他还在辞职信中建议由首席营运长Tim Cook接替他的职位。乔布斯在辞职信中表示,自己无法继续担任CEO,不过自己愿意担任公司董事长、董事或普通职员。苹果公司股票暂停盘后交易。乔布斯在信中并没有指明辞职原因,但他一直都在与胰腺癌作斗争。

  2021年8月25日,苹果宣布史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)辞职,并立即生效,他的职位由蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)接任。同时苹果宣布任命史蒂夫·乔布斯为公司董事长,蒂姆·库克将担任董事。


  To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community:


  I have always said if there ever came a day when I could nolonger meet my duties and expectations as Apple's CEO, I would be the first tolet you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.


  I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I wouldlike to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee.


  As far as my successor goes, I strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple.


  I believe Apple's brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it. And Ilook forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role.


  I have made some of the best friends of mylife at Apple, and I thank you allfor the many years of being able to work alongside you. Steve

  (Source: Apple Inc.)









I was experiencing the feeling of paradox after reading the book. I felt my eyes wet when I read his stories, about how Mr. Jobs was able to overe the challenges in life. These are challenges that I, you, and a lot of us will never encountered, but I understand how it must feel to be in the middle of the situations, and how it must feel being hopeless. This understanding has led me to the being moved by Steve Jobs’s braveness and persistence. The power of his dream had proved beyond anything, illness, unfairness and death. He continued to love his career even after being diagnosed cancer, and used his power and strengths to change the world by changing how all of us see it. He was a nerd, a crazy man, a paranoid, but there was no evidence that would show him not being one of the greatest man in human history. Even though people found themselves tired working with Mr. Jobs (he was such a paranoid), they loved him, as he could bring the novelty to this world and make a difference. To the great man who changed the world with mac and ipod, to the hero of the electronic industry, to Steve Jobs, you will always be my hero. 中文翻译: 我遇到的矛盾的感觉看完书后。我觉得我的眼睛湿了,当我读他的故事,关于乔布斯是如何能够克服生活的挑战。这些是我,你,和我们很多人会从来没有遇到过的挑战,但我知道它是如何感觉必须要在的情况下,中间,以及它如何必须感到是无望。这种理解导致我的移动由史蒂夫·乔布斯的勇敢和坚持。他的梦想的力量已被证明超出了任何事情,疾病,不公和死亡。他继续爱他的职业生涯即使被确诊癌症,并用他的力量和优势,通过改变如何我们都看到它改变了世界。 他是一个书呆子,一个疯狂的男人,一个偏执狂,但没有证据表明会显示他并非最伟大的人在人类历史中的一个。尽管有人觉得自己累着乔布斯的工作(他是这样一个偏执) ,他们爱他,因为他可以带来新鲜感这个世界,并有所作为。向伟大的人谁改变了世界与Mac和iPod ,在电子行业中的主人公,史蒂夫·乔布斯,你将永远是我心目中的英雄。   While Jobs built some of the more venerable brands in the zeitgeist today (Apple, Pixar) and created mobile devices that drive social media use, there’s another insight that emerged over the course of this 600-page journey. It’s what made Steve Jobs Steve Jobs. It’s also a key business skill that’s rarely addressed directly and that is focus. Laser-like, precision focus on what you want and how you can get there. As a young, college drop-out, Jobs worked on an apple-growing mune. His job? Pruning the tree branches so they would grow stronger. In many ways, “the Steve Jobs school of business leadership” is one of understanding focus.Focused Work Teams,Focused Design,Focus on Details,Focus on What’s Next,Focus on Ideas, Not Presentations,Focus on the Customer Experience。   fak

Stay Hungry Stay Foolish读后感

                  Journal entry

Ⅰ.I think Jobs is really great! It is said that "the difference between a leader and a follower is innovation", and Jobs's talent for innovation is unmatched. Form the perspective of his development, I understand that to be successful, I need to have extraordinary courage,  the idea of superman, and learn to sum up experience and lessons. Use the limited side to realize the infinite life value.

Ⅱ.So, at this stage, we should be a little bit tired for our dream.

Ⅲ.Steve jobs is a bit of wealth, and we can learn a lot from him. It is the embellishment of life's path that is so sweet and sour. It makes no sense to live without them. The lowest and highest peaks are people's experience, while those who have ideas will regroup their goals, adjust their steps, and set off. Mediocre people stop and settle for the status quo.
本文标题: steve jobs的读后感(乔布斯传读后感600字)



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