
发布时间: 2024-04-05 22:55:23 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 103






这是前几天看的电影了,最近这段时间都没什么娱乐项目,也不常开电脑,主要是没带鼠标回家,开了电脑也不能玩游戏,所以也不想开电脑。 This is a few days ago of movie, most recently this time nothing entertainment project, don't often open puter, mainly with no mouse home, opened the puter also can't play games, and also don't want to open puter. 偶尔开一开,就想看部电影。 Occasionally, they want to open a open watch a movie. 原来都是一周一部的,很久没看了,感觉就像很久没吃饭的人,一开始不能吃大鱼大肉,应该从清淡的开始,于是我先看看动画片,才选中的这部电影。 The original is a week, long time no see part, the feeling is like for a long time didn't eat them, a start cannot eat fatty food, should start from light, so I see first cartoon, just select this movie. 的确是一部很轻松的喜剧片也很浪漫的爱情故事。 Is really a very easy edy is also very romantic love story. 尤其是尤金带公主去看许愿灯,千万个许愿灯一同放飞的时候,我作为一个男人也觉得很浪漫,更别说是从未见过世事的公主了,被陶醉是很正常的。 Especially Eugene take the princess went to see vowed a vow lamp, brought together, when light released me as a man also feel very romantic, let alone is never saw the princess, was intoxicated is very normal. 可见想要搞浪漫,还是许许多多一起来比较容易成功,让女孩子感动。 Visible want to make romantic, or many together to pare easy success, let the girl touched. 小悦有一个观点,她认为女巫不是很邪恶。 Small yue have an opinion, she thinks the witch is not very evil. 因为王后其实也没有为了公主做过太多的事,仅仅是生下她和每年为她放许愿灯而已。 Because queen actually nor to princess done too much, just gave birth to her and she put wishing lamp each year for it. 而女巫照顾她长大,给她许许多多她想要的东西,在得知她有可能有危险的时候,急忙冲去救她等等…… And the witch care of her grow up, give her many what she wants, that she may be in a dangerous time, rushed to save her, etc... 这都是爱她的表现。 This is all love her performance. 女巫不是很坏,仅仅是想要青春而已,她养育了公主18年,有了一种类似于母女的情感。 The witch is not very bad, just want to youth just, she has brought up the princess 18 years, had a similar to the mother and daughter emotion. 不过我个人认为是有些别的意见的。 But I personally think is some other opinions. 的确,这个女巫比起别的童话故事里的女巫,是好多了,她没有害别人的性命,仅仅是想要青春而已。 Indeed, the witch pared with other fairy tale witch, is much better, she didn't harm others' lives, is just want youth just. 不过我觉得女巫照料她长大成人,给她所有她想要的东西,只不过是想让公主乖乖的留在塔里,好给女巫自己永远的青春而已。 But I think the witch care she grew up, give all her what she wants, just want to let the princess obediently stay tower, will give the witch oneself forever youth just. 她不是真心的爱她的,没有一丝母女之情。 She's not really love her, without a mother and daughter of love. 得知公主有危险,女巫马上冲过去救她,那不是因为她在乎公主,是在乎公主的长发,在乎自己的青春。 Learned that the princess is dangerous, the witch immediately rushed to save her, it's not because she CARES about princess, but the princess long hair, care about their youth. 的确,王后没有为公主做过别的事,但是如果公主有得到幸福的机会,作为真正的母亲她一定不会阻拦,而女巫在这一刻原形毕露。 Indeed, the queen is the princess done without anything else, but if the princess had the opportunity, as a true happiness in the mother she wouldn't stop, and witch at this moment his true colours. 她原先越是对公主好越是显示出她居心叵测隐藏之深。 The more she had to show her the princess well hidden among the deep heart. 爱不是占有,爱是给自由。 Love is not possession, love is for free. 女巫爱的是公主的长发,只不过这带有魔力的长发只能长在公主的头上才拥有这种魔力,所以女巫不得已对她好。 The witch love is the princess hair, only this magical hair can only grow in the princess's head to have this kind of magic, so the witch forced to she good. 所以我一直觉得小悦你真的是太善良了,很容易被欺骗和被伤害的。 So I always think *** all yue you really is very kind, very easy to cheat and been hurt. 你会觉得女巫这样做已经很善良了,她在公主小的时候本想剪掉她的长发,但是背剪的头发就会失去魔力所以才把公主也一并偷走。 You will feel witch do this already very docile, her little in princess wanted to cut off her hair, but BeiJian hair will lose magic princess so also were stolen. 假设头发背剪之后也有魔力呢? Assuming BeiJian also have magic after hair? 那么女巫也许不会加害公主。 So the witch may not harm the princess. 从这个角度上她的确是很善良了,只不过这种善良是相对的。 From this Angle she was indeed very kind, just this kind is relative. 真正的邪恶呢,就是女巫带走公主之后天天背着公主研究如何让魔发离开公主之后依然具有魔力,等到她有了这种方法就剪掉公主的魔发然后害死公主,这样才叫真正的邪恶呢。 The real evil? Is the witch away after the princess to study how to carry the princess everyday hair after leaving the princess's magic, wait until she still has had this method is to cut off the princess's hair and then killed the princess, so just call real evil? 所以这个世界真的有很多人心如蛇蝎,小悦你可不能太善良诶…… So the world really have a lot of people a fair face may hide a foul, *** all yue you can't too good eh... =。 =. =(我是为你好才这样说的,你可别觉得我是坏人额……T.T) = (I am for you just so say, you don't think I'm bad T.T) forehead... 从某个角度上来说,尤金剪掉公主的长发,对公主来说反而是一种解脱,这个世界上坏人很多,觊觎你宝物的人也有很多,所以有时候平平淡淡不是坏事。 From a certain Angle, Eugene cut for the long hair, the princess princess it instead is a relief, to this world very much, chasing villains of treasures you also many, so sometimes go in light isn't a bad thing. 最后要说的就是那个变色龙和叫马克西姆的马真是太搞笑啦。 Finally have to say is that the chameleon and call maxim horse was too funny! 额,马克西姆抢了很多戏呢,主要笑点都在他身上。 The forehead, maxim robbed many scenes, mainly the punchline? In him. 这是一部很轻松很温馨的动画片,如果能和喜欢的人一起在电影院看就好了,看完在很温馨的气氛里两个人手牵手走一走,感情会得到不小的提升。 This is a very relaxed very sweet cartoons, if can the people together and is good at the cinema, watching in very sweet atmosphere of o people hand in hand in a walk, feelings will get a lot of ascension. 只可惜现在的我还不行…… But now I also can't... 以后应该会有机会吧…… Later should have the opportunity to...


其实我一直觉得动画里的王子会长的很清秀、很帅气,可是这个长着络腮胡子的“王子”却也深深的吸引了我,风趣加上盗贼的他不再是有些童话里面真正的王子,他是盗贼没错,但是,他也有善良的一面,也有追求爱情的勇气,他也是长发姑娘心里的那个王子。巫婆一直把长发姑娘当做自己的女儿看,靠她充满魔法的金色头发保持自己的容颜,她们的对话中有一段让我印象深刻:“I love you” “I love you more” “I love you most”,这段话不断重复着,像是在说明着说明。其实,巫婆养了公主这么多年,也是有感情的,将她困在高塔里也说明了巫婆对她过分的保护,而外面的世界和窗外的天灯是塔外社会和种种的诱惑。巫婆不断警告对外面世界充满憧憬的公主社会有多么复杂,人心有多么险恶,她会愿意为女儿想吃的东西翻山越岭好几天,会在女儿陷入爱河神魂颠倒时警告女儿不惜与女儿翻脸,她会在警告女儿无用后紧紧跟着她等她自己受伤害后醒悟。这样的巫婆虽然有恶地一面,但是她同样充满着母爱的天性。相反,公主的亲生母亲天天思念着公主,不见她回来,也不能尽到做母亲的责任。
本文标题: 长发公主的故事读后感(长发公主读后感英语)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/369287.html



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