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《动物庄园》读后感 1200 字


编者:《动物庄园》自出版以后引起很大反响,被翻译成多国文字,还被改编,以其他艺术形式展现在世人面前, 2002 年 11 月话剧《动物庄园》在中戏小剧场上演。昨天一口气读完了乔治奥维尔写的《动物庄园》,再一次被其中的深刻寓意折服。乔治奥维尔出生于 1903 年, 1950 年辞世,《动物庄园》首次于 1945 年出版,被美国《时代周刊》评为评为 1923 年至今的 100 本最佳英文小说之一。本文编发的是《动物庄园》的读后感,见仁见智,任你评说。只希望能够抛砖引玉,让大家回归阅读经典,从全世界各地的经典中汲取力量!




拿破仑是《动物庄园》里最主要角色。在老麦哲的 “所有动物一律平等”的思想指导下,拿破仑领导庄园的动物们成功的举行了起义,赶跑了庄园主。动物们起义成功,不久之后。拿破仑就与其他的领导者分道扬镳,将动物起义的另一名领导者赶出了庄园,霸占了动物庄园里的领导权。庄园里的动物很快地陷入比原来更为恐怖、饥饿的境地。拿破仑也由最初的起义者、革命者,变成了动物庄园里新的独裁者。拿破仑是怎么炼成的呢?




二、舆论机构和拿破仑狼狈为奸,成功地欺骗了愚蠢的底层动物们。斯奎拉是《动物庄园》里面的 “新闻发言人”,也是“宣传部长”。斯奎拉和拿破仑来源与同一阶级,他们成功控制了《动物庄园》的舆论机构。当动物们发现了拿破仑违反“七诫”的证据时,斯奎拉总是能及时出现,作出合理解释,将将拿破仑的错误成功转化为正能量进行宣传。庄园里文化程度普遍低下的底层动物园们,总是能轻易相信斯奎拉的理论,自然是最好管理和领导的。


三、 “虚幻的主义”和“阴谋论”两面夹击,从思想上彻底迷惑了缺乏独立思考能力的动物们。拿破仑一方面给动物们画了一张大饼,那就是“动物平等”、“没有剥削”和遥不可期的福利,让动物们相信驱逐了农场主就实现了动物平等,对动物们进行精神麻醉。另一方面,不断地在庄园里散布原来园主琼斯和被他赶跑的“阴谋家”斯诺鲍将会对庄园带来极大的危险,让动物们产生不安全感。不断地通过这两个作用力来使动物们对他产生持久的精神依赖。


四、愚忠的动物们的宿命。《动物庄园》里有两种典型的好同志。一种是羊,只会喊口号,从最早的口号 “四条腿好,两条腿坏”。到后面的口号“四条腿好,两条腿更好”,他们从不怀疑,是典型的“拿破仑叫我干啥,我干啥”的好同志。另一种是马,身强力壮的劳动模范鲍克瑟同志,把“拿破仑同志永远正确”、“我要更加努力工作”作为自己的马生格言,自然是最受拿破仑欢迎的好同志。他们只知道唱赞歌,只知道努力工作自然是拿破仑成功炼成的重要信心来源。年老力衰的鲍克瑟同志最后被卖到屠宰场的下场,也就是这些愚忠的动物们的宿命了。



  动物庄园英文读后感 篇1

  Animal farm is the first book I choose to read among the list of BBC Top 100 Novels. The book has aroused strong reaction and became famous since the date it was published. It reveals human reality by telling animals story in funny but extremely ironic way.

  The story begins with a meeting held in one night by the animals in farm. Because of the great dissatisfaction of their owner, animals decide to have a revolution, chasing away the farmers and realize the equality among animals. They make definitions about “friends” and “enemy”, elect the leader- an old pig, who died soon after the meeting and is taken place by two other pigs named “Snowball” and “Napoleon”, and enacted Seven Commandments. The days at the beginning are harmonious. But soon theres a split between two leaders- Snowball is declared enemy of the revolution. Whats worse, leader pigs abuse their powers and gain benefits for themselves, becoming exploiters as human.

  It seems ridiculous for animals to have a revolution and for pigs to govern the farm. But when we put it into humans society, the story makes sense. In fact it reflects on the revolution happened in Soviet in 20th century. Animalism is similar to Socialism, which emphasizes equality a lot, but actually inequality at all. Extreme equality is tend to get into an embarrassing situation like “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Napoleon is also the reflection of Soviets leader Si Dalin, who was famous for his arbitrariness and toughness in the history and expelled Trotsky 。

  The revolution of animals is based on being treated unfairly by human. Because their enthusiasm and hatred, they success at the beginning. However, they do not know how to remain a steady regime. The key of keeping a regime is to set restrictions to the power. In other words, to legislate. The responsibility and rights of both government and citizens should be showed obviously in the law.

  Another opinion I have learnt from the book is that, we ought to be tough when tracing our goals. And we shouldnt give up to our desires. In the book, in the end pigs become something very like human who they were against at first. And in reality, if we dont keep a clear mind to control our desires and remember what kind of people we want to be, we will be lost and become people that we used to hate.

  To make a conclusion, George Orwell makes the reveal of politics and humanity in a vivid and simple story, from which readers think much about the history and society.

  动物庄园英文读后感 篇2

  Animal Farm tells a story that one day the animals overthrow the farmer Mr. Jones, and found their own regime, called “Animal Farm”。 They adopt Seven Commandments of Animalism, of which the most important is “All animals are equal”。 Pigs are the leaders of the operation of the newly start-up farm.Thanks to the right lead of the pigs and selfless and hardworking of all animals, the Animal Farm develops good enough to their demands.

  However, the leaders separate into two factions soon after. As a result, Snowball is expelled by Napoleon as a betrayer. Although many animals remember that Snowball is a brave leader, they firmly believe they were wrong and Snowball is a bad animal indeed after brainwashing Napoleon offered. Whats more, the Seven Commandments of Animalism had also been changed. Finally, the Animal Farm becomes quite different from what they hope it to be at the beginning.

  From the novel; I expressively feel the great power of faith. With the faith of Animalism, they finally found their regime, and struggle the equal from humans. And because of the faith, Napoleon can still rule the wretched animals, even though Snowball has gone. In our daily life, faith is indispensable as well. Faith just as flame, guiding us and supporting us when we feel frustrated as well as every time we need power to keep going ahead. When the Animal Farm is in mess, the animals still believe in their faith and Animalism. As to us, this believing is needed. Sometimes we may think we are in a wrong road to our dream, or we lose heart of ourselves, considering we arent as well as respect, we need believe. A strong faith just likes a protection, and we are protected by it from kinds of difficulties.

  动物庄园英文读后感 篇3

  "Animal farm" is a British writer George Orwells works, the content of this book is very interesting, but seemingly camouflage in the fairy tale story, mapping connotation is actually very profound and thought-provoking, so we need to carefully taste.

  The story is very simple, tells the story of a farm animal from human host oppression, resistance in the two pigs named Snowball and Napoleon led off farm animals, to achieve a "in power" desire. But soon the revolutionary pigs broke up, and one of the leaders of the snowball was declared by Napoleon as the enemy of the revolution. Napoleon, the leader of the pig, has gained more and more power to become the new privileged class. The slight discontent of the animals would lead to bloody cleansing, and Napoleon would eventually become a farmer like exploiter, and the animals would return to their former misery.

  The animals in the farm symbolize different roles and classes. A male horse boxer but diligent and capable of ignorance, although feel contradictory thoughts and behaviors of pigs, but could not clear, the more hard work to his paralysis, symbolizes the desire for equality with the grass-roots democracy; herd is the ignorance of the masses, blindly deny everything for Napoleon, Napoleon said is correct; the donkey Benjamin represents the thinking of intellectuals, it is still oppressed that farm, just exploiters into Napoleon from farmers, the doings of Napoleon skeptical wise but themselves, so life is still low-key, cautious. And hens, cats, and so on. They all represent different classes.

  In this revolution, farm animals are poor. They are like people on the bottom of society. They dont have lofty ideals or ambitions to create a better future. They just want to improve their lives. Pigs tell animals to build windmills to improve their lives, but in the end they cant even live up to their standard of living. The reason is that the fruits of labour are more exploited, because animals think that what they do is for themselves. The boxer shouted, "Ill work harder." I threw myself into my labor until I ran out of my life and sold it to the slaughterhouse. The exploitation of animals by animals is more deceptive than the exploitation of animals, deception undermines the resistance of animals, and the prohibition of singing the song of the livestock of England is also aimed at eliminating the resistance of animals. Without resistance, authoritarian rule becomes easy and long. The so-called "freedom" has become a thorough joke, they are only in the plight of silent struggle. As Zhang Yanghao - "shanpoyang - Tongguan huaigu" said: "Xing, people suffering; death, suffering people."

  Orwell tells people with an allegory: "a post revolutionary regime, if there is no democratic supervision, there is no rule of law, must be alienated, it must go to his opposite.". The revolution always begins with anti despotism, as the old and young school says when it comes to animals: "the root of all evil lies in the absolute rule of man." In fact, democracy requires no high quality, no need for knowledge, just a sense of responsibility. Only the people are really aware that they need it, and true democracy will come true.

  动物庄园英文读后感 篇4

  Animal Farm tells a story that one day the animals overthrow the farmer Mr. Jones, and found their own regime, called Animal Farm They adopt Seven Commandments of Animalism, of which the most important is All animals are equal。 Pigs are the leaders of the operation of the newly start-up farm.Thanks to the right lead of the pigs and selfless and hardworking of all animals, the Animal Farm develops good enough to their demands.

  However, the leaders separate into two factions soon after. As a result, Snowball is expelled by Napoleon as a betrayer. Although many animals remember that Snowball is a brave leader, they firmly believe they were wrong and Snowball is a bad animal indeed after brainwashing Napoleon offered. What’s more, the Seven Commandments of Animalism had also been changed. Finally, the Animal Farm becomes quite different from what they hope it to be at the beginning.

  From the novel; I expressively feel the great power of faith. With the faith of Animalism, they finally found their regime, and struggle the equal from humans. And because of the faith, Napoleon can still rule the wretched animals, even though Snowball has gone. In our daily life, faith is indispensable as well. Faith just as flame, guiding us and supporting us when we feel frustrated as well as every time we need power to keep going ahead. When the Animal Farm is in mess, the animals still believe in their faith and Animalism. As to us, this believing is needed. Sometimes we may think we are in a wrong road to our dream, or we lose heart of ourselves, considering we aren"t as well as respect, we need believe. A b faith just likes a protection, and we are protected by it from kinds of difficulties.


这本书半天时间就读完了一遍,觉得意犹未尽,之后又读了一遍,第二遍的时候得以捕捉到更多的细节(比如本杰明面对思奎拉的诡辩时的不屑反应,让我感觉本杰明实际上早就预知到了所有幻想的最后结局)。 作者在前半部分的伏笔都非常到位,使后文的发展和转折显得那么的自然和必然; 在佩服作者的写作功力的同时,也折服于作者跨越国籍,跨越种族的前瞻性思想。

本文标题: 动物庄园读后感500字左右(动物庄园读后感作文五篇_动物庄园读后感)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/360314.html



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