
发布时间: 2023-10-28 05:55:26 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 90



白雪公主 英语读后感500字

1.Winter, snow falling, and a queen in sewing clothes, she did not have children, so she wants to have a child one day, her desire to finally realize she had a daughter, taking the name of Snow White. However, children born after King died, then the king married a new queen. The new Queen is a bad Woman, she has a small side Mirror, Mirror ask her every day who are the world's most beautiful people, a number of ways to get rid of Snow White, each plot can help in the justice under did not succeed. Beautiful snow Finally married to a handsome prince, the new queen was among the dead dies. This story tells us that evil can not overcome are just very powerful force for justice, and all evil will be defeated. In life are the coexistence of evil and justice, we should always stand on the side of justice, to use for many kind hearts will melt evil. In day-to-day in the study between students to help each other, that progress can be shared; in society we have to ready to help others, helping those in need to help people; make our society into a warm family. 2.这是一个从小就流传在我们耳中的故事:它很惊险、有趣。并有一个很美的名字叫做白雪公主。 白雪是一个可爱的小女孩,就算是邪恶的女王的魔镜,也不得不承认她将来会是世界上最美丽的女人。 虚荣的女王不希望世界上有比她还要美的人,便要暗杀白雪公主。 奉命去杀掉白雪的屠户,看到白雪可爱的模样,实在是不忍心杀了她。又不能把她带走,就只能把她放在深林里。 但谁也没想到,白雪幸运的活了下来。 自负的女王再次问魔镜谁是世界上最美的女人,而魔镜却又说了是白雪公主。这次女王是真的生气了,她决定自己去杀掉白雪公主。 在森林里逃跑了很长时间的白雪看到了一个木屋,门没锁,她便走了进去。饿坏了的她看见了桌子上有着美味的食物,便一口气把它们吃光了。吃饱后,她来到了另一个屋子。这里有很舒服的床,她简直不知道自己是不是做梦。她还没来得及想这是不是真的,就已经睡着了。 过了一会儿,来了几个小矮人。原来这是他们的家。七个小矮人发现了她。但这个公主真的是太可爱了,他们不敢吵醒她,更不忍心去责怪她吃光了自己的食物并睡在了自己的床上。就这样,白雪认识了七个小矮人,并和他们一起生活了下去。而不久后,他们却又遇到了麻烦。 面对女王的各种卑鄙的暗杀手段,小矮人们总是千辛万苦才一次次的救活了白雪,并告诉她不要再去接近陌生人--因为他们不希望白雪公主死。但单纯的白雪还是被毒苹果和魔法梳子骗得团团转。 经过千辛万苦,他们终于一次次的战胜了女王,而白雪最后也终于找到了属于自己的白马王子,带着七个小矮人,回到了王宫,一起过上了幸福的生活。 我想,就算他们没有玻璃鞋和白马,也会得到无边的幸福的!最后,就让我们祝福他们继续演绎这白雪公主和白马王子的幸福神话吧! This is a young spread in our ears in the story: It is very exciting and interesting. And a beautiful name called Snow White. Snow is a lovely little girl, even the evil Queen of the Mirror, she has to admit that the future will be the world's most beautiful woman. Vanity of the world, the Queen does not want her to the United States than those of the people, they will have to the assassination of Snow White. Snow was ordered to kill the butchers, to see snow lovely appearance, it is not bear to kill her. She can not take away, we will put her deep in the forest. But no one thought that snow lucky survived. Her own again asked the Mirror who is the world's most beautiful woman, while the Mirror said it is Snow White. The Queen was really angry, she decided to kill their own Snow White. In the forest to escape the snow for a very long time to see a wooden hut, did not lock the door, she would go into. Ehuai she saw a table with delicious food, it relieved them of the Chiguang. Feed, she went to another house. There are very comfortable bed, she simply did not know they are not dreaming. She not enough time to think this is not true, already asleep. Guoliaoyikuai children, to a number of dwarves. This is their original home. Seven dwarves found her. But this princess is really too cute, they dare not awakened by her, not the heart to blame her Chiguang their own food and sleep in his bed. In this way, the snow understanding of the seven dwarves, and they live together and down. And shortly after, but they ran into trouble. Queen of the face of the despicable means of assassination, people are always difficulties of small dwarf only save the time and the snow, and told her not to go near strangers - because they do not want Snow White died. But the snow was still pure poison apples and magic comb Piandetuantuan turn. After untold hardships, they finally defeated, the Queen, and the snow finally finally found their own Baimawangzi, with the seven dwarves, returned to the Royal Palace, with the lead a happy life. I would like to, even if they do not have Boli Xie and the White Horse, will be boundless happiness! Finally, let us wish them to continue to perform this Baimawangzi Snow White and the myth of happiness!


Today, I read "Snow White." Major topics of a queen to give birth to a snow-white skin, red lips, a daughter and she gave birth to a daughter, as she wished the Princess's skin white as snow, lips red, so named Snow White. Snow White Queen, when the living dead. The king married a new queen, the new Queen, there are side mirror on the wall, the new queen every day, asking who is the world's most beautiful Mirror, mirror on the wall said: It is you. This would ask the mirror each day the Queen. One day, mirror on the wall is you, but no Snow White, the United States several times more than you. The Queen is very angry, so she sent to kill Snow White, but the Queen sent Snow White, who do not have the heart to kill, but to put Snow White. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs encountered, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs shelter, the queen that Snow White did not die, they start with himself. Although the queen won. But the prince saved Snow White. Queen also dies eventually.
This fairy tale tells us that we should not have a jealous heart, to do a good people, good will overcome evil with evil means will not achieve victory. To stay competitive to compete on the open and aboveboard.





白雪公主(Snow White)是广泛流行于欧洲的一个童话故事中的人物,其中最著名的故事版本见于德国1812年的《格林童话》。讲述了白雪公主受到继母皇后(格林兄弟最初手稿中为生母)的虐待,逃到森林里,遇到七个小矮人的故事。历史学家巴特尔思据称白雪公主的历史原型是1725年生于德国西部美茵河畔洛尔城的玛利亚·索菲亚·冯·埃尔塔尔。


今天,我读了《白雪公主》。主要讲一位王后想生一个皮肤雪白,嘴唇鲜红的女儿结果她生了一个女儿,正如她所愿公主的皮肤像雪一样白,嘴唇鲜红,所以取名为白雪公主。王后在生白雪公主的时候死了。国王娶了一位新王后,新王后有一面魔镜,新王后每天都问魔镜世界上谁最美,魔镜说:是你。王后每天这样都问魔镜。有一天,魔镜说是你,但白雪公主比你美无数倍。王后非常生气,于是她派人去杀白雪公主,但是王后派的人不忍心杀白雪公主,反而把白雪公主放了。白雪公主遇到七个小矮人,七个小矮人收留白雪公主,王后得知白雪公主没死,就亲自下手。虽然王后胜利了。但是王子救了白雪公主。王后也郁郁而终。 这个童话告诉我们我们不应该有一颗嫉妒的心,要做一个善良的人,善良会战胜邪恶,用邪恶的手段是不会取得胜利的。要竞争就光明正大的去竞争。
Today, I read "Snow White." 主要讲一位王后想生一个皮肤雪白,嘴唇鲜红的女儿结果她生了一个女儿,正如她所愿公主的皮肤像雪一样白,嘴唇鲜红,所以取名为白雪公主。 Major topics of a queen to give birth to a snow-white skin, red lips, a daughter and she gave birth to a daughter, as she wished the Princess's skin white as snow, lips red, so named Snow White. 王后在生白雪公主的时候死了。 Snow White Queen, when the living dead. 国王娶了一位新王后,新王后有一面魔镜,新王后每天都问魔镜世界上谁最美,魔镜说:是你。 The king married a new queen, the new Queen, there are side mirror on the wall, the new queen every day, asking who is the world's most beautiful Mirror, mirror on the wall said: It is you. 王后每天这样都问魔镜。 This would ask the mirror each day the Queen. 有一天,魔镜说是你,但白雪公主比你美无数倍。 One day, mirror on the wall is you, but no Snow White, the United States several times more than you. 王后非常生气,于是她派人去杀白雪公主,但是王后派的人不忍心杀白雪公主,反而把白雪公主放了。 The Queen is very angry, so she sent to kill Snow White, but the Queen sent Snow White, who do not have the heart to kill, but to put Snow White. 白雪公主遇到七个小矮人,七个小矮人收留白雪公主,王后得知白雪公主没死,就亲自下手。 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs encountered, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs shelter, the queen that Snow White did not die, they start with himself. 虽然王后胜利了。 Although the queen won. 但是王子救了白雪公主。 But the prince saved Snow White. 王后也郁郁而终。 Queen also dies eventually.
这个童话告诉我们我们不应该有一颗嫉妒的心,要做一个善良的人,善良会战胜邪恶,用邪恶的手段是不会取得胜利的。 This fairy tale tells us that we should not have a jealous heart, to do a good people, good will overcome evil with evil means will not achieve victory. 要竞争就光明正大的去竞争。 To stay competitive to compete on the open and aboveboard.


暑假里过得太逍遥了,一个疏忽就忘了去看老师规定的影片《白雪公主》,好在《白雪公主》从我从懂事看到现在,对于里面的情节可以说是倒背如流。就拿了一本《白雪公主》的童话书温习了一遍,把观后感变成了读后感。 《白雪公主》这个脍炙人口的故事里面,讲得是主人公白雪公主是一个美丽善良的女孩,因为遭到表面长得美丽却内心凶狠邪恶的后母皇后的嫉妒和迫害,在猎人的帮助下,逃进了大森林,碰到了七个善良热心的小矮人。在小矮人的帮助下,躲过了一次又一次后母的陷害,并赢得了英俊的白马王子的爱情,最终幸福地与王子生活在一起,而皇后也最终得到了惩罚。 这个故事告诉我们,人的美丽来自内心的善良和可爱,那些表面美丽内心邪恶的人终将得到报应。每一个女孩,都想成为公主,因为每一个女孩都想被人爱。每一个公主,都想拥有自己的王子,最好,还是一个骑着白马的王子。 《白雪公主》大概是每一个女孩所听过的第一个也是最多次数的童话故事。美丽的公主,恶毒的王后,善良的小矮人和英俊的王子……一个又一个人物成为女孩们梦里的常客。 据说,迪士尼的《白雪公主》是世界上第一部动画电影,当时策划者之所以会选择这个童话故事,大概也是因为它的人气以及它在所有女孩心中独特地位吧?就算拍摄本片的整个过程还被当时 的美国媒体戏谑称作是〝迪士尼的傻劲〞也毫不退缩。而最终取得了空前成功。它不但是世界上第一部动画电影,其原声带更是世界上第一张电影原声带!迪士尼的动画王国从此奠下龙头地位!本片在1998年被美国电影协会选为本世纪美国百部经典名片之一。 不过,当女孩长大后再看《白雪公主》,反倒觉得小矮人比王子更可爱,因为在公主落难时,帮助她的是小矮人而不是在城堡中的王子。只不过因为小矮人们的身材样貌出身等外在条件不符合女孩子们对美好事物的幻想,才会出现了以吻救醒公主的白马王子。细想想,就觉得,啊~童话故事里原来也是以貌取人呢!可怜的小矮人,就这样沦为搞笑的角色,童话,也是残酷的现实。
本文标题: 白雪公主英语读后感(《白雪公主》读后感(英文版)翻译下文)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/340554.html



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