
发布时间: 2023-07-26 08:28:26 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 92




你是要哪本书? 鲁宾逊漂流记 Reading "Lubin Sun Crusoe" Feelings "Lubin Sun Crusoe" is the British author Daniel Defoe wrote a novel. The story is about a person called Lubin Sun in the sea voyage, while the event of high winds, the people on board were killed, and only he survived, and drift to a desert island. He used 28 of the time, with their hard-working hands to create for themselves a life of their homes, and to his courage and perseverance to overe various difficulties. After the finish, I feel with Lubin Sun is very *** all pared with ah! In a desolate and uninhabited island life, already difficult enough, but, Lubin Sun is also available at all times to beware of Savage to attack him. If we do not self-protection awareness, it is very difficult, as Lubin Sun, life on the island in 28 years even to the safe return to Britain. Thus, self-protection awareness of the people, how important it is to ah! General Napoleon once said: "many people can not rely on, only to survive on their own." Similarly, if we always have too many rely on their friends, parents of these people, when we have to survive independently, Will not be able to adapt to all this. But if the contrary, we usually on the life of their own independence, then, we encountered some unexpected things will be able to separate the face and heavy to calm attitude to resolve it. We now live in the times, not necessarily the same as the Sun Lubin, drifting to a desert island, but our life and will not be plain sailing, and sometimes may also encounter some dangerous things. But only if we know how to take the right measures, we will escape from the danger out. 爱丽丝漫游奇境记 Paper, Alice, has a bright fairy tales, lively and innocent, like fantasy, love brains, full of curiosity. No ghost of a trace of her a kind of innocence. It is this innocence, before starting to read this story in another interesting, very exciting. This book everything is so strange interesting. The people there speak unpredictable, those enable Alice ate or drank the water can change into *** all, *** all cakes and large mushrooms. Paper fantasy adventure, cute characters, vivid language brings us to the beautiful world of fantasy, adventure, together with Alice. This fairy tale all this after 100 years later in children's literature is still in bloom splendor reasons. And that kind of cute little hero is one of the pearl. She may not be very *** art, but she has a pure love of a gosling are polite. Coupled with her luminous eyes, a vivid images leap off the paper girl. 文中的爱丽丝,有着一颗灿烂的童心,活泼天真,喜欢幻想,爱动脑筋,充满好奇心。她身上无不散透着一种童真。正是这种童真,才让这篇故事读起里别有趣味,十分精彩。 这本书里的一切,都是那么的奇怪有趣。那里的人说话让人捉摸不透,那些让爱丽丝吃了或喝了能变大变小的水、小蛋糕和大蘑菇。文中奇幻的历险,可爱的人物,生动的语言把我们带到了幻想的美丽世界,与爱丽丝一起冒险。 这一切是这部童话故事在历经一百多年后依然在儿童文学中绽放异彩的原因。而那个善良可爱的小主人公更是其中的一颗明珠。她也许并不是很聪明,但是她有一颗纯净的爱心,对一只小鹅都彬彬有礼。加上她那双明亮的眼睛,一个生动的女孩形象跃然纸上。   This winter, I read Gorky's autobiographical novel, "Childhood", which to my deep feelings. It shows us Alyosha artistic munity in pursuit of light in the dark struggle, there are eighteen seventies eighties style of Russian society. 3 years old when his father died, the mother brought her family back to Alyosha. Unfortunately, my grandfather was a selfish and overbearing owners, but the development of capitali *** in Russia grandfather interrupted dream to get rich, so impoverished from bankruptcy. The poor mother remarried, the ill and died of eleven-year-old grandfather was brutally driven from their homes to the munity to fend for themselves ... ... in fact, is the prototype of Alyosha Gorky himself, Golgi by the character Alyosha to describe their own childhood. Gorky's writing is beautiful with a real description of the incredible suffering of their own childhood. We are now clothed with anything, they are the parents of the "apple", "darling" and how can I pare Gorky's childhood was miserable, the age difference is the difference beeen a paradise, a hell; a sunny, a land of darkness. Childhood we are hard-won ah! Childhood is full of joy, full of warm childhood, childhood memories of the camera is worth childhood full of heart will love! The Gorky's childhood except for some education and friendship, there is no longer worth remembering! If we live in what happens during the Russian Czar? It was not what people would think that living place? We will not only cherish the immediate well-being, but also to learn to create happiness. Turgenev once said: "Turgenev said:" If you want to be happy, you must first learn to afford to eat bitter. "Good life must be paid before long, have to fight, will be. 这个寒假,我读了高尔基的自传体小说《童年》,它给我的感触颇深. 它向我们艺术地展示了阿廖沙在黑暗社会追求光明的奋斗历程,还有十九世纪七十到八十年代的俄国社会风貌。3岁的时候,父亲病故,母亲就带阿廖沙回了娘家。可惜外公是个自私而又专横的小业主,但是资本主义俄国的发展打断了外公发财的好梦,从此破产以至于贫困潦倒。可怜的母亲改嫁之后,生病而死,十一岁的作者被外公残忍地赶出了家门,到社会上自谋生路……其实,阿廖沙的原型就是高尔基本人,高尔基借阿廖沙这个人物来描述自己的童年。高尔基用真实优美的文笔描述了自已苦难而令人难以置信童年. 我们现在丰衣足食 ,要什么有什么,又是父母的“掌上明珠”、“心肝宝贝”哪能和高尔基那悲惨的童年相提并论,年代的不同就是这差别,一个是天堂,一个是地狱 ;一个充满阳光,一个到处黑暗。我们现在的童年来之不易啊!童年充满着欢乐,童年到处是温暖,童年是值得回忆的相机,童年爱满心窝!而高尔基的童年除了一些教育和友谊,没有什么再值得回忆! 假如我们生活俄国沙皇时期又会怎么样?会认为那根本不是人生活的地方吗?我们不仅要珍惜眼前的幸福,而且要学会制造幸福。屠格涅夫说过:“屠格涅夫说过:“想要得到幸福,你首先要学会吃得起苦。”美好的生活必须有所付出,才会长久,有所争取,才会得到 .   书虫一级《05歌剧院的幽灵》。 我努力写出你要的初二水平,字数相当。 The phantom of the opera—— As I’ve watched the movie before reading, it’s not very difficult for me to understand the story of this book——The phantom of the opera. In fact, after I’ve read it, I am so moving that I thought I must write something about it to express all my feelings. Maybe you have been told many love stories, but have you heard such an amazing and sad one? It is the man called ‘The Phantom’, who fell in love with a opera singer called Christine. Christine was once a dancer, but she became famous because of her beautiful voice. The Phantom hided beyond the mirror and tried to teach Christine with her singing. Christine called him ‘Angel of Music’. But there was another man who also loved this girl, actually, they loved each other. Of cause The Phantom would not let this happen, so he took a series of action to stop them, which was very bad for the lovers. Finally , he failed, and then disappeared ever after. Well, some people may say that The Phantom is too selfish, but to me, he is one of the best. We Chinese know much about the ancient love stories such as ‘The butterfly love’, or ’The story of a white snake’, the hero of these love stories were also very honest and loved their lovers deeply. But The Phantom was quite different from them. He was falling in love with a woman who didn’t love him, but he still went on and didn’t give up easily. I am really touched by his love. So I feel perfectly sad for him. ’Hope the lovers finally get married’, though everyone of us think as this, but in this story, it goes the opposite side. Beside this, I also find it is a very funny one. The first class singer woman and the man, the boss, the other dancers, they are also important part of this story. You can read many funny dialogues and different feelings. I think , a good story is not only with good leading characters, a good supporting role is also needed. So this story has done it. After hearing my introduction, have you bee interested at this book? If the answer is ‘Yes’, then stop waiting, get it from the library and start your reading at once!   当一个人类对吸血鬼说“我要和你永远在一起”。这样的爱情早已超越了人世的情愫~没有现实,没有伤害,没有一切凡事的纷扰。 一个只吃动物血完好控制自己的吸血贵家族,竟然会为了爱情要大开杀戒~ 为什么这么完美的爱情连不同物种的生物都可以美化的催人泪下?偏偏凡事中却丑陋无比,甚至是伤害至极~ 以为的科幻片最后变成了爱情片。没有限制级的镜头,没有山盟海誓的对话。往往一个深情的眼神就足以打动任何人~ 不光光是演员卓越的表现带领我入戏,更是因为我羡慕这样的爱情~这才叫爱情。致生致死的爱情。或许只是一个来生,或许最后人永远是人,吸血鬼永远是吸血鬼一样! “你现在是我的命”彻底征服在这句话上~ 眼泪是无忌惮的挥洒在脸上,不知道是我羡慕的哭泣,还是因为曾经这样的话也出现在...当一个人类对吸血鬼说“我要和你永远在一起”。这样的爱情早已超越了人世的情愫~没有现实,没有伤害,没有一切凡事的纷扰。 一个只吃动物血完好控制自己的吸血贵家族,竟然会为了爱情要大开杀戒~ 为什么这么完美的爱情连不同物种的生物都可以美化的催人泪下?偏偏凡事中却丑陋无比,甚至是伤害至极~ 以为的科幻片最后变成了爱情片。没有限制级的镜头,没有山盟海誓的对话。往往一个深情的眼神就足以打动任何人~ 不光光是演员卓越的表现带领我入戏,更是因为我羡慕这样的爱情~这才叫爱情。致生致死的爱情。或许只是一个来生,或许最后人永远是人,吸血鬼永远是吸血鬼一样! “你现在是我的命”彻底征服在这句话上~ 眼泪是无忌惮的挥洒在脸上,不知道是我羡慕的哭泣,还是因为曾经这样的话也出现在我的生命中,现在却早已截然停止了呢?男主角那样深情的眼神,没有一丝的掺假。再简单的不过的一句话,却是每个女孩子这辈子最想从心爱的人嘴巴里说出的一句话。曾经的曾经,我也曾拥有过。只不过那样的曾经早已灰飞烟灭,荡然无存~ 永远有多远呢?? 一个是生老病死的人类,一个是活了上千年都不会老去的吸血鬼。却能爱的这么执着,第一次男主角带女主角爬树,一起飞,甚至是介绍她认识他家庭成员。就像有些人说的,有些爱注定华丽,有些爱注定卑微! 17岁的爱情故事。高中时代的纯情往事~或许永远会牵扯着内心深处最最柔软的悸动~爱的没有伤害,爱的毫无保留,爱的至于只有责任,爱的不得不发狂! 原以为我早已不知道什么是爱了` 很少哭了,不再是有或无的找依靠了~我以为自己一个人可以。以为不会再羡慕谁。可是这个电影明明就是童话故事,为什么偏偏击败了我坚固已久的心呢?是不是因为最近想太多了,我又装做一副无所谓的样子,明明很难过我却装坚强~ 或许谁都不懂谁,爱情谈何容易吖~ 爱是没有国界的。更没有空间之别。或许我在等爱,等那个可以深情真挚的告诉我“我是他的命”的人出现。狠狠地被呵护疼爱着,我还会再一次执迷不悟的爱着! 不是我不想拥有爱,只是我要我的爱 爱的纯粹 爱的毫无保留~


  书虫英文读后感 篇1

  The Spring Festival holiday, I read books in the Robinson Crusoe . I was deeply attracted to this book, it lets me realize Robinson"s amazing perseverance and never yield in spite of reverses the spirit.

  Robinson is the hero of this book. In a navigation, Robinson riding in a boat ran aground near the island, the ship seaman and passengers were all drowned, only one Robinson was lucky to survive. His perseverance, struggle with nature. He relies on his own hands and wisdom, the use of guns and simple tools, rely through one"s own efforts, support oneself to had played a desolate island life.

  After reading this book, I was deeply moved by the. A person caught in an impasse, could such a life full of confidence, the courage to face life, create life, it is praiseworthy for one"s excellent conduct. I understand that, regardless of when and where, no matter how difficult, not to be intimidated by the difficulties, we should bravely face the difficulties, overcome difficulties, and always maintain a positive, calm and optimistic attitude, to face challenges and bad luck. Only in this way can we, like Robinson, is always a winner.

  书虫英文读后感 篇2

  This book tells a story : Ralph Crewe lives in India with his little daughter Sara . He is a rich man , and he to make his daughter study better with her come to London to Miss Minchin school . For a start , Sara has many books , dolls and beautiful clothes , her life is like a princess.But the death of her father changed all that.Sara became a little teacher,a little maid , often on the street.But she has not lost princess temperament and courage . Sara still optimistic in life.Finally one day , his father’s friends to help Sara , so she became a princess again . This story is very touching.In the book the hero Sara persistent quality worthy of our study . When you feel the boundless future , don’t get disheartened . To smile in the face of all . Not because of others’ evaluation and shake my faith . But to overcome the difficulties step forward , you will succeed . So , if you want to give up , must be important trismus go . C limb over the mountain , you will face the sea ! Read the《A Little Princess》this book, I harvest many others . These truths are so important , will accompany me all my life !

  书虫英文读后感 篇3

  In this summer holidays, I read a book called < Great Expectations>, it was written by Charles Dickens, one of the most famous English writers. He wrote lots of wonderful novels. This book is one of his compositions.

  People always like to compare with their friends. It is a big foible of all the people. If other people have a lot of money, we also want to be rich. If all the people around us are poor , we never mind that we are very poor, too. we will not ashamed because of our folly. This is a social problem.

  If we never possess anything, we will not mind we lost some thing. Since we don't want to be very rich ,we will not feel despond because poor.

  The protagonist of this novel is Pip (Handel)。 His parents died when he was a baby. His sister had brought him up 'by hand'. His sister married to Joe Gargery, the village blacksmith. They didn't have much money, and Pip never went to school to study. But he was often very happy .Because all of his friends are like him. It isn't very unfortunate to them, this is their lives. But by a chance, Pip helped a convict; he gave much food to him. Then he met Miss Havisham, a very strange old woman and she was very rich.

  Four years later, Miss Havisham wants Pip to be removed from his home and educated as a gentleman who expects inherit a fortune when he grow up.

  After hearing that . Pip started to despise his poor friends. He even feel ashamed because he live with the poor man . Pip's 'great expectations' destroyed his life.

  This novel told us that we cannot compare with others .Don't feel envy at the others money. And if one day you be very rich , please don't despise your poor friends.

  书虫英文读后感 篇4

  To be a dreamer

  Experience a dangerous journey might a man’s choice. If women try to do that, people always think they might be mad. A book calleddescribe women make a risk to challenge the limit. They all have a same comment—dream.


  Robyn in order to cross the Australia Desert to arrive the Hewelin Pool, She walked 2800 kilometers, experience different hardship. When she worked for Kurt, he always shout her, sometimes stopped her wearing shoes that lead to her feet too painful to walk. Fortunately, Sallay help her, taught her a lot of knowledge about camel, and Eddie bring her to the Pipalyatjara. She never gave up walking whatever had any troubles. As result she arrive the destination and watch the sea.

  She had done it, her dream come true. The life would never be same as again. Experience the most different troubles; everything will not stop you to go on. Access the road to success, might have full of the stone. You might get hurt during the pro

  cess. Whenever, never give up the dream, just rush to the target, you will the winner at last.


  There was night men had lost their lives in this dangerous mountain. However, eleven women decided to clime this mountain, because they all have passion to climb mountain. As the captain, Arlene solved the problem smoothly. She also had hard stress at the same time. If she made a wrong strategies, the rest of ten people also include her would lost lives. On the Annapurna, avalanches could happen at any time. They still wanted to reach the top. The higher they climb, the more hardship they have. Finally 2 members use 8 hour to the summit. Unlucky, they died on the summit.

  People might look small in front of the nature, their persistent of the heart show so bravely. Follow to the dreams even lost lives; the spirit will leave in the world forever.

  Two short stories lead to me realize depth: nothing can be more exciting than success for a man. But you must face a variety of challenges before you succeed. No one can make it easily. The harder trouble you come over, the stronger you are. As someone said‘in every adversity there lies the seed of an advantage and in every defeat there is a lesson showing you how to win the victory next time”. The most important is to establish a brief that called perseverance. Life is too short, people could challenge the limit of lives, to struggle, to chase the dream, and never gave up.

  书虫英文读后感 篇5

  Today, I was excited mood end the Robinson Crusoe reading.

  The characters and story let me intoxicated. I like the characters in the story and his strong spirit. Robinson is one has the wisdom and courage people. I admire his courage and wisdom.

  Robinson is on the island to live, he overcame all the difficulties with wisdom! Twenty-eight years, what an amazing number!This is the story, in a seaway of Robinson, meet with a storm, he alone wandering to the island, living for twenty-eight years. We can see , how brave he is !At first, Robinson came to the island, he said: 'I'm desperate sad that I this sad situation. I have no food, no houses, no weapons, no clothes.’ But, after this he was more and more brave. He began to plan for his life.He created many needs things.He try various devices to create things for his island life.

  At last , He saw a ship through the island, Also experienced a lot of difficulty. In the end , he return to the country.

  This story tells me, when I meet the difficulties, we must Strive , Get the final victory!

  书虫英文读后感 篇6

  Have some kind of love, become blind but hypocritical in this abnormal society: Be unbearable Catherine vanity thin and weak, bumptious betraying; Have some kind of regret, be in so cruel society unexpected turn of events’ ferocious but frightful: Be frenzied continuous Heath cliff revenge, apprehensive helpless giving up all hopes.

  So-called human nature, so-called truth, good and beauty are borrowing evil ugly in front of appearing like that lowly, like that easy to break to pieces. Like that intense love , sinuous violent regret intertexture, love accommodates oneself to the extreme frenzied, regret accommodates oneself to the extreme demented , regretful to hurt , leave blood with sobbing , remaining endless scab is left ultimately.

  But disregarding this world be how force and hold back our pure but fine copy of the first edition human nature, anyway dogleg and confine, how the misleading sum restrains , we essential points is more soberly comparing with others checks self doctrine: Love needs to being apt such that concealing one"s real feelings , Aide are sincere , being apt such that Ling Ran is apt such that being duty-bound and will not turn back firmly, can not love to the anesthesia , love to the life regret , love but to agony. Continue being perplexed among indifferent enmity till destroying others also not destroying yourself , need to make great efforts to shake off the net vanishing into thin air , finish spending every day , conscientious cherishing flat and plain everyone, who loves you and you love.

  That distinctive and heavyhearted as well ruthless quality grabs Wuthering-Heights my heart deeply, that the times love tragedy leaves drapery behind, perform but ceaselessly by us, when ability is end? Or, this paradox is to redeem have no way to save forever.

  书虫英文读后感 篇7

  Frankenstein was a good scientist.He wanted to use elestricity to help people,and he wanted to discover the secrets of life.He worked very hard on these two things.He wanted to create a new life, but he was not allowed to make such medical experiments.He made a body in his laboratory and he did not let anybody enter his labtatory or his flat while he was doing this awful work.He bought or stole all the pieces of human body that he needed,and slowly and carefully, he put them all together. He used electricity from lighting to give life to the body. In the beginning, the monster was kind and helpful. But when he was hated everywhere by his creator and people,he felt very painful. He became hated everything and wanted to destroy everything.He killed Frankenstein's son, William and fiancee ,Elizabeth.Frankenstein filled with anger chase him with his creation demonic monster, finally, Frankenstein and the monster in the fight they died.

  It is a very terrible story. Frankenstein created a monster, in this society in which the subject of ridicule, discrimination, so that he eventually became hate everything, trying to ruin everything. This is not just to create a simple person, but to create a Satan, a devil. If people all show kindness for the monster, it would be a good man.There would not be many people losing their lives.In the story,the monster asked Frankenstein to make a second creature. But

  at last, frankenstein did not.I think he is right.If he does that,there may be more people to be dead.Maybe in the future,there will be no person on Earth. It is awful.

  From the story,I learned that everyone should have sympathy. Do not only care about appearance.

  书虫英文读后感 篇8

  In this happy winter holidays, I feel very happy.Look!This is a book.Its name’s .I read this book immediately when I came back home.

  I like reading .I t is easy to read.And it’s a good story. leading lady is a bave and kind woman. Can't remember what occasions heard that song .I might as a imprint is engraved on my heart. Once thought that English book is very difficult, then I can feel easy. The plot, characterization and clear up in my eyes. A novel a pleasure to behold, a beautiful and moving story. Reading this novel, I have benefited greatly. Everyone is equal, there is no distinction or distinction.

  If you read a good book. You must be thought.I am very good!



  书虫英语读后感 篇1

  I have read a book the other day called The Monkey’s Paw which is written by W.W.Jacobs.The story began on a cold and dark night.Old Mr White got a magic monkey paw from his friend Morris.Morris who told him that the monkey paw could give three wishes to three people,but it couldn’t bring them happiness.However,Old Mr White still used the paw to make wishes without listening to Morris’s discourage.Finally, he got thirty thousand pounds but his son died.At the end of the story,Mrs White almost became crazy.The whole family fell into sadness and fear.

  This story is gripping and also a little scary.It is tragic and sobering.The plot is both unexpected and reasonable.Although Old Mr White’s friend had warned him,but he didn’t listen.At last it became a tragedy.What caused all this?It’s obvious that the Mr White’s greed. He wanted to get the money with no pay,but that is impossible in this world.I’m afraid he’ll live out the rest of his life in regret. The three men who used the monkey’s paw all paid an irreparable price for their greed.

  This short novel tells us a lesson that we can’t daydream.Waiting for money and success comes with no pay is stupid and not realistic.We should work and study harder.Chase the treasure on your own without regret or sadness.

  书虫英语读后感 篇2

  In the winter holiday.I read a book.It is very wonderful.Its name is "The monkeys paw".The book tells about the Whites and a paws story.Mr.Whites friend gave him a small and dirty paw.He said "It can makes your dreams come true.But youll feel unhappy."Mr.White wanted 3000.And after some days,he got 3000,but his son deid.The end is Mr.White and his wife were very sad.

  I think “The monkeys paw” is very useful.Because it tells us some important things.Such as "get something for nothing." is impossible.We must do every things by ourselves.And we must know learn by doing.

  When I was 10 years old.I was not good at math.And I had tried to find many escape solutions.But no one is good for me.My mother tolds me,"learn by doing",and I did some test questions.Now,my math is ok.I think my story likes "The monkeys paw".And in the new future,I will do every things by my self and do not rely on my father and mother.I know I am the best.

  What a nice story!“The monkeys paw”is perfect,and I will learn more and more in it.

  书虫英语读后感 篇3

  This winter vacation,I read agreat book《Bookworm》.In gread 1,I appreciate the beauty of the moon,and,I know Mary,queen of Soctss story……In a word,I benefited a lot of in it.I really like this book.

  Among them,my favourite book is《Love or money》.It tells a rich women death without.Everyone is suspect,and they greeted her moneys mouth water.Her little daughter threatens her,to obtain money;on the surface seems to love her big daughter to reasons but hater mother;her son to a piece of land and mother fell out……

  Results a murderer is her big daughter!Reason have to her the person I love !

  I was very sad.A girl,actually killed her mother,is really too not filial piety.I know people for a variety of reasons will kill your most close.So,we should control oneself,avoid incentive,not reckless things……

  The《Book worm》 has taught me a lot.

  书虫英语读后感 篇4

  This book tells a story : Ralph Crewe lives in India with his little daughter Sara . He is a rich man , and he to make his daughter study better with her come to London to Miss Minchin school . For a start , Sara has many books , dolls and beautiful clothes , her life is like a princess.But the death of her father changed all that.Sara became a little teacher,a little maid , often on the street.But she has not lost princess temperament and courage . Sara still optimistic in life.Finally one day , his father’the book the hero Sara persistent quality worthy of our study . When you feel the boundless future , don’t get disheartened . To smile in the face of all . Not because of others’ evaluation and shake my faith . But to overcome the difficulties step forward , you will succeed . So , if you want to give up , must be important trismus go . C limb over the mountain , you will face the sea ! Read the《A Little Princess》this book, I harvest many others . These truths are so important , will accompany me all my life !

  书虫英语读后感 篇5

  Many people simply regard Pride and Prejudice as a love story, but in my opinion, this book is an illustration of the society at that time. She perfectly reflected the relation between money and marriage at her time and gave the people in her works vivid characters.

  The characters have their own personalities. Mrs. Bennet is a woman who makes great efforts to marry off her daughters. Mr. Bingley is a friendly young man, but his friend, Mr. Darcy, is a very proud man who seems to always feel superior. Even the five daughters in Bennet family are very different. Jane is simple, innocent and never speaks evil of others. Elizabeth is a clever girl who always has her own opinion. Mary likes reading classic books. (Actually she is a pedant.) Kitty doesn’t have her own opinion but likes to follow her sister, Lydia. Lydia is a girl who follows exotic things, handsome man, and is somehow a little profligate. When I read the book, I can always find the same personalities in the society now. That is why I think this book is indeed the representative of the society in Britain in the 18th century.

  The family of gentleman in the countryside is Jane Austen’s favourite topic. But this little topic can reflect big problems. It concludes the stratum situation and economic relationships in Britain in her century. You can find these from the very beginning of this book.

  Austen left this problem for us to think. The genius of Jane Austen lies in this perfect simplicity, the simplicity that reflects big problems. Although Austen was only 21 when she wrote “Pride and Prejudice”, her sharp observation of social lives makes the style of this book surprisingly mature and lively. The plots in her works are always very natural. The development of the plot is as inevitable as a problem in mathematics. I think the depth of Pride and Prejudice is the reason that makes this book prominent and classic. Today, her book still can be the guide telling us the economic relationships both at her time and in modern time.

  书虫英语读后感 篇6

  Little Women is a novel published in 1868 and written by American author Louisa May Alcott. The story concerns the lives and loves of four sisters growing up during the American Civil War. It was based on Alcotts own experiences as a child in Concord, Massachusetts with her three sisters, Anna, May, and Elizabeth. Little Women is the story of The Marches, a family used to hard toil and suffering. Although Father March is away with the union armies, the sisters Meg, Jo, Amy and Beth keep in high spirits with their mother, affectionately named Marmee. Their friendly gift of a Christmas holiday breakfast to a neighbouring family is an act of generosity rewarded with wealthy Mr. Laurences gift of a surprise Christmas feast. However, despite their efforts to be good, the girls show faults: the pretty Meg becomes discontented with the children she teaches; boyish Jo loses her temper regularly; while the golden-haired schoolgirl Amy is inclined towards affectation. However, Beth, who keeps the house is always kind and gentle. After certain happy times winning over the Laurences, dark times arrive as Marmee finds out about her husbands illness. Worse is to come as Beth contracts scarlet fever in her Samaritan efforts for a sick neighbour and becomes more or lean invalid. The novel tells of their progreinto young womanhood with the additional strains of romance, Beths terminal illness, the pressures of marriage and the outside world. This is the story of their growing maturity and wisdom and the search for the contentedneof family life. It was written in 1867 and is a fictionalised biography of Alcott and her sisters. It has become a much loved classic tale and, while some of its issues seem outdated, many of the trials of the sisters are all too relevant today as evidenced by its continued following.

  书虫英语读后感 篇7

  statue of the legislation in the city center onto a piece of pure gold. His eyes are two bright sapphires, there is a big ruby in his hand holds the hilt on sparkling. Can to help poor people, the Flying Swallow with the help of the pure gold and precious stones film gave people in need of help. Finally, the Flying Swallow has been frozen to death. The Happy Prince is also due to dilapidated and were removed. Later, someone asked The Happy Prince: Do you help others, they destroyed themselves, worth it? The Happy Prince without regret to say: As long as I have made to give others happiness, I have been happier. Is certainly worthwhile.

  Yes ah, this is how a simple if it! Others happy, is his happiness. Our happiness based on other people"s happiness above. Britain"s Prince Fan Zhongyan ancients of China"s first and worry about all over the world, after everyone else to enjoy, the famous saying. Which is not that we are advocating the moral life it?

  On the initiative of such thinking, in our lives appear as numerous as the Happy Prince, it is respected.

  However, I can not do. I am afraid of hardship, fear of pay. In a school clean-up, I only taught me the work, it was unwilling to help the students complete the common task of tired and dirty. Normally, also pick and choose in the labor, the lack of the spirit to endure hardship. In learning too afraid repeatedly practicing the task view. Do not want to study in depth.

  Today truly understand: I the usual so-called happiness and the Happy Prince"s happiness is essentially the difference.

本文标题: 牛津书虫英文读后感300词(牛津书虫英语读后感)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/322617.html



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