
发布时间: 2023-07-19 14:25:33 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 96




1.There are reasons to minimize the amount of fat in natural or formulated foods and a great deal of product development and processing development has been devoted to decreasing the fat content of foods. Generally, elimination of the fat is not the challenge; the resultant changes in product quality characteristics are the concern. A simplified approach of lowering the fat content without compensations in processing and formulation does not usually result in an acceptable product.2. Carbohydrates come in a variety of forms but the major differences in chemical properties and functions divide into sugars and polysaccharides. While some molecular aspects are in common to both groups, the sugars and the polysaccharides have vastly different functional properties.3. Food marketing brings together the producer and consumer. It is the chain of activities that brings food from "farm gate to plate". The marketing of even a single food product can be a complicated process involving many producers and companies. For example, fifty-six companies are involved making one can of chicken noodle soup. These business include not only chicken and vegetable processors but also the companies that transport the ingredients and those who print labels and manufacture cans.
1.There are reasons to minimize the amount of fat in natural or formulated foods and a great deal of product development and processing development has been devoted to decreasing the fat content of foods. Generally, elimination of the fat is not the challenge; the resultant changes in product quality characteristics are the concern. A simplified approach of lowering the fat content without compensations in processing and formulation does not usually result in an acceptable product.
1 、 yǒu有 lǐ理 yóu由 jiǎn减 shǎo少 zì自 rán然 huò或 pèi配 fāng方 shí食 pǐn品 zhōng中 de的 zhī脂 fáng肪 liàng量 hé和 dà大 liàng量 de的 chǎn产 pǐn品 kāi开 fā发 hé和 jiā加 gōng工 kāi开 fā发 yī一 zhí直 zhì致 lì力 yú于 jiàng降 dī低 shí食 pǐn品 de的 zhī脂 fáng肪 hán含 liàng量 。 yī一 bān般 lái来 shuō说 , xiāo消 chú除 zhī脂 fáng肪 shì是 bù不 shì是 tiǎo挑 zhàn战 , chǎn产 pǐn品 zhì质 liàng量 tè特 xìng性 de的 jié结 guǒ果 de的 biàn变 huà化 shì是 guān关 zhù注 。 yī一 zhǒng种 jiǎn简 huà化 de的 fāng方 fǎ法 , zài在 chǔ处 lǐ理 hé和 pèi配 fāng方 zhōng中 bù不 hán含 bǔ补 cháng偿 de的 zhī脂 fáng肪 hán含 liàng量 tōng通 cháng常 bù不 huì会 dǎo导 zhì致 yī一 gè个 kě可 jiē接 shòu受 de的 chǎn产 pǐn品 。
2. Carbohydrates come in a variety of forms but the major differences in chemical properties and functions divide into sugars and polysaccharides. While some molecular aspects are in common to both groups, the sugars and the polysaccharides have vastly different functional properties.
2 。 tàn碳 shuǐ水 huà化 hé合 wù物 yǐ以 duō多 zhǒng种 xíng形 shì式 chū出 xiàn现 , dàn但 zài在 huà化 xué学 xìng性 zhì质 hé和 gōng功 néng能 shàng上 de的 zhǔ主 yào要 qū区 bié别 shì是 táng糖 hé和 duō多 táng糖 。 suī虽 rán然 mǒu某 xiē些 fèn分 zǐ子 fāng方 miàn面 shì是 gòng共 tóng同 de的 liǎng两 zǔ组 , táng糖 hé和 duō多 táng糖 yǒu有 hěn很 dà大 de的 bù不 tóng同 de的 gōng功 néng能 tè特 xìng性 。
3. Food marketing brings together the producer and consumer. It is the chain of activities that brings food from "farm gate to plate". The marketing of even a single food product can be a complicated process involving many producers and companies. For example, fifty-six companies are involved making one can of chicken noodle soup. These business include not only chicken and vegetable processors but also the companies that transport the ingredients and those who print labels and manufacture cans.





好了,扯远了,拽回来。先是照旧来简介一下奥威尔这本书,有一个农场里的动物,天天都为农场主干活,但是得到的报酬却很少,可以果腹而已。有一天一头老公猪(老少校)把它们召集起来,告诉它们你们应该站起来反抗农场主,应该得到自由的生活。动物们都群情激愤,个个摩拳擦掌,唱着革命的歌曲《英格兰的生灵》,想象着赶走农场主,想象着以后的好日子。革命很快并且很轻易地成功了,后来又发生了一场“牛棚战役”,奠定了革命的果实,动物农场建立,并且颁布了《七戒》,成为农场的法律。庄园有两只猪雪球和拿破仑作为领导者。但是不久拿破仑用它养的9只凶悍的狼犬(一时间吾想到了八津蛮= =)赶走了雪球,并在以后的时间把所有的罪责都推到他身上,把它宣传成农场的敌人。最后猪们成了农场的领导阶级,变得跟以前的农场主一样,甚至更凶残,而从前的七戒从无数次地偷偷修改,最后只剩下最后一条“所有动物一律平等,但有些动物比其他动物更平等”。最后小说在人与猪的脸逐渐切换与逐渐混淆不清中进入尾声。
奥威尔还是赫胥黎,that is the question。
于是说今天就暂时写到这里,其实昨天晚上冒出来的念头还是很多的,只可惜吾那时候爬起来写东西一定会被爹娘暴揍,今天能记得的也就这么多了,就至此搁笔。感谢这本书带给我的启示与乐趣。 求采纳。。


Robinson Crusoe
Dang a people independent life of when, also has such of on life full confidence of, is is rare. because people total cannot was difficulties intimidated, and should welcomes difficult and Shang, overcome, challenge self-. always maintained a actively, optimistic of mentality. only such to beat difficulties in once backpack travel of en route, Robinson ride of aircraft in unmanned Island Shang crashed. This is what local? hot brilliant of Sun, stretch as far as the eye can see of sea in Robinson eyes expand of is a site romantic, alone, stimulus and adventure of picture. However   , If really of alone left in unmanned Island Shang will how does? here no tap water, also no gas furnace, playing does not pass phone, also can't called outside sold sent meal. Apart from soil, sea and has been life in there of flora and fauna yiwai, unmanned Island Shang no any things is to let human survival and exists of. a drop are to personally to found, a flames are to personally lit. in such of status Xia, you also will was romantic did? Robinson is not genius, but he has more strong of curiosity. He through thick and has limited insurance, narrow escape. He experience has no freshwater of pain, overcome has alone a people survival of fear, stayed up had has unmanned Island Shang long of meiyu period, beat has own spirit of despair, last finally ride United Kingdom seagoing vessel, drove to hope of home although Robinson life in away from then social of desert island Shang, had with food and clothing no worry of life, but he always no detachment had social,   Using previously learned in social knowledge itself survived. If he is born live on a desert island, that situation is going to be?   Could not be isolated from society and human existence, it is undeniable fact. Robinson to life on the deserted island for decades, not only is he not take defeat, superior ability to survive, most of all, his rich social experiences. Robinson at the time of the island, never gave up going back to his old life, and this, perhaps he survived conviction! Although Robinson life in away from then social of desert island Shang, had with food and clothing no worry of life, but he always no detachment had social, using previously in social middle school to of knowledge makes own live has down. If he from life down on life in desert island Shang, that situation and will is how? people cannot detachment social and exists, this is not denied of facts. Robinson can in desert island Shang life for decades years, not only is he does not admit defeat of thought, super strong of survival ability, most important of is he rich of social experience Robinson in island Shang Shi, From no gave up had to returned to he original is life, this, may is he live down of beliefs novels Robinson drifting remember under, has been was people of loves. winter vacation read finished this this book, really can be described as is seem to have hit the jackpot. this this book description of is a ship ship crash Hou, only survivors Robinson in deserted of small island, in isolation of environment in the, life has 28 years of adventure experience and inside activities. Robinson in island Shang alone, face difficulties and setbacks, overcome has many ordinary people cannot imagine of difficulties, own hands-on,   Plenty, with amazing perseverance, indomitable survived. From the wrecked ship, find some wood, and built houses on a desert island, in order to prevent the beast, also around the House on the stakes. ...


编辑于 2021-02-22
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— 你看完啦,以下内容更有趣 —
we can't live without love, especially love from the family. sometimes we may have good luck, for example owing lots of money or good chances, like what charlie met in the movie. however, we could not give up our family love to choose money or others. family is a good place to laugh, to cry. no matter you are happy ro sorrow, your family members will be together with you. My family is not rich, but our relationship is very well. Sometimes, we may complain the poor house, the common clothes, but we love each other, my lovely family members. Love can not be payed by money. so, as long as we own love, we are the happy people. At last, I hope everyone cheirsh his family forever, and love them all his life. 我们没办法生活在没有爱的世界,尤其是来自家庭的爱。有时候我们好像很幸运,例如有点钱或者好机会,就像查理在电影中遇见的一样。然而我们不能放弃我们家庭的爱去换取金钱或其他。因为家庭是一个欢乐或哭泣的领地,无论你是开心或悲伤,你的家庭成员都会陪伴着你。我的家庭不是很富裕,但是我们的感情很好。有时候我们会抱怨房子小,抱怨衣服简单,但是我的可爱的家庭成员们相亲相爱。 爱不能用金钱来衡量,所以只要我们有爱,我们就是富有的人。 最后我永远爱每一个查理的家人和爱他们的生活。 Tim did give us a beautiful chocolate factory where there are dwarfs , purest chocolate, rooms made from candies and equipments which can send the objects inside the TV set,but the abundant imagination which enlightens us didn't make its appearance. The original story can be like this,such feeling disappeared.And unitl the end of the whole movie,the favorite character was not Charlie or Willy Wonka,nor were the children and their parents who got four Golden Ticket,but the bunch of old man in Charlie's home.As the progatonist of the story,Charlie was the tranditional good boy who took charge of home at an early age.He was kind and knew how to make both ends meet with a deep look on his face which was inappropriate with his age;Willy Wonka was both selfish and hysterical;four kids were four extremes who were greedy and spoiled belonging to the arrogant post-modern grown man.Since they showed up,we could guess their results;regarding the grown-ups,from the accompanying parents to the grown-ups who tried to buy Charlie's Golden Ticket,even the uncle who was selling the candies,they were all so pale and lacked individuality.Finally,what made me laugh happily was only those old men whose age added up to 381 years old.It was also because of them that made this movie have some warm feeling. Though the story was still familiar,the warmth of family would never fade away.But besides the beginning and end which lasted more than half and hour,can the conventional story in the middle satisfy the audiences?At least I was not satisfied.
查理和巧克力工厂英语读后感 “Charlie and the chocolate factory”is about Charlie Bucket, a child whose family is so poor that he can not buy enough food to eat, after being lucky enough to get a golden ticket (the only way to get into the WONKA factory is to own a ticket) , there are some strange, new and interesting things that happen in Mr. Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. Although he was one of the five winners of the Golden Ticket (all children) , I think Charlie had the last laugh because he was more obedient, but it seems that Mr. Wonka wanted a obedient child to inherit his factory. Of course, Charlie still has a lot of advantages, such as smart, sensible, obedient (just said) , and so on.In the factory, they saw a huge chocolate shop with all kinds of fancy but experimental candy labs, Round Squares of candy, nut shops, TV shops, and so on. 作文翻译 《查理和巧克力工厂》这本书,主要讲的是查理巴克特这个家里穷到连够买能吃饱的食物都没有的孩子,在幸运地得到了一张金奖劵(只有拥有奖券才能进入旺卡工厂)后。 在威利旺卡先生的巧克力工厂(就是旺卡工厂)里面遇到的一些稀奇古怪又新鲜有趣的东西和事情。虽然查理在包括他在内的五个金奖劵得主(全是小孩子)中留了下来,不过我觉得查理之所以能够笑到最后,应该是比较听话的缘故吧,不过旺卡先生好像本来就是要一个听话的孩子来继承他的工厂耶。 当然啦,查理还是有不少优点的,比方说聪明啦,懂事啦,听话啦(刚才说过了),等等等等。查理他们在工厂里看到了庞大的巧克力车间,里面有各种新奇但还在实验阶段的糖果实验室、看起东西来圆滚滚的方糖、果仁车间、电视车间等。
读了查理和巧克力工厂后我深有感触:一个人不能太贪心,太骄傲。 查理和巧克力工厂讲述的是一个名叫查理的小男孩的到了全世界只有5张的金券,他到了巧克力工厂经过重重考验的到巧克力工厂的故事。 当时巧克力工厂的主人威力·旺卡为了测试谁最适合继承巧克力工厂,设置了重重“巧合”最终发现查理是最适合的 其他4位都因为他们的贪心而被淘汰,所以,我的感悟是:贪心会使人失去一切。
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星期天,我在网上看了一部电影《查理和巧克力工厂》我觉得有点搞笑,有点感人。 Sunday, I watched a movie "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" I feel a bit funny on the Internet, a little touching. 主要内容:小查理和一家人生活在一个小房子里,爸爸在牙膏厂上班,工作很辛苦,而薪水很少,一家人每天吃喝不饱的甘蓝汤。一家虽然苦,但很幸福。在小镇的中央有搜索座巧克力工厂,工厂门十五年没开过,但却闻的到浓郁的巧克力味。事情是这样的,旺卡先生做了五张金奖卷藏在五包巧克力里,而小查理机会很少,因为他每年只有一块巧克力。首先是喜欢暴饮暴食的奥古斯塔斯,第二位是被家人宠坏的小女孩维鲁卡·索尔特。第三位是爵口香糖冠军维奥莉特。最后一位是迈克。而小查理在雪地里捡到一张纸币,去买了一块巧克力,结果金奖卷在里面,五个孩子去了巧克力工厂,结果奥古斯塔斯掉进巧克力河里,维奥莉特变成蓝莓糖果,维鲁卡·索尔特被送进废品炉,迈克钻进了电视,变成了微小粒子。而查理得到一座巧克力工厂。 看完这部电影,我觉得很感动,旺卡先生把一座巧克力工厂送给查理叫他和自己独行,查理没答应,而是要和家人在一起,换做别人早就同意。后来查理又帮助旺卡先生和他的父亲的误会解开,因为旺卡先生的父亲是一位牙医,从小就不让旺卡先生吃糖。而且旺卡先生和父亲争吵要开一家糖工厂。而查理发现在旺卡先生父亲的墙上,粘满了有关旺卡先生的糖果厂的事情。我觉得查理一句话说得很好,伤心时,就去找家人。是啊!伤心时家人会为我们分担痛苦,安慰我们,鼓励我们,让我们不再伤心而很开心。亲人是爱我们的,只是我们没有发现罢了!尽管和我们争论过后,过一阵总会后悔起来我刚才对不对,也许会对我们说:“对不起”。亲人总是表面对我们坏,其实心里很内疚的。结果很美好,旺卡先生得到了亲人,而查理也接受了巧克力工厂。 这部电影对我启发很大,和亲人在一起,再苦也是甜的,如果有兴趣,也可以去看看。 Main content: little Charlie and one family lived in a small house, father work in toothpaste factory, work very hard, but a small salary, one family eating and drinking is not full of cabbage soup. A though bitter, but very happy. Search a chocolate factory in the town of central, the factory door not open for fifteen years, but the smell of the rich chocolate. The thing is, Mr. Wonka had five pieces of gold hidden inside each of the five packet of chocolate, while little Charlie little chance, because he was only a piece of chocolate. The first is like Augustus puyinpusi, second is a spoiled little girl family Viruka Salt. The third grand champion Violet is chewing gum. The last one is Mike. While little Charlie found a note in the snow, to buy a piece of chocolate, the gold medal rolls on the inside, five children went to the chocolate factory, Augustus fell into the river Violet a chocolate, blueberry candy, Salt was sent to scrap furnace, Mike got into the TV, into small particles. Charlie got a chocolate factory. After seeing this movie, I feel very touched, Mr. Wonka had a chocolate factory to Charlie and asked him to walk alone, Charlie didn't agree, but to stay with family, do others would agree. Charlie later helped Mr. Wonka and his father misunderstanding untie, because Mr. Wonka's father is a dentist, never let Mr. Wonka candy. But Mr. Wonka and quarrel father to open a sugar factory. And check the barber now Mr. Wonka father wall, candy factory thing sticky about Mr. Wonka. I think Charlie is a very good, sad, went to the family. Yeah! Sad when family will we share the pain, to comfort us, encourage us, let us not be sad and happy. The family is loving us, but we did not find! And although we after the
debate, af
本文标题: 《食品专业英语》读后感(食品专业英语的主要内容)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/321088.html



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