groundhog day 读后感(土拨鼠日观后感(英文))

发布时间: 2022-12-21 13:18:09 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 86


groundhog day 读后感(土拨鼠日观后感(英文))

短文理解groundhog day is held.....

Groundhog Day falls on February 2 and centers on the idea of the groundhog coming out of its home to “predict” the weather.
Groundhog Day is not a public holiday, but it is very popular in many parts of the US. The official groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, which was named after King Phillip, lives in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. The town has attracted thousands of visitors over the years to experience various Groundhog Day events and activities. News reporters, locals and visitors meet together on February 2 each year to await Phil’s appearance and his weather prediction. Many weather researchers questioned the groundhog’s accuracy in predicting the weather, but some of the groundhog’s fans may not agree.

谁能给我介绍一下Groundhog Day是个什么日子?

这个要结合背景知识 土拨鼠节. Groundhog Day
美国民间传说中,2月2日为土拨鼠长期冬眠后出洞寻找自身影子的日子。如果它 发现影子,就认为是有六个多星期是坏天气的预兆,随即返回洞里。如果出洞这一天是多云,看不见影子,就认为是春天来到的征兆


《Groundhog Day》was more than a comic movie,it revealed a truth that people always waste too much time on tiny meaningless things.
The leading actor was a weatherman,after going to report a traditional spring festival,he found himself living the same day over and over again.At first,he just took advantage of this to play some jokes or flirt with some girl for fun.
Then he fell in love with his colleague,he decided to change it.He started to work hard to improve himself.And finally he win the love of his colleague and changed his destiny.
We all experience that when we get up every day,we feel like we are living the same day as before.What terrify us most is that we do not have enough courage to change this.We thought that maybe we would changed this the next day,but never thingk about changing it right here,right now.
If we made a litte improvement every day,we would become what we have expect some day.Just change it today!
Groundhog Day falls on February 2 and centers on the idea of the groundhog coming out of its home to “predict” the weather.
Groundhog Day is not a public holiday, but it is very popular in many parts of the US. The official groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, which was named after King Phillip, lives in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. The town has attracted thousands of visitors over the years to experience various Groundhog Day events and activities. News reporters, locals and visitors meet together on February 2 each year to await Phil’s appearance and his weather prediction. Many weather researchers questioned the groundhog’s accuracy in predicting the weather, but some of the groundhog’s fans may not agree.
But how did the groundhog get a day of his own?
Thousands of years ago, people in the area of Europe now known as Germany believed that the badger (獾) had the power to predict the coming of spring. They watched the badger to know when to plant their crops. By the time the first Germans settled in Pennsylvania they probably understood that this was not true, but the tradition continued.
However, there were not many badgers in Pennsylvania so the groundhog was used instead of the badger. The tradition is that if the groundhog sees its shadow on February 2 it will be frightened by it and will return to its home, meaning that there will be six more weeks of winter. If it does not see its shadow, then spring is on the way.
Of course, spring always arrives on or near March 21, so whether the groundhog decides to return to his home or to stay above ground, the sad fact is that people will always have to wait for at least six more weeks.


Summer rain
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本文标题: groundhog day 读后感(土拨鼠日观后感(英文))



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