
发布时间: 2022-09-05 23:44:47 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 106




One of the greatest love stories of all time, Pride & Prejudice, comes to the screen in a glorious new adaptation starring Keira Knightley. When Elizabeth Bennett (Knightley) meets the handsome Mr. Darcy (Matthew MacFadyen), she believes he is the last man on earth she could ever marry. But as their lives become intertwined in an unexpected adventure, she finds herself captivated by the very person she swore to loathe for all eternity. Based on the beloved masterpiece by Jane Austen, it is the classic tale of love and misunderstanding that sparkles with romance, wit and emotional force. Critics are calling it "Exhilarating. A joy from start to finish"

傲慢与偏见 英语读后感200词

“Any library is a good library that does not contain a volume by Jane Austen”, when this words about Jane Austen given by Mark Twin first came upon to me, I was, just in your expectation, a little bit surprised. Gradually, however, when I know more about the characteristics of her works, I think the judgement of Mark Twin makes sense in some degree. Especially after I have finished her work Pride and Prejudice and compared it with the contemporary production The Red and the Black written by Stendhal. Less reflection and exposure on social conflicts among different classes is a big pity for Austen’s works, as well as for the readers. Still, however, Austen’s unique interpretation towards marriage is the distinguished feature of her literary accomplishment. And I want to give some reflection on the different kinds of relationships and marriages in Pride and Prejudice.
Five different types of relationships or marriages, as far as I am concerned, are presented in this book.
The first type, undoubtedly, is the relationship between Jane and Mr. Bingley. They met at a party and almost fell in love with each other just after their first encounter. Bingley’s wealth and courtesy, Jane’s beauty and tenderness, and the similarities in their personality are all the factors that contribute to the relationship. So, though I believe, actually, there is some kind of love between the young lady and the gentleman, it is not the pure and true love, their combination is not for no intention but for some certain desire. So I would like to call their relationship as “Secular Love”.
Contrasting to the relationship between Jane and Mr. Bingley, the marriage between Charlotte and Mr.Collins is much less romantic, or no romance at all. One is the Cinderella in reality equipped with no prince, the other is a priest, old and ugly. Their marriage, of course, has no love but compromise. Even Elizabeth thinks “Charlotte the wife of Mr. Collins, was a most humiliating picture!” But what could she do? Just as she said, she is not romantic and she asks only a comfortable home, and this is within Mr. Collins ability. Comparing with being a 27-year-old burden to her family,at least for her, marrying Mr. Collins is the best choice. So as for them, I call “Rational Love” or rather------ “Rational Combination”.
Another couple is Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Bennet. Just in the first chapter, I wondered why two people with such different characteristics could live together for 23 years. The wonder disappeared when the explanation was offered by Austen in Chapter 42 about Mr. Bennet’s attitude towards his wife. Captivated by youth and beauty, he married her and very early in their marriage, after knowing the disposition of her, ended his affection and used her ignorance to contribute his amusement, having impropriety of his behavior as a husband. Neither for Mr. Bennet nor for Mrs. Bennet this marriage is quite fair or contented, but both of them should pay, and had already paid the bill of their “Hasty Love”.
Lydia’s relationship with Wickham, to some extent, is similar with her parents’. Mr. Bennet was captivated by the beauty of his wife and Lydia was fascinated by the handsome appearance of Wickham. Compared with her parents’ marriage, however, Lydia’s relationship with Wickham would only turn out a much more unpleasant one, for their marriage is based on the fulfillment of vanity and the desire of property. So I consider their relationship as “Orectic Incorporation”
And finally here comes the relationship between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. When I first finished the movie of Pride and Prejudice, I still wondered why there is a love flame between them. One is so proud and the other full of prejudice, but when I read more details about this work, the answer has emerged. “Love”, a word we are so familiar with, but what is love? In Austen’s work, I gradually know that love is not just as abstract as we often regard. Take Elizabeth, for example, her love for Daisy is based on two things: respect and gratitude. She respects his valuable qualities: nobility and kindness, and even Wickham had done something so bad to him and his sister, he still didn’t blame him before others or let him lose all dignity in public. Also, she is grateful to Mr. Darcy, for his love, for his forgiveness about her bad manners when she rejected him, for his help to her sister’s marriage and her family’s fame. And finally, these turned out her attachment, affection and love for him. As for Darcy, his attention to Elizabeth was first on her eyes, full of liveliness, thoughts and pursuits and unlike any other ladies, she is such a unique girl that she didn’t flatter him at all, so for him she is so extraordinary and attractive. And Elizabeth got his respect and love because of her own independence, liveliness and uniqueness. And I regard their relationship as “Spirit Love”.
Austen’s attitude towards marriage, love, status and property can still be used as a reference. Nowadays, fast food culture derives fast-food-style love, although we are in the era of fast changes, it’s better for us to love rationally and independently. Hope everyone has his real, unique love.

傲慢与偏见 英文读后感 500字

要原创 不要网上粘来的 要适合高中学生的水平 注意:是英文的!!! 谢谢各位哥哥姐姐啦……请发到我的邮箱lalala591@sina.com谢谢啦……
“Any library is a good library that does not contain a volume by Jane Austen”, when this words about Jane Austen given by Mark Twin first came upon to me, I was, just in your expectation, a little bit surprised. Gradually, however, when I know more about the characteristics of her works, I think the judgement of Mark Twin makes sense in some degree. Especially after I have finished her work Pride and Prejudice and compared it with the contemporary production The Red and the Black written by Stendhal. Less reflection and exposure on social conflicts among different classes is a big pity for Austen’s works, as well as for the readers. Still, however, Austen’s unique interpretation towards marriage is the distinguished feature of her literary accomplishment. And I want to give some reflection on the different kinds of relationships and marriages in Pride and Prejudice.
Five different types of relationships or marriages, as far as I am concerned, are presented in this book.
The first type, undoubtedly, is the relationship between Jane and Mr. Bingley. They met at a party and almost fell in love with each other just after their first encounter. Bingley’s wealth and courtesy, Jane’s beauty and tenderness, and the similarities in their personality are all the factors that contribute to the relationship. So, though I believe, actually, there is some kind of love between the young lady and the gentleman, it is not the pure and true love, their combination is not for no intention but for some certain desire. So I would like to call their relationship as “Secular Love”.
Contrasting to the relationship between Jane and Mr. Bingley, the marriage between Charlotte and Mr.Collins is much less romantic, or no romance at all. One is the Cinderella in reality equipped with no prince, the other is a priest, old and ugly. Their marriage, of course, has no love but compromise. Even Elizabeth thinks “Charlotte the wife of Mr. Collins, was a most humiliating picture!” But what could she do? Just as she said, she is not romantic and she asks only a comfortable home, and this is within Mr. Collins ability. Comparing with being a 27-year-old burden to her family,at least for her, marrying Mr. Collins is the best choice. So as for them, I call “Rational Love” or rather------ “Rational Combination”.
Another couple is Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Bennet. Just in the first chapter, I wondered why two people with such different characteristics could live together for 23 years. The wonder disappeared when the explanation was offered by Austen in Chapter 42 about Mr. Bennet’s attitude towards his wife. Captivated by youth and beauty, he married her and very early in their marriage, after knowing the disposition of her, ended his affection and used her ignorance to contribute his amusement, having impropriety of his behavior as a husband. Neither for Mr. Bennet nor for Mrs. Bennet this marriage is quite fair or contented, but both of them should pay, and had already paid the bill of their “Hasty Love”.
Lydia’s relationship with Wickham, to some extent, is similar with her parents’. Mr. Bennet was captivated by the beauty of his wife and Lydia was fascinated by the handsome appearance of Wickham. Compared with her parents’ marriage, however, Lydia’s relationship with Wickham would only turn out a much more unpleasant one, for their marriage is based on the fulfillment of vanity and the desire of property. So I consider their relationship as “Orectic Incorporation”
And finally here comes the relationship between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. When I first finished the movie of Pride and Prejudice, I still wondered why there is a love flame between them. One is so proud and the other full of prejudice, but when I read more details about this work, the answer has emerged. “Love”, a word we are so familiar with, but what is love? In Austen’s work, I gradually know that love is not just as abstract as we often regard. Take Elizabeth, for example, her love for Daisy is based on two things: respect and gratitude. She respects his valuable qualities: nobility and kindness, and even Wickham had done something so bad to him and his sister, he still didn’t blame him before others or let him lose all dignity in public. Also, she is grateful to Mr. Darcy, for his love, for his forgiveness about her bad manners when she rejected him, for his help to her sister’s marriage and her family’s fame. And finally, these turned out her attachment, affection and love for him. As for Darcy, his attention to Elizabeth was first on her eyes, full of liveliness, thoughts and pursuits and unlike any other ladies, she is such a unique girl that she didn’t flatter him at all, so for him she is so extraordinary and attractive. And Elizabeth got his respect and love because of her own independence, liveliness and uniqueness. And I regard their relationship as “Spirit Love”.
Austen’s attitude towards marriage, love, status and property can still be used as a reference. Nowadays, fast food culture derives fast-food-style love, although we are in the era of fast changes, it’s better for us to love rationally and independently. Hope everyone has his real, unique love.


Let me just start by saying that I had been put off reading Thomas Hardye by Dickens. Having really struggled with Dickens and resorted to audio I had wrongly assumed that all 19C liturature was the same. How wrong I could be. From the first paragraph where the opening character farmer Gabriel Oak is desribed smiling, ‘the corners of his mouth spread till they were an unimportant distance from his ears‘ I fell in love with Hardy‘s narrative. His ability to use words that lift the description off the page and into the reader‘s imagination are not just outstanding but incredibly enjoyable.
I went into this book blindly, knowing little about the plot that lay ahead or even the genre. It has been described by some as romantic fiction. But I think this is too simplistic a title and and maybe slightly off-putting to some. Hardye steps into Greek Tragedy when the unwitting and churlish actions of our young protagonist, Bathsheba Everdene, result in a love tryst between three suitors with tragic consequenses.
The book is essentially a journey for Bathsheba into womanhood not unlike the journey that Scarlett O‘Hara makes in Gone with the Wind who also has to overcome great tragedy in order to realise her own strength. Unlike this heroin, however, Bathsheba is more the instrument of chaos and indecion and part of her journey is that she accepts what she has caused and tries to make.
Hardye avoids making this into moral stricture but deviates from the Greek Tragedy model by giving us a happy ending not atypical of 19C serialised fiction.
Quite often an author‘s voice creeps into their writing and the reader becomes aware that they are not in fact walking the hills and dales of fictional Wessex but are at the pen nib of a writ


The impression of Pride and Prejudice
The book《 Pride and Prejudice》 is written by Jane Austen , a famous English writer .
I still remember the first sentence in this book .It reads :"It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must in need of a wife ." The undertone is very clear : the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession. Love seems to be a perpetual theme all the time .And the main story in the book Pride and Prejudice is not a exception .The writer tells us her views and attitudes about love and marriage in this book.
The novel mainly tells us a love story between Elizabath and Mr. Darcy.It is at a ball that Elizabeth meets Mr. Darcy for the first time and his pride and supercilious behaviors has left Elizabeth a terrible impression . This is the reason why Elizabeth's prejudice towards him begins .Besides this reason ,there are two other incidents strengthens Elizabeth's prejudice .The first is that Wickham speaks ill of Mr. Darcy, which makes Elizabeth thinks him is unworthy to making acquaince of.The second is that Elizabeth regards Darcy is the person who separates her sister Jane and Mr. Bingley.But with the plots developing ,Darcy has changed himself and become no longer pride ,he also helps Jane and Bingley's reunion .All these factor change Elizabeth's attitude towards Darcy. Eventually , Elizabeth and Darcy become a couple and lead a happy life from then on.
After reading this novel, I realize the author—Jane Austen’s attitudes and views towards love and marriage: is unpractical to get married just for property, wealth and social status while would it be without caring about these elements. Marriage should be based on a real love and it is not a game! You can not just enjoy it without prudent considerations. There is a gap which is called pride and prejudice between Elizabeth and Darcy , for they possess different society status and amount of property. But the ending which the author arranges that Elizabeth and Darcy break all the obstacles and become a love couple suggests that true do exist no matter how different the background ,the status is .And I think this book will arouse people’s awareness of the importance of true love in a marriage.
本文标题: 傲慢与偏见读后感英语论文(《傲慢与偏见》读后感英文50字数)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/212113.html



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