
发布时间: 2022-09-05 07:37:47 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 96





看《海底的秘密》是件相当幸福的事。      1.阅读的过程是轻松愉悦的。    《海底的秘密》这个故事,需要读者自己用眼睛看,自己从心里面把故事读出来。不管是对孩子还是大人来说,这是多么有成就感的事情啊。   当大家静下心来,一起阅读、一起分享这本书的过程也是幸福的。当大人和孩子一起细细体会这本书的时候,你会惊喜发现,孩子会心率变慢,血压降低,情绪变得平缓愉悦。而且奇妙的是,作为大人的你也一样。(同朋友一起亦然)      2.故事的内容是令人幸福的。    一方面,《海底的秘密》说了一个令人欣喜的跨世界的友谊传播。   对啊,大家都说要交朋友。那书中说的这个故事其实是个海洋版的交笔友的故事。对大家来说,友谊可能是看不见的,也可以是说不出的,最主要的是用心来感受的。看了这个故事,大家会惊叹到:原来友谊还是可以这么传递的啊。    令一方面,少年发现了解秘密的经历也是一个自己独立做事情的过程,而过程本身是愉快的。   让我们来看看少年是怎么做的吧?   捡到了照相机(询问他人不果) -->自己研究照相机 -->发现胶卷(想看,怎么办,找地方冲)-->到照片店冲洗 --> 研究照片(自己发现了海底的秘密) --> 发现照片的细节(看不清楚) --> 使用各种工具,彻底发现了海底秘密传播的途径 --> 决定不向别人泄秘(照片都回归海里,消除证据)--> 自己加入传播海底秘密让照相机继续它的传播秘密之旅.    原来秘密是不存在的,一旦你好奇了,那秘密就存在了。有了秘密就想了解更多,想揭秘,怎么办?那基本上是要靠自己找工具,想办法把问题解决的。这不正也是一个科学研究所应该具备的方法和流程。更厉害的是,作者一点说教一点痕迹都没有,让大家自觉自愿地领悟到了,很神奇吧。      3.透过相机看到了一个充满各种奇妙与的世界,这个缜密想也象是令人幸福的。    哇,原来,鱼也可以有机械鱼,海岛原来是站着的海星,美人鱼生活的地方原来是这样子的……这些美好的想象能够让充满好奇的孩子和大人们感到满足,同时也不禁大吃一惊,感到,噢,原来还可以这么想事情啊,真正开阔眼界。      4. 优美的图画,尤其是图画表现的细节也可以让孩子感到很亲切,感到开心不已。    举例说,在那幅外星人海底观光照片中,你看那个急着要挣脱大人的外星小孩,还有那个淘气得拿着一根树枝一样东西在戳大鱼的外星小孩,象不象你家的孩子呢?或者说简直一模一样,简直太亲切了。孩子会感到:原来这本书是一个懂我们的大人为我们准备的礼物啊,实在是有意思,自然会喜欢得不得了。 再看看别的外星大人们,有的拍照,有的“骑”鱼,有的冒冒失失把相机丢到海底深处,不就象平时兴奋出游的我们吗?简直生动得不行了,再回想咱们自己郊游时的各种有趣经历,大家怎么能不感到幸福呢。      5.作品中藏着许多谜题和有趣“机关”,既让人着迷,又让人受教育。    比如,你有发现小男孩子从沙滩跑到摄影店冲洗照片时影子的方向和他返回时候的方向是相反的吗?你有发现背景画中沙滩上的人数由少变多,潮起潮落又发生了什么样的变化,,阳光慢慢不见了,光线也好象慢慢暗下去了。这些细节其实都在真实的告诉大家,噢,原来每天时间的变化和推移是可以观察出来的噢。留意到这些,这也就在潜移默化中很好的培养了孩子留心大自然,培养细心观察的能力。    瞧,原来完全不用枯燥的说教。同时,也在一定程度上省去了父母苦口婆心解释的困扰,因为孩子发现很多想知道的事情是可以通过自己观察,自己学习的。    那么对于学艺术的人来说,会发现很多有关艺术的隐藏学问的运用,比如光线, 色彩,色调,构图,视角, 空间时间表现,方向性, 蒙太奇…同时也会发现,噢,原来艺术是可以这么接近大家的生活,这么让大家感受到幸福,同时也考虑是不是自己以后在艺术创作上可以添加更多的人文和有趣的东西呢。    看得在远一些,这本书偷偷告诉你,其实,我们平时都在说很难发现的创新,创新,噢,就在你身边。发现创新的关键是不是在于你是否敢想敢实践呢?所以有很多潜在的内容,可以慢慢研究.      6.本书的价格也是让人幸福和欣然接受的噢。    初看本书,也许有人会说,书虽好,可不便宜。我的理解是:那要看你觉得值不值。    一本有厚厚封皮的全彩页铜版纸的精装书,相对于平装版本,价格自然略高。那自然就有人问,为什么不印刷成为平装版本呢?这也是可以解释的。    1.全彩,是因为这本书中的色彩也是可以说话的。    2.铜版纸和精装,是因为太值得收藏了。   具体来说,好吧,这是由无字书的特性决定的.    因为《海底的秘密》是一本不会用语言说话的书,作者要表达的全都藏在图画里面了,而读者阅读的唯一方式就是用眼睛看。用眼睛看?这可不是轻松的活。既要把故事从文字中读出来,又要注意故事人、物细节和隐藏的秘密,还有作者运用的不同绘画手法技巧……正象《小王子》中说的:“只有用心才可以去体会的,内在的本质是眼睛看不到的。”    简单说,《海底的秘密》就是一本需要用心看,并且在重复阅读很多次后,你仍然不会感到厌恶,反而感受到不同乐趣的好书。    这么看来,这个价格就是理所当然的了。如果大家上美国网上书店查一查原版书的价格并比较,你就知道买这本是多么得便宜划算了。       总之,《海底的秘密》真的隐藏了太多的秘密和无穷的惊喜,不眼见为实,真的很难体会。呵呵呵。如果你也心动了的话,那大家就快快来偷窥《海底的秘密》,开始自己的神气发现之旅吧!


"The two miles" was written in 1870, this classic verne narrative French biologists alonso in Marine kenaz travel seen and heard!
This happened in 1866, when the sea people found a so-called right whale big monster, he (a long kenaz) accepted the invitation to capture and act, but unfortunately in catching process and its servant (kang Selma) fell into the water and the unexpected swim to the monster back. Learned that this only moved a right whale is originally a ship structure wonderful dive boats. The diving ship is a called captain nemo of the oceans in a desert island built in secret, and its strong hull, use Marine power generation. Captain nemo invited a long journey for the kenaz. They start from the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the red sea coral way, and the Mediterranean, and then into the Atlantic, and see many rare sea vivid plant and water singular vision. Finally, when the ship reached the Norwegian coast dive, a long kenaz leave without saying goodbye, he all know the secret of GongZhiYuShi.
Captain nemo is master with a romantic, mystery. He used his own knowledge knowledge of careful research, design, build the only right whale monster-diving ship (the parrot conch), he and diving ship on a large scale in the sea of scientific research, but it's not as if this kind of lonely he the only purpose of life. He opened his enemies and from the victimizer, search for free in the bottom of the sea, and to his private life feel sorrow. In this lonely career he stumbles across a long and kenaz and he Shared the common experiences of the scenes, soul-stirring exciting events.
There are several is I feel more spectacular: the upper chapter 20 reece "channel:" the parrot conch "first suffer trouble to touch a rock and was forced to stop the strait. However this to a long kenaz, his servants kang features and the harpooner DE aram, it is a good thing. Because they can stay on the island in the next two days, this to a former life on land but because some reason to remain in the sea 2 ~ 3 months of people is how god of munificent treatment! However, he just want to enjoy the trophies but met native siege. Final with captain nemo composure to deal with native siege and to end.
The lower third chapter of a value must francs pearl: this chapter captain nemo, ah, LongNa, his servants kang, features and the harpooner DE LAN in the collection when pearl finds a pearl in India by black shark attacks, thanks to the captain nemo's brave and simply has no competition with distinctive, Abram DE of sharks physical structure of the familiar with the heart and the shark by end for end of life. In details can see his captain nemo, fled to the bottom of the sea as a representative of the human race, which humans show selfless dedication. No matter how to say his mouth at ordinary times, but this kind of strange people in the heart of the still not completely end.
The book is written about FengLu iceberg, octopus attacks and many risks. These stories are very winding tension, mysterious rapidly changing character fate, rich detailed scientific knowledge and details of the wonderful fantasy into a realistic furnace.
The author also show originality, clever layout, in the long trip, now will I to threatening dangerous environment--again, brought into poetic wonderful realm; The mammoth scenes depict and meticulous depict appear alternately. Reading is fascinating, unable to stop. This really is a very good book is worth reading
本文标题: 海洋秘密读后感(《你不知道的海洋秘密》读后感600)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/211562.html



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