
发布时间: 2022-09-03 20:40:52 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 99




《母亲的故事》读后感 --作者: 原野 我读了丹麦童话作家安徒生写的《母亲的故事》这篇文章后,我被故事中的母 亲所深深地打动了。 这篇文章记叙了这样一个故事:一个孩子得了病,孩子的母亲非常焦急,生怕他 会死去,一直守在他身旁。可孩子还是被“死神”给掠走了。母亲为了搭救自己的孩 子,经历了数不清的磨难,不惜牺牲了个人的一切。这个故事展现了伟大的母爱 精神。 文章中有很多段落让我非常感动: 当她听到如果给荆棘温暖,荆棘能告诉母亲死神抱着孩子跑的方向。母亲毫不犹豫的把挂着冰柱的荆棘紧紧地搂进怀里,荆棘扎进了她的胸膛,鲜血一滴一滴的流出,可她只为救孩子,一点也不知道疼。 啊!母亲,你真爱自己的孩子,只要让孩子幸福,你宁可给荆棘取暖都可以。母亲走到一个湖边,湖上没有船也没有桥,湖水说:“如果你把你的眼睛给我,我可以把你送到死神的温室。”母亲听了立即大哭起来,终于把眼睛哭出来交给了湖水。双目失明是多么痛苦的事啊!母亲,可你却不惜用双眼换取找到孩子的路。来到温室门口,一位老太太对母亲说:“我可以帮助你,但你要把你的黑发给我,拿走我的白发。”母亲听了急忙与她交换了头发。 母亲啊母亲!你为了自己的孩子已经失去了双眼,现在还要用减短寿命来换取别人对找到孩子的帮助。你真是太爱孩子了。 世界上的母亲都是这样爱自己的孩子,在我的生活中,妈妈也一直用爱包围着我。记得有一次,妈妈接我放学回家,突然,狂风大作,妈妈看我冻得直打哆嗦,急忙脱下自己的外衣,披在我的身上,用她那单薄的臂膀为我遮挡着呼啸的北风。我缩着脖子,闭着眼睛,感到很温暖。当我睁开眼睛才发现,狂风正无情的抽打着妈妈的后背。我不时地问:“妈妈你冷吗?”妈妈笑着摇摇头,护着我快速往前走。 在我的生活中一点一滴的感受着母亲的伟大,母爱也伴随着我的成长。 改为英文
I read the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "the mother of writing this article, I was in the story
Deeply moved by a kiss.
This article introduced such a story: a child, the child's mother was ill, lest he anxiously
Die, keeps beside him. But still death "was" to take. Mother to deliver their child
Son, experienced untold hardships, at the expense of the individual. This story shows great motherly love
There are a lot of articles sections makes me very touched:
When she heard the thorns and thistles and thorns, if give warm can tell mother hug children run of death. Mother don't hestitate of hanging the icicles thorns tightly fell into the thorns, into the arms of her chest, blood drop by drop out, but she only save the child, don't know pain.
Ah! Mother, do you really love their own children, let children happiness, you would rather give thorns heating.
Mother went into a boat on the lake, the lake, the lake is no bridge, said: "if you give me your eyes, I can send you to the death of greenhouse." Mother listened to immediately burst into tears, cry out to the eyes water.
Blindness is very painful thing! The mother, but you do for the child in the eye to find.
Come to the greenhouse, an old lady mother said: "I can help you, but you will put your hair to me, to take away my hair." Mother listened with her hair exchange haste.
Mother! Mother! You to their children have lost his eyes, now with shorter life expectancy for others to help find the children. You really love children.
The world's mother is so love their own children, in my life, my mother is always surrounded me with love.
Remember once, my mother home from school, suddenly, my mom blustery, shivering with cold, hurried off his coat, dressed in my body, with her arms as I occlusion of the thin the north. I a neck, eyes closed, feel very warm. When I opened my eyes, winds that are unrelenting flips the mother's back. Now and then I asked: "mom your cold?" Mother smiled shook his head, loving me go quickly.
In my life of mother's great feeling, also with my mother.
本文标题: 母亲的故事读后感400(安徒生童话母亲的故事读后感)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/210455.html



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