
发布时间: 2022-08-28 01:58:50 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 95




Inside the second episode , President Snow in order to keep his position, he do anything to change the rules in every 25 years in the big ten-day festival , each district elect a woman , and that men and women must be attended Hunger Games and win the winner once again return to the game, in the game once, just to let Kai Nisi dead , because she gives people hope ......
I think Kai Nisi really extraordinary courage ! Shihui Guo is such a powerful country , to rely on one person to push her ​​entire anti- government really hard , but she did it !
The movie I learned the evil of human nature , in order to get what they want by whatever means , even at the expense of the happiness of others expense ! And it's really miserable endure ......
This story reflects the reality of society , human nature and the human tragedy of extraordinary courage and forbearance ! The movie is really great, recommend everyone to see, if you have not seen the first episode of the people can go to rent a look . Words can describe more sophisticated novel , after all, fiction and film there is a difference !
本文标题: 饥饿游戏读后感200(饥饿游戏3观后感100字)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/207770.html



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