
发布时间: 2022-07-11 06:01:20 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 作文 点击: 109




英语作文请求点评rnMy English learningrnI starded to learn English in Grade 6.I usually learn English by reciting and writing articles .I also have some trouble in learning English,such as,vocabulary and listening.Besides,I often watch English movies.And now I begin to listen to English radio programs.They are helpful.Of course,I canx27t avoid making mistakes as others learning English.For example,I often speak and write the Chinese English.I have a dream that I can speak English fluently as a native speaker one day.I believed it will come true.rnrn我是一个高中生,盼望能有高手帮我修改一下我的英语作文,谢谢。
1. (starded) to learn English in Grade 6
2. And now I begin to listen to English radio (programs)
3. I also have some (trouble) in learning English,such as,vocabulary and listening.
4. I (believed) it will come true.

5. I also have some trouble in learning English,such as,vocabulary and listening.
建议:In the process of learning English, I met some obstacles such as from the aspects of vocabulary and listening.

6. They are helpful.
建议:They are indeed helpful to me.

7. Of course,I can't avoid making mistakes as others learning English.
建议: of course, I can't avoid making mistakes as learning a foreign language is a really tough for me.

8. For example,I often speak and write the Chinese English.
建议:For example, I often translate Chinese directly into English without considering the grammatical error.

9. I have a dream that I can speak English fluently as a native speaker one day.I believed it will come true.
建议: I wish I could master this language in the future.
过于简单 不像高中生写的
have some troubles

such as不加标点

as others English learners

Chinese English-chinglish

I believed -I believe
started troubles such as 建议你用些连词(例如besides就用得不错了)和从句来润色下文章。


雅思作文这样批,系列一 在执教雅思写作的这些年中,我会发现,很多时候学生会从某某老师那里获取种种所谓的“黄金模板”,又或者是高举考前必备一本,视若雅思界的圣经。而不去管什么“碰文”。而最最难过的却是分数不给力,才知天道难酬勤!换个方式学吧,看看隔壁的“他”的作文中那些错误的背后是否隐藏了写作的某些玄机。
As can be seen from the table chart, it gives us the percentage of national consumer experience by category in 2002 in five different countries.谈及套句,小作文中“As can be seen from…”曾被列为小作文必备佳句,而孰不知此句虽好,但native speaker 常把它放在主体段落开头句。若论行文习惯,实在勉强。再者,“table chart”必会让考官在批卷的疲劳中会心一笑。但是烤鸭们,不知啊,你让他笑,他却让你人比黄花瘦,尽管他是那样的爱你。此短语翻译成中文叫“表格图”,考生自是觉得挺有中国风的感觉。但考官会认为是“这table就是表格,也就是图的一种,还后面要是再加一chart,再来一图。实为black sheep 一族”啊!南部陈更要翻译成“表格图图”?实在是具有喜感啊!再论“us”一词,感觉倒是亲民派系, 考官考生一家人啊。但是,雅思写作,半学术文体,这词总有点较为随意。所以,宁为被动,隐去施动者,换成it can be seen ,或是it represents that 等句,或许会更好点。考生最无辜的地方就是下面的这个percentage。我们都知道,衣服表格不可能只有全图一个数据,又怎会遗忘名词单复数的问题呢?最后那个“in 2002 in five different countries”,感觉起来好似是信息满满,不知道是否也是信心满满?语法老师告诉我们:当句子中同时有地点状语和时间状语时,一般要把地点状语放在时间状语之前 。要知道,不走寻常路,那是考官的作风。考生要是也这样做,哭泣大于微笑。

)Air travels make it possible for people to move around the world freely and quickly. Today, the tips can be completed in a matter of hours. One can attend a meeting in Pairs and dinner in New York the same day. There is a growing recognition that air travels have several advantages, while(连接词使用有误,改成meanwhile)it can(补上主语) ensures(删掉s) the growth of modern business such as international tourism, transportation and express delivery ,etc. Therefore, limiting air travel itself is a grave mistake ,that (非限定从句引导词改成which)would be a severe blow to these industries and may even damage world economy.


What I Have Learned from My Years at University rnrn Retrospecting my past four years at university, I realize what it gives me are not just joys and pleasure.To be more exactly,the significance of my colledge life doesnx27t only lie in how much knowledge I x27ve learned,but also in making me more clear about my own value and philosophy,such as positive attitude,teamwork,industry and perseverance. rnrn First things first,my university life helps me rebuild up self-confidence and a positive attitude toward life.Before I went to the university,my life was in a mess.Since I failed in the colledge entrance exams,I felt frustrated and lost.I didnx27t know where I was and where I wanted to go.Until entering my university, I found that it wasnx27t as terrible as I thought.Teachers and classmates treated me well.With the help of them,I adapted myself to the new environment quickly.I put the past failure behind me and picked myslef up.As an old saying goes,:x27x27Life is not all roses.x27x27Life is full of setbacks and pitfalls.But if we are confident enough and have an optimistic attitude-a can-do philosophy,then we can overcome all the difficulties. rnrn In the second place,my years at university make me have a more profound understanding of teamwork.For instance,in oral English course,our teacher held a debate.Our team succeeded finally through our excellent cooperation.Yet without every member x27s efforts in our team,we wouldnx27t achieve the success.In that debate,we learned that teamwork is absolutely essential in our road to great achievements. rnrn Last but not least,I learn industry and persistence in my colledge life.There are always ups and downs in our life.With the spirit of diligence and perseverance, we can get the key to the paradise of success.Just as British admiral put it,x27x27No pain,no palm; no cross,n crown.x27x27Provided that we want to fulfill the greatness,we must be industrious and persevering.Because great works are not performed by strength,but by perseverance. rnrn To sum up,my university life is a turning point in my life.It does benefit me tremendously.Since it helps me not only grow up,but also build up accurate value and philosophy.I will regard it as a meaningful and precious experience,and move ahead. rnrn主要就是有哪几句写得好怎么好 哪些地方有错误什么错怎么改 像是认真看过批过了就行 谢谢先~~
文章的主体框架还是不错的,但是你好像犯了一个大错!全文的时态应该用过去式,而你在第三,四段却用了一般现在时,好像不太合乎情理。另外,像precious , attitude的词可以多用一些,增加亮点!你的文章中也有许多的名言警句,这会增强老师对你的关注,会得到高分的!只是美中不足的,你文章中的复合句不是很多,基本上都是简单句,这样的话会使一些心情不好的老师不愿意再往下看,这可是写作的一个技巧(⊙o⊙)哦!!!!!!
把Since I failed in the colledge entrance exams,I felt frustrated and lost.和''Provided that we want to fulfill the greatness,we must be industrious and persevering.Because great works are not performed by strength,but by perseverance.

Before I went to the university,my life was in a mess.Since I failed in the colledge entrance exams,I felt frustrated and lost.删了,就OK了
本文标题: 如何评价as评论区里有那么多小作文
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/zuowen/186197.html



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