住在“已完成”的领域里 | 平约瑟牧师-《恩典灵粮》

发布时间: 2019-08-08 22:53:03 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 经典文章 点击: 112


住在“已完成”的领域里 | 平约瑟牧师-《恩典灵粮》




  LGC媒体文编组 译

  英文原版采集于JP事工 |


    Live In The Realm Of ‘Done’ 

  ……我在地上已经荣耀你,你所托付我的事,我已成全了。(约翰福音 17:4 和合本译)

  早在人类犯罪之前,神就已预备好了。圣经告诉我们,耶稣从创世之初就已经被杀。(启示录 13:8),意味着,你生命中的每一件需要完成的事情都已成就了。在你看见痊愈之前,要知道神就已经完成了你的医治之工。你若有缺乏,就当看见一切供应你的工都已完成。

  怎样才算住在“已完成”的领域里呢?来看看耶稣。祂看见一个瘸腿38年的病人时,就说,“起来,拿起你的褥子走吧”(约翰福音 5:8)。除非你看见已完成的工,不然你对那人说不出这话的。

  又有一次,耶稣在会堂里看见一个手臂枯干的人,就对那人说“伸出手来”(马太福音 12:13)。耶稣对待瘸腿的病人,如同他已有强健的双腿;对待手臂枯干的病人如同他的手臂已经健全。祂行在已完成的工里。


    Live In The Realm Of ‘Done’ 

  John 17:4 |

  …I have f thework which You have given Me to do.

  Long before man sinned,Go had the provision. The Bible tells us that Jesus was slain from thefoun of the world (Revelation 13:8). This means that everything you nee in your life has been accomplished. Long before you see yourhealing, know that God has already f the work of your healing. If youare in lack, see that all the work for your provision has been f.

  How do we live in therealm of “it is done?” Just look at Jesus. When He saw a man who was lame for38 years, He said, “Rise, take up your bed and walk” (John 5:8). You don’t saythat to the man unless you see the f work.

  Another time, Jesus sawa man in the synagogue whose arm was w and said to him, “Stretch outyour hand” (Matthew 12:13). Jesus treated the man who was lame like he ha of strong, healthy legs, and the man whose arm was w like his armwas whole. He walked in the f work.

  In the garden ofGethsemane, Jesus prayed, “Father, I have f the work which You havegiven Me to do.” How could He say that to His Father when He had not yet beencrucified? It was because He lived in the f work—the realm of “done”.That’s the place of rest. And that’s where and how Go you to live!





  基督 | 恩典 | 圣经 | 信心 | 荣耀


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本文标题: 住在“已完成”的领域里 | 平约瑟牧师-《恩典灵粮》
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/jingdianwenzhang/68110.html



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