You need not drop the ego

发布时间: 2019-11-07 16:56:06 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 经典文章 点击: 136


You need not drop the ego

  Man w me is just like a : very small, confined, l, and that's the root cause of misery, to feel bounded, to feel encapsulated, to feel small. Because of this feeling one starts compensating; hence the ego. One feels small, one does not want to feel small. One feels , one feels hurt because of , and the complex creates its opposite, the ego.


  The ego is an that "I am not l", that "I am omn", that "I am tremen powerful", that "I am this, I am that". Through money, power, prestige, one goes on proving that "I am not . Who says I am ?"


  The ego exists in the same proportion as you feel . The proportion is exactly the same. The more you feel, the more egoistic you become. The ego is a compensation, but because it is it does not help in the long run. It is a very short-s measure. It can keep you in for a while but again an the reality asserts. Deep down, hidden behind the facade of the ego you know the wound, that you are small, that you are l by birth an, that you are l by the body, by the mind, that you are l by time an. It is to hide it forever. It is such a reality.


  ut, if one enters into me a great revolution happens: a radical change sets in. The ; one finds something oceanic.


  Man is a because he feels with the body, with the mind. Me is the awareness that "I am not the body and not the mind!" The moment you become aware that you are not the body and the mind, su all boun ; they were created by your . Su you are no more in the prison.


  The prison was , it was your creation. An the prison was all your efforts to get out of it were . The ego is an effort to get out of an prison. It is like a me which is but is trying to cure some . And an always finds some me...


  Me is a simple process of knowing the reality as it is. It is s, it is awareness, it is watchfulness, it is w. An is the key, because when you w something you cannot remain with it. 


  The moment you w something you are separate from it. The w is never the w. If you can w your body you are transcen to the body, beyond the body. If you can watch your mind you are beyond the mind. If you can watch your feelings you are beyond the heart, an are the three l.


  Once you know your transcendence you feel oceanic, vast. Then there is no need for the ego. The ego cannot be , because in the first place it doesn't exist. But in me it .


  And this is where from all so-calle. They all say "Drop the ego, then you can enter into me". That is sheer nonsense! It is lying, like telling a person that "First you get healthy then you can use the me. First you get healthy". If that is the requ to use the me then the whole thing is absurd. For what the me has to be used then? And this is what has been taught for centuries: drop the ego, so that you can enter into me. This is not possible.


  o the people who try to drop the ego they start having a new kind of ego, far more subtler -- the ego of humbleness, the ego of egolessness. Again they are trapped. It is bound to happen, it is .


  My approach is just the opposite: do not be bothered by the ego. Go to the roots. Why you have created the ego? -- because you feel so you want to create something big aroun to hide your l. 


  You want to brag, you want to puff your ego as big as possible; like a balloon you go on puffing it. But the cause is an is cause of . So the you go into the roots you will find the basic of humanity is ; hence the only me that is going to cure is w. W , and then you need not drop the ego because there is no ego to be found.


  And to experience oneself in one's vastness, , eternity, is the moment of bliss, the moment of truth, the moment of real. That is the ultimate goal of sannyas.


  译自:OSHO N now or never

本文标题: You need not drop the ego



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