
发布时间: 2025-03-07 08:27:27 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 75












Speaking as someone who admires Abraham Lincoln to a very deep degree, I found this small but powerful biography to be a beautiful addition to my collection of hefty Lincoln tomes.
The book itself in hardcover is a joy to hold with its compact size, readable typeface and bound-in ribbon bookmark. Whoever worked on this project obviously did it as a labor of love. They worked the details on this one.
You can't honestly compare this work to others like Carl Sandberg's "Lincoln" or "With Malice Towards None" or even my nice coffee table book of photographs taken of Lincoln. This work COMPLEMENTS those more comprehensive volumes. That said, it is not incomplete. It does an excellent job of hitting the hundreds of high - and low - points in Lincoln's too brief life. The pace moves quickly and precisely along so that you never have the feeling that you're being 'written down to' if that's the phrase I'm looking for. This one has NOT been dumbed down for the reader.
Personally I see this smaller volume as an 'annual read' to remind me of just how special Lincoln was as a man and as our nation's leader. He was willing, even at great personal cost, to do the right thing on the toughest, most entrenched issues in our nation's history to that point. Through all that he had to work through, he never lost his sense of empathy towards all who were involved. He knew personally what it was like to lose in what he thought was a good cause.
And I guess that's what stands out most about this very brief work. As you read along, you still get the sense of Lincoln as a man and as our finest President, and you do it in such a short time! What's that worth these days?
This would make an ideal first book on Lincoln OR it would make a fine addition to a collection of works on Lincoln... and it won't take you four score and seven years to read it.
This delightful small volume from Oxford Press written by one of the eminent Civil War historians of our time pays tribute to Abraham Lincoln, the 16th and arguably most revered President of the United States of America.
Every element of this book pays tribute to Lincoln, right down to its brevity, which echoes the terseness of the Gettysburg Address which itself lines the internal covers.
This volume, timed to release with the 200th anniversary of the birth of Lincoln, couldn't be more timely as America welcomes it's 44th President and the first beneficiary of the office Lincoln held from those oppressed classes whom he freed. The timely reminder being that leadership can make a difference and can guide a nation at war and struggling with its identity.
While that message can only be inferred and is a happy coincidence of timing, it is a timely message nonetheless and masterfully reflected in McPherson's brief book which can easily be read in one sitting.
This is a worthy volume for anyone's library to return to for inspiration and a reminder of what made us great in the past in terms of vision and drive. There are certainly more thorough volumes to be read on Lincoln, but for catching the salient elements that arise time and time again to remind us of this great man, there are none better.
Many noted authors have written countless volumes about the life and times of Abraham Lincoln. When I read that Civil War historian James McPherson had attempted, in only 65 pages, to capture the essence of the man who shepherded our nation through its greatest trials I was curious to see how well he could do.
I had my doubts at the first. When the first sentence starts out with "Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809..." I started to worry that there would be no more substance than a high school term paper. Fortunately, McPherson soon soothed my misgivings. After a somewhat dry synopsis of Lincoln's early life, McPherson briefly and with great insight touches on each and every key facet of Lincoln's career. He addressed the debates with Stephen Douglas, Lincoln's election and subsequent efforts to prevent secession, his role in the war, his relationship with his cabinet, his personal and official views on slavery and emancipation, and his attempts to negotiate a peace with the Confederacy.
In every chapter, McPherson's admiration for our sixteenth president shines through, even when discussing Lincoln's questionable suspension of habeas corpus. I found this part especially interesting in light of recent events. The Bush administration used the same arguments that Lincoln put forth to justify its suspension of civil liberties. One could argue that, justifiably or not, Lincoln opened a Pandora's Box that subsequent less-scrupulous presidents have taken advantage of.
I have read a great deal about this period in history and yet, on a page-for-page basis, there are few books that can shed as much insight into the heart and mind of our greatest president. I highly recommend this book.
"Lincoln" is a remarkable look at Abraham Lincoln as he advanced from extremely poor, rural roots, in what was then the western United States, into both the Illinois legislature and the U.S. Congress for one term, through a career as a self-taught lawyer, and finally to the presidency. The author has extensively researched Lincoln's movements, first-hand accounts of his utterances, his formal speeches and writings, as well as official records kept in the discharge of his various duties and offices.
It is a fascinating look at the evolution of the character and personality of a man of meager origins and virtually no formal education. Lincoln was driven to make something of himself; this is best seen in his insatiable desire to educate himself. Beyond self-development, Lincoln had an inherent ability to relate to others. He combined humility with a great ability to tell stories. This ease among his fellow citizens led to his being elected to the Illinois legislature at a fairly young age and to a reasonably successful career as a lawyer.
Lincoln was a Whig and devotee of Henry Clay and his American system of internal improvements. But it would be completely wrong to regard Lincoln as mostly an opportunistic politician. He was principled, if anything. Manipulating a political view to get elected would have never occurred to Lincoln. Furthermore, Lincoln was a man of his word. When elected to Congress in 1846, he returned home after one term as he promised, though undoubtedly he could have been re-elected. However, the author shows that Lincoln became very astute politically with a substantial network of political friends both at the state and national levels.
Early in Lincoln's career, slavery was seldom an issue. But by the mid-1850s, slavery came to dominate the political and social life of the country. Lincoln, though clearly antislavery, was not an abolitionist. In his debates with Stephen Douglas in 1858 and on his way to being elected president in 1860, Lincoln articulated, often eloquently, a moderate position on slavery that resonated with a large segment of Northern voters. The extension of slavery to new territories became the foremost issue of the day as compared to eradication.
Lincoln was probably not technically qualified to be president; he had never held an administrative post of any importance. Nor did hundreds of high-level administrative assistants perform most of his duties, as is the case in the modern era. In addition, Lincoln faced perhaps the greatest challenge that any president in our history ever has. The secession of the South exacerbated political divides in the country. Not only did Lincoln have to deal with radical and moderate Republicans and War and Peace Democrats, but also his own cabinet, populated with some of his political rivals, exhibited the same sort of splits. Militarily, the U.S. was totally unprepared to put down a rebellion, as Lincoln called it, of the size that the Confederacy represented. He was often driven to the edge of his patience in dealing with a series of incompetent generals that cost the Northern armies defeat after defeat in the early years of the War.
The author captures the immense pressures on Lincoln during his presidency. His ungainliness was fodder for the various political factions that publicly labeled Lincoln as an "imbecile" or a "baboon." Though the presidency took a tremendous toll on Lincoln, he retained his generally good humor, even seeing countless numbers of nameless citizens straight from the streets in his office. He functioned at a high level of awareness, navigating the political minefields of the day, in making difficult decisions. The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 was just such a decision. It was a typically moderate Lincoln response to the antislavery and unionist extremists. When Lincoln was shot at the beginning of his second term, he had prevailed and brought the country through a terrible experience through the sheer strength and flexibility of his intellect and personality. One doubts whether there existed another individual in the country at that time, who could have dealt with all of the issues that Lincoln did with the same degree of success.
Though the author is favorably deposed towards Lincoln, he does not push Lincoln on the reader - he does not have to. He does a great job of letting the reader closely watch Lincoln in action for about forty years. It is an incredible story.
Recently, I picked up David Herbert Donald's biography of Abraham Lincoln for the second time in 4 years. I now realize that I was too young then to appreciate this superb account of the our 16th President. Inspired by a meeting with President Kennedy in whick JFK criticizes historians for judging presidents who must make decisions without the 20/20 hindsight of historians, Donald undertook to write this biography from Lincoln's perspective -- analyzing him and his decisions based upon only what Lincoln knew, believed, and sought to accomplish at the time. We see the great struggles of the mid-1800s completely through his eyes; thus, while Donald doesn't delve into what (I'm sure) are fascinating related subjects, like the details of the great military campaigns or internal Confederate politics, we do gain an insightful look into the life and character of America's greatest president.
I agree with other reviewers that while there is not enough of Lincoln's personal life -- at times I had to remind myself that the man even had kids! -- Donald still skillfully paints a portrait of an amazingly complex man. Fueled by a desire to escape the fate of his uneducated, unambitious father, Lincoln felt driven all of his life to succeed ; he felt pushed forward to a great destiny by God, or the "Doctrine of Neccsity",that was completely out of his control and would lead him safely down life's path. He was an incredibly charming man who could light up a room with his energy, but he also regularly plunged into a deep and dark depression. He was utterly self-confident and knew he was the equal of any man. Intitially a moderate who opposed abolishing slavery in the states, he slowly realized that either slavery would be destroyed, or the Union surely would be.
He was also a master politician. He sensed early on in the 1840s that the nation was on the brink of a new era and that the Whig party had to adapt to the changing times, or die. After his beloved Whig party disintegrated, he helped establish the IL Republican party and, after an unsuccessful run for the Senate in 1858, triumphed over well-known and powerful opponents like William Seward and Salmon Chase to win the presidential nomination and election in 1860. Throughout his political career and his tenure as President he stuck to the center and walked a tightrope between the Conservatives and Radicals in his own party and the Peace Democrats in the other party. While unailingly honest, he understood the political value of ambiguity to cloud facts that he would admit only if forced. Finally, at the dawn of his second term, he had so outmaneuvered all of his opponents in the Congress, in the North, and in the South, that he stood as the unquestioned master of American politics -- not bad for a boy who had grown up in a log cabin with less than a year of formal schooling.
Doanld shows us Lincoln, the man and not merely the statue. Like the rest of us, he was a fallible human being who wasn't always sure that what he was doing was right but sure that he owed it to his country to serve it with honor and dignity in its hour of greatest peril. Donald makes it clear that we owe our country to this man, and one can't put down this book without agreeing.
David Herbert Donald's biography of Abraham Lincoln is an outstanding work that emphasizes his most important aspect, his humanity. Lincoln came to the presidency with one of the skimpiest political resumes of any non-General in American History. Donald shows how this Washington outsider had to grope his way around at first, but then used his remarkable skills to find the political center, which was vital though he often seemed to stand alone. Donald's book focusses on Lincoln's life through Lincoln's eyes. He does not go into great detail about Civil War battles or anything else that Lincoln did not personally witness. The result is a biography that is as thorough as it is readable and that, like its subject, will stand the test of time.


2、女儿的故事 梅子涵
(汇集了当代名家的许多部少年小说,包括《十四岁的森林》 董宏遒、《雾锁桃李》张微、《少女的红发卡》程玮、《普来维梯彻公司》夏有志等)
4、女生贾梅 男生贾里 秦文君
6、 绿太阳和红月亮/(中国儿童文学获奖者自选文库) 白冰
8、 羚羊木雕/(中国儿童文学获奖者自选文库)张之路
9、 哭泣的巧克力强盗/(中国儿童文学获奖者自选文库)张秋生
11、 飞翔的花孩儿/(中国儿童文学获奖者自选文库)葛翠琳
13、 小狼请客/(中国儿童文学获奖者自选文库)孙幼军
14、 一龙二虎三猴/(中国儿童文学获奖者自选文库)罗辰生
15、、小孩成群(儿童文学名家经典自选集) 秦文君
16、、红雨伞·红木屐 (儿童文学名家经典自选集) 彭懿
17、双人茶座 梅子涵 (儿童文学名家经典自选集)
18、第十一根红布条 曹文轩(儿童文学名家经典自选集)
19、麻雀不唱 常新港 (儿童文学名家经典自选集)
20、蟋蟀也吃兴奋剂 张之路 (儿童文学名家经典自选集)
21、草房子 曹文轩
22、我要做好孩子 黄蓓佳
(故事就像发生在我们的身边一样 每一件事情都让我们深有感触 。她的《今天我是升旗手》《我飞了》等都值得一读。)
23、 e班e女孩 张弘
24、张之路非常神秘系列——非法智慧 张之路
27、昆虫记 (法国)法布尔
(这里收集了王尔德的全部九篇童话,用优美的文字讲述着最动人的故事。忧郁的 情绪表达着美好善良的情感。)
29、希腊神话 (德国)施瓦布
30、王子与贫儿 (英国)马克·吐温
31、蓝熊船长的13条半命 (德)瓦尔特·莫尔斯
32、骑鹅旅行记(上·下) (瑞典)塞·拉格洛夫
33、隐身人· 时间机器(英国)威尔斯
(这两篇中篇科幻小说中的时间机器和隐身术,是以后多部科幻小说使用的幻想素材。威尔斯是继凡尔纳后出现的科幻小说的典范作家。 )
34、屋顶上的小孩 (美国)克伦毕斯
35、西顿野生动物故事集 (加拿大)西顿
36、好兵帅克 (捷克)雅·哈谢克
37、汤姆·索亚历险记 (美国)马克·吐温
38、蓝色的海豚岛 (美国) 斯·奥台尔
39、假如给我三天光明 (美国) 海伦·凯勒
40、海蒂 (瑞士)施皮里
42、盲音乐家 (俄国)柯罗连科
43、毛毛——时间窃贼和一个小女孩的不可思议的故事 (德国) 米切尔·恩德
(一部感动大人和孩子的幻想文学经典 , 故事之核是围绕着时间而展开的。)
(20世纪最伟大的魔幻作品,由《魔戒再现》《双塔奇兵》《王者无敌》等组成。别忘记先读《小矮人历险记》,这是整个故事的前奏。 )
45、爱的教育 (意大利)亚米契斯
46、怪医杜立特系列丛书 (美国)洛夫廷
47、最后的莫希干人 (美国)库 柏
新世纪教育文库·小学生阅读推荐书目100种 (2004版)
1 《中国古代寓言故事》 邶笪钟编写 北京人民文学出版社2003年版
2 《中外神话传说》 田新利选编 北京人民文学出版社2003年版
3 《圣经神话故事》 陈静选编 中国少年儿童出版社1999年版
4 《三毛流浪记》 张乐平 少年儿童出版社2001年版
5 《严文井童话选》 严文井 四川少年儿童出版社1983年版
6 《稻草人》和其他童话 叶圣陶 中国少年儿童出版社1979年版
7 《宝葫芦的秘密》 张天翼 农村读物出版社2002年版
8 《小兵张嘎》 徐光耀 中国少年儿童出版社1990年月版
9 《三寄小读者》 冰心 少年儿童出版社1981年版
10 《皮皮鲁传》 郑渊洁 学苑出版社1995年版
11 《肚皮上的塞子》 周锐 春风文艺出版社2001年版
12 《今年你七岁》 刘健屏 中国少年儿童出版社2000年版
13 《荒漠奇踪》 严阵 中国少年儿童出版社1996年版
14 《乌丢丢的奇遇》 金波 江苏少年儿童出版社2003年版
15 《我要做个好孩子》 黄蓓佳 江苏少年儿童出版社
16 《草房子》 曹文轩 江苏少年儿童出版社2001年版
17 《第三军团》 张之路 中国少年儿童出版社1997年版
18 《巫师的沉船》 班马 21世纪出版社1998年版
19 《糊涂大头鬼》 管家琪 浙江少儿出版社2001年版
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21 《幻城》 郭敬明 春风文艺出版社2003年版
22 《伊索寓言》 (希腊)伊索 中国妇女出版社1997年版
23 《克雷洛夫寓言全集》 (俄)克雷洛夫著,裴家勤译 译林出版社2000年版
24 《拉o封丹寓言》 (法)拉o封丹著, 倪海曙译 上海译文出版社2001年版
25 《格林童话全集》(德)雅各布o格林威廉o格林著杨武能,杨悦译 译林出版社1994年
26 《安徒生童话选集》 (丹麦)安徒生著,叶君健译 译林出版社2001年版
27 《普希金童话》 (俄)普希金著,亢甫,正成译 浙江少年儿童出版社2001年版
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36 《吹牛大王奇游记》 (德)埃o拉斯伯 刘浩译 少年儿童出版社1990年版
37 《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》 (英)刘易斯o卡洛尔著,陈伯吹译 上海科技教育版1996年
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39 《木偶奇遇记》 (意)卡洛o科洛迪著,杨建民译 上海科技教育版1996年
40 《汤姆o索亚历险记》 (美)马克o吐温著,钟雷主编 哈尔滨出版社2000年版
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42 《淘气包艾米尔》(瑞典)阿o林格伦著,高锋、时红译 中国少儿出版社1984年版
43 《捣蛋鬼的日记》 (意)万巴著,思闵译 中国社会出版社2003年版
44 《小王子》(法)圣埃克苏佩里著,马振聘译,人民文学出版社2000年5月版
45 《童年》 (俄)高尔基 著,上海译文出版社
46 《福尔摩斯探案全集》 (英)柯南道尔,丁锦华译,远流公司1988年
47 《哈里o波特与魔法石》 (英)joko罗琳 人民文学出版社2000版
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51 《科学家故事100个》 叶永烈 少年儿童出版社1992年版
52 《中外探险故事精选》 伊明选编 中国少年儿童出版社1999年版
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58 《生命的密码》 谈家桢著 湖南少儿出版社2000年版
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63 《与鸟儿一起飞翔》 郑作新著 湖南少儿出版社2000年版
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65 《科学改变人类生活的100个瞬间》 路甬祥主编 浙江少儿出版社2000年版
66 《科学的发现》 郭正谊等 中国少年儿童出版社2000年版
67 《130个科学游戏》 (德)汉斯·普雷斯著,吴衡康编译 中国少儿出版社1981年版
68 《昆虫记》 (法)法布尔著,言小山译 人教社大百科全书2003年版
69 《我的野生动物朋友》 (法)蒂皮o德格雷,黄天源译 云南教育出版社2002年版
70 《高士其科普童话》 高士其 人民文学出版社2000年版
71 《元素的故事》 (苏)依o尼查叶夫,滕砥平译 湖南教育出版社1999年版
72 《诗词中的科学》 唐鲁峰等 江苏人民出版社1983年版
73 《水陆两栖人》(苏)阿历山大o别利亚耶夫,孟庆枢,善诚译 科学普及出版社2001年版
74 《海底两万里》 (法)儒勒o凡尔纳 北京教育出版社2002年版
75 《中国古代科幻故事集》 杨鹏、刘道远 中国少年儿童出版社1997年版文化教育
76 《东周列国志故事》 郭 平、陈咏超 改编 江苏少年儿童出版社1997年版
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78 《成语故事365》 帆女 阿雪等 国际文化出版公司1992年版
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本文标题: 达芬奇传读后感四年级(达芬奇传读后感)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/411455.html



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