I have never been to Troy, but David Maule made me feel as if I were standing on the high wall of Troy, watching the fierce war。 Thanks to this British author, who adapted the famous Homer’s poem into a lively story, I found it easier to understand this story。 Though the story happened over 3000 years ago in a remote place, I was deeply fascinated by it。The mysterious plot is one of the reasons why I loved The Story of Troy so much, yet I am more interested in the human heroes of the war。Hector was the eldest son of king of Troy, Priam。 He was not only a real hero of Trojan, but was regarded the highest moral hero in Greek classic by later historians。 The war started because of the mischief of his brother, Paris, whom he didn’t appreciate。 However, since Hector was the commander of the Trojan army, he was obliged to fight with all force。 It was really a tragedy that such a valiant man died in the duel with another great warrior, Achilles。It is natural to see death in a war。 As a famous Chinese parable says, “A life can be as slight as a piece of feather, or as weighty as Mount Tai。” Sometimes, one’s glory walks hand in hand with one’s doom。 Achilles was such a typical person。 His personal charm made The Story of Troy more attractive。 He was so crucial because his every appearance in a war encouraged his fellow soldiers and terrified the enemies。 Actually, Achilles was half-god who was almost invincible in people’s mind。 That’s why his name was memorized long after his death。Besides the two great men, the wisdom of Odysseus also proved him to be a great hero。 He didn’t want to attend the war because he was happily married and had a lovely son。 However, since his country was allied to Mycenae, he had to take the command given by the king of Mycenae。 I’m quite sure that the story of the wooden horse is widely known, however, few people know who thought of the brilliant idea, that’s why I admired Odysseus so much because he was the person who got the idea。 Thanks to the horse, the ten-year war came to an end at last。 If you want to know how the wooden horse worked, just read the book。The ancient Greeks believed that the gods and goddesses also played important roles in the origin, process and ending of the whole story。The story of the golden apple was such an example。 When Eris, the goddess of argument and disagreement, threw out the golden apple to a wedding ceremony on Mount Olympus, a dispute happened。 Hera, the queen of gods, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, were all involved in the argument for the apple。 None of them was willing to give way, so they turned to Paris for a final judgment。 Tempted by Aphrodite’s beauty and promise, Paris handed the apple to her。 To keep her word, Aphrodite helped him to get Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world, as his wife。 That was the cause of the war。Paris’s choice obviously annoyed the other two goddesses。 So during the war, they helped the Greek alliance army while some other gods, such as Apollo and Aphrodite, guarded Troy。 When Paris dueled with Helen’s former husband Menelaus, Aphrodite saved Paris when he was about to be finished off。After the duel between those two people, there was a truce between the Greek alliance and Troy。 However, both Hera and Athena were not happy to see it。 Hera pursued her husband ZEUS:“ Now, will you send Athena to make the Troyjans break the peace?”(Page 22) Then with Zeus’s permission, Athena went down to start the war again and finally she brought the Greeks to success。
I have never been to Troy, but David Maule made me feel as if I were standing on the high wall of Troy, watching the fierce war. Thanks to this British author, who adapted the famous Homer’s poem into a lively story, I found it easier to understand this story. Though the story happened over 3000 years ago in a remote place, I was deeply fascinated by it.The mysterious plot is one of the reasons why I loved The Story of Troy so much, yet I am more interested in the human heroes of the war.
Hector was the eldest son of king of Troy, Priam. He was not only a real hero of Trojan, but was regarded the highest moral hero in Greek classic by later historians. The war started because of the mischief of his brother, Paris, whom he didn’t appreciate. However, since Hector was the commander of the Trojan army, he was obliged to fight with all force. It was really a tragedy that such a valiant man died in the duel with another great warrior, Achilles.It is natural to see death in a war. As a famous Chinese parable says, “A life can be as slight as a piece of feather, or as weighty as Mount Tai.” Sometimes, one’s glory walks hand in hand with one’s doom. Achilles was such a typical person. His personal charm made The Story of Troy more attractive. He was so crucial because his every appearance in a war encouraged his fellow soldiers and terrified the enemies. Actually, Achilles was half-god who was almost invincible in people’s mind. That’s why his name was memorized long after his death.Besides the two great men, the wisdom of Odysseus also proved him to be a great hero. He didn’t want to attend the war because he was happily married and had a lovely son. However, since his country was allied to Mycenae, he had to take the command given by the king of Mycenae. I’m quite sure that the story of the wooden horse is widely known, however, few people know who thought of the brilliant idea, that’s why I admired Odysseus so much because he was the person who got the idea. Thanks to the horse, the ten-year war came to an end at last. If you want to know how the wooden horse worked, just read the book.The ancient Greeks believed that the gods and goddesses also played important roles in the origin, process and ending of the whole story.The story of the golden apple was such an example. When Eris, the goddess of argument and disagreement, threw out the golden apple to a wedding ceremony on Mount Olympus, a dispute happened. Hera, the queen of gods, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, were all involved in the argument for the apple. None of them was willing to give way, so they turned to Paris for a final judgment. Tempted by Aphrodite’s beauty and promise, Paris handed the apple to her. To keep her word, Aphrodite helped him to get Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world, as his wife. That was the cause of the war.Paris’s choice obviously annoyed the other two goddesses. So during the war, they helped the Greek alliance army while some other gods, such as Apollo and Aphrodite, guarded Troy. When Paris dueled with Helen’s former husband Menelaus, Aphrodite saved Paris when he was about to be finished off.After the duel between those two people, there was a truce between the Greek alliance and Troy. However, both Hera and Athena were not happy to see it. Hera pursued her husband ZEUS:“ Now, will you send Athena to make the Troyjans break the peace?”(Page 22) Then with Zeus’s permission, Athena went down to start the war again and finally she brought the Greeks to success.From the whole story, we can see that in ancient Greeks’ view, gods sometimes played a much more important role in their life. However, with the rapid development of science, we have learned that the Greek gods never existed. This is why a recent movie of Troy has not mentioned a single god. Everything happened due to men’s ambition, love, loyalty or jealousy. With those emotion and people’s effort, we human beings can accomplish wonders and be master of the world.God are of less importance than they used to be. Nonetheless, the gods and goddesses made The Story of Troy more mysterious and marvelous.I have learnt from the book more than the wonderful story of history, love and war. I believe that human can determine their destiny by their own. I highly recommend this book to my friends with the same interest.
《特洛伊木马屠城》我发言!!! 在生活中,我奉行一个准则——敬重神灵,终于妻子,保卫自己的国家!!! ——题记 这是一场因爱而引发的战争。我想如果爱值得人们为之战争,那么历史上就没有哪一场战争比这更伟大。 剧情介绍: 故事发生在约3000年前的古希腊,特洛伊的王子帕里斯爱上了斯巴达国王的妻子海伦,并把她带回了特洛伊。斯巴达王又是嫉妒又是愤怒,他找到了自己的哥哥,迈锡尼国王阿伽门农,请求他的帮忙,阿伽门农正好也希望征服特洛伊,于是借此机会建立了一支希腊联军以讨伐特洛伊。在这支联军中,第一勇士自然是阿喀琉斯。阿喀琉斯并不打算向任何人臣服,他向特洛伊进发,是在为自己的名誉而战,而在影片中,我们将会发现,最终决定了他的命运的,是爱。 一、阿喀琉斯 影片中的主角阿喀琉斯 以一个勇士形象出现的,他身体强壮,骁勇善战,狂骜不逊,他为自己的荣誉而战,不象任何人臣服。即使是这样我们也不难发现,在影片中最终决定他命运的仍是爱。 说他骁勇善战主要体现在联军向特洛伊海岸进发时,他独自带领一支队伍冲锋在前,不费吹灰之力拿下了特骆伊海岸,在他的带领下,特骆伊人民的防守显得不堪一击。说他狂骜不逊一点也不过分,在两军正面交锋打得难舍难分时,他却在一旁当看客,他要阿伽门农去求他。在旁人看来,他是一个无情的冷血杀手。改变他的想法的是片中的女主角海伦,可是就在他准备放弃杀人回希腊去时,命运之神与他开了个玩笑,他的表弟被赫克托耳王子杀害,手足之情的仇怎能不报。他一个人驾着战车去去特洛伊城下挑战赫克托耳,并带回了他的尸体。然而这一切并没有结束,在他们用木马计攻城时他心里却早已惦念着另一个女人——海伦。这是决定他悲剧人生的主要元素。以至于最后被帕里斯活活用箭射死。 一个绝世英雄仍难逃爱情的羁绊。影片片中一个近乎完美的英雄形象落得了如此悲剧人生,对于观众而言无疑是出乎意料的、也是痛心的。 二、赫克托耳 影片中的另一个主角则是特洛伊大王子赫克托耳,他在影片中的地位仅次于阿喀琉斯。他在片中扮演着另一个完美形象。两军即将第一次正面交锋时,他对自己的士兵说:“在生活中,我奉行一个准则——敬重神灵、忠于妻子、保卫自己的国家。”多么慷慨激昂的话语啊,在当时的时代潮流下,他作为一个王子无疑是又一真男人的楷模。 作为一个王子,在当时的情况下,他的命运注定他的生命是属于全特洛伊人民的,他注定要为国而战。在他和阿喀琉斯决斗之前,他和自己的妻子、父亲、弟弟的最后对白中我们不难看出一个王子风范在他身上的体现:在妻子眼里,他是一个好丈夫;在父亲眼里,他是一个好儿子;在弟弟眼里,他是一个好兄长;在特络绎人民眼里,他是一个好王子。 他在出战之前仍是心系妻子,人民的。他是一个智者,他知道自己不是阿喀琉斯的对手,提前将自己为人民的退路交代给了自己的妻子,然后坦荡的接受了阿喀琉斯的挑战,光荣的战死了。他的死是重于泰山的,他的精神永远活在了特络绎人民的心间,不断的激励着特络绎人民的前进。他的爱更多的是体现在了对人民的爱。 三、帕里斯 虽然影片的故事是因为特络绎二王子帕里斯开始,也是围绕着他的事而发展,然而他却并没有扮演主角地位,这也是作者在编排剧情的高明之处。他似乎是特络绎人民一切不幸的开始,是因为他爱上了斯巴达国王的妻子并带走了他,才引发了这场战争。他似乎敢做敢当,他提出要与自己的情敌决斗,可是在关键时刻,他却害怕了,他选择了苟活。这或许是作者的特意安排,他是为爱而活的。这也正反应了影片主题——爱可以让人为之付出一切。因为他的一己之私,所付出的代价是惨重的,是无数人的生命,是整个国家。这也是影片最令人反省之处。 三、特络绎国王 影片中还有一个慈父形象是容易被观众忽略的,那就是特络绎国王。 作为一个国王,他眼睁睁的看着自己的儿子战死、看着儿子的遗体被敌人带走,却无能为力,作为一个父亲,有谁能承受这种痛——失子之痛!就在他失去自己儿子的那个晚上,他一个人来到了敌人的军营里,为的是要回自己儿子的遗体,是冒着生命危险来的。试问:世间有哪种爱比父爱更伟大? 当然,影片中还有许多演得好的角色,例如:美丽善良温柔的海伦等等、、、 这是一部优秀的令人值得深思的动作巨片。许多大场面如两军交锋、精彩纷呈的单打场面、一丈多高的木马等精彩镜头形成了强烈的视觉冲击,让观众在大饱眼福后不得不陷入沉思,从特络绎王子一己之私引起的特络绎亡国,我们应看到: 第一.在当代我们提倡集体主义是有必要的; 第二.做一件事情之前必须三思; 第三.爱情有时并不是人生的全部!
本文标题: 特洛伊读后感1000字(《特洛伊木马屠城》-观后感)
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