the aeneid的读后感(用英文复述特洛伊木马屠城剧情 500字左右)

发布时间: 2024-10-17 07:36:18 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 75


the aeneid的读后感(用英文复述特洛伊木马屠城剧情 500字左右)

heroic couplet的英语释义

Heroic Couplet is a traditional form for English poetry, commonly used for epic and narrative poetry; it refers to poems constructed from a sequence of rhyming pairs of iambic pentameter lines. The rhyme is always masculine. Use of the heroic couplet was first pioneered by Geoffrey Chaucer in the Legend of Good Women and the Canterbury Tales. Chaucer is also widely credited with first extensive use of iambic pentameter.
A frequently-cited example illustrating the use of heroic couplets is this passage from Cooper's Hill by John Denham, part of his description of the Thames:
O could I flow like thee, and make thy stream
My great example, as it is my theme!
Though deep, yet clear, though gentle, yet not dull,
Strong without rage, without o'erflowing full.
The term "heroic couplet" is sometimes reserved for couplets that are largely closed and self-contained, as opposed to the enjambed couplets of poets like John Donne. The greatest masters of the heroic couplet in English, thus defined, are generally considered to be John Dryden and Alexander Pope. Major poems in the closed couplet, apart from the works of Dryden and Pope, are Samuel Johnson's The Vanity of Human Wishes, Oliver Goldsmith's The Deserted Village, and John Keats's Lamia. The form was immensely popular in the 18th century. The looser type of couplet, with occasional enjambment, was one of the standard verse forms in medieval narrative poetry, largely because of the influence of the Canterbury Tales.
English heroic couplets, especially in Dryden and his followers, are sometimes varied by the use of the occasional alexandrine, or hexameter line, and triplet. Often these two variations are used together to heighten a climax. The breaking of the regular pattern of rhyming pentameter pairs brings about a sense of poetic closure. Here are three examples from Book IV of Dryden's translation of the Aeneid.
Nor let him then enjoy supreme command;
But fall, untimely, by some hostile hand,
And lie unburied on the barren sand!
(ll. 890-892)
Her lofty courser, in the court below,
Who his majestic rider seems to know,
Proud of his purple trappings, paws the ground,
And champs the golden bit, and spreads the foam around.
(ll. 190-193)
Alexandrine and Triplet
My Tyrians, at their injur’d queen’s command,
Had toss’d their fires amid the Trojan band;
At once extinguish’d all the faithless name;
And I myself, in vengeance of my shame,
Had fall’n upon the pile, to mend the fun’ral flame.
(ll. 867-871)

Aeneid 埃涅伊德

谁知道埃涅伊德的故事,中文版或英文版都行.如果很长的话可以发到我邮箱里 但是千万别是看晕头的英文史诗!非常感谢!很好的话会加分哦!
Aeneid 是 维纳斯的儿子( 人)特洛伊人 预言会复兴特洛伊 建立罗马帝国
前半部讲他漂流到Dido 的岛上 维纳斯让另一个儿子丘比特 让Dido 爱上了Aeneid 后来 他抛弃了Dido Dido 就自杀了 后半部讲Aeneid 与 Turnus 的战争 这场战争实际由Juno(赫拉)忌妒维纳斯儿引起 最后zeus 帮助Aeneid 杀了 Turnus( Tatin 的王子





出版社:Crw Publishing
Aeneas, a Trojan warrior, searches for a new homeland after the fall of Troy. His journey becomes years of wandering. His tales of wars fought, cities built and burned, new kings, and struggling alliances spread the histories of heroes and their willingness to believe in their own resources and the miraculous help of the gods.

特洛伊木马 翻译英文版

The Trojan Horse was a tale from the Trojan War, as told in Virgil's Latin epic poem The Aeneid. The events in this story from the Bronze Age took place after Homer's Iliad, and before Homer's Odyssey. It was the stratagem that allowed the Greeks finally to enter the city of Troy and end the conflict. In the best-known version, after a fruitless 10-year siege of Troy the Greeks built a huge figure of a horse inside which a select force of men hid. The Greeks pretended to sail away, and the Trojans pulled the Horse into their city as a victory trophy. That night the Greek force crept out of the Horse and opened the gates for the rest of the Greek army, which had sailed back under cover of night. The Greek army entered and destroyed the city of Troy, decisively ending the war.
The priest Laocoön guessed the plot and warned the Trojans, in Virgil's famous line "Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes" (I fear Greeks even those bearing gifts)[1], but the god Poseidon sent two sea serpents to strangle him, and his sons Antiphantes and Thymbraeus, before he could be believed. King Priam's daughter Cassandra, the soothsayer of Troy, insisted that the horse would be the downfall of the city and its royal family but she too was ignored, hence their doom and loss of the war.
A "Trojan Horse" has come to mean any trick that causes a target to invite a foe into a securely protected bastion or place, now often associated with "malware" computer programs presented as useful or harmless in order to induce the user to install and run them.
本文标题: the aeneid的读后感(用英文复述特洛伊木马屠城剧情 500字左右)



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