典范英语7读后感英文(典范英语7 《危险的运动鞋》读后感 要英语的 50 财富)

发布时间: 2024-06-01 21:13:44 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 78


典范英语7读后感英文(典范英语7 《危险的运动鞋》读后感 要英语的 50 财富)


典范英语6 7:


Every child can succeed," This is a classic western education, the author of this book is a well-known American expert on the study, Mr. Thomas Armstrong, who had 15 years of intensive investigation and research monographs written in the classical education, he The research results show that in fact there is no natural-born children of the so-called learning impossible. a vast majority of people in the world through tinted glasses view results. 《每个孩子都能成功》这是一本西方教育名著,这本书的作者是美国著名的学习问题专家托马斯·阿姆斯特朗先生,他进行了15年深入的调查研究写成的经典教育专著,他的研究成果表明,实际上根本没有天生的所谓学习上不行的孩子. 绝大部分也是世人带着有色眼镜看待的结果.


第6本:simon and his rescue dog——kelly.they are going to the western Turkey to resue the hunt people.Because there was happen a biggest ever recorded earthquake.kelly is a very special dog.
第7本:Del is a football player. His dad and friends are gave many pressure to Del.He was sick of this.on the contrary,his best friends,spanner are very love football.but heonly a reserve. On a important match, Del want to lost the match .But because it ,he mates was arrowed into him .lucky,spanner loyally to him. And Del gave the win change to spanner. spanner was a hero now .Del as well free by his father.
第8本:Petey is a domestic robot.One day I and sam found petey was very odd.Actually, he want to be a human.I and sam was support to him
.But my mum found it . and called the factory on the vid-phone.we're on a escape.On the way ,petey in order to help sam, at last he was catched by connections squad van. At last ,my parents was followed petey.Now petey was travelled at the outer planet.
本文标题: 典范英语7读后感英文(典范英语7 《危险的运动鞋》读后感 要英语的 50 财富)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/378045.html



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