the blanket 读后感(求读哈利波特有感 英文版)

发布时间: 2024-03-27 23:56:59 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 87


the blanket 读后感(求读哈利波特有感 英文版)


Baby Shark
The story of baby shark is tragic, page-turning and horrific. A teen witnesses the murder of her father, endures the unthinkable, and then barely lives to be haunted by it. The choice she makes to overcome is understandable and that is where the reader begins to accept the road, the blood-soaked, slippery road, Kristin begins to walk,
Baby Shark is the nickname Kristin earns as she picks up the pool cue that was ripped prematurely from her hustler father. Pool is only one of the skills she masters. The others are far more important than a game. They boil down to life and death, mostly the latter.
When I began reading Baby Shark, I, within pages of her physical recovery, knew where the story was going. You will, too. However, even though the situation borders on stereotypical, there is enough new and unique to make the story fresh and engaging and the characters real.
I'd caution chickens to avoid visiting Kristin's Texas as there are some pretty intense scenes. PI and vendetta/underdog-out-to-clean-up-the-world fans will likely find much to like in Baby Shark, both the character and the book.
Plain Perfect
Some books I’ve read had an Amish girl seeking to break away from tradition and try out the world and all it offers. This book is about a worldly woman trying to break into the Amish community, seeking a place of refuge and meaning to this life.
I really felt for and enjoyed Lillian, as she tried to make some sense of her life at twenty -seven when she goes to live with her Amish grandparents. She wanted to get to know them and their ways. Lillian was in search of peace and meaning for her life. She wanted to leave her complicated, hurtful, miserable life behind -make a FRESH start.
Lillian read something in an article that spoke to her “The road to happiness is filled with paths of self-discovery. One slip and you can end up going down the wrong path with no map to guide you back to the main road.” She was earnestly looking for the right road to take in her life.
Lillian says,” Grandma, I want so badly to feel the calmness inside. I want so badly to live a good life.” …It’s just hard for me to understand why sometimes things happen the way they do.” Lillian had to deal with the failures of her life and her mother’s. She didn’t want to be like her mom. Lillian had to make a drastic change, but it had to be for the right reasons.
This was a really good story of hope, healing, forgiveness and second chances. It reminds me that we all have choices in life; it’s always up to us as to how we handle our struggles. We can do it alone or we can choose to embrace God’s comfort for us and to thrive in the middle of bad times. This is a different Amish story, which I totally enjoyed.
The Traitor’s Wife
With as many novels, books, movies and documentaries available about Henry VIII, I was intrigued to learn about a novel which examines prior generations of England’s monarchy. The period of history Ms. Higginbotham explores does not disappoint.
Set in the fourteenth century, Edward II’s realm is falling apart due to failed military campaigns, political upheaval, and his inability to reign. Distracted by his extramarital relationship with men, he fails to recognize his danger and how disgruntled the lords of the realm have become. He is not without adoring subjects, however, and chief among them is his niece Eleanor Despenser.
The Traitor’s Wife follows her story as she marries Hugh Depenser and enters the court as a lady-in-waiting to the new queen of England. Despite her promising beginning, she is not destined for a life of ease. When her husband becomes the king’s lover, and her queen overthrows the king to set up the reign of her son, Eleanor Despenser soon finds herself in jeopardy.
The first half of the book moves slowly and is burdened endless historic facts. Lady Depenser is unlikable for being too sweet—too innocent, too forgiving. Midway through the story, though, the book’s tension increases and I found growing very interested in the characters’ fates.
History does not reflect well on Edward II, and Susan Higginbotham does a good job presenting a different face to him—an affectionate with a kind soul. The balance of character depth, however, becomes spoiled when his wife, Isabella, is painted as a diabolical villain without redeeming qualities.
The story is told omnisciently and I found myself wishing it had been told strictly from Queen Isabella and Lady Despenser’s points of view, putting a twist on the title, while cutting back on history lessons stuffed between the scenes.
My review is mixed. For the first half, I did not think I would recommend the novel. During the second half, I found myself Googling the characters in order to distinguish fact from fiction. Overall it is an intriguing book.
Single Sashimi
Chick-Lit has lost some of it's charm for me. When I began reading it, I loved nearly every novel I read. But then, I began to resent the whining and selfishness of many first person narratives. Oh, sure, the heroines always got themselves into a heap of self-induced drama, usually humorous drama. But I found myself getting bored with the same old, same old whining as it oozed out of the pages.
But, Camy Tang has created a series of characters who've made Chick-Lit fun again. She has crafted a family of Chinese and Japanese or blended cousins who've embraced Christianity instead of Buddha, and modern customs instead traditional, The stories have been honest, too. The girls have embraced Christianity, but have not attained anything close to perfection.
Single Sashimi places cousin Venus in the spotlight. Held together by sheer will and protected by stilettos and designer suits, oh, and cleaning products, Venus has created quite the little gaming empire. She is ready to take on the gaming world as a key player, if only she had the actual resources to do it.
Sashimi is my favorite in the series which speaks well of Tang. Her third book is as good as the first. The writing is fresh. And the glossary alone is pure entertainment.
If you like sassy and at the edge of the emotional abyss heroines, unique flavors, a chance to maybe learn a little something and a sweet dash of romance, Sashimi may be exactly what you need to place on your next takeout order
BoneMan's Daughters
If you are having trouble staying awake at night, I have a cure. Read Ted Dekker’s latest thriller “Bone Man’s Daughter and you will not sleep for a week. The cover warns you that this book is “A new reason to keep the lights on and the doors locked” and it is more than a cute quote to sell the book. They are serious! My wife gave me this book because she knows I love to read Ted and actually have read everything he has written. I must confess that I almost didn’t read this one though. I mean I started to read it and there is one chapter that was so disturbing that I actually threw the book on the floor and told her I was done with it. I actually walked by it for two days before I decided to pick it up and finish what I started.
I have read most of Stephen King and I am a big Brandilyn Collins fan so it is not like I am thin skinned about my reading. This book has a dimension of violence, especially in the beginning, that is both intimate and personal and I warn you it is not for those who are timid.
Ted lives up to his reputation for creating adrenaline laced-plots with an incredible confrontation between good and evil and then also transcends the enmity between evil and innocence. What he does in this book is very different than anything he has written before, in my humble opinion. He has connected us with the helplessness and horror of the victim and in such a way that it festers fear in the very heart, as well as rage at the unanswered pleadings of those about to die. It makes it more than personal and this can be extremely disturbing.
For those with thicker skins, who see this type of mental manipulations as entertaining, I will promise you that this will be a fantasy ride worth climbing into. A virtual “Space Mountain” of a book, with twists and turns galore.
For those of you expecting a simple; action packed, thriller from the mind of Ted: I say beware! You are about to enter into the dark side where your heart will be removed, wrung out and replaced upside down and backwards, if at all and where you will certainly awake with a start at the things that go “BUMP” in the night. At least for awhile. Muuhahahaha….
Bonus Review:
A serial killer who could be a few different men is dormant for two long years. It may be because the man who's been convicted has been placed behind bars, or maybe because he is yet uncaptured and fighting terrorism in a desert across the world. Or maybe the man is waiting and stalking his next victim.
Bizarre twists and turns keep the reader wondering, doubting and riveted. Plenty of horror and bursts of adrenaline will keep any Honken Chicken Club members buried under blankets for weeks, and may tilt even the most stoic of readers off-center. Heed the warning if you are squeamish.
Very classic Dekker. Good vs. evil where good is broken and imperfect and evil is broken and unredeemable. A spiritual allegory plays out clearly, especially in the last seven or eight chapters. The characters are an interesting blend of stereotype with unexpected elements that make them feel real. Though the FBI is involved this is a very tense suspense more so than a police procedural. If you are a Dekker fan, you won't find threads connecting Boneman to other stories unless I missed something. PG-13 overall, including a smattering of curse words, R in intensity and subject matter.
My Sister Dilly
I have to be honest… when I started reading this book about a woman getting out of prison and entering society again, I really didn’t want to read it. Then when I read about what this woman tried to do; I thought this book might go into really dark places, I was afraid to continue. But, I have to say that since Maureen Lang has such an endearing insight into the heart of the matter, I kept reading. This story went in a direction I never expected it to go; it became quite eye opening which made me want to finish the story and so will you.
I applaud Maureen for not being afraid to talk about the elephant in the room. Nobody wants to discuss much less think about special needs children and what is involved in their care day-in and day-out. I loved her take on how a special needs child affect the immediate, extended family, and everyone they meet. It’s eye opening stuff.
The author shares what it would be like for a prisoner trying to fit back into in a very small town – a town who doesn’t forget why you went to prison in the first place. Dilly reaches out to another woman in a similar situation she was in years ago. This is what she says, “I know what Carla did was wrong. I hate what she did. But the punishment has already begun, even before she’s sentenced. And she’s still human; I know she feels all the hatred people like that guy have. I just wanted her to know not everybody has forgotten she’s still a person with feelings.” Wow! The author has a great insight into God’s love for us and how we should love one another.
This was a deeply moving book .At the same time, the author lets us see and feel how life could be in a small town; and what all goes into running a farm. It’s quite fascinating. This was the first book I’ve read by Maureen Lang it definitely won’t be the last
Deadlock follows John Hutchinson (Hutch) and his family as he puts his life back together after his harrowing nightmare as detailed in Deadfall. Dillon and Laura have come to Denver for a visit. Life is calm, a little boring, even, except for Hutch's growing obsession with Brendan Page, the billionaire father of Declan. Declan, the young man who nearly killed Hutch, Laura and Dillon and did kill several people near and dear to them paid the ultimate price, but, it seems Brendan Page's money is keeping him safely out of the reach of the law and free to dabble in war games.
After a warning that ends up turning deadly and into a kidnapping, war breaks out between Page and his sophisticated killing forces and Hutch and a rag-tag band of kids and a woman.
Deadlock is a page-turning story that had me rooting for Hutch, not just to take care of the bad guys, but to discover the children who love and need his time and attention. Other than some intense scenes complete with gore, I found Deadlock to be a very good and satisfying novel. The characters are solid and likable, the action is twist and turn complex, the writing continues to satisfy even though Liparulo has several irons in the fire. Action and adventure lovers, gamers, guys, suspense hounds and character collectors might want to look a little deeper.


The teacher is guiding us, and life guide. He made some worry for the future growth of the primary spirits, full of successful cultivation. Yes, when many people talked about the success of their first teachers, their hearts full of emotion and the Federation of gratitude. Yes, teachers forged the soul of human life, his soul so that they become more perfect and more harmonious.
When Helen Keller was also immersed in the dark and silent world of despair for the future, it is the text of the teacher to help her沙莉untied the rope, struggling out from despair,沙莉text is a teacher like her parents love it and a strong will to guide her students out of the woods, toward the hope of life.
When we are operating more and complaining, and teachers often complained about too many assignments, we can have the intention of the teachers thought it? I think that teachers are more familiar with him, we want to talk about the issues now! I believe that the practice of teachers for the sake of our students are learning for the sake of us. If there is no need for the operation, how can we learn from our lay a solid foundation for it? Teachers when we are criticized, we can have you thought about the feelings of the teacher? I would like to, in fact, the teacher's mind is also very reluctant to do so, even tough that they were simply in the growth of their students and is responsible for it ... ...
Teachers, the engineers of human souls! Their education in a batch after batch of newcomers, they created the most perfect of our human soul.
Yes, the perfect shape of the soul - the teacher.
May 12, 2008, I will never forget this day. Wenchuan earthquake, housing down, and their loved ones did not, and the ruins of their homes has become an instant, the cries of panic everywhere: parents - and children - where is it you?
One year has passed, the pain is no longer a physical injury, the injury is the soul; tears is not necessarily sad, but also moved. We Do not Cry, we have too much flow through the tears, we have experienced great injury; We Do not Cry, our injuries have been the fastest and best medical treatment, would love for us all to create a lot of miracles, we With food, blanket, new home ... ... We Do not Cry - We Do not Cry - the care you lit our hope that the truth you let us stronger, we will not forget that the earthquake lost their loved ones. We will always remember that you owe heinous. Major disaster is love
Think about that time, the People's Liberation Army life and death struggle in the first line of rescue, volunteers from all directions to join the ranks of the rescue. People throughout the country and donations from overseas Chinese and cadres of students took to the streets roll up sleeves lined up blood, the international organizations to provide assistance to ... ... side effects are rare to the P Plus support. All eyes were focused in one place; all about the heart are in one place - Wenchuan. "China! Sichuan Come on!汶川加oil!" Shouted the voice of hundreds of millions of people are still ringing in our ears
One year has passed, then said we have to say: Do not be afraid! We destroyed their homes to help you build; loved ones after we are gone to your loved ones. A big disaster and then carry with us the future, we rely on you. Do not be afraid! Behind you is a powerful country, you have a billion brothers and sisters behind. Catastrophe brought about by the disaster, but you do not have to bow their heads, thank you - the pro-people Wenchuan. You have lost loved ones and their homes with the cost of
Let us abandon the selfish, so that we Chinese people more united, let the world see the heroes of the motherland.
National heroes when they gave birth to the heroic people: students, teachers sacrifice; physical protection of their own parents; for her husband against the wife of the collapse of beam; shoulders with both hands and to protect the top from the weight of the baby's young mother; have lost both parents and children is still strong after a policewoman fighting;忍着剧痛fracture of his left hand for the soldiers of the little girl military honors King; rescue from the ruins to kneel on the floor crying out for for allowing me to save a soldier ... ...
Every time a disaster, the total number of moving left. People's Liberation Army, doctors and nurses, police ... ... where there is a need to figure where they have, where they always冲在最前面dangerous. They do not want to rest, they do not cherish their lives, but they have lived their sacred duties.
Tan centuries, even Rong, Jing Gerbasi,袁文婷, Chen Gui, Wang Gang, Jiang Min ... ...
There are so many hero's name; there are many we do not know the name of the hero, let us remember the heroic sacrifice or alive! Remember also those unsung heroes of sacrifice or alive!
Any disasters, 1.3 billion Chinese people in the face of the great motherland in the face will be resolved!
Happy to help the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. Since the founding of New China, whether in the streets or in shops, people help each other can be seen everywhere in the scene, a thriving community as a whole picture. In today's busy and colorful society, our standard of living is getting higher and higher, the more and more comfortable life can be happy to help people who have the spirit slowly disappeared, showing only the narrow-minded selfishness. Xiao-He composition network
Can be a good man is everywhere, and they still found that a beautiful spirit. This afternoon, she suddenly said; the end of her high blood pressure medicine, told me to go downstairs to buy a box of drugstore.
I am a bit reluctant溜到from the television side of the room holding the medical card, the fastest speed on into the pharmacy, get medicine, the counter ready to pay. At this point, I stood next to a grandmother, I felt quite familiar, can not recall who is the grandmother who can only hear the cashier said that the grandmother of your money to buy this bottle of medicine, 2 short hair money. Grandmother hurry, you can be first to give me, give me my money, my house in the pharmacy next to the area, after I got home to 2 cents sent to you, all right? Cashier only said that it is difficult for me to do so, it is better to do it, you go home to take up 2 cents, here on the first drug, and used the money, I sell it to you in medicine. I would like to hear, cashier closed 2 cents lower to be available, or to sell drugs first grandmother, grandmother and then 2 cents can be sent to you, ah, so how小心眼? Not as good as my grandmother to help pad the money, right? 2 is not a lot of money. An aunt at this time came, she heard the old lady and the cashier said. Do not hesitate to say, grandmother of 2 cents to me, glad to hear the grandmother said, thank you, ah was a good man. Aunt said only say, You're welcome, it should be. I have heard, the aunt who was willing to help the spirit moved, thinking, this will be good有好报aunt, a good safety. Out of a pharmacy, I saw the old lady who has been with thanks aunt, grandmother after那幢on the floor to my house the stairs come, grandmother of the mother-in-law is on the second floor. All of a sudden feel full, quite a failure to see the face every day, once around, but did not recognize the ...
May be over-development of the community, leading to confusion in people's thinking so that they can share them to the hands of a better grip of the sand, bit by bit slowly down stream, slowly disappeared. However, there are some people, there are ways of the clenched hands of the sand, there is no loss of sand, and their efforts so that they retain the scarce body of a beautiful spirit. China is a big family, all the Chinese people are a people, we are all descendants of the Dragon, and we are all closely linked to our common hope that the body has disappeared back to the traditional virtues.
Every time when a good mood to a cup of coffee, sitting in the cradle-like wooden chair, looking at the stars. That is how many people aspire to do ah! However, when you melancholy time, to a cup of coffee, bitter taste is ah so painful!
Every time I cheered coffee, there will always be in the band felt a bitter taste of sweet, indeed, only the addition of sugar will have such a taste of coffee. And, like life, like coffee, only sugar to sweet, and sugar , but it is not derived from natural, but to themselves. Otherwise, only the bitterness of coffee.
In this world, the depression and, unfortunately, too many, but only in the minds of these people suffer is not sweet, because they do not have the spirit of optimism, the heart does not find a happy heart.
Flowers and encounter all sorts of unfortunate people, but the long river of life is a never-ending, and the taste of coffee is always the fragrance. Xiao-he composition network I remember someone once said, "is optimistic about the joy of the" yes ah! Faced with such twists and turns of life are now only optimistic way Do you have a second? No.
Induced by your own coffee aroma, it is to resist, but you feel, I can change you, from bitter to sweet, from sweet to bitter, everything, everything in the hands of my hands, you do not run away nor escape out, hide躲不了also, do you condemn a prisoner of my.
August 8, 2008, so that the 1.3 billion Chinese people sleep all night long. Let the world's six billion people to understand the beautiful, traditional and progressive China; so that a new awareness of the world's six billion vicissitudes but still have a perfect body of the Chinese!
2008, China's crying, indomitable China, the Chinese take-off!
Still remember the 16 days of the Beijing Olympic Games点点滴滴, 16 gave birth to the sad, touched with tears, the world which gave birth to the miracle of shock, gave birth to the miracle of the Chinese Olympic history, in the Olympic Games, China's athletes with 51 gold , 22 silver and 28 bronze this brilliant record, this wonderful figure. China is not only a gold medal at the first Olympic Games and also the number to four in a major earthquake川汶川gone some consolation to people so that they also felt the great motherland ... though they far in heaven. Remember it! The number of Olympic medals is at 2:28 on May 12!
In 1981, China's democratic, prosperous and strong China, the Chinese take-off!
Will never forget the "sick man of Asia" was a shame but the title of our progress, always bearing in mind the "oriental sleeping lion," an affirmation of the eternal, forever deep in the heart or of Deng Xiaoping's "reform and opening up" policy, which gives us a foothold in the China.
In 1949, the birth of China, China's self-confidence, China's take-off!
In 1949 the Chinese people will never forget, the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese people follow the pace of progress running the land in China. We will use the wisdom of worry and hard-working construction with a warm beautiful family, so that hard work never distributed in exchange for the Chinese people's unique aroma.
From China's implementation of reform and opening-up the pace of progress in history, we will use the historical facts in the long river of history to keep this in mind and bearing in mind the great China, the Chinese people great!
The development of China's take-off, one by one the emergence of a miracle! Five-Starred Red Flag and the motherland is willing to continue to pave the way for China to take off the pace of the Dragon!

野性的呼唤 英文读后感


英文读后感--《野性的呼唤》(The Call of the Wild)的读后感
My Call of the Wild
------ Enlightenment of The Call of the Wild
" He sings a song of the younger world, which is the song of the pack." (Chapter VII The Sounding of the Wild) When the last sentence vanished from my eyes, I can still perceive an echo of a song - a wild song, which knocks up my dizzy mind that always cheerfully sink into the so-called civilized world without questioning. Wild, is no longer a symbol of the law of jungle but a headspring where streams out love, passion, bravery, loyalty, friendship, venture, competition and tolerance all these virtues can easily be found in the Call of the Wild.
Jack London (1876-1916) is a worldwide renowned novelist. His stories successfully reflect the contradictory views of man’s nature and destiny in and against the wild, and his "fight to survive" notion has gained him and his works timeless popularity, particularly, the Call of the Wild
It tells a story of a gigantic dog, named Buck, who is stolen from a rich and comfortable home and forced to learn to survive as an Alaskan sled dog. Buck, at first, is too savage for the company of man until he coincidently encounters his beloved master-kindhearted John Thornton. Finally, John’s incidental death breaks Buck’s last tie to the man and drives him into his long-desired wild with his pack. In the story, Buck and John simply adopt themselves to answer the call of the wild. When it comes to Buck’s mind that one day he will eventually leave John- his master, all he wants to do is just to help him finish the gold-rush-trip. He " from then on, night and day, never put a halt, in desperation, he burst into long stretch of flight, did not to stay him (John)…" (Chapter VII The Sounding of The Wild) Buck wished to remember John’s image forever, he "for two days and nights never left camp, never let Thornton out of his sight. He followed him about at his work, watched him while saw him into blankets at night and out of them in the morning…" (Chapter VII) When I read these words I just could not hold my tears bursting. Can a real man devote himself to loyalty and friendship in such a way? On the other hand, John Thornton is not only a dog-lover but also a brave and venturous man. He is so straightforward and simple that makes him an accommodating man. Once he firmly roots a goal into his heart, it seems that nothing could prevent him from accomplishing it except death. I do not know whether the persistence is the most vital element to make a man successful, but what I know is that you are not far away from success once you occupy it.
It is Jack London who plunges me into the animated wild from the hustle-and-bustle and from desperate city. There, I merely cannot deny the attraction of Buck’s bark, which enlightens me to pursue another lost half of the nature in mankind, and to dig out a true meaning of life. Dare we imagine that London intentionally employs Buck to set us a model with perfect characters (count barbarity out)? The answer is affirmed. We, as animals, are from the wild but shedding off more and more wild signs, which demonstrate us as the "uncivilized". However, who can fully guarantee that we have not overlooked some essential wild-endowed virtues? Especially, nowadays, it seems more crucial for us to stop looking at the post-industrialized world and to ponder for a while. When cheats, betrayals, lies, lusts and crimes stuff a materialized society, whether London uses this novel to help himself escape the reality or warn the earthy people, to us, modern man, is all the same. It appears horrible that in modern society many people are enthusiastically talking about how to build up "special relations" to the authority, deceiving and lying to each other. To them life is a mask-wearing process rather than a hard work. Every time, you browse WebPages, scandals in politics, business, the entertainment circle and even on campus crowd into your eyes. Oh, what is the essence of human beings? What is the civilization to us? Do we need to look back at where we came from? Is it good or bad for us to speak out what we think and to do what the consciences demand us to? Are we wasting talents given by the mighty nature? Be an honest, straightforward, warmhearted, emotional and responsible man or be a shrewd, cold hearted and astute hypocrite? While embracing the "civilized" rubbish, we are losing those good virtues, which are the calls of the wild. Once we lose them, we are to lose ourselves, and we will get nowhere. I wish this dreadful thought is totally a fallacy, but, now, it is chilling me hard. One day when I happen to stand on the top of a grand mountain to observe a boundless prairie enveloped by the sapphire firmament and combed by gusts of the rhythmical west wind, a morning sun sprinkles me her warmth and brilliance in a graceful way, however, at that moment, I am afraid that I cannot appreciate these beauties, I am a lost " civilized man" then.
Please, please do not let come true while we are still able to answer the call of the wild.


  酷热的夏天,你的女儿冲你来了一句:It‘s boiling hot out there。Boiling? 学了三十多年英文的你肯定会被雷到!热就热啦!哪怕你通过专外八级,哪怕你是博士?你可能最多用very 来形容,压根没有想到还有别的字可以用。







  作者列举了好几个小故事告诉我们,很多时候,孩子们的故事,结局是什么一点也不重要,重要的是在这中间的人生智慧。比如“Lucky bats won’t do it.Lucky helmets won‘t do it.Only hard work will do it.”(幸运棒没有用,幸运帽也没有用,只有努力才有用)。孩子有没有学到英文不要紧,只要将这句话听进心坎里,一生受用。





  书单上的书都是英文原版,比如《An I Can Read Book》这个系列,我在亚马逊、淘宝网上都能搜索得到,于是特别记下,考虑是不是以后也买上几本回来看看。








  【An I Can Read Book】

  Harper Collins所出的系列读本。这样的标题会出现在每本书的封面上方。它其实是国外设计给不同年龄孩子的读本,依照程度分成不同阶段。在此只列出我喜欢而且曾经反复帮孩子念过的收藏,故事本本精采,不容错过。有些很适合有基本英文听力的小学生,甚至中学生,因为故事有趣,主题多样化,够吸引孩子,有附录音带的版本更是让孩子习惯听英文的好帮手。

  第一阶段( 0-2岁)

  书标头An I can read book(level 1),32-64页,每页1-3句话,每句话平均6、7个字。

  1. Happy birthday, Danny and the dinosaur* 分享、友情

  2. Danny and the dinosaur* 冒险、友情

  3. Danny and the dinosaur go to camp* 团体生活、幽默

  4. The lighthouse children 关怀、友情

  5. Who will be my friends 交朋友

  6. Captain cat 友情、幽默

  7. Stanley 勇于改变、爱

  8. Grizzwold 努力、冒险、环保

  9. Chester 追求理想不气馁

  10. Mine’s the best 炫耀心态、友谊

  11. Oliver 追求

  12. Sammy the seal* 冒险、追求理想

  出版社penguin group所出的系列读本,24页,浅显易懂。虽然书后附有可裁剪的生字卡,但未实际用过,祇念着好玩而已。

  1. Don’t wake the baby 关怀、爱、手足之情

  2. Benny’s big bubble 冒险旅程,知名作家Tomie de paola 的作品

  3. Silly Willy 爱、幽默

  4. The big snowball 幽默

  5. Otto the cat 友情、关怀

  6. The little engine that could helps out 再试一次的勇气

  7. Lots of hearts 关怀

  8. Pig out 欢乐气氛

  9. Picky Nicky 认识营养的食物

  第二阶段( 2岁)

  书标头An I can read book (level 1、2),48-64页。

  1. Small pig 家、关怀、追求理想

  2. Oscar Otter 螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后的幽默

  3. Red fox and his canoe 分享、幽默、追求理想

  4. The fire Cat 爱、关怀、做大事

  5. Harry and the lady next door * 梦想成真

  6. No more monsters for me * 可爱的怪兽、机智、关怀


  7. Father bear comes home

  8. Little bear*

  9. Little bear’s friend*

  10. Little bear’s visit*

  11. Newt 自信

  12. Two silly trolls 有情、分享、幽默

  13. There is Carrot in my ear 无厘头式的幽默

  14. The adventures of snail at school 冒险、想象、自信

  15. Buzby* 独立、自信、工作


  1. Fireman small 认真、助人

  2. Heaven 爱和死亡

  3. The snowman 奇幻探险

  4. Now one foot, now the other 祖孙亲情

  5. Who’s afraid of the big, bad bully 对抗恶势力、勇气

  6. Blueberries for Sal * 温馨

  7. Winnie in winter 知足、幽默

  8. Marsha makes me sick 手足之情

  9. Marsha is only a flower 手足之情

  10. Oi! Get off our trains 环境保护、分享

  11. The doorbell rang 分享、数字概念

  12. Little polar bear finds a friend 友谊、冒险

  作者By Cynthia Rylant,一个小男孩Henry和一只大狗Mudge的系列故事,幽默小品,浅显易懂。只列出我有的收藏,购自美国,台湾书目可能较不齐全。

  1. Henry and Mudge and the best day of all

  2. Henry and Mudge in puddle trouble

  3. Henry and Mudge the first book

  4. Henry and Mudge and the starry night

  5. Henry and Mudge in the sparkle days

  6. Henry and Mudge and Annie’s perfect pet

  7. Henry and Mudge take the big test

  8. Henry and Mudge and the bedtime thumps

  第三阶段( 3岁)

  书标头An I can read book (level 2),作者Arnold Lobel,最爱绘本作家之一,其书必买,传家之宝。附录音带版本,强烈推荐给有基本英文听力的小学生阅读和反复听取。

  1. Frog and toad are friends *

  2. Frog and toad together *

  3. Frog and toad all year *

  4. Days frog and toad *

  5. Grasshopper on the road *

  6. Mouse soup *

  7. Mouse tales *

  8. Owl at home *

  9. Uncle elephant

  书标头An I can read book (level 2、3)

  1. Last one in is a rotten egg* 勇气、百折不挠

  2. Clara and the bookwagon 珍惜、努力、阅读之美

  3. Inspector hopper 侦探故事

  4. Big Max 侦探故事

  5. Here comes the strikeout * 有志者事竟成

  6. The smallest cow in the world * 想象力、怀念


  1. The biggest bear * 友谊、爱心

  2. Nana upstairs & Nana downstairs 祖孙情

  3. Pompeii buried alive 庞贝城的历史由来

  4. The bravest dog ever Balto 勇气、冒险、助人

  5. One hundred hungry ants 数字概念

  6. Corduroy 关怀与爱

  作者绘者James Marshall,称其书为小孩版的心灵鸡汤,幽默首选,其书必买。


  1. Fox and his friends

  2. Fox all week

  3. Fox at school

  4. Fox on wheels

  5. Fox be nimble

  6. Fox on stage

  7. Fox on the job

  8. Fox in love

  9. Fox outfoxed

  10. Three up a tree

  11. Three by the sea

  12. Four on the shore


  1. Amanda pig and her big brother Oliver (1.5岁)

  2. Amanda pig and her best friend Lollipop

  3. Tales of Oliver pig

  4. More tales of Oliver pig

  5. Tales of Amanda pig

  6. Amanda pig and her own

  7. More tales of Amanda pig

  8. Amanda pig, school girl

  9. Oliver pig at school

  10. Oliver, Amanda and grandmother pig


  1. Franklin in the dark 怕黑

  2. Franklin goes to the hospital 生病住院的经验

  3. Franklin and the thunderstorm 勇气

  4. Hurry up, Franklin 守时

  5. Franklin is lost 守信

  6. Franklin’s blanket 心爱的宝贝

  7. Franklin goes to school 第一次上学

  8. Franklin’s new friend 照顾新同学

  9. Franklin is messy 整洁

  10. Franklin is bossy 礼让

  11. Franklin’s bad day 情绪处理

  12. Franklin and Harriet 手足之情

  13. Franklin fibs 吹牛

  14. Franklin has a sleepover 到朋友家过夜

  15. Franklin’s secret club 分享

  16. Franklin’s Halloween 万圣节的惊喜

  17. Franklin’s Christmas gift 珍惜

  18. Franklin’s school play 舞台表演



  1. Curious George *

  2. Curious George flies a kite *

  3. Curious George gets a medal *

  4. Curious George goes to the hospital *

  5. Curious George rides a bike *

  6. Curious George takes a job *

  第四阶段( 4 岁)

  书标头An I can read book(level 2、3)

  1. The grandma mix-up 幽默、祖孙情

  2. Zack’s alligator 幽默、友情、关怀

  3. Rollo and Tweedy and the ghost at Dougal Castle *谁在装鬼的侦探故事

  4. A bargain for Frances * 坦诚、不欺瞒

  以下两本为鬼故事,但是幽默有趣。请考虑孩子的接受程度,儿子五岁听时完全不怕,但小一女儿晚上是不肯听的。In a dark dark room是有一个人头在地上的画面哦!

  5. Ghosts *

  6. In a dark dark room *

  7. The big balloon race* 冒险、勇气、毅力

  8. Sam the minuteman * 争取自由、保护家园

  9. The Josefina Story Quilt * 希望、关怀、感恩

  10. The Golly sisters go west * 吵吵闹闹还是好朋友

  11. Hill of fire * 逆境中的乐观

  12. The drinking gourd * 平等、关怀、追求自由的勇气

  13. The long way to the new land * 移民的希望之旅

  14. Wagon wheels * 万里寻父的勇气之旅,真实故事改编

  15. The case of the scaredy cats 男女生的友谊、幽默

  16. The case of the hungry stranger * 天真幽默的侦探故事

  17. Kick, pass, and run 团队合作

  18. Buffalo bill and the pony express 勇气、荣耀,真实故事改编

  19. Harry in trouble 孩子解决问题的心路历程

  20. Emma’s yucky brother 领养议题、亲情

  21. The 18 penny goose 逆境中的关怀,真实故事改编

  22. Daniel’s duck 有时,讥笑是最好的称赞

  23. Golly sisters ride again 幽默、友谊

  24. A bear for Miguel 勇气、慷慨

  25. Snowshoe Thompson 信任,真实故事改编

  26. Small wolf 印地安人的历史故事

  27. Aunt Eater’s mystery Halloween(2.8 岁) 侦探故事

  书标头An I can read book(level 2),作者Lillian Hoban。「哥哥总是比妹妹强、比妹妹勇敢、比妹妹懂算数、比妹妹会认字…。.」这是一只自以为是的猩猩哥哥Arthur和妹妹Violet所发展出来的一系列幽默温馨故事。

  1. Arthur’s birthday party

  2. Arthur’s loose tooth*

  3. Arthur’s Christmas cookies*

  4. Arthur’s honey bear*

  5. Arthur’s camp-out*

  6. Arthur’s great big valentine

  7. Arthur’s funny money*

  8. Arthur’s pen pal*

  9. Arthur’s prize reader*

  第五阶段( 5岁以后)

  By 知名作家Judith Viorst

  1. Alexander, who used to be rich last Sunday 幽默

  2. Alexander, who’s not going to move 幽默

  3. Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day 幽默

  By 知名作家Virginia Lee Burton

  1. Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel * 毅力

  2. The little house * 念旧

  3. Maybelle the cable car * 公民的投票权

  4. Katy and the big snow * 努力认真工作

  By 知名作家Jan Brett

  1. Ginger bread baby 冒险

  2. The mitten 分享

  3. The hat 分享

  4. Hedgie’s surprise 机智

  5. Town mouse country mouse 知足常乐

  6. Berlioz the bear 分享

  7. The night before Christmas 幻想

  8. Who’s that knocking on Christmas eve 幻想

  By知名作家Bernard Waber

  1. Lyle, Lyle crocodile * 关怀

  2. The house on east 88th street * 关怀

  3. Ira sleeps over * 勇气、面对嘲笑

  4. Ira says goodbye * 离别、友情

  By知名作家James Marshall

  1. Miss Nelson is back * 幽默

  2. Miss Nelson has a field day 幽默

  3. George and Martha 幽默

  By知名作家Tomie dePaola

  1. Strega Nona 幽默、守规矩

  2. Strega Nona meets her match 宽容

  By知名作家Bill Peet

  1. Big bad bruce * 同理心

  2. Cyrus the unsinkable sea serpent*(4.5岁) 关怀、慈悲、冒险

  3. The Whingdingdilly* 知足、面对挫折

  By知名作家William Steig

  1. Doctor De Soto (3岁) 慈悲、勇气、机智

  2. Doctor De Soto goes to Africa * 慈悲、勇气

  3. Zeke pippin 冒险之旅

  4. The toy brother 关怀

  5. Brave Irene 使命达成


  1. Fun with the Molesons (3.5 岁) 幽默

  1. Rumpelstiltskin * 经典童话

  2. Hurricane * 想象之旅

  3. Piggie Pie * 幽默

  4. Miss Rumphius * 经典童话

  5. How my parents learned to eat * 文化的融合

  6. Hodges’ café * 勇气中的幽默感

  7. I’ll fix Anthony 手足排行中的压力呐喊、大幽默

  8. Sophie Skates 对芭蕾舞的兴趣和坚持

  9. Click, clack, moo: cows that type 幽默

  10. Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 幻想,空中下起食物雨

  11. A pocket full of kisses 亲情、无悔的爱

  12. A kissing hand 妈妈的爱永远用不完

本文标题: the blanket 读后感(求读哈利波特有感 英文版)



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