king kong读后感(电影King kong观后感)

发布时间: 2023-10-19 13:34:13 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 114


king kong读后感(电影King kong观后感)

电影King kong观后感

  第一次看金刚还是N年以前。黑白片。现在回想起来仍然记忆犹新。不得志的导演CARL带着剧作家JACK和女演员ANN踏上一未被"文明世界"开发的处女地--SKULL ISLAND.其后,ANN被当地土著所捉来献祭给岛上最凶残的野兽--KONG,一只身高7米半,一百多岁的巨猩.但当KONG看到ANN的一刻,奇妙的化学反应产生了,他(请允许我用这个"他"来表示我的敬意)爱上了这个美丽的金发女郎.就因为他的执着,不愿失去ANN,最终他为这场旷世奇恋付上了生命的代价.
  作为森林之王,当然要选择悲壮地死去.为捍卫自己爱情而死,为鞭笞无情人类而死,为揭露野蛮的文明而死!很记得那一幕,KONG已伤重,仍然保持万兽之王的尊严,捶胸接受人类的挑战,而ANN则在他前面,奋力挥动着双手,口中不断重复“不要射击”...此刻我根本分不清究竟是谁在保护谁...CARL说"IT'S BEAUTY THAT KILLS THE BEAST."也许是吧,但我想更大地责任,是在你自己身上吧,是在那些无知愚昧,一味寻求刺激的文明人的身上吧.他们标榜着文明,标榜着自由与民主.但在他们以KONG来取乐时他们有思考过吗?当他们买票入场的时候有为这只比人更懂得爱的野兽祈祷过吗?当他们站在KONG的尸体上拍照炫耀的同时有为他默哀过吗?此时,人类,只是一群披着皮革的野兽,扯掉外衣就是赤裸裸的自私...有时的确觉得某些人,比野兽更不懂爱与奉献...

《King Kong》的深层意义。。

In 1933, America, director Car decided to begin his great movie. So, he, Anne, an unemployed actress and some film producers went to an island that is full of dangers. Of course, except Car, everyone thought his or her destination is Canada. Accidentally, the ship was at last grounded at the island. There were wild people, dinosaurs and beasts everywhere. Unluckily, King Kong caught Anne. But it’s funny that King Kong was became attracted by Anne. Because of this, King Kong was caught and brought to the big city to make shows. On the first show day, King Kong escaped and went around the city to find the girl he loved. Due to this, he did lots of damages. And the army began to catch him or even kill him. When Anne knew this, she ran to King Kong. She did understand King Kong was not only a frightened huge monkey but also the one who saved her on the island. King Kong had fought with two dinosaurs to save her life. Sadly, no matter where King Kong went, no matter how hard Anne tried to protect it. Finally, King Kong was shoot and fell from the tallest building. He left his girl.
根据英文电影的说法, Kong是当地土著人对这个种族大猩猩的叫法. 而后来把它带回New York的人, 认为它是这个种族的王者, 所以叫它King of Kong, 简称King Kong.
King Kong 国内翻译成"金刚", 是一种音译加意译,很好的体现了那只猩猩的巨大. 很形象的表现了金刚的强大, 还带有一定的意义.:)~


小妇人 克兰福德 华盛顿广场 格列佛游记 双城记 金银岛 大卫·科波菲尔 呼啸山庄 速求这些名著的英文读后感500字左右!!其一即可!!拜托~!适合高中生的
Open a "grid Gulliver's Travels" directory, interesting detail on the content of the deeply attracted me. Lilliput, adults States…… see that a certain very interesting. I can not wait opened a book.
(Doctor of Education Network welcome your contributions)
Li Li Pute, which is the villain. This is a very developed country, where the people's standard of living Yes, Duirenduishi also very clear, that good sense. But their government is less kind, the king believed the villain Chan Yan, Zhao Zheng within Labangjiepai, Eryuwozha, according to Rope Dance selecting officials, and neighbouring countries have in recent years expeditions. The author here is not only wrote the story of Li Li Pute, is a mockery of the then British Government, the then British Zhao Zheng and Li Li also Pute similar, United States, the two political parties struggle for power-grid, two British and French Endless war. This is the author of the Gaomiao, because at that time the British author of the legislation Pute will see the benefits linked to their motherland. The author's description is very vivid, as if the people with him in Lee Li Pute tour, to see those lovely villain.
Buluobuding Naige, that is, adults States, where the academic underdevelopment, but it is a wise monarch, King Buluoboding Naige the character Ruya, smart, good at thinking, Buddha grid out to him on the British thing he Listen very seriously by many also worth considering the issue, have their own unique views and ideas. He impartial, well-country, contempt for the rights, advocating peace. Georgia out in the eyes of the Buddha, he is an ideal king's image. However, the author describes the people here, they expanded their possession of the shortcomings, I think it's a mockery of some of the human too.
He Le Puy-island country, as readers, I am very disgusted ignorance of the people here, the people here only to study mathematics and music, turned a blind eye to other disciplines, is ignored, they fly the island is a fixed axis in King Kong The aircraft, is said to write this, the author is ironic then to the Royal College of the vehicle warm. The people here study mathematics paper, unrealistic, is very ironic ah.
(Doctor of Education Network welcome your contributions)
Yan Hui is a country yearning for a place, where the Hui Yan hard-working, clean, loving labor, polite, dignified demeanor and helpful…… not to mention their honesty and sincerity is not lying, in such a society where time Ye Hu for a long time and not accustomed together.
I hope every one of us read "Georgia Gulliver's Travels," who have to Buluobuding Naige the king and Hui Yan study, is social harmony.

侧田 kong 的歌词大意是什么???``KING KONG ???

本文标题: king kong读后感(电影King kong观后感)



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