
发布时间: 2023-09-06 16:06:38 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 88




































  Not until I arrived at home after watching the movie ”Peddington Bear” with my family when a feeling of warmth and strength suddenly came to me. It’s about love, it’s about family.

  The plot of the movie is really simple, even predictable and a little bit cliche. However, it’s so rare for me to meet such a snug film. Maybe there’s some resonance between the core topic ---- family and myself, or, it’s just relaxing and touching, depending on how you look at it.

  The film has little input and obvious theme (dream, kindness, tolerance, trust, and love... Americans love that!), and you can even see it as an advertising video made by the U.K. Government! But, things always act like that---- the simpler the emotion is, the easier we forget.

  The film has it’s meaning to arouse something ignored by us. And treasure everyone, everything you have.

  You can either imagine family as a gasoline station, or the safest harbor. Family won’t mind your lose, your excuse, your fault, it will give you a hand, and ask you to have a rest. Family is the most supportive one behind you, forever and always.

  Good luck to everyone!






  爸:Jonathan. Don’t even think about it.34per cent of pre-breakfast accidents involve banisters. 儿子:But Paddington…

  爸:I don’t care what Paddington…

  女儿:It’s so annoying , Mum.

  妈妈:What is ,pumpkin?

  女儿:All my bathroom stuff is ruined.

  妈妈:Well, I’ve never liked you using harsh chemicals, darling. They play havoc on people’s skin. 熊:Morning, Judy.


  儿子:Why is Dad so boring and annoying?

  爸爸:It’s for your own good.

  妈妈:Be nice, darlings.

  女儿:All I was trying to do as wash my face.


  爸爸:Come on, you two, or you’ll be late for school.

  坏男:Heck of a racket coming from your way last night, Brown.

  爸爸:Hello, Mr Curry. I’m sorry if we disturbed you. Good morning

  坏男:I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure.

  妈妈:Mr Curry, this is Paddington.

  儿子:He’s a bear.

  坏男:I can see that. You must be a long way from home.

  熊:I’m from Darkest Peru.


  爸爸:Don’t worry, Mr Curry, he’s going.

  坏男:Just as well. Don’t want to be kept up by any of your loud jungle music.

  女儿:Don’t tell anyone at school about Paddington.

  儿子:Why not?

  女儿:Because everyone thinks we’re weird enough without the bear.

  熊:Hello there. Dog!

  爸爸:Where’s that bear? Now, watch out. There are thieves, murderers and pickpockets on every platform. So follow us and do exactly as you’re told.

  熊:Right-o. Thank you. Officer.

  爸爸:So, about the authorities .I’ve printed off directions.

  妈妈:Oh. Laminated.

  爸爸:The green arrows are to make。。。

  妈妈:Thank you ,darling. I know exactly where I’m going.

  儿子:Where’s Paddington?

  爸爸:What? Oh! Paddington.

  All: Paddington!


  爸爸:Paddington? Paddington! Over here! Coming

  老人:That one’s mine, thank you. Iassume he’s yours.

  妈妈:Tell you what, Paddington. It’s not far to my friend’s antiques shop. Why don’t we walk? 妈妈朋友:Mrs Brown. Come in.

  熊:You must be Mr Gruber.

  妈妈朋友:And you must be the young gentleman whose hat sounds so fascinating. Welcome. You’re just in time for elevenses. Every morning it arrives at 11 o’clock, bringing salvation. Just like a train that I took many years ago.


  妈妈朋友:Oh, yes, you see. there was a lot of trouble in my country. So my parents sent me all the way across Europe, when I was not much older than you are now. Was it hard to find a home? I had a great aunt who t

  Ook me in.

  阿姨:Master Gruber?

  妈妈朋友:But I soon learnt a home is more than a roof over your head. My body had travelled very fast but my heart…she took a little longer to arrive. But now I should like to take a look at y our hat .Oh, thank you. Unusual colour. But it is hard to say how much of that is original and how much…Marmalade?

  熊:My uncle always kept a maramalade sandwich in hia hat in case of emergency.

  妈妈朋友:You’re pulling my legs off. what a splendid idea .Ooh. Now, if you look carefully, you can see your hat has been hand stitched, which suggests it is one of a kind.



  熊:Hello there. Oh, wait a minute.

  妈妈:It’s very subtle. Oh, Paddington!

  熊:The gentleman dropped his wallet! Where is he? Mind out! Stop! Come back! What’s he doing? Excuse me. Coming through. Careful! Just trying to return some lost property.

  路人甲:Hey, what are you doing?


  路人甲:Oi, come back!

  小偷:Some kind of tiny police bear.

  老人:You! What do you think you’re doing?

  熊:Trying to return some lost property.

  老人:Get away from here! Leave my dog alone!

  警察甲:Do you want a biscuit?

  警察乙:Charlie Delta. Officer in distress. Uegent assistance required, Go, go, go.

  导航:In 100 yards, bear left.

  熊:I’ve got your wallet! It’s actually good fun.

  老师:The Winter’s Tale contains Shakespeare’s most famous stage direction: Exit, pursued by a … 女儿:Paddington?


  所有学生:Look, a bear!

  熊:You…dropped your wallet. Gosh, you’ve got quite a few.

  警察甲:He certainly has.

  熊:No, you don’t understand. I was just trying to return some lost property. Oh, hello, Judy.

  小黑皮:Do you know that bear?


  小帅哥:He’s awesome.

  女儿:Yeah, he’s called Paddington.

  熊:Thank you. Thank you.

  所有人:Well done. Bear of the moment!

  熊:Oh, really ?I just did what any bear would do.

  妈妈朋友:I can’t thank you enough. That scoundrel has been pocket-picketing people around here for weeks.

  妈妈:He was extraordinary.:

  妈妈朋友:And it gave me a chance to look at hia hat. You see, this is no ordinary hat.NO?No,These markings mean that it was made for a member of the Geographers’ Guild.

  熊:What’s that?

  妈妈朋友:A very old explorers’ club.


  妈妈朋友:Go and see them in the morning, and if luck has been smiling on your face, they should be able to tell you who they made it for .

  保安甲:OK, Protein.

  保安乙:Per biscuit?

  保安甲:Pwe biscuit.



  保安甲:Per biscuit?

  保安乙:Per biscuit.

  保安甲:Is 7.7grams.

  保安乙:Yes. Sodium?

  保安甲:Ooh„I know this one,

  保安乙:Yeah. Do you?

  保安甲:Is it trace?

  保安乙:Not trace.

  坏女人:It’s him! After all these years, it’s really him! You’re stuffed, bear. 爸爸:One night, you said. One night!

  妈妈:I know„

  爸爸:You promised to take him to the auyhorities.

  妈妈:I never promised.

  爸爸: Well, you very heavily implied it.

  妈妈:I’m sorry, but he was telling the truth. There really is an explorer. What are you doing? 爸爸:I’m doing my looking-away face

  妈妈:Are you doing the breathing?

  爸爸:I’m doing the breathing.

  妈妈:All we need to do is take him to the Geographers’ Guild.


  妈妈:The hand’s gone up.

  爸爸:We’ve done quite enough for this bear.

  妈妈:And the voice.

  爸爸:I am taking charge!

  妈妈:You’re taking charge?

  爸爸:Yes .Paddington is a danger to this family. Jonanthan is quite irresponsible enough without throwing a wild animal into the mix.

  女儿:Hey, Padding. Have you seen the paper?


  儿子:You’ve only been in London a day and you’re already famous.

  女儿:I’m sorry if I wasn’t very nice before. It’s just it’s a new school and I didn’t want everyone to think I was weird.

  熊:Oh, I understand, Judy. It’s not easy being somewhere new.

  女儿:No, it isn’t.

  爸爸:He put earwax on on my toobrush!

  熊:Things can be very different from how you imagined.

  儿子:Don’t let him bother you. Dad’s always been boring and annoying.

  奶奶:Oh ,I don’t know about that. More to your father than meets the eye.

  儿子:Like what?

  奶奶:When I first met him .he was a very different man.

  爸爸:That’s my girl.

  妈妈:Not gonna let this change us ,right?

  爸爸:No way, baby. Born to be wild.

  妈妈:We’re having a baby.

  奶奶;But becoming a father does strange things to a man.

  爸爸:Be careful, there’s a baby here. Step back, there’s a baby .Could you keep those flowers away ,please? She’s too young for pollen.

  妈妈:Where’s the bike. Darling?

  爸爸:This is our new car.

  妈妈:What? It’s very beige, isn’t it?

  爸爸:It’s a calm and neutral colour. Get it .

  奶奶:The point is, your father loves you very much. Give him a change. He might just surprise you.

  女儿:Maybe you and Dad just need a fresh start.

  熊:I suppose I didn’t make the best first impression.

  女儿:Don’t take this the wrong way but„why don’t we try to make you look a bit more presentable?

  熊:Hang on a minute. You’re not talking about„the facilities?

  女儿:Relax, Paddington, it’s not that bad.

  熊:It is that bad .Doesn’t it rain enough in this city without having showers in the house? 爸爸:The point is, we are parents now and we have to protect our children.

  妈妈:We do.

  爸爸:They’re screaming.

  妈妈:That’s the sound of laughter.

  熊:Wind. Hot wind. Two hot winds. I don’t like it. Well, I hope I don’t look weird after all that.

  女儿:Too much?

  儿子:Too much.

  熊:Too much? Well, get me a brush, will you?

  奶奶:There it is.

  儿子:That’s my old duffle coat.

  女儿:Actually, it was mine first.

  爸爸:Well, long before that, it was mine.

  熊:Oh ,was it, Mr Brown?

  妈妈:Really .He wore it on his first day at school.

  熊:It’s lovely .Wooden buttons for ease of paw. And these two sandwich compartments are excellent idea.

  爸爸:I must say, it suits you very well.

  熊:I never thought I’d like a human coat ,but„

  妈妈:You look like one o the family.

  儿子:You’re not going to send Paddington to the authorities ,are you?

  女儿:You will try the Geographers’ Guild?

  爸爸:Yes, alright, we’ll see if they know anything. But if It’s a dead end„

  儿子:I’m sure it won’t be.

  熊:Thank you very much, Mr Brown.

  坏女人:You must get a lot of strange customers in here.

  司机:You don’t know the half of it, love. I’ve had bishops, magicians, bears, contortionists. 坏女人:Did you say bears?

  司机:Yeah. Had one in here last night, actually.

  坏女人:Oh! How fascinating. I don’t suppose you remember where you took him?

  司机:-‘ Fraid I can’t tell you that, love.

  坏女人:Why not?

  司机:It’s against the Cabbie’s Code, innit?

  坏女人:The what?

  司机:The Cabbie’s Code! It’s an oath of confidentiality we take. You know, like your doctors, your

  priests, your medieval knights. You do understand, don’t you, love?

  坏女人:Of course. Let me tell you about my code. When somebody doesn’t give me what I want,

  I remove their body parts. I start with the nasal hair. And then I move on to something juicy. That’s my code and I always stick to it. Do you always stick to yours?

  司机:Well, it’s not even really a code.


  司机:It’s more a set of guidelines than a binding ethos.

  坏女人:Then tell me, where did you take the bear?

  司机:Windsor Gardens!

  坏女人:Thank you.

  司机:I wouldn’t go up the Westway this time of night. You wanna go north…

  儿子:Bye, Paddington.

  熊:Goodbye, Jonathan. Good luck.

  妈妈:Bye Paddington.

  熊:Bye. I hope you all have a good day. I really do like these French sandwiches, Mrs Bird. Very


  坏男:Can I help you, son?

  坏女人:Just a sec.

  坏男:You’ve been in there for 47 minutes. Either a very long call or you’re placing unauthorized

  advertising in a public phone box.

  坏女人:I’m terribly sorry.

  坏男:No problem… madam. Many apologies if I disturbed you. It’s just, I keep an eye on all the

  comings and goings and… there’s been a few unsavoury characters hanging around.

  爸爸:Let’s get this over and done with.

  坏男:There’s even been a bear. A most unpleasant creature.

  坏女人:As a matter of fact, that bear is the reason I’m here.

  工作人员1:Welcome to the Geographers Guild. Are you members?

  爸爸:No, but we are looking for one.

  工作人员1:The name?

  爸爸:We don’t actually know the name, but we do know he went on an expedition you funded

  to Darkest Peru.

  工作人员1:Darkest Peru. We’ve never been to Peru.


  熊:But you must have done.

  爸爸:I can see you are very busy. Perhaps we could just go and check.

  工作人员1:There are over two million letters, diaries and artefacts up in our archive meticulously filed, and they don’t stay that way by letting strange men and their bears rummage around.

  爸爸:Well, Listen.

  工作人员1:OK,I’m going to have to ask you to leave.

  爸爸:Come on then, Paddington. Paddington? Paddington? Paddington!

  熊:Psst! Mr Brown? In here.

  爸爸:What are you doing?

  熊:We need to get into that archive.

  爸爸:Paddington,please don’t take this the wrong way, but are you certain there was an explorer? You didn’t just find a hat and make up some…What? Why are you looking at me like that? Is it me or is it hot in here? Why do I feel so…







  熊:Its called a hard stare. My aunt taught me to do them when people had forgotten their manners.

  爸爸:Oh, give me strength.

  熊:Mr Brown ,you can trust me. There really was an explorer. And if we can find him, I know he will give me a home. A proper home, like yours. Now I have got an idea. But I am going to need your help.

  爸爸:This is never going to work.

  熊:Of course it will. You look very pretty.

  爸爸:That’s what they’ll say in jail.


  爸爸:OH, hello there.

  工作人员2:Hold up. Haven’t seen you before, have I?

  爸爸:No, that’s right. I’m new.

  工作人员2:Hmm, Thought so. Lovely day, innit?

  爸爸:Unusually hot.

  工作人员2:Yeah,Just like you. Go on, then. Off you pop.

  爸爸:Right. Darkest Peru.200 items! I knew that was hiding something. What is it? It says“record destroyed”Let’s check the others.

  工作人员2:New girl.

  爸爸:Is that a problem?

  工作人员2:Forgot to check your pass.

  爸爸:My p….Oh, my pass. Yes. It’s an old photograph.

  工作人员2:I am sure you have always been a … Whoa..


  工作人员2:You’ve changed a bit.

  爸爸:I lost a lot of weight.

  工作人员2:You are telling me. And the..

  爸爸:I had it lasered.

  工作人员2:And the arms grown back.

  爸爸:It’s false arm.

  工作人员2:You really can’t feel a thing?


  工作人员2:Amazing.Well,I’m just off to the toilet. See you in a bit.

  熊:Mr Brown, I’ve found something.

  爸爸:That’s brilliant. Now let’s put these back and get out of here.

  熊:Er, Mr Brown…

  工作人员1:Something’s jamming the system.

  路人1:I think it’s a baguette.

  路人2:Is that peanut butter?

  路人3:Too orange.

  路人4:I think it’s…


  工作人员2:Hey,you!Stop that sexy woman! Halt!

本文标题: 帕丁顿熊二的读后感(《帕丁顿熊2》观后感)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/330535.html



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