
发布时间: 2023-04-26 22:03:55 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 109




Everyone has his advantages and disadvantages.We can't judge somebody superficially. We should believe that we are all good at something and find out our strong points. Walrus also told us that we should not be afraid of making mistakes. If you try and fail, but not fail to try, maybe you will be able to know what your preponderance is.

We can learn a lesson from Fox, Polar Bear, Seal and Whale, too.They forgave their friend and helped him to join the act in the end. They were so kind-hearted that they had made Walrus overjoyed. That's so sweet. Actually this story has a nice ending because of the friendship between them.

So these are what I have learnt from this story: believe in yourself, don't be afraid of making mistakes and be tolerant.


North Pole was going to be a show and anyone could be in it.Arctic Fox are going to do skating ,andPolar Bear are going to do tumbling. Seal will sing.Whale are going to do diving .But Walrus was not good as anything . At last,the big night arrive .Every

典范英语6 海象参加表演 读后感

North Pole was going to be a show and anyone could be in it. Arctic Fox are going to do skating ,andPolar Bear are going to do tumbling. Seal will sing.Whale are going to do diving .But Walrus was not good as anything . At last,the big night arrive .Everyone make their best ,but only Walrus ,when anyone act Walrus all ruined their act . So,every was angry,but,there</ FONT> are going to snow ,everyone was happy ,And walrus practice haidly and hardly . Somtimes ,when walrus is clowning around,everyone was join in too!!!


《walrus joins in》海象参加表演
本文标题: 典范英语《海象参加表演》读后感(典范英语6《海象参加表演》读后感)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/305217.html



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